3,015 research outputs found

    A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning

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    Sequential prediction problems such as imitation learning, where future observations depend on previous predictions (actions), violate the common i.i.d. assumptions made in statistical learning. This leads to poor performance in theory and often in practice. Some recent approaches provide stronger guarantees in this setting, but remain somewhat unsatisfactory as they train either non-stationary or stochastic policies and require a large number of iterations. In this paper, we propose a new iterative algorithm, which trains a stationary deterministic policy, that can be seen as a no regret algorithm in an online learning setting. We show that any such no regret algorithm, combined with additional reduction assumptions, must find a policy with good performance under the distribution of observations it induces in such sequential settings. We demonstrate that this new approach outperforms previous approaches on two challenging imitation learning problems and a benchmark sequence labeling problem.Comment: Appearing in the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2011

    Reinforcement and Imitation Learning via Interactive No-Regret Learning

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    Recent work has demonstrated that problems-- particularly imitation learning and structured prediction-- where a learner's predictions influence the input-distribution it is tested on can be naturally addressed by an interactive approach and analyzed using no-regret online learning. These approaches to imitation learning, however, neither require nor benefit from information about the cost of actions. We extend existing results in two directions: first, we develop an interactive imitation learning approach that leverages cost information; second, we extend the technique to address reinforcement learning. The results provide theoretical support to the commonly observed successes of online approximate policy iteration. Our approach suggests a broad new family of algorithms and provides a unifying view of existing techniques for imitation and reinforcement learning.Comment: 14 pages. Under review for NIPS 2014 conferenc

    Deeply AggreVaTeD: Differentiable Imitation Learning for Sequential Prediction

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    Researchers have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in sequential decision making problems (e.g., robotics control, sequential prediction) with deep neural network models. One often has access to near-optimal oracles that achieve good performance on the task during training. We demonstrate that AggreVaTeD --- a policy gradient extension of the Imitation Learning (IL) approach of (Ross & Bagnell, 2014) --- can leverage such an oracle to achieve faster and better solutions with less training data than a less-informed Reinforcement Learning (RL) technique. Using both feedforward and recurrent neural network predictors, we present stochastic gradient procedures on a sequential prediction task, dependency-parsing from raw image data, as well as on various high dimensional robotics control problems. We also provide a comprehensive theoretical study of IL that demonstrates we can expect up to exponentially lower sample complexity for learning with AggreVaTeD than with RL algorithms, which backs our empirical findings. Our results and theory indicate that the proposed approach can achieve superior performance with respect to the oracle when the demonstrator is sub-optimal.Comment: 17 page

    Learning Reductions that Really Work

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    We provide a summary of the mathematical and computational techniques that have enabled learning reductions to effectively address a wide class of problems, and show that this approach to solving machine learning problems can be broadly useful

    Learning Beam Search Policies via Imitation Learning

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    Beam search is widely used for approximate decoding in structured prediction problems. Models often use a beam at test time but ignore its existence at train time, and therefore do not explicitly learn how to use the beam. We develop an unifying meta-algorithm for learning beam search policies using imitation learning. In our setting, the beam is part of the model, and not just an artifact of approximate decoding. Our meta-algorithm captures existing learning algorithms and suggests new ones. It also lets us show novel no-regret guarantees for learning beam search policies.Comment: Published in NIPS 201

    Curriculum-Based Neighborhood Sampling For Sequence Prediction

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    The task of multi-step ahead prediction in language models is challenging considering the discrepancy between training and testing. At test time, a language model is required to make predictions given past predictions as input, instead of the past targets that are provided during training. This difference, known as exposure bias, can lead to the compounding of errors along a generated sequence at test time. In order to improve generalization in neural language models and address compounding errors, we propose a curriculum learning based method that gradually changes an initially deterministic teacher policy to a gradually more stochastic policy, which we refer to as \textit{Nearest-Neighbor Replacement Sampling}. A chosen input at a given timestep is replaced with a sampled nearest neighbor of the past target with a truncated probability proportional to the cosine similarity between the original word and its top kk most similar words. This allows the teacher to explore alternatives when the teacher provides a sub-optimal policy or when the initial policy is difficult for the learner to model. The proposed strategy is straightforward, online and requires little additional memory requirements. We report our main findings on two language modelling benchmarks and find that the proposed approach performs particularly well when used in conjunction with scheduled sampling, that too attempts to mitigate compounding errors in language models

    Accelerating Imitation Learning with Predictive Models

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    Sample efficiency is critical in solving real-world reinforcement learning problems, where agent-environment interactions can be costly. Imitation learning from expert advice has proved to be an effective strategy for reducing the number of interactions required to train a policy. Online imitation learning, which interleaves policy evaluation and policy optimization, is a particularly effective technique with provable performance guarantees. In this work, we seek to further accelerate the convergence rate of online imitation learning, thereby making it more sample efficient. We propose two model-based algorithms inspired by Follow-the-Leader (FTL) with prediction: MoBIL-VI based on solving variational inequalities and MoBIL-Prox based on stochastic first-order updates. These two methods leverage a model to predict future gradients to speed up policy learning. When the model oracle is learned online, these algorithms can provably accelerate the best known convergence rate up to an order. Our algorithms can be viewed as a generalization of stochastic Mirror-Prox (Juditsky et al., 2011), and admit a simple constructive FTL-style analysis of performance

    Inspiration Learning through Preferences

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    Current imitation learning techniques are too restrictive because they require the agent and expert to share the same action space. However, oftentimes agents that act differently from the expert can solve the task just as good. For example, a person lifting a box can be imitated by a ceiling mounted robot or a desktop-based robotic-arm. In both cases, the end goal of lifting the box is achieved, perhaps using different strategies. We denote this setup as \textit{Inspiration Learning} - knowledge transfer between agents that operate in different action spaces. Since state-action expert demonstrations can no longer be used, Inspiration learning requires novel methods to guide the agent towards the end goal. In this work, we rely on ideas of Preferential based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) to design Advantage Actor-Critic algorithms for solving inspiration learning tasks. Unlike classic actor-critic architectures, the critic we use consists of two parts: a) a state-value estimation as in common actor-critic algorithms and b) a single step reward function derived from an expert/agent classifier. We show that our method is capable of extending the current imitation framework to new horizons. This includes continuous-to-discrete action imitation, as well as primitive-to-macro action imitation

    Imitation Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    We present a novel view that unifies two frameworks that aim to solve sequential prediction problems: learning to search (L2S) and recurrent neural networks (RNN). We point out equivalences between elements of the two frameworks. By complementing what is missing from one framework comparing to the other, we introduce a more advanced imitation learning framework that, on one hand, augments L2S s notion of search space and, on the other hand, enhances RNNs training procedure to be more robust to compounding errors arising from training on highly correlated examples.Comment: 5 page

    Learning to Search for Dependencies

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    We demonstrate that a dependency parser can be built using a credit assignment compiler which removes the burden of worrying about low-level machine learning details from the parser implementation. The result is a simple parser which robustly applies to many languages that provides similar statistical and computational performance with best-to-date transition-based parsing approaches, while avoiding various downsides including randomization, extra feature requirements, and custom learning algorithms
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