38 research outputs found

    Challenges for the comprehensive management of cloud services in a PaaS framework

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    The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its lifecycle management, a one stop shop for Cloud services and a PaaS level resource management featuring elasticity. 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to use Cloud native services and Cloud-aware immigrant technologies

    MiCADO – Towards a Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator

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    In order to satisfy end-user requirements, many scientific and commercial applications require access to dynamically adjustable infrastructure resources. Cloud computing has the potential to provide these dynamic capabilities. However, utilising these capabilities from application code is not trivial and requires application developers to understand low-level technical details of clouds. This paper investigates how a generic framework can be developed that supports the dynamic orchestration of cloud applications both at deployment and at run-time. The advantages and challenges of designing such framework based on microservices is analysed, and a generic framework, called MiCADO – (Microservices-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator) is proposed. A first prototype implementation of MiCADO to support data intensive commercial web applications is also presented

    AI gym for Networks

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    5G Networks are delivering better services and connecting more devices, but at the same time are becoming more complex. Problems like resource management and control optimization are increasingly dynamic and difficult to model making it very hard to use traditional model-based optimization techniques. Artificial Intelligence (AI) explores techniques such as Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), which uses the interaction between the agent and the environment to learn what action to take to obtain the best possible result. Researchers usually need to create and develop a simulation environment for their scenario of interest to be able to experiment with DRL algorithms. This takes a large amount of time from the research process, while the lack of a common environment makes it difficult to compare algorithms. The proposed solution aims to fill this gap by creating a tool that facilitates the setting up of DRL training environments for network scenarios. The developed tool uses three open source software, the Containernet to simulate the connections between devices, the Ryu Controller as the Software Defined Network Controller, and OpenAI Gym which is responsible for setting up the communication between the environment and the DRL agent. With the project developed during the thesis, the users will be capable of creating more scenarios in a short period, opening space to set up different environments, solving various problems as well as providing a common environment where other Agents can be compared. The developed software is used to compare the performance of several DRL agents in two different network control problems: routing and network slice admission control. A novel DRL based solution is used in the case of network slice admission control that jointly optimizes the admission and the placement of traffic of a network slice in the physical resources.As redes 5G oferecem melhores serviços e conectam mais dispositivos, fazendo com que se tornem mais complexas e difíceis de gerir. Problemas como a gestão de recursos e a otimização de controlo são cada vez mais dinâmicos e difíceis de modelar, o que torna difícil usar soluções de optimização basea- das em modelos tradicionais. A Inteligência Artificial (IA) explora técnicas como Deep Reinforcement Learning que utiliza a interação entre o agente e o ambiente para aprender qual a ação a ter para obter o melhor resultado possível. Normalmente, os investigadores precisam de criar e desenvolver um ambiente de simulação para poder estudar os algoritmos DRL e a sua interação com o cenário de interesse. A criação de ambientes a partir do zero retira tempo indispensável para a pesquisa em si, e a falta de ambientes de treino comuns torna difícil a comparação dos algoritmos. A solução proposta foca-se em preencher esta lacuna criando uma ferramenta que facilite a configuração de ambientes de treino DRL para cenários de rede. A ferramenta desenvolvida utiliza três softwares open source, o Containernet para simular as conexões entre os dispositivos, o Ryu Controller como Software Defined Network Controller e o OpenAI Gym que é responsável por configurar a comunicação entre o ambiente e o agente DRL. Através do projeto desenvolvido, os utilizadores serão capazes de criar mais cenários em um curto período, abrindo espaço para configurar diferentes ambientes e resolver diferentes problemas, bem como fornecer um ambiente comum onde diferentes Agentes podem ser comparados. O software desenvolvido foi usado para comparar o desempenho de vários agentes DRL em dois problemas diferentes de controlo de rede, nomeadamente, roteamento e controlo de admissão de slices na rede. Uma solução baseada em DRL é usada no caso do controlo de admissão de slices na rede que otimiza conjuntamente a admissão e a colocação de tráfego de uma slice na rede nos recursos físicos da mesma

    Development of an e-portfolio social network using emerging web technologies

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringDigital portfolios (also known as e-Portfolios) can be described as digital collections of artifacts, being both a product (a digital collection of artifacts) and a process (reflecting on those artifacts and what they represent). It is an extension of the traditional Curriculum Vitae, which tells the educational and professional milestones of someone, while the portfolio proves and qualifies them (e.g.: annually thousands of students finish a Master degree on Informatics, but only one has built Vue, Twitter or Facebook – the Portfolio goes beyond the CV milestones by specifying the person’s output throughout life and distinguishing them). e-Portfolios augment this by introducing new digital representations and workflows, exposed to a community, being both a product and a process. This approach can be useful for individual self-reflection, education or even job markets, where companies seek talented individuals, because it expands the traditional CV concept and empowers individual merit. There have been many studies, theories, and methodologies related with e-Portfolios, but transpositions to web applications have been unsuccessful, untuitive and too complex (in opposition to the CV format, which had success in various applications, for example LinkedIn). This project aims to study new approaches and develop an exploratory web/mobile application of this method ology, by exploring the potential of social networks to promote them, augmented by emergent web technologies. Its main output is the prototype of a new product (a social network of e-Portfolio) and its design decisions, with new theoretical approaches applied to web development. By the end of this project, we will have idealized a web infrastructure for interacting with networks of users, their skills, and communities seeking them. The approach to the development of this platform will be to integrate emerging technologies like WebAssembly and Rust in its development cycle and document our findings. At the end of this project, in addition to the prototype of a new product, we hope to have contributed to the State of the Art of Web Engineering and to be able to answer questions regarding new emerging web development ecosystems.Os portfólios digitais (também conhecidos como e-Portfolios) podem ser descritos como coleções digitais de artefatos, sendo tanto um produto (uma coleção digital de artefatos) quanto um processo (refletindo sobre esses artefatos e o que eles representam). É uma extensão do tradicional Curriculum Vitae, onde o primeiro conta os marcos educacionais e profissionais de alguém, enquanto que o segundo, o Portfólio, comprova-os e qualifica-os (e.g.: anualmente milhares de alunos concluem graduações em Informática, no entanto apenas um consebeu o Vue, o Twitter ou o Facebook - o Portfólio vai além dos indicadores quantitativos do CV, especificando e qualificando a produção da pessoa ao longo da vida e distinguindo-a). Os e-Portfolios expandem este conceito com a introdução de novas representações digitais e fluxos de trabalho, expostos a uma comunidade, sendo tanto um produto como um processo. Esta abordagem pode ser útil para a autorreflexão individual, educação ou mesmo mercados de trabalho, onde as empresas procuram indivíduos talentosos, porque expande o conceito tradicional de CV e potencializa o mérito individual. Existem muitos estudos, teorias e metodologias relacionadas com os e-Portfolios, mas as transposições para aplicações web têm sido mal sucedidas, pouco intuitivas e muito complexas (em oposição ao formato CV, que tem tido sucesso em várias aplicações, por exemplo no LinkedIn). Este projeto visa estudar novas abordagens neste domínio e desenvolver uma aplicação exploratória web/mobile que melhor exprima os e-Portfolios, explorando o potencial das redes sociais para os promover em conjunto com tecnologias web emergentes. As principais produções esperadadas deste trabalho são um protótipo de um novo produto (uma rede social de e-Portfolio) e documentar novas abordagens teóricas aplicadas ao desenvolvimento web. No final deste projeto, teremos idealizado uma infraestrutura web para interagir com redes de utilizadores, as suas competências e comunidades que os procurem. A abordagem ao desenvolvimento desta plataforma será integrar tecnologias emergentes como WebAssembly e Rust no seu ciclo de desenvolvimento e documentar as nossas descobertas e decisões. No final deste projeto, para além do protótipo de uma plataforma, esperamos ter contribuido para o Estado da Arte da Engenharia Web e responder a questões sobre novos ecossistemas emergentes de desenvolvimento web

    An Agent-Based Collaborative Platform for the Optimized Trading of Renewable Energy within a Community, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2014, nr 4

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    Cities are increasingly recognized for their ability to play a catalytic role in addressing climate and energy challenges using technologically innovative approaches. Since energy used in urban areas accounts for about 40% of total EU energy consumption, a change of direction towards renewable energy is necessary in order to alleviate the usage of carbonized electricity and also to save money. A combination of IT and telecommunication technologies is necessary to enable the energy and resources saving. ICT based solutions can be used to enable energy and money saving not only for a single building, but for the whole community of a neighborhood. In this paper a model for the energy cost minimization of a neighborhood together with an agent-based interaction model that reproduces the proposed formal representation is presented. Furthermore the authors present a prototype implementation of this model and first experimental tests

    Protocol and Architecture to Bring Things into Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept proposes that everyday objects are globally accessible from the Internet and integrate into new services having a remarkable impact on our society. Opposite to Internet world, things usually belong to resource-challenged environmentswhere energy, data throughput, and computing resources are scarce. Building upon existing standards in the field such as IEEE1451 and ZigBee and rooted in context semantics, this paper proposes CTP (Communication Things Protocol) as a protocol specification to allow interoperability among things with different communication standards as well as simplicity and functionality to build IoT systems. Also, this paper proposes the use of the IoT gateway as a fundamental component in IoT architectures to provide seamless connectivity and interoperability among things and connect two different worlds to build the IoT: the Things world and the Internet world. Both CTP and IoT gateway constitute a middleware content-centric architecture presented as the mechanism to achieve a balance between the intrinsic limitations of things in the physical world and what is required fromthem in the virtual world. Said middleware content-centric architecture is implemented within the frame of two European projects targeting smart environments and proving said CTP’s objectives in real scenarios

    Monitoraggio strutturale e ambientale con il Web delle cose

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    Structural health and Environmental monitoring are recently benefiting from the advancement in the digital industry. Thanks to the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, monitoring systems are increasing their functionalities and reducing development costs. However, they are affected by a strong fragmentation in the solution proposed and technologies employed. This stale the overall benefits of the adoption of IoT frameworks or IoT devices since it limits the reusability and portability of the chosen platform. As in other IoT contexts, also the structural health and environmental monitoring domain is suffering from the negative effects of, what is called, an interoperability problem. Recently the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is joining the race in the definition of a standard for IoT unifying different solutions below a single paradigm. This new shift in the industry is called Web of Things or in short WoT. Together with other W3C technologies of the Semantic Web, the Web of Things unifies different protocols and data models thanks to a descriptive machine-understandable document called the Thing Description. This work wants to explore how this new paradigm can improve the quality of structural health and environmental monitoring applications. The goal is to provide a monitoring infrastructure solely based on WoT and Semantic technologies. The architecture is later tested and applied on two concrete use-cases taken from the industrial structural monitoring and the smart farming domains. Finally, this thesis proposes a layered structure for organizing the knowledge design of the two applications, and it provides evaluation comments on the results obtained.Le pratiche di monitoraggio strutturale e dell'ambiente stanno recemente beneficiando degli avanzamenti nella industria digitale. Grazie alla nascita di tecnologie basate sull'Internet of Things (IoT), i sistemi di monitoraggio hanno migliorato le loro funzionalità base e ridotto i costi di svilippo. Nonostante ciò, queste soluzioni hardware e software sono affette da una forte fragmentazione sia riguardo ai tipi dispositivo sia alle tecnologie usate. Questa fenomeno fa si che i benifici ottenuti utilizzando tecnologie IoT si riducano poichè spesso tali soluzioni mancano di portabilità e adattabilità. Come in altri contesti IoT, anche nel monitoraggio strutturale e ambintale possiamo incorre nel problema tipico della mancanza di interoperabilità tra diverse piattaforme. Recemenete il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ha iniziato a lavorare ad uno standard per unificare le maggiori tecnologie IoT sotto un unico paradigma. Questo nuova corrente è chiamata il Web of Things o in breve WoT. Assieme ad altre tecnologie del W3C come il Semantic Web, il Web of Things astrae differenti protocolli e middleware grazie ad un documento descritivo interpretabili dalle macchine chiamato Thing Description. Questo documento vuole esplorare come questo nuovo paradigma influenzi il mondo del monitoraggio strutturale e ambientale. In particolare vuole verificare se l'utilizzo di tecnologie puramente basate su WoT e Semantic Web possa migliorare la portabilità di un applicazione di monitoraggio. In concreto propone un architetuttura software poi implementata in due casi d'uso reali presi dal mondo dello smart farming e monitoraggio di strutture industriali. Infine, la tesi, propone un organizzazione a layer del modello dei dati e una valutazione dei risultati ottenuti