966 research outputs found

    Optimal selection of resampling methods for imbalanced data with high complexity

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    Class imbalance is a major problem in classification, wherein the decision boundary is easily biased toward the majority class. A data-level solution (resampling) is one possible solution to this problem. However, several studies have shown that resampling methods can deteriorate the classification performance. This is because of the overgeneralization problem, which occurs when samples produced by the oversampling technique that should be represented in the minority class domain are introduced into the majority-class domain. This study shows that the overgeneralization problem is aggravated in complex data settings and introduces two alternate approaches to mitigate it. The first approach involves incorporating a filtering method into oversampling. The second approach is to apply undersampling. The main objective of this study is to provide guidance on selecting optimal resampling methods in imbalanced and complex datasets to improve classification performance. Simulation studies and real data analyses were performed to compare the resampling results in various scenarios with different complexities, imbalances, and sample sizes. In the case of noncomplex datasets, undersampling was found to be optimal. However, in the case of complex datasets, applying a filtering method to delete misallocated examples was optimal. In conclusion, this study can aid researchers in selecting the optimal method for resampling complex datasets. Copyright: © 2023 Kim, Jung. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.ope

    Risk Analytics in Econometrics

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    [eng] This thesis addresses the framework of risk analytics as a compendium of four main pillars: (i) big data, (ii) intensive programming, (iii) advanced analytics and machine learning, and (iv) risk analysis. Under the latter mainstay, this PhD dissertation reviews potential hazards known as “extreme events” that could negatively impact the wellbeing of people, profitability of firms, or the economic stability of a country, but which also have been underestimated or incorrectly treated by traditional modelling techniques. The objective of this thesis is to develop econometric and machine learning algorithms that can improve the predictive capacity of those extreme events and improve the comprehension of the phenomena contrary to some modern advanced methods which are black boxes in terms of interpretation. This thesis presents seven chapters that provide a methodological contribution to the existing literature by building techniques that transform the new valuable insights of big data into more accurate predictions that support decisions under risk, and increase robustness for more reliable and real results. This PhD thesis focuses uniquely on extremal events which are trigged into a binary variable, mostly known as class-imbalanced data and rare events in binary response, in other words, whose classes that are not equally distributed. The scope of research tackle real cases studies in the field of risk and insurance, where it is highly important to specify a level of claims of an event in order to foresee its impact and to provide a personalized treatment. After Chapter 1 corresponding to the introduction, Chapter 2 proposes a weighting mechanism to incorporated in the weighted likelihood estimation of a generalized linear model to improve the predictive performance of the highest and lowest deciles of prediction. Chapter 3 proposes two different weighting procedures for a logistic regression model with complex survey data or specific sampling designed data. Its objective is to control the randomness of data and provide more sensitivity to the estimated model. Chapter 4 proposes a rigorous review of trials with modern and classical predictive methods to uncover and discuss the efficiency of certain methods over others, and which and how gaps in machine learning literature can be addressed efficiently. Chapter 5 proposes a novel boosting-based method that overcomes certain existing methods in terms of predictive accuracy and also, recovers some interpretation of the model with imbalanced data. Chapter 6 develops another boosting-based algorithm which is able to improve the predictive capacity of rare events and get approximated as a generalized linear model in terms of interpretation. And finally, Chapter 7 includes the conclusions and final remarks. The present thesis highlights the importance of developing alternative modelling algorithms that reduces uncertainty, especially when there are potential limitations that impede to know all the previous factors that influence on the presence of a rare event or imbalanced-data phenomenon. This thesis merges two important approaches in modelling predictive literature as they are: “econometrics” and “machine learning”. All in all, this thesis contributes to enhance the methodology of how empirical analysis in many experimental and non-experimental sciences have being doing so far

    Building well-performing classifier ensembles: model and decision level combination.

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    There is a continuing drive for better, more robust generalisation performance from classification systems, and prediction systems in general. Ensemble methods, or the combining of multiple classifiers, have become an accepted and successful tool for doing this, though the reasons for success are not always entirely understood. In this thesis, we review the multiple classifier literature and consider the properties an ensemble of classifiers - or collection of subsets - should have in order to be combined successfully. We find that the framework of Stochastic Discrimination provides a well-defined account of these properties, which are shown to be strongly encouraged in a number of the most popular/successful methods in the literature via differing algorithmic devices. This uncovers some interesting and basic links between these methods, and aids understanding of their success and operation in terms of a kernel induced on the training data, with form particularly well suited to classification. One property that is desirable in both the SD framework and in a regression context, the ambiguity decomposition of the error, is de-correlation of individuals. This motivates the introduction of the Negative Correlation Learning method, in which neural networks are trained in parallel in a way designed to encourage de-correlation of the individual networks. The training is controlled by a parameter λ governing the extent to which correlations are penalised. Theoretical analysis of the dynamics of training results in an exact expression for the interval in which we can choose λ while ensuring stability of the training, and a value λ∗ for which the training has some interesting optimality properties. These values depend only on the size N of the ensemble. Decision level combination methods often result in a difficult to interpret model, and NCL is no exception. However in some applications, there is a need for understandable decisions and interpretable models. In response to this, we depart from the standard decision level combination paradigm to introduce a number of model level combination methods. As decision trees are one of the most interpretable model structures used in classification, we chose to combine structure from multiple individual trees to build a single combined model. We show that extremely compact, well performing models can be built in this way. In particular, a generalisation of bottom-up pruning to a multiple-tree context produces good results in this regard. Finally, we develop a classification system for a real-world churn prediction problem, illustrating some of the concepts introduced in the thesis, and a number of more practical considerations which are of importance when developing a prediction system for a specific problem

    Learning from limited labeled data - Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning

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    Human beings have the remarkable ability to recognize novel visual concepts after observing only few or zero examples of them. Deep learning, however, often requires a large amount of labeled data to achieve a good performance. Labeled instances are expensive, difficult and even infeasible to obtain because the distribution of training instances among labels naturally exhibits a long tail. Therefore, it is of great interest to investigate how to learn efficiently from limited labeled data. This thesis concerns an important subfield of learning from limited labeled data, namely, low-shot learning. The setting assumes the availability of many labeled examples from known classes and the goal is to learn novel classes from only a few~(few-shot learning) or zero~(zero-shot learning) training examples of them. To this end, we have developed a series of multi-modal learning approaches to facilitate the knowledge transfer from known classes to novel classes for a wide range of visual recognition tasks including image classification, semantic image segmentation and video action recognition. More specifically, this thesis mainly makes the following contributions. First, as there is no agreed upon zero-shot image classification benchmark, we define a new benchmark by unifying both the evaluation protocols and data splits of publicly available datasets. Second, in order to tackle the labeled data scarcity, we propose feature generation frameworks that synthesize data in the visual feature space for novel classes. Third, we extend zero-shot learning and few-shot learning to the semantic segmentation task and propose a challenging benchmark for it. We show that incorporating semantic information into a semantic segmentation network is effective in segmenting novel classes. Finally, we develop better video representation for the few-shot video classification task and leverage weakly-labeled videos by an efficient retrieval method.Menschen haben die bemerkenswerte FĂ€higkeit, neuartige visuelle Konzepte zu erkennen, nachdem sie nur wenige oder gar keine Beispiele davon beobachtet haben. Tiefes Lernen erfordert jedoch oft eine große Menge an beschrifteten Daten, um eine gute Leistung zu erzielen. Etikettierte Instanzen sind teuer, schwierig und sogar undurchfĂŒhrbar, weil die Verteilung der Trainingsinstanzen auf die Etiketten naturgemĂ€ĂŸ einen langen Schwanz aufweist. Daher ist es von großem Interesse zu untersuchen, wie man effizient aus begrenzten gelabelten Daten lernen kann. Diese These betrifft einen wichtigen Teilbereich des Lernens aus begrenzt gelabelten Daten, nĂ€mlich das Low-Shot-Lernen. Das Setting setzt die VerfĂŒgbarkeit vieler gelabelter Beispiele aus bekannten Klassen voraus, und das Ziel ist es, neuartige Klassen aus nur wenigen (few-shot learning) oder null (zero-shot learning) Trainingsbeispielen davon zu lernen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir eine Reihe von multimodalen LernansĂ€tzen entwickelt, um den Wissenstransfer von bekannten Klassen zu neuartigen Klassen fĂŒr ein breites Spektrum von visuellen Erkennungsaufgaben zu erleichtern, darunter Bildklassifizierung, semantische Bildsegmentierung und Videoaktionserkennung. Genauer gesagt, leistet diese Arbeit hauptsĂ€chlich die folgenden BeitrĂ€ge. Da es keinen vereinbarten Benchmark fĂŒr die Zero-Shot- Bildklassifikation gibt, definieren wir zunĂ€chst einen neuen Benchmark, indem wir sowohl die Evaluierungsprotokolle als auch die Datensplits öffentlich zugĂ€nglicher DatensĂ€tze vereinheitlichen. Zweitens schlagen wir zur BewĂ€ltigung der etikettierten Datenknappheit einen Rahmen fĂŒr die Generierung von Merkmalen vor, der Daten im visuellen Merkmalsraum fĂŒr neuartige Klassen synthetisiert. Drittens dehnen wir das Zero-Shot-Lernen und das few-Shot-Lernen auf die semantische Segmentierungsaufgabe aus und schlagen dafĂŒr einen anspruchsvollen Benchmark vor. Wir zeigen, dass die Einbindung semantischer Informationen in ein semantisches Segmentierungsnetz bei der Segmentierung neuartiger Klassen effektiv ist. Schließlich entwickeln wir eine bessere Videodarstellung fĂŒr die Klassifizierungsaufgabe ”few-shot video” und nutzen schwach markierte Videos durch eine effiziente Abrufmethode.Max Planck Institute Informatic

    Click Fraud Detection in Online and In-app Advertisements: A Learning Based Approach

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    Click Fraud is the fraudulent act of clicking on pay-per-click advertisements to increase a site’s revenue, to drain revenue from the advertiser, or to inflate the popularity of content on social media platforms. In-app advertisements on mobile platforms are among the most common targets for click fraud, which makes companies hesitant to advertise their products. Fraudulent clicks are supposed to be caught by ad providers as part of their service to advertisers, which is commonly done using machine learning methods. However: (1) there is a lack of research in current literature addressing and evaluating the different techniques of click fraud detection and prevention, (2) threat models composed of active learning systems (smart attackers) can mislead the training process of the fraud detection model by polluting the training data, (3) current deep learning models have significant computational overhead, (4) training data is often in an imbalanced state, and balancing it still results in noisy data that can train the classifier incorrectly, and (5) datasets with high dimensionality cause increased computational overhead and decreased classifier correctness -- while existing feature selection techniques address this issue, they have their own performance limitations. By extending the state-of-the-art techniques in the field of machine learning, this dissertation provides the following solutions: (i) To address (1) and (2), we propose a hybrid deep-learning-based model which consists of an artificial neural network, auto-encoder and semi-supervised generative adversarial network. (ii) As a solution for (3), we present Cascaded Forest and Extreme Gradient Boosting with less hyperparameter tuning. (iii) To overcome (4), we propose a row-wise data reduction method, KSMOTE, which filters out noisy data samples both in the raw data and the synthetically generated samples. (iv) For (5), we propose different column-reduction methods such as multi-time-scale Time Series analysis for fraud forecasting, using binary labeled imbalanced datasets and hybrid filter-wrapper feature selection approaches

    Novel techniques of computational intelligence for analysis of astronomical structures

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    Gravitational forces cause the formation and evolution of a variety of cosmological structures. The detailed investigation and study of these structures is a crucial step towards our understanding of the universe. This thesis provides several solutions for the detection and classification of such structures. In the first part of the thesis, we focus on astronomical simulations, and we propose two algorithms to extract stellar structures. Although they follow different strategies (while the first one is a downsampling method, the second one keeps all samples), both techniques help to build more effective probabilistic models. In the second part, we consider observational data, and the goal is to overcome some of the common challenges in observational data such as noisy features and imbalanced classes. For instance, when not enough examples are present in the training set, two different strategies are used: a) nearest neighbor technique and b) outlier detection technique. In summary, both parts of the thesis show the effectiveness of automated algorithms in extracting valuable information from astronomical databases

    Review of feature selection techniques in Parkinson's disease using OCT-imaging data

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    Several spectral-domain optical coherence tomography studies (OCT) reported a decrease on the macular region of the retina in Parkinson’s disease. Yet, the implication of retinal thinning with visual disability is still unclear. Macular scans acquired from patients with Parkinson’s disease (n = 100) and a control group (n = 248) were used to train several supervised classification models. The goal was to determine the most relevant retinal layers and regions for diagnosis, for which univari- ate and multivariate filter and wrapper feature selection methods were used. In addition, we evaluated the classification ability of the patient group to assess the applicability of OCT measurements as a biomarker of the disease

    Building well-performing classifier ensembles : model and decision level combination

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    There is a continuing drive for better, more robust generalisation performance from classification systems, and prediction systems in general. Ensemble methods, or the combining of multiple classifiers, have become an accepted and successful tool for doing this, though the reasons for success are not always entirely understood. In this thesis, we review the multiple classifier literature and consider the properties an ensemble of classifiers - or collection of subsets - should have in order to be combined successfully. We find that the framework of Stochastic Discrimination provides a well-defined account of these properties, which are shown to be strongly encouraged in a number of the most popular/successful methods in the literature via differing algorithmic devices. This uncovers some interesting and basic links between these methods, and aids understanding of their success and operation in terms of a kernel induced on the training data, with form particularly well suited to classification. One property that is desirable in both the SD framework and in a regression context, the ambiguity decomposition of the error, is de-correlation of individuals. This motivates the introduction of the Negative Correlation Learning method, in which neural networks are trained in parallel in a way designed to encourage de-correlation of the individual networks. The training is controlled by a parameter λ governing the extent to which correlations are penalised. Theoretical analysis of the dynamics of training results in an exact expression for the interval in which we can choose λ while ensuring stability of the training, and a value λ∗ for which the training has some interesting optimality properties. These values depend only on the size N of the ensemble. Decision level combination methods often result in a difficult to interpret model, and NCL is no exception. However in some applications, there is a need for understandable decisions and interpretable models. In response to this, we depart from the standard decision level combination paradigm to introduce a number of model level combination methods. As decision trees are one of the most interpretable model structures used in classification, we chose to combine structure from multiple individual trees to build a single combined model. We show that extremely compact, well performing models can be built in this way. In particular, a generalisation of bottom-up pruning to a multiple-tree context produces good results in this regard. Finally, we develop a classification system for a real-world churn prediction problem, illustrating some of the concepts introduced in the thesis, and a number of more practical considerations which are of importance when developing a prediction system for a specific problem.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
