9 research outputs found

    An annotated news corpus of Malaysian Malay

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    Penalizing unknown words’ emissions in hmm pos tagger based on Malay affix morphemes

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    The challenge in unsupervised Hidden Markov Model (HMM) training for a POS tagger isthat the training depends on an untagged corpus; the only supervised data limiting  possible tagging of words is a dictionary. Therefore, training cannot properly map  possible tags. The exact morphemes of prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes in the   agglutinative Malay language is examined to assign unknown words’ probable tags based on linguistically meaningful affixes using a morpheme-based POS guessing algorithm for tagging. The algorithm has been integrated into Viterbi algorithm which uses HMM trained parameters for tagging new sentences. In the experiment, this tagger is first, uses character-based prediction to handle unknown words; next, uses morpheme-based POS guessing algorithm; lastly, combination of the first and second.Keywords: Malay POS tagger; morpheme-based; HMM

    Pengaruh Part of Speech Tagging Berbasis Aturan dan Distribusi Probabilitas Maximum Entropy untuk Bahasa Jawa Krama

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    Abstract. Javanese language is one of the local languages in Indonesia, which is used by most of the population of Indonesia. The language has complex grammar to embrace the values of decency that is determined by the use of words containing courtesy known as Raos Alus. Every word in the Javanese belongs to a certain part of speech like what happens to other languages. Part of Speech (POS) tagging is a process to set syntactic category in a word such as nouns, verbs, or adjectives to every word in the document or text. This study examined the POS Tagging with Maximum Entropy and Rule Based for Javanese Krama—Higher Javanese--by using the Open NLP library to measure the maximum entropy. The results obtained are Maximum Entropy and Rule Based can be used for POS Tagging on Javanese Krama with the highest accuracy of 97.67%.Keywords: POS Tagging, NLP, Maximum Entropy, Rule Based, Javanese KramaLanguageAbstrak. Bahasa Jawa merupakan salah satu bahasa daerah di Indonesia yang dipakai oleh sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia. Bahasa Jawa memiliki tata bahasa yang kompleks karena menganut nilai-nilai kesopanan yang ditentukan berdasarkan penggunaan dengan kata-kata yang mengandung raos alus (rasa sopan). Setiap kata dalam Bahasa Jawa memiliki jenis kata atau part of speech tertentu seperti halnya dengan bahasa-bahasa lain. POS tagging merupakah bagian penting dari cakupan bidang ilmu Natural Languange Processing (NLP). Penelitian ini menguji POS Tagging dengan Berbasis Aturan dan distribusi probabilitas Maximum Entropy pada Bahasa Jawa Krama menggunakan library OpenNLP untuk mengukur maximum entropy. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Maximum Entropy dan Rule Based dapat digunakan untuk POS Tagging pada Bahasa Jawa Krama dengan akurasi tertinggi 97,67%.Kata Kunci: POS Tagging, NLP, Maximum Entropy, Rule Based, Bahasa Jawa Kram

    Evaluating LSTM Networks, HMM and WFST in Malay Part-of-Speech Tagging

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    Long short term memory (LSTM) networks have been gaining popularity in modeling sequential data such as phoneme recognition, speech translation, language modeling, speech synthesis, chatbot-like dialog systems and others. This paper investigates the attention-based encoder-decoder LSTM networks in Malay part-of-speech (POS) tagging when it is compared to weighted finite state transducer (WFST) and hidden Markov model (HMM). The attractiveness of LSTM networks is its strength in modeling long distance dependencies. Malay POS tagging is examined from two different conditions: with and without morphological information. The experiment results show that LSTM networks that are trained without any explicit morphological knowledge perform nearly equally with WFST but better than HMM approach that is trained with morphological information

    Part-of-speech tagger for Malay social media texts

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    Processing the meaning of words in social media texts, such as tweets, is challenging in natural language processing. Malay tweets are no exception because they demonstrate distinct linguistic phenomena, such as the use of dialects from each state in Malaysia; borrowing foreign language terms in the context of Malay language; and using mixed languages, abbreviations and spelling errors or mistakes in sentence structure. Tagging the word class of tweets is an arduous task because tweets are characterised by their distinctive style, linguistic sounds and errors. Currently, existing works on Malay part-of-speech (POS) are based only on standard Malay and formal texts and are thus unsuitable for tagging tweet texts. Thus, a POS model of tweet tagging for non-standardised Malay language must be developed. This study aims to design and implement a non-standardised Malay POS model for tweets and performs assessment on the basis of the word tagging accuracy of test data of unnormalised and normalised tweet texts. A solution that adopts a probabilistic POS tagging called QTAG is proposed. Results show that the Malay QTAG achieves best average POS tagging accuracies of 90% and 88.8% for normalised and unnormalised test datasets, respectively

    Ontological Approach for Semantic Modelling of Malay Translated Qur’an

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    This thesis contributes to the areas of ontology development and analysis, natural language processing (NLP), Information Retrieval (IR), and Language Resource and Corpus Development. Research in Natural Language Processing and semantic search for English has shown successful results for more than a decade. However, it is difficult to adapt those techniques to the Malay language, because its complex morphology and orthographic forms are very different from English. Moreover, limited resources and tools for computational linguistic analysis are available for Malay. In this thesis, we address those issues and challenges by proposing MyQOS, the Malay Qur’an Ontology System, a prototype ontology-based IR with semantics for representing and accessing a Malay translation of the Qur’an. This supports the development of a semantic search engine and a question answering system and provides a framework for storing and accessing a Malay language corpus and providing computational linguistics resources. The primary use of MyQOS in the current research is for creating and improving the quality and accuracy of the query mechanism to retrieve information embedded in the Malay text of the Qur’an translation. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, we describe a new architecture of morphological analysis for MyQOS and query algorithms based on MyQOS. Data analysis consisted of two measures; precision and recall, where data was obtained from MyQOS Corpus conducted in three search engines. The precision and recall for semantic search are 0.8409 (84%) and 0.8043(80%), double the results of the question-answer search which are 0.4971(50%) for precision and 0.6027 (60%) for recall. The semantic search gives high precision and high recall comparing the other two methods. This indicates that semantic search returns more relevant results than irrelevant ones. To conclude, this research is among research in the retrieval of the Qur’an texts in the Malay language that managed to outline state-of-the-art information retrieval system models. Thus, the use of MyQOS will help Malay readers to understand the Qur’an in better ways. Furthermore, the creation of a Malay language corpus and computational linguistics resources will benefit other researchers, especially in religious texts, morphological analysis, and semantic modelling

    From text mining to knowledge mining: An integrated framework of concept extraction and categorization for domain ontology

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    Organizations are struggling with the challenges coming from the regulatory, social and economic environment which are complex and changing continuously. They cause increase demand for the management of organizational knowledge, like how to provide employees, the necessary job-specific knowledge in right time and in right format. Employees have to update their knowledge, improve their competencies continuously. Knowledge repositories have key roles from knowledge management aspects, because they contain primarily the organizations’ intellectual assets (it is explicit knowledge) while employees have tacit knowledge, which is difficult to extract and codify. Business processes are also important from the management of organizational knowledge aspects, they have explicit and tacit knowledge elements as well. One of the key questions is how to handle this hidden knowledge in order to improve the organizational knowledge especially employees' knowledge by providing the most appropriate learning and/or training materials and how can we ensure that the knowledge in business processes are the same as in knowledge repositories and employees' head. These are the major themes in this thesis