532 research outputs found

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    Product Recommendations in E-Commerce Retailing Applications

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    The book deals with product recommendations generated by information systems referred to as recommender systems. Recommender systems assist consumers in making product choices by providing recommendations of the range of products and services offered in an online purchase environment. The quantitative research study investigates the influence of psychographic and sociodemographic determinants on the interest of consumers in personalized online book recommendations. The author presents new findings regarding the interest in recommendations, importance of product reviews for the decision process, motives for submitting ratings as well as comments, and the delivery of recommendations. The results show that opinion seeking, opinion leading, domain specific innovativeness, online shopping experience, and age are important factors in respect of the interest in personalized recommendations

    Explainability in Music Recommender Systems

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    The most common way to listen to recorded music nowadays is via streaming platforms which provide access to tens of millions of tracks. To assist users in effectively browsing these large catalogs, the integration of Music Recommender Systems (MRSs) has become essential. Current real-world MRSs are often quite complex and optimized for recommendation accuracy. They combine several building blocks based on collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation. This complexity can hinder the ability to explain recommendations to end users, which is particularly important for recommendations perceived as unexpected or inappropriate. While pure recommendation performance often correlates with user satisfaction, explainability has a positive impact on other factors such as trust and forgiveness, which are ultimately essential to maintain user loyalty. In this article, we discuss how explainability can be addressed in the context of MRSs. We provide perspectives on how explainability could improve music recommendation algorithms and enhance user experience. First, we review common dimensions and goals of recommenders' explainability and in general of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), and elaborate on the extent to which these apply -- or need to be adapted -- to the specific characteristics of music consumption and recommendation. Then, we show how explainability components can be integrated within a MRS and in what form explanations can be provided. Since the evaluation of explanation quality is decoupled from pure accuracy-based evaluation criteria, we also discuss requirements and strategies for evaluating explanations of music recommendations. Finally, we describe the current challenges for introducing explainability within a large-scale industrial music recommender system and provide research perspectives.Comment: To appear in AI Magazine, Special Topic on Recommender Systems 202

    Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Analysis with a Machine Learning Approach: From a Perspective of Matching Customer Comment and Agent Note

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    With the booming of UGCs, customer comments are widely utilized in analyzing customer satisfaction. However, due to the characteristics of emotional expression, ambiguous semantics and short text, sentiment analysis with customer comments is easily biased and risky. This paper introduces another important UGC, i.e., agent notes, which not only effectively complements customer comment, but delivers professional details, which may enhance customer satisfaction analysis. Moreover, detecting the mismatch on aspects between these two UGCs may further help gain in-depth customer insights. This paper proposes a machine learning based matching analysis approach, namely CAMP, by which not only the semantics and sentiment in customer comments and agent notes can be sufficiently and comprehensively investigated, but the granular and fine-grained aspects could be detected. The CAMP approach can provide practical guidance for following-up service, and the automation can help speed-up service response, which essentially improves customer satisfaction and retains customer loyalty

    Data-Driven Analysis towards Monitoring Software Evolution by Continuously Understanding Changes in Users’ Needs

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    Ohjelmistot eivät usein vastaa käyttäjiensä odotuksia siitä huolimatta, että niiden odotetaan tarjoavan riittävä toiminnallisuus ja olevan virheettömiä. Tästä syystä ohjelmiston ylläpito on väistämätöntä ja tärkeää jokaiselle ohjelmistoyritykselle, joka haluaa pitää tuotteensa tai palvelunsa kannattavana. Koska kilpailu nykyajan ohjelmistomarkkinoilla on tiukkaa ja käyttäjien on helppo lopettaa tuotteen käyttö, yritysten on erityisen tärkeää tarkkailla ja ylläpitää käyttäjätyytyväisyyttä pitkäaikaisen menestyksen turvaamiseksi. Tämän saavuttamiseksi tärkeää on jatkuvasti ymmärtää ja kohdata käyttäjien tarpeet ja odotukset, sillä on tehokkaampaa kohdentaa ylläpito käyttäjien esittämien ongelmien perusteella. Toisaalta internet-teknologiat ovat kehittyneet nopeasti samalla, kun käyttäjien luoman sisällön määrä on kasvanut räjähdysmäisesti. Käyttäjien antama palaute (numeerinen arvostelu, ehdotus tai tekstuaalinen arvio) on esimerkki tällaisesta käyttäjien luomasta sisällöstä ja sen merkitys tuotteiden kehittämisessä asiakkaiden tarpeiden pohjalta kasvaa jatkuvasti. Käyttäjien tarpeiden ymmärtäminen on erityisen tärkeää jatkuvaa ylläpitoa ja kehitystystä vaativissa ohjelmistoissa. Tällöin on myös oleellista ymmärtää, miten asiakkaiden mielipiteet muuttuvat ajan kuluessa. Tämän lisäksi datan louhimisen ja koneoppimisen kehitys vähentävät vaivaa, joka käyttäjän tuottaman datan analysointiin ja erityisesti heidän käyttymisensä ymmärtämiseen tarvitaan. Vaikka useat tutkimukset ehdottavat tietokeskeistä lähestymistä palautteen arvioin- tiin, ohjelmiston ylläpitoa ja kehitystä hyödyntäviä lähestymistapoja on vähän. Monet menetelmät keskittyvät arvostelujen analysoinnissa tekstinlouhintaan paljastaakseen käyttäjien mielipiteet. Useat menetelmät keskittyvät myös tunnistamaan ja luokit- telemaan palautetyyppejä kuten ominaisuuspyyntöjä, virheilmoituksia ja tunteenilmauksia. Jotta ohjelmiston ylläpidosta saataisiin tehokkaampaa, tarvitaankin tehokas lähestymistapa ohjelmiston havaitun käyttäjäkokemuksen ja sen muutosten tarkkailuun ohjelmiston kehittyessä.Software products, though always being expected to provide satisfactory functionalities and be bug-free, somehow fail to meet the expectations of their users. Thus, software maintenance is inevitable and critical for any software companies who want their products or services to continue profiting. On the other hand, due to the fierce competitiveness in the contemporary software market, as well as the ease of user churns, monitoring and sustaining the satisfaction of the users is a critical criterion for the long-term success of any software products within their evolution stage. To such an end, continuously understanding and meeting the users’ needs and expectations is the key, as it is more efficient and effective to allocate maintenance effort accordingly to address the issues raised by users. On the other hand, accompanied by the rapid development of internet technologies, the volume of user-generated content has been increasing exponentially. Among such user-generated content, feedback from the customers, either numeric rating, recommendation, or textual reviews, have been playing an increasingly critical role in product designs in terms of understanding customers’ needs. Especially for software products that require constant maintenance and are continuously evolving, understanding of users’ needs and complaints, as well as the changes in their opinions through time, is of great importance. Additionally, supported by the advance of data mining and machine learning techniques, the effort of knowledge discovery from analyzing such data and specially understanding the behavior of the users shall be largely reduced. However, though many studies propose data-driven approaches for feedback analysis, the ones specifically on applying such methods supporting software maintenance and evolution are limited. Many studies focus on the text mining perspective of review analysis towards eliciting users’ opinions. Many others focus on the detection and classification of feedback types, e.g., feature requests, bug reports, and emotion expression, etc. For the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness in soft ware maintenance and evolution practice, an effective approach on the software’s perceived user experience and the monitoring of its changes during evolution is re- quired. To support the practice of software maintenance and evolution targeting enhancing user satisfaction, we propose a data-driven user review analysis approach. The contribution of this research aims to answer the following research questions: RQ1. How to analyze users’ collective expectation and perceived quality in use with data- driven approaches by exploiting sentiment and topics? RQ2. How to monitor user satisfaction over software updates during software evolution using reviews’ topics and sentiments? RQ3. How to analyze users’ profiles, software types and situational contexts as contexts of use that supports the analysis of user satisfaction? Towards answering RQ1, the thesis proposes a data-driven approach of user perceived quality evaluation and users’ needs extraction via sentiment analysis and topic modeling on large volume of user review data. Based on such outcome, the answer to RQ2 encompasses of 1) the approach to monitor user opinion changes through software evolution by detecting similar topic pairs and 2) the approach to identify the problematic updates based on anomalies in review sentiment distribution. Towards the answer to RQ3, a three-fold analysis is proposed: 1) situational contexts and ways of interaction analysis, 2) user profile and preference analysis and 3) software type and related features analysis. All the above approaches are validated by case studies. This thesis contributes to the examination of applying data-driven end user re- view analysis methods supporting software maintenance and evolution. The main implication is to enrich the existing domain knowledge of software maintenance and evolution in terms of taking advantage of the collective intelligence of end users. In addition, it conveys unique contribution to the research on software evolution con- texts in terms of various meaningful aspects and leads to a potential interdisciplinary contribution as well. On the other hand, this thesis also contributes to software maintenance and evolution practice even in the larger scope of the software industry by proposing an effective series of approaches that address critical issues within. It helps the developers ease their effort in release planning and other decision-making activities

    Development of Context-Aware Recommenders of Sequences of Touristic Activities

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    En els últims anys, els sistemes de recomanació s'han fet omnipresents a la xarxa. Molts serveis web, inclosa la transmissió de pel·lícules, la cerca web i el comerç electrònic, utilitzen sistemes de recomanació per facilitar la presa de decisions. El turisme és una indústria molt representada a la xarxa. Hi ha diversos serveis web (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) que es beneficien de la integració de sistemes recomanadors per ajudar els turistes a explorar destinacions turístiques. Això ha augmentat la investigació centrada en la millora dels recomanadors turístics per resoldre els principals problemes als quals s'enfronten. Aquesta tesi proposa nous algorismes per a sistemes recomanadors turístics que aprenen les preferències dels turistes a partir dels seus missatges a les xarxes socials per suggerir una seqüència d'activitats turístiques que s'ajustin a diversos contextes i incloguin activitats afins. Per aconseguir-ho, proposem mètodes per identificar els turistes a partir de les seves publicacions a Twitter, identificant les activitats experimentades en aquestes publicacions i perfilant turistes similars en funció dels seus interessos, informació contextual i períodes d'activitat. Aleshores, els perfils d'usuari es combinen amb un algorisme de mineria de regles d'associació per capturar relacions implícites entre els punts d'interès de cada perfil. Finalment, es fa un rànquing de regles i un procés de selecció d'un conjunt d'activitats recomanables. Es va avaluar la precisió de les recomanacions i l'efecte del perfil d'usuari. A més, ordenem el conjunt d'activitats mitjançant un algorisme multi-objectiu per enriquir l'experiència turística. També realitzem una segona fase d'anàlisi dels fluxos turístics a les destinacions que és beneficiós per a les organitzacions de gestió de destinacions, que volen entendre la mobilitat turística. En general, els mètodes i algorismes proposats en aquesta tesi es mostren útils en diversos aspectes dels sistemes de recomanació turística.En los últimos años, los sistemas de recomendación se han vuelto omnipresentes en la web. Muchos servicios web, incluida la transmisión de películas, la búsqueda en la web y el comercio electrónico, utilizan sistemas de recomendación para ayudar a la toma de decisiones. El turismo es una industria altament representada en la web. Hay varios servicios web (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) que se benefician de la inclusión de sistemas recomendadores para ayudar a los turistas a explorar destinos turísticos. Esto ha aumentado la investigación centrada en mejorar los recomendadores turísticos y resolver los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan. Esta tesis propone nuevos algoritmos para sistemas recomendadores turísticos que aprenden las preferencias de los turistas a partir de sus mensajes en redes sociales para sugerir una secuencia de actividades turísticas que se alinean con diversos contextos e incluyen actividades afines. Para lograr esto, proponemos métodos para identificar a los turistas a partir de sus publicaciones en Twitter, identificar las actividades experimentadas en estas publicaciones y perfilar turistas similares en función de sus intereses, contexto información y periodos de actividad. Luego, los perfiles de usuario se combinan con un algoritmo de minería de reglas de asociación para capturar relaciones entre los puntos de interés que aparecen en cada perfil. Finalmente, un proceso de clasificación de reglas y selección de actividades produce un conjunto de actividades recomendables. Se evaluó la precisión de las recomendaciones y el efecto de la elaboración de perfiles de usuario. Ordenamos además el conjunto de actividades utilizando un algoritmo multi-objetivo para enriquecer la experiencia turística. También llevamos a cabo un análisis de los flujos turísticos en los destinos, lo que es beneficioso para las organizaciones de gestión de destinos, que buscan entender la movilidad turística. En general, los métodos y algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis se muestran útiles en varios aspectos de los sistemas de recomendación turística.In recent years, recommender systems have become ubiquitous on the web. Many web services, including movie streaming, web search and e-commerce, use recommender systems to aid human decision-making. Tourism is one industry that is highly represented on the web. There are several web services (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) that benefit from integrating recommender systems to aid tourists in exploring tourism destinations. This has increased research focused on improving tourism recommender systems and solving the main issues they face. This thesis proposes new algorithms for tourism recommender systems that learn tourist preferences from their social media data to suggest a sequence of touristic activities that align with various contexts and include affine activities. To accomplish this, we propose methods for identifying tourists from their frequent Twitter posts, identifying the activities experienced in these posts, and profiling similar tourists based on their interests, contextual information, and activity periods. User profiles are then combined with an association rule mining algorithm for capturing implicit relationships between points of interest apparent in each profile. Finally, a rule ranking and activity selection process produces a set of recommendable activities. The recommendations were evaluated for accuracy and the effect of user profiling. We further order the set of activities using a multi-objective algorithm to enrich the tourist experience. We also carry out a second-stage analysis of tourist flows at destinations which is beneficial to destination management organisations seeking to understand tourist mobility. Overall, the methods and algorithms proposed in this thesis are shown to be useful in various aspects of tourism recommender systems


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    In a developing economy's business environment, introduction of new technology creates a large potential for more effective and streamlined production of tourism services. This study shows guidelines of design of an inter-organizational information system for small tourism enterprises. The entrepreneurial goal is to support strategic alliances in order to obtain better market-fit and sustainable competitive advance. This requires that the enterprises are capable of evaluating their existing processes, identify and outline improvements, and implement them. More than that, enterprises have to execute profound strategic changes in their business processes. For this change, study shows that adaption of supportive information system can be a key factor to satisfy these demands. Firstly, using systematic literature review the study identifies global trends of e-tourism. Secondly the trends are compared with the reality of small tourism enterprises in Nicaraguan Caribbean coast. With interview and brain storming sessions with hotel managers and local tourism specialists, desired state of e-tourism enhanced business processes is defined. Performance gaps and solutions are identified and outlined in order to reach new customer segments and better customer satisfaction with use of inter-organizational information system. With help of shared information system, enterprises search for sustainable economic growth and more stable business environment for their activities. The scientific domain of research is Information systems science. The method used for data collection and interpretation is systematic literature review and human and institutional capacity development -method. As result, the research identifies critical business processes when implementing e-Tourism services into tourism enterprises in developing economies. Strategic solutions for sustainable improvements in business processes supported by use of shared information system are outlined. As a practical result, the study lists required steps in order to reach desired changes in tourism enterprises with e-tourism initiative. Specification of requirements for information system is made. The implementation process and construction of information system is left out from this research and it requires later its own case study.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    From Social Data Mining to Forecasting Socio-Economic Crisis

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    Socio-economic data mining has a great potential in terms of gaining a better understanding of problems that our economy and society are facing, such as financial instability, shortages of resources, or conflicts. Without large-scale data mining, progress in these areas seems hard or impossible. Therefore, a suitable, distributed data mining infrastructure and research centers should be built in Europe. It also appears appropriate to build a network of Crisis Observatories. They can be imagined as laboratories devoted to the gathering and processing of enormous volumes of data on both natural systems such as the Earth and its ecosystem, as well as on human techno-socio-economic systems, so as to gain early warnings of impending events. Reality mining provides the chance to adapt more quickly and more accurately to changing situations. Further opportunities arise by individually customized services, which however should be provided in a privacy-respecting way. This requires the development of novel ICT (such as a self- organizing Web), but most likely new legal regulations and suitable institutions as well. As long as such regulations are lacking on a world-wide scale, it is in the public interest that scientists explore what can be done with the huge data available. Big data do have the potential to change or even threaten democratic societies. The same applies to sudden and large-scale failures of ICT systems. Therefore, dealing with data must be done with a large degree of responsibility and care. Self-interests of individuals, companies or institutions have limits, where the public interest is affected, and public interest is not a sufficient justification to violate human rights of individuals. Privacy is a high good, as confidentiality is, and damaging it would have serious side effects for society.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure, Visioneer White Paper, see http://www.visioneer.ethz.c

    Designing a Mobile Recommender System for Treatment Adherence Improvement among Hypertensives

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    Impelling the ambulatory hypertensive patients to stick to the prescribed treatment throughout a long term is a challenging problem. To address the problem, the personal monitoring system can be used providing the possibility both to gather various health state parameters and life style-related data and to intervene in case the patient does not stick to the appointed instructions. The subsystem related to health state monitoring have been presented in our previous work. In this paper, we introduce the recommender system intended to patient's behavior correction