2,160 research outputs found

    Comparison of Classifiers for Radar Emitter Type Identification

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    ARTMAP neural network classifiers are considered for the identification of radar emitter types from their waveform parameters. These classifiers can represent radar emitter type classes with one or more prototypes, perform on-line incremental learning to account for novelty encountered in the field, and process radar pulse streams at high speed, making them attractive for real-time applications such as electronic support measures (ESM). The performance of four ARTMAP variants- ARTMAP (Stage 1), ARTMAP-IC, fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP - is assessed with radar data gathered in the field. The k nearest neighbor (kNN) and radial basis function (RDF) classifiers are used for reference. Simulation results indicate that fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP achieve an average classification rate consistently higher than that of the other ARTMAP classifers and comparable to that of kNN and RBF. ART-EMAP, ARTMAP-IC and fuzzy ARTMAP require fewer training epochs than Gaussian ARTMAP and RBF, and substantially fewer prototype vectors (thus, smaller physical memory requirements and faster fielded performance) than Gaussian ARTMAP, RBF and kNN. Overall, fuzzy ART MAP performs at least as well as the other classifiers in both accuracy and computational complexity, and better than each of them in at least one of these aspects of performance. Incorporation into fuzzy ARTMAP of the MT- feature of ARTMAP-IC is found to be essential for convergence during on-line training with this data set.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N000I4-95-1-409 (S.G. and M.A.R.); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333) (S.G.); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (E.G.); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    A study of the classification of low-dimensional data with supervised manifold learning

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    Supervised manifold learning methods learn data representations by preserving the geometric structure of data while enhancing the separation between data samples from different classes. In this work, we propose a theoretical study of supervised manifold learning for classification. We consider nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithms that yield linearly separable embeddings of training data and present generalization bounds for this type of algorithms. A necessary condition for satisfactory generalization performance is that the embedding allow the construction of a sufficiently regular interpolation function in relation with the separation margin of the embedding. We show that for supervised embeddings satisfying this condition, the classification error decays at an exponential rate with the number of training samples. Finally, we examine the separability of supervised nonlinear embeddings that aim to preserve the low-dimensional geometric structure of data based on graph representations. The proposed analysis is supported by experiments on several real data sets

    A review of multi-instance learning assumptions

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    Multi-instance (MI) learning is a variant of inductive machine learning, where each learning example contains a bag of instances instead of a single feature vector. The term commonly refers to the supervised setting, where each bag is associated with a label. This type of representation is a natural fit for a number of real-world learning scenarios, including drug activity prediction and image classification, hence many MI learning algorithms have been proposed. Any MI learning method must relate instances to bag-level class labels, but many types of relationships between instances and class labels are possible. Although all early work in MI learning assumes a specific MI concept class known to be appropriate for a drug activity prediction domain; this ‘standard MI assumption’ is not guaranteed to hold in other domains. Much of the recent work in MI learning has concentrated on a relaxed view of the MI problem, where the standard MI assumption is dropped, and alternative assumptions are considered instead. However, often it is not clearly stated what particular assumption is used and how it relates to other assumptions that have been proposed. In this paper, we aim to clarify the use of alternative MI assumptions by reviewing the work done in this area

    Deep learning architectures for Computer Vision

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    Deep learning has become part of many state-of-the-art systems in multiple disciplines (specially in computer vision and speech processing). In this thesis Convolutional Neural Networks are used to solve the problem of recognizing people in images, both for verification and identification. Two different architectures, AlexNet and VGG19, both winners of the ILSVRC, have been fine-tuned and tested with four datasets: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces and Google UPC, a dataset generated at the UPC. Finally, with the features extracted from these fine-tuned networks, some verifications algorithms have been tested including Support Vector Machines, Joint Bayesian and Advanced Joint Bayesian formulation. The results of this work show that an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve of 99.6% can be obtained, close to the state-of-the-art performance.El aprendizaje profundo se ha convertido en parte de muchos sistemas en el estado del arte de múltiples ámbitos (especialmente en visión por computador y procesamiento de voz). En esta tesis se utilizan las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales para resolver el problema de reconocer a personas en imágenes, tanto para verificación como para identificación. Dos arquitecturas diferentes, AlexNet y VGG19, ambas ganadores del ILSVRC, han sido afinadas y probadas con cuatro conjuntos de datos: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces y Google UPC, un conjunto generado en la UPC. Finalmente con las características extraídas de las redes afinadas, se han probado diferentes algoritmos de verificación, incluyendo Maquinas de Soporte Vectorial, Joint Bayesian y Advanced Joint Bayesian. Los resultados de este trabajo muestran que el Área Bajo la Curva de la Característica Operativa del Receptor puede llegar a ser del 99.6%, cercana al valor del estado del arte.L’aprenentatge profund s’ha convertit en una part importat de molts sistemes a l’estat de l’art de múltiples àmbits (especialment de la visió per computador i el processament de veu). A aquesta tesi s’utilitzen les Xarxes Neuronals Convolucionals per a resoldre el problema de reconèixer persones a imatges, tant per verificació com per identificatió. Dos arquitectures diferents, AlexNet i VGG19, les dues guanyadores del ILSVRC, han sigut afinades i provades amb quatre bases de dades: Labeled Faces in the Wild, FaceScrub, YouTubeFaces i Google UPC, un conjunt generat a la UPC. Finalment, amb les característiques extretes de les xarxes afinades, s’han provat diferents algoritmes de verificació, incloent Màquines de Suport Vectorial, Joint Bayesian i Advanced Joint Bayesian. Els resultats d’aquest treball mostres que un Àrea Baix la Curva de la Característica Operativa del Receptor por arribar a ser del 99.6%, propera al valor de l’estat de l’art

    Machine learning approaches for the study of AD with brain MRI data

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Biomèdica. Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2021. Directors: Roser Sala Llonch, Agnès Pérez MillanThe use of automated or semi-automated approaches based on imaging data has been suggested to support the diagnoses of some diseases. In this context, Machine Learning (ML) appears as a useful emerging tool for this purpose, allowing from feature extraction to automatic classification. Alzheimer Disease (AD) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) are two common and prevalent forms of early-onset dementia with different, but partly overlapping, symptoms and brain patterns of atrophy. Because of the similarities, there is a need to establish an accurate diagnosis and to obtain good markers for prognosis. This work combines both supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms to classify AD and FTD. The data used consisted of gray matter volumes and cortical thicknesses (CTh) extracted from 3TT1 MRI of 44 healthy controls (HC, age: 57.8±5.4 years), 53 Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease patients (EOAD, age: 59.4±4.4 years) and 64 FTD patients (FTD, age: 64.4±8.8 years). A principal component analysis (PCA) of all volumes and thicknesses was performed and a number of principal components (PC) that accumulated at least 80% of the data variance were entered into a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Overall performance was assessed using a 5-fold crossvalidation..