11 research outputs found

    Review on Radio Resource Allocation Optimization in LTE/LTE-Advanced using Game Theory

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    Recently, there has been a growing trend toward ap-plying game theory (GT) to various engineering fields in order to solve optimization problems with different competing entities/con-tributors/players. Researches in the fourth generation (4G) wireless network field also exploited this advanced theory to overcome long term evolution (LTE) challenges such as resource allocation, which is one of the most important research topics. In fact, an efficient de-sign of resource allocation schemes is the key to higher performance. However, the standard does not specify the optimization approach to execute the radio resource management and therefore it was left open for studies. This paper presents a survey of the existing game theory based solution for 4G-LTE radio resource allocation problem and its optimization

    Design of static intercell interference coordination schemes for realistic lte-based cellular networks

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    Today, 3.5 and 4G systems including Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) support packet-based services and provide mobile broadband access for bandwidth-hungry applications. In this context of fast evolution, new and challenging technical issues must be e ectively addressed. The nal target is to achieve a signi cant step forward toward the improvement of the Quality of Experience (QoE). To that end, interference management has been recognized by the industry as a key enabler for cellular technologies based on OFDMA. Indeed, with a low frequency reuse factor, intercell interference (ICI) becomes a major concern since the Quality of Service (QoS) is not uniformly delivered across the network, it remarkably depends on user position. Hence, cell edge performance is an important issue in LTE and LTE-A. Intercell Interference Coordination (ICIC) encompasses strategies whose goal is to keep ICI at cell edges as low as possible. This alleviates the aforementioned situation. For this reason, the novelties presented in this Ph.D. thesis include not only developments of static ICIC mechanisms for data and control channels, but also e orts towards further improvements of the energy e ciency perspective. Based on a comprehensive review of the state of the art, a set of research opportunities were identi ed. To be precise, the need for exible performance evaluation methods and optimization frameworks for static ICIC strategies. These mechanisms are grouped in two families: the schemes that de ne constraints on the frequency domain and the ones that propose adjustments on the power levels. Thus, Soft- and Fractional Frequency Reuse (SFR and FFR, respectively) are identi ed as the base of the vast majority of static ICIC proposals. Consequently, during the rst part of this Ph.D. thesis, interesting insights into the operation of SFR and FFR were identi ed beyond well-known facts. These studies allow for the development of a novel statistical framework to evaluate the performance of these schemes in realistic deployments. As a result of the analysis, the poor performance of classic con gurations of SFR and FFR in real-world contexts is shown, and hence, the need for optimization is established. In addition, the importance of the interworking between static ICIC schemes and other network functionalities such as CSI feedback has also been identi ed. Therefore, novel CSI feedback schemes, suitable to operate in conjunction with SFR and FFR, have been developed. These mechanisms exploit the resource allocation pattern of these static ICIC techniques in order to improve the accuracy of the CSI feedback process. The second part is focused on the optimization of SFR and FFR. The use of multiobjective techniques is investigated as a tool to achieve e ective network-speci c optimization. The approach o ers interesting advantages. On the one hand, it allows for simultaneous optimization of several con icting criteria. On the other hand, the multiobjective nature results in outputs composed of several high quality (Pareto e cient) network con gurations, all of them featuring a near-optimal tradeo between the performance criteria. Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms allow employing complex mathematical structures without the need for relaxation, thus capturing accurately the system behavior in terms of ICI. The multiobjective optimization formulation of the problem aims at achieving e ective adjustment of the operational parameters of SFR and FFR both at cell level and network-wide. Moreover, the research was successfully extended to the control channels, both the PDCCH and ePDCCH. Finally, in an e ort to further improve the network energy e ciency (an aspect always considered throughout the thesis), the framework of Cell Switch O (CSO), having close connections with ICIC, is also introduced. By means of the proposed method, signi cant improvements with respect to traditional approaches, baseline con gurations, and previous proposals can be achieved. The gains are obtained in terms of energy consumption, network capacity, and cell edge performance.Actualmente los sistemas 3.5 y 4G tales como Long Term Evolution (LTE) y LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) soportan servicios basados en paquetes y proporcionan acceso de banda ancha m ovil para aplicaciones que requieren elevadas tasas de transmisi on. En este contexto de r apida evoluci on, aparecen nuevos retos t ecnicos que deben ser resueltos e cientemente. El objetivo ultimo es conseguir un salto cualitativo importante en la experiencia de usuario (QoE). Con tal n, un factor clave que ha sido reconocido en las redes celulares basadas en Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) es la gesti on de interferencias. De hecho, la utilizaci on de un factor de reuso bajo permite una elevada e ciencia espectral pero a costa de una distribuci on de la calidad de servicio (QoS) que no es uniforme en la red, depende de la posici on del usuario. Por lo tanto, el rendimiento en los l mites de la celda se ve muy penalizado y es un problema importante a resolver en LTE y LTE-A. La coordinaci on de interferencias entre celdas (ICIC, del ingl es Intercell Interfe- rence Coordination) engloba las estrategias cuyo objetivo es mantener la interferencia intercelular (ICI) lo m as baja posible en los bordes de celda. Esto permite aliviar la situaci on antes mencionada. La contribuci on presentada en esta tesis doctoral incluye el dise~no de nuevos mecanismos de ICIC est atica para los canales de datos y control, as como tambi en mejoras desde el punto de vista de e ciencia energ etica. A partir de una revisi on completa del estado del arte, se identi caron una serie de retos abiertos que requer an esfuerzos de investigaci on. En concreto, la necesidad de m etodos de evaluaci on exibles y marcos de optimizaci on de las estrategias de ICIC est aticas. Estos mecanismos se agrupan en dos familias: los esquemas que de nen restricciones sobre el dominio de la frecuencia y los que proponen ajustes en los niveles de potencia. Es decir, la base de la gran mayor a de propuestas ICIC est aticas son la reutilizaci on de frecuencias de tipo soft y fraccional (SFR y FFR, respectivamente). De este modo, durante la primera parte de esta tesis doctoral, se han estudiado los aspectos m as importantes del funcionamiento de SFR y FFR, haciendo especial enfasis en las conclusiones que van m as all a de las bien conocidas. Ello ha permitido introducir un nuevo marco estad stico para evaluar el funcionamiento de estos sistemas en condiciones de despliegue reales. Como resultado de estos an alisis, se muestra el pobre desempe~no de SFR y FFR en despliegues reales cuando funcionan con sus con guraciones cl asicas y se establece la necesidad de optimizaci on. Tambi en se pone de mani esto la importancia del funcionamiento conjunto entre esquemas ICIC est aticos y otras funcionalidades de la red radio, tales como la informaci on que env an los usuarios sobre el estado de su canal downlink (feedback del CSI, del ingl es Channel State Information). De este modo, se han propuesto diferentes esquemas de feedback apropiados para trabajar conjuntamente con SFR y FFR. Estos mecanismos explotan el patr on de asignaci on de recursos que se utiliza en ICIC est atico para mejorar la precisi on del proceso. La segunda parte se centra en la optimizaci on de SFR y FFR. Se ha investigado el uso de t ecnicas multiobjetivo como herramienta para lograr una optimizaci on e caz, que es espec ca para cada red. El enfoque ofrece ventajas interesantes, por un lado, se permite la optimizaci on simult anea de varios criterios contradictorios. Por otro lado, la naturaleza multiobjetivo implica obtener como resultado con guraciones de red de elevada calidad (Pareto e cientes), todas ellas con un equilibrio casi- optimo entre las diferentes m etricas de rendimiento. Los algoritmos evolucionarios multiobjetivo permiten la utilizaci on de estructuras matem aticas complejas sin necesidad de relajar el problema, de este modo capturan adecuadamente su comportamiento en t erminos de ICI. La formulaci on multiobjetivo consigue un ajuste efectivo de los par ametros operacionales de SFR y FFR, tanto a nivel de celda como a nivel de red. Adem as, la investigaci on se extiende con resultados satisfactorios a los canales de control, PDCCH y ePDCCH. Finalmente, en un esfuerzo por mejorar la e ciencia energ etica de la red (un aspecto siempre considerado a lo largo de la tesis), se introduce en el an alisis global el apagado inteligente de celdas, estrategia con estrechos v nculos con ICIC. A trav es del m etodo propuesto, se obtienen mejoras signi cativas con respecto a los enfoques tradicionales y propuestas previas. Las ganancias se obtienen en t erminos de consumo energ etico, capacidad de la red, y rendimiento en el l mite de las celdas.Actualment els sistemes 3.5 i 4G tals com Long Term Evolution (LTE) i LTE- Advanced (LTE-A) suporten serveis basats en paquets i proporcionen acc es de banda ampla m obil per a aplicacions que requereixen elevades taxes de transmissi o. En aquest context de r apida evoluci o, apareixen nous reptes t ecnics que han de ser resolts e cientment. L'objectiu ultim es aconseguir un salt qualitatiu important en l'experi encia d'usuari (QoE). Amb tal , un factor clau que ha estat reconegut a les xarxes cel lulars basades en Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) es la gesti o d'interfer encies. De fet, la utilizaci o d'un factor de re us baix permet una elevada e ci encia espectral per o a costa d'una distribuci o de la qualitat de servei (QoS) que no es uniforme a la xarxa, dep en de la posici o de l'usuari. Per tant, el rendiment en els l mits de la cel la es veu molt penalitzat i es un problema important a resoldre en LTE i LTE-A. La coordinaci o d'interfer encies entre cel les (ICIC, de l'angl es Intercell Interfe- rence Coordination) engloba les estrat egies que tenen com a objectiu mantenir la interfer encia intercel lular (ICI) el m es baixa possible en les vores de la cel la. Aix o permet alleujar la situaci o abans esmentada. La contribuci o presentada en aquesta tesi doctoral inclou el disseny de nous mecanismes de ICIC est atica per als canals de dades i control, aix com tamb e millores des del punt de vista d'e ci encia energ etica. A partir d'una revisi o completa de l'estat de l'art, es van identi car una s erie de reptes oberts que requerien esfor cos de recerca. En concret, la necessitat de m etodes d'avaluaci o exibles i marcs d'optimitzaci o de les estrat egies de ICIC est atiques. Aquests mecanismes s'agrupen en dues fam lies: els esquemes que de neixen restriccions sobre el domini de la freq u encia i els que proposen ajustos en els nivells de pot encia. Es a dir, la base de la gran majoria de propostes ICIC est atiques s on la reutilitzaci o de freq u encies de tipus soft i fraccional (SFR i FFR, respectivament). D'aquesta manera, durant la primera part d'aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han estudiat els aspectes m es importants del funcionament de SFR i FFR, fent especial emfasi en les conclusions que van m es enll a de les ben conegudes. Aix o ha perm es introduir un nou marc estad stic per avaluar el funcionament d'aquests sistemes en condicions de desplegament reals. Com a resultat d'aquestes an alisis, es mostra el pobre acompliment de SFR i FFR en desplegaments reals quan funcionen amb les seves con guracions cl assiques i s'estableix la necessitat d'optimitzaci o. Tamb e es posa de manifest la import ancia del funcionament conjunt entre esquemes ICIC est atics i altres funcionalitats de la xarxa radio, tals com la informaci o que envien els usuaris sobre l'estat del seu canal downlink (feedback del CSI, de l'angl es Channel State Information). D'aquesta manera, s'han proposat diferents esquemes de feedback apropiats per treballar conjuntament amb SFR i FFR. Aquests mecanismes exploten el patr o d'assignaci o de recursos que s'utilitza en ICIC est atic per millorar la precisi o del proc es. La segona part se centra en l'optimitzaci o de SFR i FFR. S'ha investigat l' us de t ecniques multiobjectiu com a eina per aconseguir una optimitzaci o e ca c, que es espec ca per a cada xarxa. L'enfocament ofereix avantatges interessants, d'una banda, es permet l'optimitzaci o simult ania de diversos criteris contradictoris. D'altra banda, la naturalesa multiobjectiu implica obtenir com resultat con guracions de xarxa d'elevada qualitat (Pareto e cients), totes elles amb un equilibri gaireb e optim entre les diferents m etriques de rendiment. Els algorismes evolucionaris multiobjectiu permeten la utilitzaci o d'estructures matem atiques complexes sense necessitat de relaxar el problema, d'aquesta manera capturen adequadament el seu comportament en termes de ICI. La formulaci o multiobjectiu aconsegueix un ajust efectiu dels par ametres operacionals de SFR i FFR, tant a nivell de cel la com a nivell de xarxa. A m es, la recerca s'est en amb resultats satisfactoris als canals de control, PDCCH i ePDCCH. Finalment, en un esfor c per millorar l'e ci encia energ etica de la xarxa (un aspecte sempre considerat al llarg de la tesi), s'introdueix en l'an alisi global l'apagat intel ligent de cel les, estrat egia amb estrets vincles amb ICIC. Mitjan cant el m etode proposat, s'obtenen millores signi catives pel que fa als enfocaments tradicionals i propostes pr evies. Els guanys s'obtenen en termes de consum energ etic, capacitat de la xarxa, i rendiment en el l mit de les cel les

    Energy efficiency and interference management in long term evolution-advanced networks.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Cellular networks are continuously undergoing fast extraordinary evolution to overcome technological challenges. The fourth generation (4G) or Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) networks offer improvements in performance through increase in network density, while allowing self-organisation and self-healing. The LTE-Advanced architecture is heterogeneous, consisting of different radio access technologies (RATs), such as macrocell, smallcells, cooperative relay nodes (RNs), having various capabilities, and coexisting in the same geographical coverage area. These network improvements come with different challenges that affect users’ quality of service (QoS) and network performance. These challenges include; interference management, high energy consumption and poor coverage of marginal users. Hence, developing mitigation schemes for these identified challenges is the focus of this thesis. The exponential growth of mobile broadband data usage and poor networks’ performance along the cell edges, result in a large increase of the energy consumption for both base stations (BSs) and users. This due to improper RN placement or deployment that creates severe inter-cell and intracell interferences in the networks. It is therefore, necessary to investigate appropriate RN placement techniques which offer efficient coverage extension while reducing energy consumption and mitigating interference in LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. This work proposes energy efficient and optimal RN placement (EEORNP) algorithm based on greedy algorithm to assure improved and effective coverage extension. The performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated in terms of coverage percentage and number of RN needed to cover marginalised users and found to outperform other RN placement schemes. Transceiver design has gained importance as one of the effective tools of interference management. Centralised transceiver design techniques have been used to improve network performance for LTE-Advanced networks in terms of mean square error (MSE), bit error rate (BER) and sum-rate. The centralised transceiver design techniques are not effective and computationally feasible for distributed cooperative heterogeneous networks, the systems considered in this thesis. This work proposes decentralised transceivers design based on the least-square (LS) and minimum MSE (MMSE) pilot-aided channel estimations for interference management in uplink LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. The decentralised transceiver algorithms are designed for the femtocells, the macrocell user equipments (MUEs), RNs and the cell edge macrocell UEs (CUEs) in the half-duplex cooperative relaying systems. The BER performances of the proposed algorithms with the effect of channel estimation are investigated. Finally, the EE optimisation is investigated in half-duplex multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) relay systems. The EE optimisation is divided into sub-optimal EE problems due to the distributed architecture of the MU-MIMO relay systems. The decentralised approach is employed to design the transceivers such as MUEs, CUEs, RN and femtocells for the different sub-optimal EE problems. The EE objective functions are formulated as convex optimisation problems subject to the QoS and transmit powers constraints in case of perfect channel state information (CSI). The non-convexity of the formulated EE optimisation problems is surmounted by introducing the EE parameter substractive function into each proposed algorithms. These EE parameters are updated using the Dinkelbach’s algorithm. The EE optimisation of the proposed algorithms is achieved after finding the optimal transceivers where the unknown interference terms in the transmit signals are designed with the zero-forcing (ZF) assumption and estimation errors are added to improve the EE performances. With the aid of simulation results, the performance of the proposed decentralised schemes are derived in terms of average EE evaluation and found to be better than existing algorithms

    Novel feedback and signalling mechanisms for interference management and efficient modulation

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    In order to meet the ever-growing demand for mobile data, a number of different technologies have been adopted by the fourth generation standardization bodies. These include multiple access schemes such as spatial division multiple access (SDMA), and efficient modulation techniques such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based modulation. The specific objectives of this theses are to develop an effective feedback method for interference management in smart antenna SDMA systems and to design an efficient OFDM-based modulation technique, where an additional dimension is added to the conventional two-dimensional modulation techniques such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). In SDMA time division duplex (TDD) systems, where channel reciprocity is maintained, uplink (UL) channel sounding method is considered as one of the most promising feedback methods due to its bandwidth and delay efficiency. Conventional channel sounding (CCS) only conveys the channel state information (CSI) of each active user to the base station (BS). Due to the limitation in system performance because of co-channel interference (CCI) from adjacent cells in interference-limited scenarios, CSI is only a suboptimal metric for multiuser spatial multiplexing optimization. The first major contribution of this theses is a novel interference feedback method proposed to provide the BS with implicit knowledge about the interference level received by each mobile station (MS). More specifically, it is proposed to weight the conventional channel sounding pilots by the level of the experienced interference at the user’s side. Interference-weighted channel sounding (IWCS) acts as a spectrally efficient feedback technique that provides the BS with implicit knowledge about CCI experienced by each MS, and significantly improves the downlink (DL) sum capacity for both greedy and fair scheduling policies. For the sake of completeness, a novel procedure is developed to make the IWCS pilots usable for UL optimization. It is proposed to divide the optimization metric obtained from the IWCS pilots by the interference experienced at the BS’s antennas. The resultant new metric, the channel gain divided by the multiplication of DL and UL interference, provides link-protection awareness and is used to optimize both UL and DL. Using maximum capacity scheduling criterion, the link-protection aware metric results in a gain in the median system sum capacity of 26.7% and 12.5% in DL and UL respectively compared to the case when conventional channel sounding techniques are used. Moreover, heuristic algorithm has been proposed in order to facilitate a practical optimization and to reduce the computational complexity. The second major contribution of this theses is an innovative transmission approach, referred to as subcarrier-index modulation (SIM), which is proposed to be integrated with OFDM. The key idea of SIM is to employ the subcarrier-index to convey information to the receiver. Furthermore, a closed-form analytical bit error ratio (BER) of SIM OFDM in Rayleigh channel is derived. Simulation results show BER performance gain of 4 dB over 4-QAM OFDM for both coded and uncoded data without power saving policy. Alternatively, power saving policy maintains an average gain of 1 dB while only using half OFDM symbol transmit power

    D13.2 Techniques and performance analysis on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.2 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the status of the research work of the various Joint Research Activities (JRA) in WP1.3 and the results that were developed up to the second year of the project. For each activity there is a description, an illustration of the adherence to and relevance with the identified fundamental open issues, a short presentation of the main results, and a roadmap for the future joint research. In the Annex, for each JRA, the main technical details on specific scientific activities are described in detail.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Interference mitigation and interference avoidance for cellular OFDMA-TDD networks

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    In recent years, cellular systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access – time division duplex (OFDMA-TDD) have gained considerable popularity. Two of the major reasons for this are, on the one hand, that OFDMA enables the receiver to effectively cope with multipath propagation while keeping the complexity low. On the other hand, TDD offers efficient support for cell-specific uplink (UL)/downlink (DL) asymmetry demands by allowing each cell to independently set its UL/DL switching point (SP). However, cell-independent SP gives rise to crossed slots. In particular, crossed slots arise when neighbouring cells use the same slot in opposing link directions, resulting in base station (BS)-to-BS interference and mobile station (MS)-to-MS interference. BS-to-BS interference, in particular, can be quite detrimental due to the exposed location of BSs, which leads to high probability of line-of-sight (LOS) conditions. The aim of this thesis is to address the BS-to-BS interference problem in OFDMA-TDDcellular networks. A simulation-based approach is used to demonstrate the severity of BS-to-BS interference and a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) equation for OFDMA is formulated to aid system performance analysis. The detrimental effects of crossed slot interference in OFDMA-TDD cellular networks are highlighted by comparing methods specifically targeting the crossed slots interference problem. In particular, the interference avoidance method fixed slot allocation (FSA) is compared against state of the art interference mitigation approaches, viz: random time slot opposing (RTSO) and zone division (ZD). The comparison is done based on Monte Carlo simulations and the main comparison metric is spectral efficiency calculated using the SINR equation formulated in this thesis. The simulation results demonstrate that when LOS conditions among BSs are present, both RTSO and ZD perform worse than FSA for all considered performance metrics. It is concluded from the results that current interference mitigation techniques do not offer an effective solution to the BS-to-BS interference problem. Hence, new interference avoidance methods, which unlike FSA, do not sacrifice the advantages of TDD are open research issues addressed in this thesis. The major contribution of this thesis is a novel cooperative resource balancing technique that offers a solution to the crossed slot problem. The novel concept, termed asymmetry balancing, is targeted towards next-generation cellular systems, envisaged to have ad hoc and multi-hop capabilities. Asymmetry balancing completely avoids crossed slots by keeping the TDD SPs synchronised among BSs. At the same time, the advantages of TDD are retained, which is enabled by introducing cooperation among the entities in the network. If a cell faces resource shortage in one link direction, while having free resources in the opposite link direction, the free resources can be used to support the overloaded link direction. In particular, traffic can be offloaded to near-by mobile stations at neighbouring cells that have available resources. To model the gains attained with asymmetry balancing, a mathematical framework is developed which is verified by Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, asymmetry balancing is compared against both ZD and FSA based on simulations and the results demonstrate the superior performance of asymmetry balancing. It can be concluded that the novel interference avoidance approach is a very promising candidate t

    Performance evaluation of future wireless networks: node cooperation and aerial networks

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    Perhaps future historians will only refer to this era as the \emph{information age}, and will recognize it as a paramount milestone in mankind progress. One of the main pillars of this age is the ability to transmit and communicate information effectively and reliably, where wireless radio technology became one of the most vital enablers for such communication. A growth in radio communication demand is notably accelerating in a never-resting pace, pausing a great challenge not only on service providers but also on researches and innovators to explore out-of-the-box technologies. These challenges are mainly related to providing faster data communication over seamless, reliable and cost efficient wireless network, given the limited availability of physical radio resources, and taking into consideration the environmental impact caused by the increasing energy consumption. Traditional wireless communication is usually deployed in a cellular manner, where fixed base stations coordinate radio resources and play the role of an intermediate data handler. The concept of cellular networks and hotspots is widely adopted as the current stable scheme of wireless communication. However in many situations this fixed infrastructure could be impaired with severe damages caused by natural disasters, or could suffer congestions and traffic blockage. In addition to the fact that in the current networks any mobile-to-mobile data sessions should pass through the serving base station that might cause unnecessary energy consumption. In order to enhance the performance and reliability of future wireless networks and to reduce its environmental footprint, we explore two complementary concepts: the first is node cooperation and the second is aerial networks. With the ability of wireless nodes to cooperate lays two main possible opportunities; one is the ability of the direct delivery of information between the communicating nodes without relaying traffic through the serving base station, thus reducing energy consumption and alleviating traffic congestion. A second opportunity would be that one of the nodes helps a farther one by relaying its traffic towards the base station, thus extending network coverage and reliability. Both schemes can introduce significant energy saving and can enhance the overall availability of wireless networks in case of natural disasters. In addition to node cooperation, a complementary technology to explore is the \emph{aerial networks} where base stations are airborne on aerial platforms such as airships, UAVs or blimps. Aerial networks can provide a rapidly deployable coverage for remote areas or regions afflicted by natural disasters or even to patch surge traffic demand in public events. Where node cooperation can be implemented to complement both regular terrestrial coverage and to complement aerial networks. In this research, we explore these two complementary technologies, from both an experimental approach and from an analytic approach. From the experimental perspective we shed the light on the radio channel properties that is hosting terrestrial node cooperation and air-to-ground communication, namely we utilize both simulation results and practical measurements to formulate radio propagation models for device-to-device communication and for air-to-ground links. Furthermore we investigate radio spectrum availability for node cooperation in different urban environment, by conductive extensive mobile measurement survey. Within the experimental approach, we also investigate a novel concept of temporary cognitive femtocell network as an applied solution for public safety communication networks during the aftermath of a natural disaster. While from the analytical perspective, we utilize mathematical tools from stochastic geometry to formulate novel analytical methodologies, explaining some of the most important theoretical boundaries of the achievable enhancements in network performance promised by node cooperation. We start by determining the estimated coverage and rate received by mobile users from convectional cellular networks and from aerial platforms. After that we optimize this coverage and rate ensuring that relay nodes and users can fully exploit their coverage efficiently. We continue by analytically quantifying the cellular network performance during massive infrastructure failure, where some nodes play the role of low-power relays forming multi-hop communication links to assist farther nodes outside the reach of the healthy network coverage. In addition, we lay a mathematical framework for estimating the energy saving of a mediating relay assisting a pair of wireless devices, where we derive closed-form expressions for describing the geometrical zone where relaying is energy efficient. Furthermore, we introduce a novel analytic approach in analyzing the energy consumption of aerial-backhauled wireless nodes on ground fields through the assistance of an aerial base station, the novel mathematical framework is based on Mat\'{e}rn hard-core point process. Then we shed the light on the points interacting of these point processes quantifying their main properties. Throughout this thesis we relay on verifying the analytic results and formulas against computer simulations using Monte-Carlo analysis. We also present practical numerical examples to reflect the usefulness of the presented methodologies and results in real life scenarios. Most of the work presented in this dissertation was published in-part or as a whole in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, or otherwise currently undergoing a review process. These publications are highlighted and identified in the course of this thesis. Finally, we wish the reader to enjoy exploring the journey of this thesis, and hope it will add more understanding to the promising new technologies of aerial networks and node cooperation

    Interference-robust Air Interface for 5G Small Cells:Managing inter-cell interference with advanced receivers and rank adaption

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    Potentzia domeinuko NOMA 5G sareetarako eta haratago

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    Tesis inglés 268 p. -- Tesis euskera 274 p.During the last decade, the amount of data carried over wireless networks has grown exponentially. Several reasons have led to this situation, but the most influential ones are the massive deployment of devices connected to the network and the constant evolution in the services offered. In this context, 5G targets the correct implementation of every application integrated into the use cases. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge to make ITU-R defined cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC) a reality is the improvement in spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this thesis, a combination of two mechanisms is proposed to improve spectral efficiency: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. Specifically, NOMA transmits simultaneously several layered data flows so that the whole bandwidth is used throughout the entire time to deliver more than one service simultaneously. Then, RRM schemes provide efficient management and distribution of radio resources among network users. Although NOMA techniques and RRM schemes can be very advantageous in all use cases, this thesis focuses on making contributions in eMBB and URLLC environments and proposing solutions to communications that are expected to be relevant in 6G