2,884 research outputs found

    Plate : persistent memory management for nonvolatile main memory

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    Over the past few years, nonvolatile memory has actively been researched and developed. Therefore, studying operating system (OS) designs predicated on the main memory in the form of a nonvolatile memory and studying methods to manage persistent data in a virtual memory are crucial to encourage the widespread use of nonvolatile memory in the future. However, the main memory in most computers today is volatile, and replacing highcapacity main memory with nonvolatile memory is extremely cost-prohibitive. This paper proposes an OS structure for nonvolatile main memory. The proposed OS structure consists of three functions to study and develop OSs for nonvolatile main memory computers. First, a structure, which is called plate, is proposed whereby persistent data are managed assuming that nonvolatile main memory is present in a computer. Second, we propose a persistent-data mechanism to make a volatile memory function as nonvolatile main memory, which serves as a basis for the development of OSs for computers with nonvolatile main memory. Third, we propose a continuous operation control using the persistent-data mechanism and plates. This paper describes the design and implementation of the OS structure based on the three functions on The ENduring operating system for Distributed EnviRonment and describes the evaluation results of the proposed functions

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Design for the Environment Tools to Help Meet Sustainability and Design Goals

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    Environmental impacts of electronics are a growing concern because the amount and type of materials used in production of the devices, the impacts to the environment from discarded electronics and the early retirement of products due to rapidly evolving devices, changing design trends, and perceived technological obsolescence. Design for the Environment is a sustainability strategy that aims to reduce the environmental impacts through techniques that enable sustainability solutions during the design decision-making process. In order to suit the diverse needs of sustainable design practitioners, there has been a large number of tools for Design for the Environment (DfE) developed, confusing product designers and engineers about which tool to choose to meet sustainability and design goals. Therefore, there is a need for methods that help designers choose DfE tools that are reliable, objective, effective, and easy to integrate in the regular product design and development activities. This thesis project develops a methodology to help designers screen, test and validate the results of applying DfE tools recommendations, when searching for the most effective techniques. First, the project proposes a method to classify tools under common DfE categories of tools, screen the tools, and identify potential techniques. Next, the author of this thesis, who is the designer on this document, designs an electronics device, under regular design parameters, for testing a set of potential DfE techniques. Prior to testing DfE tools, the author develops a set of sustainability metrics to measure the impacts of the electronic device and the reductions in environmental impacts obtained from the application of each DfE tool recommendations. After assessing the impacts of the device using the metrics, there were three DfE tools tested, Autodesk Eco Materials Adviser (EMA), DfE Matrix, and Electronic Product Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to determine product environmental burdens, propose solutions, and make design recommendations that improve the product environmental profile. Each tool identified materials, life cycle stages, and components that cause the product environmental burdens; these findings were targets for redesign. Addressing the tools findings resulted in three redesigns of the electronic device re-assessed with the sustainability metrics to measure the reductions of the environmental impacts. The metrics were useful to validate the results of applying the tools and help the product designer and sustainability practitioner developing this thesis to identify the most effective tools, the benefits, weaknesses, and strengths of using diverse tools

    Circular economy in architecture:sustainable principles for future design

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    Abstract. At present, construction is one of the most destructive, energy consuming and material wasting industries. The current linear system cannot last, and to change anything, we need to redesign the system and our way of thinking. In my thesis, I will explain the theory behind a circular economy and how it could be applied to building, as well as discuss waste issues and material sources. Deconstruction is also a big polluter, and one solution to combat that problem would be to design buildings to be readily disassembled. The aim of this project is to bring awareness about the subject of sustainable design in a modern context and gather this information into one place. Many ideas presented are ones that have been around for as long as people have built buildings, such as material scarcity, resource efficiency and reusing existing materials while reducing waste. Some ecobuilding projects that have successfully implemented these ideas will be presented. In the conclusion, I will present certain concrete ideas and methods for bringing about circular thinking into the built environment. A good starting point would be to decide whether a building needs to be demolished, if so, can the elements be reused or recycled, or if designing a new build with renewable raw materials is the best option.Tiivistelmä. Yhteiskunnassamme rakennusalla kulutetaan nykyään eniten energiaa ja haaskataan materiaaleja. Lineaarinen talous ei kestä nykyistä toimintatapaamme ja muutoksia saamme aikaan vain muuttamalla järjestelmää ja ajattelutapojamme. Diplomityössäni käsittelen kiertotalouden teoriaa ja sen hyödyntämistä rakentamisessa, sekä pohdin jäteongelmia sekä materiaalilähteitä. Myös purkutyö on rakentamisessa suuri saastuttaja ja siihen esitän ratkaisuksi rakennusten suunnittelemista purettaviksi. Diplomityöni tavoitteena on lisästä tietoisuutta kestävän suunnittelun aiheesta (nykyhetken viitekehyksessä) ja koota nämä tiedot yhteen. Monissa esittämistäni konsepteissa hyödynnetään olemassa olevia ideoita, kuten materiaalien saatavuutta ja uudelleenkäyttöä sekä jätteenhallintaa, mutta oleellista on kuinka kokonaisvaltaisesti niitä käytämme. Esimerkkiprojektien avulla havainnollistan konseptien sovellutuksia käytännössä. Lopuksi ehdotan käytännön esimerkein miten kestäviä suunnitteluideoita voi käyttää rakennetussa ympäristössä. Rakentamisessa hyvänä lähtökohtana voi pitää, että rakennusten tulisi olla purettavia, kierrätettäviä ja että uusissa rakennuksissa käytettäisiin uusiutuvia raaka-aineita

    Success factors of industrial ecosystems : Case Sodankylä

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    Literature of industrial ecosystems lack of knowledge about success factors of profitable industrial ecosystems. In general, this study explains, mostly by using case Sodankylä, former case, previous studies, and interviews, how companies can circulate resources through industrial ecosystems in a successful way and how these industrial ecosystems can be successful. In this study, I will use a qualitative method. The data will be analyzed with content analysis. In content analysis the material is viewed by specifying it, seeking similarities and differences from there and summarizing it. (Tuomi & Sarajärvi, 2002, p. 105). This kind of analysis is good for my study, because it sums up conversations and interviews and links them to previous studies. (Leinonen Rita, 2018). Open-ended interviews are great for this study because that way interviewees gain more freedom to express their own opinions in their own way. Data is gathered from previous studies of industrial ecosystems and circular economy. In addition to these I conducted some open-ended interviews which were answered by LUKE researchers and a development manager of Sodankylä municipality. Purpose of this study is to find out, what is an industrial ecosystem, what are the benefits of industrial ecosystems and what are the critical success factors of profitable industrial ecosystems. This study tries to answer these questions: What is an industrial ecosystem? What are the benefits of industrial ecosystems? What are the critical success factors of profitable industrial ecosystems? I have plenty of questions, but I am still trying to answer them as wide as possible. According to Peck S. (2002) an industrial ecosystem is a pack of companies, who are cooperating and with the local community to share their resources effectively for gaining benefits in environmental perspective, economic aspect and to intensify labor efficiency inside the company and the community. The study succeeds to found out critical success factors and key benefits for industrial ecosystems, it also provided wide package of information about industrial ecosystems and circular economy.Teollisen ekosysteemin kriittisistä menestystekijöistä ei ole kovin paljon aiempaa tutkimusta. Tämä tutkimus selittää case esimerkkiä, aikaisempia tutkimuksia ja haastatteluja hyödyntäen, kuinka yritykset voivat kierrättää resurssejaan teollisen ekosysteemin sisällä menestyksekkäällä tavalla ja miten teolliset ekosysteemit voivat olla menestyksellisiä. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään teollisten ekosysteemien ja kiertotalouden teoriaa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään laadullista menetelmää. Kerätty data analysoidaan sisällönanalyysillä. Sisällönanalyysissä materiaali spesifioidaan, siitä etsitään samankaltaisuuksia ja erilaisuuksia, lopuksi datasta tehdään yhteenveto (Tuomi & Sarajärvi, 2002, p. 105). Tämänkaltainen analyysitapa sopii tutkimukseeni, sillä siinä yhdistetään keskustelut ja haastattelut, jonka jälkeen ne linkitetään aiempiin tutkimuksiin. (Leinonen Rita, 2018). Avoimet haastattelukysymykset sopivat todella hyvin tähän tutkimukseen, koska niissä haastateltavat saavat vapauden ilmaista itseään omalla luovalla tavallaan. Dataa kerätään myös aiemmista tutkimuksista, jotka koskevat teollisia ekosysteemejä ja kiertotaloutta. Tämän lisäksi tein muutamia avoimia haastatteluja LUKEn tutkijoille ja Sodankylän kunnan kehitysjohtajalle. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on löytää vastaus siihen mitä teolliset ekosysteemit ovat, mitä hyötyä niistä on ja mitkä ovat kriittisiä menestystekijöitä teollisille ekosysteemeille. Tutkimuksessa pyritään löytämään vastaus näihin kysymyksiin: Mitä teolliset ekosysteemit ovat? Mitkä ovat teollisten ekosysteemien hyötyjä? Mitkä ovat teollisen ekosysteemin kriittiset menestystekijät? Peck S. (2002) mukaan teollinen ekosysteemi on yritysrypäs, jossa yritykset tekevät yhteistyötä keskenään ja paikallisen yhteisön kanssa jakaen resurssejaan tehokkaasti saavuttaakseen hyötyä ympäristöllisestä ja taloudellisesta näkökulmasta, samalla voimistaen työvoiman tuottavuutta niin yrityksen kuin yhteiskunnannkin näkökulmasta. Tutkimus onnistui selvittämään, mitkä ovat teollisten ekosysteemien kriittiset menestystekijät ja tärkeimmät hyödyt. Tutkimus kokosi myös laajan tietopaketin, koskien teollisia ekosysteemejä ja kiertotaloutta

    Evaluation of Garbage Management Based on IoT

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    Smart Waste Monitoring: To track the amount of waste in bins and containers, IOT-enabled garbage management systems use sensors and connected devices. These sensors can communicate real-time data to a centralized monitoring system and can identify the fill level. This data aids in streamlining waste collection routes, cutting back on pointless pickups, and enhancing garbage management effectiveness as a whole. Effective Resource Allocation: By giving precise data on waste generation patterns and trends, IOT-based garbage management systems enable optimal resource allocation. This information can be used by municipal authorities to make well-informed decisions on waste collection schedules, resource deployment, and staffing levels. IOT-based waste management solutions have the potential to make trash management procedures more effective and efficient while also being more affordable. The best garbage collection routes, operational cost reductions, and resource utilization may all be achieved with the aid of research into the best deployment strategies for IOT sensors and devices. Environmental Impact and Sustainability: Research Objective: Clearly identify the research objective, for example, by assessing how well IOT-based garbage management systems gather waste and allocate resources. Data gathering: Compile pertinent information on the methods used for trash generation, collection, and resource use. On-site observations, employee interviews, and database access for waste management operations are all effective ways to accomplish this. Gather information on IOT sensor technologies and their capabilities as well. Taken As alternative for Smart Waste Bins, Waste Level, Sensors, AI Recycling, Robots, E-Waste Kiosks. Taken for Evaluation preference is Reliability, Mobility, Service Continuity, User Convenience., and Energy Efficiency. Smart Waste Bins has performed more when compare to with other Real-Time Monitoring: The Internet of Things (IOT) can be used in waste management to enable real-time monitoring of trash cans or bins can be used to enhance garbage sorting procedures. Smart bins with cameras and sensors can automatically recognize and sort various types of rubbish. These smart bins can identify and categorise rubbish by utilizing IOT technology.  on their material composition or recycling category

    Scoping study to identify potential circular economy actions, priority sectors, material flows and value chains

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    The circular economy is rapidly rising up political and business agendas. In contrast to today’s largely linear, ‘take-make-use-dispose’ economy, a circular economy represents a development strategy that enables economic growth while aiming to optimise the chain of consumption of biological and technical materials. A deep transformation of production chains and consumption patterns is envisaged to keep materials circulating in the economy for longer, re-designing industrial systems and encouraging cascading use of materials and waste. Although there are some elements of circularity such as recycling and composting in the linear economy (see Figure E1) where progress needs to be maintained, a circular economy goes beyond the pursuit of waste prevention and waste reduction to inspire technological, organisational and social innovation across and within value chains (see Figure E2). There are already several policies in place and activities underway that support a circular economy; however there remain a range of untapped opportunities, costs to be avoided and obstacles to be addressed in order to accelerate the move towards a circular economy in the EU. Against this backdrop, the European Commission (DG Environment) launched a Scoping study to identify potential circular economy actions, priority sectors, material flows & value chains. The study was carried out by the Policy Studies Institute (PSI), Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), BIO and Ecologic Institute between November 2013 and July 2014. The aim of the study was to provide an initial scoping assessment of potential priorities and policy options to support the transition to a circular economy in the EU. The study reviewed existing literature, identified potential priority areas for action where accelerating the circular economy would be beneficial and where EU policy has a particular role to play, and developed policy options for consideration across a range of areas

    An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in product-service systems?

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    Copyright @ 2012 Greenleaf PublishingEco-efficient Product-Service System (PSS) innovations represent a promising approach to sustainability. However the application of this concept is still very limited because its implementation and diffusion is hindered by several barriers (cultural, corporate and regulative ones). The paper investigates the barriers that affect the attractiveness and acceptation of eco-efficient PSS alternatives, and opens the debate on the aesthetic of eco-efficient PSS, and the way in which aesthetic could enhance some specific inner qualities of this kinds of innovations. Integrating insights from semiotics, the paper outlines some first research hypothesis on how the aesthetic elements of an eco-efficient PSS could facilitate user attraction, acceptation and satisfaction


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    Environmental issues put short-term economic gratification in direct conflict with long-term survival of the planet: they are no longer considered ‘distant’. There is a causal link between the disposal and treatment of waste and global environmental problems. Recycling is one of the most effective remedies to the problem of waste. There is evidence of an intention-action gap in household recycling behavior. The psychological nature of the decision to recycle is the most likely explanation for this intention-action gap. The present dissertation combines behavioral economics and psychology of incentives. It studies the cognitive processes underlying the recycling intention-action gap and offers a theoretical framework to design effective nudges. The work consists of three sequential articles: the first two articles include a lab experiment, the third runs a computer simulation. Article 1 considers a semantic stimulus and tests the priming effect on recycling behavior of two stereotypes: the environmentalist and the conscientious citizen. Article 2 considers a contextual (conceptual plus visual) stimulus and tests the priming effect of two induced feelings: spirituality and nature. Article 3 develops an agent-based model to assess the effects of the major findings of Article 1 and 2 on the system as a whole

    Recyclable inherently flame-retardant thermosets: Chemistry, properties and applications

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    Thermosets are polymeric materials that contain permanent networks and thus are difficult to recycle. They are not reprocessable once cured and often do not degrade under mild conditions. Over the past decades, the use of polymeric materials in fire safety applications has increased, and so is the need for them to be more sustainable. From this standpoint, recently two major challenges in designing next-generation thermosets have attracted much attention in the scientific community: embedded fire safety and reprocessability/recyclability. In this review, a detailed report on research progress in design of fire-safe and thermomechanical reprocessable/recyclable thermosets is presented. Such thermosets are designed not only to enable the reuse and recycling of the polymer material but also recover valuable components (carbon fibers or rare additives) that are encapsulated in the matrix. The flame retardant recyclable thermoset materials are categorized based on the chemistry of labile bonds (covalent adaptable networks): i.e. (i) esters (carboxylic and phosphate esters), (ii) sulfur-containing linkages, (iii) nitrogen-containing structures, and (iv) other phosphorus-containing structures. In addition, the use of bio-based raw materials in constructing these thermosets is also highlighted. The synthetic route, fire performance, recycling methods, degradation mechanisms, and progress in various approaches being developed by researchers towards recyclable and fire-safe thermosets are summarized in detail in this review

    Tendency to Circular Economy: Reuse of Architectural Elements

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    Urbanization and building production that accelerate with globalization, cause excessive resource consumption and waste generation. The circular economy concept which is a contemporary economy approach, has been developed to solve this environmental and economic problem. The construction sector and architectural practice that provide building production need innovative solutions through the circular economy concept, as they consume different resources and produce waste crises.  The circular economy concept is applied with the "adaptive reuse" approach in the field of architecture. One of the important applications of the concept of adaptive reuse is the reuse of architectural elements and materials. However, the relationship between the concept of circular economy and the reuse of architectural elements can be developed by examining several recent projects and its advantages.  In this article, it is aimed to examine the relationship of this architectural reuse approach with the circular economy concept and to emphasize its importance. For this purpose, the theoretical perspectives and effects of circular economy were examined in the first part of the article, and the reflections of the circular economy concept on architecture were given in the second part. This section continues with description of the comparative analysis methodology that relates the building life cycle and circular economy principles to examine the architectural projects built as an example of circular economy paradigm.  In the third chapter, two architectural sample projects built in China and France were selected and introduced. Being pioneers in their countries in circular economy approaches and the different environmental policies of countries have been effective in the selection of examples from different geographies. The fourth part consists of analyzing the projects according to circular economy parameters using comparative analysis method. In the last section, analysis results show that although China is one of the pioneers in adopting circular economy principles with architectural design and building life cycle, it has been found that France considers circular economy design from a broader perspective.  Also, the design approach with circular economy criteria in different stage of building life cycle is gaining momentum over the years through national and local governments and collaborations. It is recommended that technological design systems such as BIM can be developed as integrated cloud systems that can share information from other sectors. Because the building life cycle is not only related to the architecture and construction sector. It is a cyclical system and economy that works with different sectors such as supply and waste management