3,350 research outputs found

    M5 spikes and operators in the HVZ membrane theory

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    In this note we study some aspects of the so-called dual ABJM theory introduced by Hanany, Vegh & Zaffaroni. We analyze the spectrum of chiral operators, and compare it with the spectrum of functions on the mesonic moduli space M=C^2\times C^2/Z_k, finding expected agreement for the coherent branch. A somewhat mysterious extra branch of dimension N^2 opens up at the orbifold fixed point. We also study BPS solutions which represent M2/M5 intersections. The mesonic moduli space suggests that there should be two versions of this spike: one where the M5 lives in the orbifolded C^2 and another where it lives in the unorbifolded one. While expectedly the first class turns out to be like the ABJM spike, the latter class looks like a collection of stacks of M5 branes with fuzzy S^3 profiles. This shows hints of the appearance of the global SO(4) at the non-abelian level which is otherwise not present in the bosonic potential. We also study the matching of SUGRA modes with operators in the coherent branch of the moduli space. As a byproduct, we present some formulae for the laplacian in conical CY_4 of the form C^n\times CY_{4-n}.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Published version with corrected typos

    A Beautiful Life

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    This thesis engages with the question of how ought we to live, specifically through investigating the vital role stories play in creating meaning in our lives. Overall, it forms a personal take on the relationship between quantity and quality of life, revolving around the notion that it is how life is lived that truly matters, not its duration. It makes this case through examining the neuroscience underlying emotions, meaning, as well as the formation and retrieval of memories. This thesis then draws from the realm of philosophy, with a specific focus on Nietzsche and Hegel, along with personal experience, to craft an ideology of life and provide insight into what makes it truly worthwhile

    Harnessing Markets for Water Quality

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    This issue of IMPACT is devoted to exploring and understanding the opportunities and challenges of harnessing markets to improve water quality. It looks at how markets could be implemented to address the growing concern of nonpoint source pollution as well as point sources. Recently, the EPA proposed a water quality trading proposal, which is summarized, reviewed, and critiqued

    From Substance to Shadows: An Essay on \u3ci\u3eSalazar v. Buono\u3c/i\u3e and Establishment Clause Remedies

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    Most disputes about the Establishment Clause center on its substantive meaning; whether, for example, a state subsidy promotes religion, the phrase “In God We Trust” can appear on currency, or a display of the Ten Commandments is unconstitutional. Often overlooked and lurking behind these substantive disputes is a question about what remedies are available when an Establishment Clause violation is found. Typically, an injunction prohibiting the subsidy, practice, or display is the choice. In Salazar v. Buono, however, the Supreme Court was confronted with an unusual case for two reasons. First, the doctrine of res judicata formally barred the Court from reaching the substantive finding that a Latin cross on federal property violated the Establishment Clause. Second, because the district court had declared invalid a federal statute transfering the land to a private party, and--unable to address the substantive ruling--the Court was forced to address the law of remedies in an atypical posture. Reversing the lower courts, in Buono a plurality of the Court held that the district court erred when it invalidated the land transfer. This Essay critically analyzes Buono and argues that the plurality failed to appreciate the remedial significance of the challenge to the land transfer. The plurality, it seems, attempted to re-litigate the substantive Establishment Clause violation despite the res judicata bar. In so doing, I argue, the Court put form over substance and ignored the essential command of the Establishment Clause--government neutrality. To make my case, I draw on political theory to clarify the concept of neutrality, and propose a novel way of thinking about Establishment Clause remedies by drawing on decisions considering the extent of Congress\u27s Section 5 Enforcement Power under the Fourteenth Amendment. I conclude by trying to blur the sharp distinction the plurality draws between public and private space. Buono is a significant case, but not because it contributes to or clarifies the law regarding the Establishment Clause. Instead, Buono is significant because it demonstrates how important remedial flexibility is to ensuring rights, while at the same time exemplifying the perils of remedial formalism

    Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government

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    Vlad Perju, Assistant Professor, Boston College Law School, discusses the jurisprudential foundations that make domestic constitutionalism a welcoming host to cosmopolitan attitudes and sensibilities in law. Respondent: Matt Grellette, McMaster University

    Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government

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    time: 2.30-4.30pmroom: Ross Building, S203speaker: Vlad Perju Boston Collegerespondent: Matt Grellette McMaste

    Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government

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    Vlad Perju, Assistant Professor, Boston College Law School, discusses the jurisprudential foundations that make domestic constitutionalism a welcoming host to cosmopolitan attitudes and sensibilities in law. Respondent: Matt Grellette, McMaster University

    Autonomous vehicles, Competence and Liability in the EU : Answering the Call of the European Parliament

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    Technology is taking immense steps in a short period of time and legislators are trying to keep up. Fully autonomous vehicles where human drivers are obsolete are not far away from becoming a reality. The EU aims at facilitating robotic advancements into legislation with the Proposition on Civil Law Rules on Robotics (205/2013(INL)). Consumer protection, market access and liability issues are of main importance concerning driverless vehicles. The main goal of this master’s thesis is to examine autonomous vehicles, competence and liability issues in the European Union context. In other words this thesis examines whether it is possible to regulate on autonomous vehicles on an EU level and if so, what the legislator must take into consideration when doing so or whether current legislation sufficient enough to grant protection for victims of traffic accidents involving autonomous vehicles. The scope of the study is set on future insurance policies, product liability and current national legislation with reference to international policies and regulation. Different legislations on civil liability create a mixed and uncertain background for autonomous vehicles. A uniform and clear EU policy on autonomous vehicles would benefit consumers and market access of said products. The problems can be dissolved with creating an EU wide legal background for autonomous vehicles with product liability, insurance policies and a legal liability theorem. The private sector – the manufacturers and insurance industry – must have an active part in creating legislation and soft law policies. The thesis has achieved its goal if it creates discussion on the importance of harnessing new technology, especially autonomous vehicles. Itseohjautuvat Autot, Kompetenssi ja Vastuuoppi Euroopan Unionissa : Vastaus Euroopan Parlamentille Teknologia kehittyy hurjaa vauhtia ja lainsäätäjillä riittää työsarkaa pysyäkseen sen mukana. Itseohjautuvat autot, jotka ajavat ilman ihmiskuskeja tai -kontrollia, eivät ole kaukana todellisuudesta. Euroopan Unionin tavoitteena on fasilitoida robottiteknologia lainsäädäntöön: Euroopan Parlamentti on päätöslauselmaehdotuksessaan esittänyt suosituksista komissiolle robotiikkaa koskevista yksityisoikeudellisista säännöistä (2015/2103(INL)). Kuluttajansuoja, tavaroiden esteetön pääsy markkinoille ja vastuu kysymykset ovat tärkeitä koskien itseohjautuvia autoja. Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman päämääränä on tutkia itseohjautuvia autoja, kompetenssia sekä vastuu kysymyksiä Euroopan Unionin kontekstissa. Toisin sanoen, tämä tutkielma tutkii mikäli on mahdollista säätää itseohjautuvista autoista EU tasolla, mitä lainsäätäjän tulee ottaa niitä säätäessään huomioon sekä onko nykyinen EU tasoinen lainsäädäntö riittävä suojaamaan uhrien oikeuksia rajat ylittävissä auto-onnettomuuksissa. Tutkielma keskittyy vakuutuksiin, tuotevastuuseen sekä nykyisiin kansallisiin ja kansainvälisiin säädöksiin. Jäsenvaltioiden erilaiset oikeusjärjestelmät koskien siviilioikeutta muodostavat sekavan ja epävarman taustan nykyisellään itseohjautuville autoille, varsinkin rajat ylittävissä onnettomuuksissa. Yhtenäinen ja selkeä EU poliittinen ratkaisu helpottaisi itseohjautuvien autojen käyttöönottoa sekä hyödyttäisi kuluttajia. Ongelmat voidaan ratkaista EU oikeudellisella vastuuopilla ja lainsäädännöllä, joka kohdistettaisiin itseohjautuviin autoihin. Yksityinellä sektorila – nimenomaan autojen valmistajilla ja vakuutusteollisuudella – on oltava rooli lainsäädännön kehittämisessä. Tämä tutkielma on saavuttanut päämääränsä, mikäli se saa aikaan keskustelua uuden teknologian ja lainsäädännön välillä, erityisesti koskien itseohjautuvia autoja
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