213 research outputs found

    Development of efficient De Bruijn graph-based algorithms for genome assembly

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación. 5009V01[Abstract] During the last two decades, thanks to the development of new sequencing techniques, the study of the genome has become very popular in order to discover the genetic variation present in both humans and other organisms. The predominant mode of genome analysis is through the assembly of reads in one or multiple chains for as long as possible. The most traditional way of assembly is the one that involves reads from a single genome. In this field, in the last decade, third-generation readings have emerged with new challenges for which there are no efficient solutions. The first contribution that has been made in this thesis is Compact-Flye, a tool for the efficient assembly of third-generation reads on the Flye algorithm. This tool is based on the ingenious use of compact data structures to improve typical assembly steps such as counting and indexing k-mers. Apart from the assembly of a genome, there are techniques that seek to assemble all the genomes contained in a given sample. This assembly is known as multiple sequence assembly or haplotype reconstruction, a subject also treated in this thesis. Our first approach to solving this has been viaDBG, which is the first solution based on de Bruijn graphs that offers results comparable to current techniques in viral genome assembly while maintaining the efficiency of these graphs. Our second contribution is ViQUF, which is a natural improvement on its predecessor. ViQUF completely changes the algorithm of viaDBG but continues to be based on the same structures, although with some variations that allow it not only to improve results in terms of time and quality, but also to provide additionalinformation such as an estimate of the relative presence of each species in the sample.[Resumen] Durante las últimas dos décadas, gracias al desarrollo de nuevas técnias secuenciación, el estudio del genoma ha ganado mucha popularidad de cara a conocer la variación genética presente tanto seres humanos como otros organismos. El modo predominante de análisis del genoma es a través del ensamblaje de lecturas en una o múltiples cadenas lo más largas posibles. La manera más tradicional de ensamblaje es el que implica lecturas provenientes de un solo genoma. En este campo, en la última década han surgido las lecturas de tercera generación con nuevos retos para los que no existen soluciones eficientes. La primera aportación que se ha realizado en esta tesis es Compact-Flye una herramienta para el ensamblaje eficiente de lecturas de tercera generación sobre el algoritmo Flye. Esta herramienta está basada en el uso igenioso de estructuras compactas de datos para mejorar etapas típicas del ensamblaje como el conteo e indexación de k-mers. Al margen del ensamblaje de un genoma existen técnicas que buscan ensamblar todos los genomas contenidos en una muestra determinada. Este ensamblaje es conocido como ensamblaje múltiple de secuencias o reconstrucción de haplotipos, tema también tratado en esta tesis. Nuestra primera aproximación para la resolución de este ha sido viaDBG, que es la primera solución basada en grafos de de Bruijn que ofrece resultados comparables a las técnicas vigentes en ensamblaje de genomas víricos, mientras que mantiene la eficiencia de estos grafos. Nuestra segunda aportación es ViQUF, que es una mejora natural de su predecesor. ViQUF cambia totalmente la algoritmia de viaDBG, pero sigue cimentándose en las mismas estructuras aunque con alguna variación que le permite no solo mejorar resultados en tiempo y calidad. Sino que además le permite aportar más información como estimaciones relativa de cada especie en la muestra.[Resumo] Durante as dúas últimas décadas, grazas ao desenvolvemento de novas técnicas de secuenciación, o estudo do xenoma fíxose moi popular para descubrir a variación xenética presente tanto nos humanos como noutros organismos. O modo predominante de análise do xenoma é a través da ensamblaxe de lecturas nunha ou varias cadeas o maior tempo posible. A forma máis tradicional de ensamblar é a que implica lecturas dun só xenoma. Neste campo, na última década xurdiron lecturas de terceira xeración con novos retos para os que non existen solucións eficientes. A primeira contribución que se fixo nesta tese é Compact-Flye, unha ferramenta para a montaxe eficiente de lecturas de terceira xeración sobre o algoritmo Flye. Esta ferramenta baséase no uso intelixente de estruturas de datos compactas para mellorar os pasos típicos de montaxe, como contar e indexar k-mers. Ademais da montaxe dun xenoma, existen técnicas que buscan ensamblar todos os xenomas contidos nunha determinada mostra. Este conxunto coñécese como conxunto de secuencias múltiples ou reconstrución de haplotipos, tema tamén tratado nesta tesis. O noso primeiro enfoque para resolver isto foi viaDBG, que é a primeira solución baseada en gráficos de Bruijn que ofrece resultados comparables ás técnicas actuais de ensamblaxe de xenoma viral, mantendo a eficiencia destes gráficos. A nosa segunda incorporación é ViQUF, que é unha mellora natural con respecto ao seu predecesor. ViQUF cambia completamente o algoritmo de viaDBG pero segue baseándose nas mesmas estruturas, aínda que con algunha variación que lle permite non só mellorar os resultados en tempo e calidade. Pero tamén permite achegar máis información como estimacións relativas de cada especie da mostra.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/53Xunta de Galicia; IG240.2020.1.185Xunta de Galicia; IN852A 2018/14Quiero agradecer al Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”, financiado por la Xunta de Galicia y la Unión Europea (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program), con la beca ED431G 2019/01. También agradecer a la Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE que ha financiado esta tesis a través de las becas [ED431C 2021/53; IG240.2020.1.185; IN852A 2018/14]; al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación con las becas [TIN2016- 78011-C4-1-R; FPU17/02742; PID2019-105221RB-C41; PID2020-114635RB-I00]; y a la academia de Finlandia [grants 308030 and 323233 (LS)]

    A framework for malicious host fingerprinting using distributed network sensors

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    Numerous software agents exist and are responsible for increasing volumes of malicious traffic that is observed on the Internet today. From a technical perspective the existing techniques for monitoring malicious agents and traffic were not developed to allow for the interrogation of the source of malicious traffic. This interrogation or reconnaissance would be considered active analysis as opposed to existing, mostly passive analysis. Unlike passive analysis, the active techniques are time-sensitive and their results become increasingly inaccurate as time delta between observation and interrogation increases. In addition to this, some studies had shown that the geographic separation of hosts on the Internet have resulted in pockets of different malicious agents and traffic targeting victims. As such it would be important to perform any kind of data collection over various source and in distributed IP address space. The data gathering and exposure capabilities of sensors such as honeypots and network telescopes were extended through the development of near-realtime Distributed Sensor Network modules that allowed for the near-realtime analysis of malicious traffic from distributed, heterogeneous monitoring sensors. In order to utilise the data exposed by the near-realtime Distributed Sensor Network modules an Automated Reconnaissance Framework was created, this framework was tasked with active and passive information collection and analysis of data in near-realtime and was designed from an adapted Multi Sensor Data Fusion model. The hypothesis was made that if sufficiently different characteristics of a host could be identified; combined they could act as a unique fingerprint for that host, potentially allowing for the re-identification of that host, even if its IP address had changed. To this end the concept of Latency Based Multilateration was introduced, acting as an additional metric for remote host fingerprinting. The vast amount of information gathered by the AR-Framework required the development of visualisation tools which could illustrate this data in near-realtime and also provided various degrees of interaction to accommodate human interpretation of such data. Ultimately the data collected through the application of the near-realtime Distributed Sensor Network and AR-Framework provided a unique perspective of a malicious host demographic. Allowing for new correlations to be drawn between attributes such as common open ports and operating systems, location, and inferred intent of these malicious hosts. The result of which expands our current understanding of malicious hosts on the Internet and enables further research in the area

    Professional English. Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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    Посібник містить оригінальні тексти фахового змісту, які супроводжуються термінологічним тематичним вокабуляром та вправами різного методичного спрямування. Для студентів, які навчаються за напрямами підготовки: «Програмна інженерія», «Комп’ютерні науки» «Комп’ютерна інженерія»

    Emergence of infectious diseases

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    From SARS to avian influenza, Ebola virus and MERS-CoV, infectious diseases have received increasing attention in recent decades from scientists, risk managers, the media and the general public. What explains the constant emergence of infectious diseases? What are the related challenges? In five chapters, experts from different scientific fields analyse the ecological, social, institutional and political dynamics associated with emerging infectious diseases. This book discusses how the concepts, scientific results and action plans of international or governmental organizations are constructed and coordinated. In clear straightforward language, this book explores the continuities and discontinuities that occur with emerging infectious diseases, both in terms of collective action and in our relationship to the biological world