979 research outputs found

    Algorithm XXX: SHEPPACK: Modified Shepard Algorithm for Interpolation of Scattered Multivariate Data

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    Scattered data interpolation problems arise in many applications. Shepard’s method for constructing a global interpolant by blending local interpolants using local-support weight functions usually creates reasonable approximations. SHEPPACK is a Fortran 95 package containing five versions of the modified Shepard algorithm: quadratic (Fortran 95 translations of Algorithms 660, 661, and 798), cubic (Fortran 95 translation of Algorithm 791), and linear variations of the original Shepard algorithm. An option to the linear Shepard code is a statistically robust fit, intended to be used when the data is known to contain outliers. SHEPPACK also includes a hybrid robust piecewise linear estimation algorithm RIPPLE (residual initiated polynomial-time piecewise linear estimation) intended for data from piecewise linear functions in arbitrary dimension m. The main goal of SHEPPACK is to provide users with a single consistent package containing most existing polynomial variations of Shepard’s algorithm. The algorithms target data of different dimensions. The linear Shepard algorithm, robust linear Shepard algorithm, and RIPPLE are the only algorithms in the package that are applicable to arbitrary dimensional data

    Non-convex Optimization for Machine Learning

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    A vast majority of machine learning algorithms train their models and perform inference by solving optimization problems. In order to capture the learning and prediction problems accurately, structural constraints such as sparsity or low rank are frequently imposed or else the objective itself is designed to be a non-convex function. This is especially true of algorithms that operate in high-dimensional spaces or that train non-linear models such as tensor models and deep networks. The freedom to express the learning problem as a non-convex optimization problem gives immense modeling power to the algorithm designer, but often such problems are NP-hard to solve. A popular workaround to this has been to relax non-convex problems to convex ones and use traditional methods to solve the (convex) relaxed optimization problems. However this approach may be lossy and nevertheless presents significant challenges for large scale optimization. On the other hand, direct approaches to non-convex optimization have met with resounding success in several domains and remain the methods of choice for the practitioner, as they frequently outperform relaxation-based techniques - popular heuristics include projected gradient descent and alternating minimization. However, these are often poorly understood in terms of their convergence and other properties. This monograph presents a selection of recent advances that bridge a long-standing gap in our understanding of these heuristics. The monograph will lead the reader through several widely used non-convex optimization techniques, as well as applications thereof. The goal of this monograph is to both, introduce the rich literature in this area, as well as equip the reader with the tools and techniques needed to analyze these simple procedures for non-convex problems.Comment: The official publication is available from now publishers via http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/220000005

    Machine learning applications for censored data

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    The amount of data being gathered has increased tremendously as many aspects of our lives are becoming increasingly digital. Data alone is not useful, because the ultimate goal is to use the data to obtain new insights and create new applications. The largest challenge of computer science has been the largest on the algorithmic front: how can we create machines that help us do useful things with the data? To address this challenge, the field of data science has emerged as the systematic and interdisciplinary study of how knowledge can be extracted from both structed and unstructured data sets. Machine learning is a subfield of data science, where the task of building predictive models from data has been automated by a general learning algorithm and high prediction accuracy is the primary goal. Many practical problems can be formulated as questions and there is often data that describes the problem. The solution therefore seems simple: formulate a data set of inputs and outputs, and then apply machine learning to these examples in order to learn to predict the outputs. However, many practical problems are such that the correct outputs are not available because it takes years to collect them. For example, if one wants to predict the total amount of money spent by different customers, in principle one has to wait until all customers have decided to stop buying to add all of the purchases together to get the answers. We say that the data is ’censored’; the correct answers are only partially available because we cannot wait potentially years to collect a data set of historical inputs and outputs. This thesis presents new applications of machine learning to censored data sets, with the goal of answering the most relevant question in each application. These applications include digital marketing, peer-to-peer lending, unemployment, and game recommendation. Our solution takes into account the censoring in the data set, where previous applications have obtained biased results or used older data sets where censoring is not a problem. The solution is based on a three stage process that combines a mathematical description of the problem with machine learning: 1) deconstruct the problem as pairwise data, 2) apply machine learning to predict the missing pairs, 3) reconstruct the correct answer from these pairs. The abstract solution is similar in all domains, but the specific machine learning model and the pairwise description of the problem depends on the application.Kerätyn datan määrä on kasvanut kun digitalisoituminen on edennyt. Itse data ei kuitenkaan ole arvokasta, vaan tavoitteena on käyttää dataa tiedon hankkimiseen ja uusissa sovelluksissa. Suurin haaste onkin menetelmäkehityksessä: miten voidaan kehittää koneita jotka osaavat käyttää dataa hyödyksi? Monien alojen yhtymäkohtaa onkin kutsuttu Datatieteeksi (Data Science). Sen tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten tietoa voidaan systemaattisesti saada sekä strukturoiduista että strukturoimattomista datajoukoista. Koneoppiminen voidaan nähdä osana datatiedettä, kun tavoitteena on rakentaa ennustavia malleja automaattisesti datasta ns. yleiseen oppimisalgoritmiin perustuen ja menetelmän fokus on ennustustarkkuudessa. Monet käytännön ongelmat voidaan muotoilla kysymyksinä, jota kuvaamaan on kerätty dataa. Ratkaisu vaikuttaakin koneoppimisen kannalta helpolta: määritellään datajoukko syötteitä ja oikeita vastauksia, ja kun koneoppimista sovelletaan tähän datajoukkoon niin vastaus opitaan ennustamaan. Monissa käytännön ongelmissa oikeaa vastausta ei kuitenkaan ole täysin saatavilla, koska datan kerääminen voi kestää vuosia. Jos esimerkiksi halutaan ennustaa miten paljon rahaa eri asiakkaat kuluttavat elinkaarensa aikana, täytyisi periaatteessa odottaa kunnes yrityksen kaikki asiakkaat lopettavat ostosten tekemisen jotta nämä voidaan laskea yhteen lopullisen vastauksen saamiseksi. Kutsumme tämänkaltaista datajoukkoa ’sensuroiduksi’; oikeat vastaukset on havaittu vain osittain koska esimerkkien kerääminen syötteistä ja oikeista vastauksista voi kestää vuosia. Tämä väitös esittelee koneoppimisen uusia sovelluksia sensuroituihin datajoukkoihin, ja tavoitteena on vastata kaikkein tärkeimpään kysymykseen kussakin sovelluksessa. Sovelluksina ovat mm. digitaalinen markkinointi, vertaislainaus, työttömyys ja pelisuosittelu. Ratkaisu ottaa huomioon sensuroinnin, siinä missä edelliset ratkaisut ovat saaneet vääristyneitä tuloksia tai keskittyneet ratkaisemaan yksinkertaisempaa ongelmaa datajoukoissa, joissa sensurointi ei ole ongelma. Ehdottamamme ratkaisu perustuu kolmeen vaiheeseen jossa yhdistyy ongelman matemaattinen ymmärrys ja koneoppiminen: 1) ongelma dekonstruoidaan parittaisena datana 2) koneoppimista sovelletaan puuttuvien parien ennustamiseen 3) oikea vastaus rekonstruoidaan ennustetuista pareista. Abstraktilla tasolla idea on kaikissa paperissa sama, mutta jokaisessa sovelluksessa hyödynnetään sitä varten suunniteltua koneoppimismenetelmää ja parittaista kuvausta