34 research outputs found

    The IPTS Report No. 47, September 2000

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    adding intelligence to a smartphone application prototype for exchaniging public transport information among travellers

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    O crescente número de carros privados em áreas urbanas está a contribuir para o o crescimento de problemas de mobilidade urbana. Assim, a necessidade de expandir a utilização de transportes públicos é iminente, e uma das principais decisões a ser feita centra-se em melhorar a experiência de viagem do utilizador. Ao mesmo tempo, a massificação do uso das redes sociais e o crescimento do número de smartphones utilizados está a mudar a forma como trocamos informação e a cada dia a mobilidade da comunicação é menos um problema. O aumentar de utilizadores ligados a redes sociais dentro dos transportes públicos durante a sua viagem permite-lhes partilhar em tempo real informação acerca da sua viagem. Esta informação pode ser útil para outros utilizadores, dando conhecimento relevante que pode influenciar o seu comportamento, e para os administradores de empresas de transportes, providenciando informação fiável que pode ser útil para tomadas de decisão. Percebendo melhor os padrões de viagem dos viajantes e as semelhanças com as rotinas de outros, a relevância e eficiência da informação partilhada em transportes públicos pode ser altamente melhorada. Ao mesmo tempo, o comportamento do utilizador pode ser percebido com esta informação, permitindo a identificação de um perfil de viagem. No contexto deste problema, esta dissertação tem como alvo propor a implementação de algoritmos que identifiquem padrões de viagem em utilizadores de transportes públicos, permitindo assim a partilha de informação com melhor de eficiência e relevância. Estes objectivos são atingidos inferindo destinos de viagens dos utilizadores e prevendo futuras viagens com base nestas inferências, utilizando os seus dados de viagem, modelando assim padrões de viagem e criando redes de utilizadores cujas rotinas são semelhantes. Estes resultados levarão ao melhoramento de um protótipo existente duma aplicação para smartphones existente para troca de informação relacionada com transportes públicos entre utilizadores, que foi desenvolvida previamente no contexto do mesmo projecto. Irá permitir aos utilizadores conectar-se automaticamente com outros viajantes com rotinas semelhantes, obtendo e partilhando informação relevante à sua rota actual ou prevista futura viagem.The increasing number of private owned cars in urban areas is contributing to the increase of urban mobility problems. Thus, the need for expanding of the public transport utilization is imminent, and one of the main decisions to be made centres in improving the traveller's experience. At the same time, the massification of the social networks' use and the increase on the number of smartphones available is changing the way we share information and everyday the mobility of the user is less of a problem. The increase of users in public transports connected to social networks in their journey allows them to share in real time information regarding their travel. This information can be useful to other users, giving relevant knowledge that can influence behaviour, and to the transport company managers, providing reliable data to be used on decision making. With a better understanding of the travellers' travel patterns and the similarities with other travellers' routines, the relevance and efficiency of the information shared in a public transport can be largely improved. At the same time, the behaviour of the user can be understood with this information, providing the identification of an unique user profile. In the context of this problem, this dissertation aims to propose the implementation of algorithms that identifies travel patterns of public transport users, which allows the sharing of information with improved efficiency and relevance. These goals are achieved by inferring travellers' destinations and predicting future travels, modelling travel patterns and creating networks of users who share similar travel routines. The results of this work will improve an existing prototype of a smartphone application for the exchange of public transport related information between travellers that was developed in the context of the same project. It will allow users to automatically connect with travellers with similar routines to get and share relevant information to their current or predicted future travel

    The IPTS Report No. 47, September 2000

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    Creation of value with open source software in the telecommunications field

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    estudo exploratório

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    O presente estudo pretende ser uma reflexão exploratória sobre a emergência dos serviços de pagamento através de dispositivos móveis. O tema do pagamento é novo em Portugal, e não obstante a grande adesão a inúmeras outras competências proporcionadas pela adesão aos smartphones. Estando o fenómeno numa fase de implementação embrionária considerámos que uma abordagem qualitativa melhor se adequava ao seu estudo. Assim o presente trabalho consiste numa revisão de literatura descrevendo o estado da arte que articula com uma recolha de entrevistas e e posterior análise. Com este trabalho podemos concluir que o fenómeno de pagamentos móveis requer ainda comunicação e vontade institucional dos vários intervenientes que ajude a sua disseminação e promova uma maior aceitaçãoThe present study intends to be an exploratory reflection on the emergency Payment Services through the Mobile Devices. The theme of the payment in novel in Portugal despite the great increase in the number of other provided competencies provided by adherence to the smartphone. Being one phenomenon at an early implementation phase we believe that a qualitative approach is the suited approach for this study suited to their study. Thus the present work is a literature review describing the state of the art that articulates with a collection of interviews and further analysis. With this work we can conclude that the phenomenon of mobile payments also requires communication and institutional willingness of various stakeholders to help its spread and promote greater acceptance

    Business plan of a sensorial museum

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    This thesis consists on the creation of a sensorial museum - IMMERSIVUS -, located in the city of Lisbon through the rehabilitation of an existing industrial pavilion at Beato Creative Hub. The museum’s goal is to provide an innovative video-mapping service featuring immersive exhibits using technologic components. Over the last years, the tourism sector has been growing in importance in the Portuguese economy, with a significant increase in tourist arrivals in Portugal. The dynamics of Tourism in Portugal has allowed more revenue and job creation. Tourist demand (consumption by foreigners and residents) rose to €26,700 million in 2017, which represents a 14.50% growth over the previous year (INE). These forecasts are favourable to the implementation of this business plan. To understand the attractiveness of the market, the business plan begins by presenting an analysis of the mediate environment and the market, focusing on the cultural entertainment industry and the current competition in Lisbon. Subsequently an internal analysis is presented to define the museum’s target audience as well as the strategy to follow. To finish, the resources and investments necessary for the implementation and operation of the museum are identified and quantified, followed by an economic and financial analysis that evaluates the viability of the project. Based on the study carried out in this business plan and the financial-economic analysis of the project for the period of 10 years, it is concluded that there is feasibility for the progress of the presented project.A presente tese consiste na criação de um museu sensorial - IMMERSIVUS -, localizado na cidade de Lisboa através da reabilitação de um pavilhão existente na Hub Criativo do Beato. O objetivo do museu é oferecer um serviço inovador de vídeo-mapping, apresentando exibições imersivas com recurso a componentes tecnológicas. Nos últimos anos, o sector do turismo tem vindo a registar uma crescente importância na economia, verificando-se um aumento significativo de entradas de turistas em Portugal. A dinâmica do turismo em Portugal tem permitido mais receitas e a criação de postos de trabalho. A procura turística (consumo por parte de estrangeiros e residentes) subiu para os €26,700 milhões em 2017, o que representa um crescimento de 14.50% face ao ano anterior (INE). Estas previsões mostram-se favoráveis à implementação deste negócio. Para perceber a atratividade do mercado, no plano de negócios começa-se por apresentar uma análise do meio envolvente e do mercado, focando-se no setor turístico de entretenimento cultural e na atual concorrência de Lisboa. Posteriormente é apresentada uma análise interna para se definir o público alvo do museu assim como a estratégia a seguir. Para terminar, são identificados e quantificados os recursos e os investimentos necessários à implementação e operacionalização do museu, seguidos por uma análise económico-financeira que avalia a viabilidade do projeto. Tendo por base o estudo realizado neste plano de negócios e a análise económico do projeto para o período de 10 anos, conclui-se que existe viabilidade para o avanço do projeto apresentado

    CITIES: Energetic Efficiency, Sustainability; Infrastructures, Energy and the Environment; Mobility and IoT; Governance and Citizenship

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    This book collects important contributions on smart cities. This book was created in collaboration with the ICSC-CITIES2020, held in San José (Costa Rica) in 2020. This book collects articles on: energetic efficiency and sustainability; infrastructures, energy and the environment; mobility and IoT; governance and citizenship

    Accessibility modelling in planning practice : the impact of planned transport infrastructure on accessibility patterns in Edinburgh, UK

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    Although many models/tools have recently been developed to measure spatial accessibility, many of these tools are still restricted to academic studies and have barely been applied in the world of planning practice due to several reasons including the complexity or inadequacy of the methodological approaches involved. Within this context, the research undertaken is motivated by the need to translate the concept of accessibility into a practical and useful tool for practitioners and policy makers. The research identifies several omissions in existing accessibility tools that can be considered as potentially important limitations for some purposes in transport and land-use planning. It also investigates the key features that characterise the usefulness of accessibility tools in planning practice. These findings have been used to develop the GIS-based accessibility tool for this research – SNAPTA (Spatial Network Analysis of Public Transport Accessibility) – which attempts to offer better usability and responds to a number of the omissions identified in existing accessibility tools. SNAPTA has been applied to a pilot study in Edinburgh city with the main aim of analysing the contribution of the planned transport interventions to improved accessibility by public transport and distributional benefits for urban services and activities in the city. This research case study presents the first attempt to analyse profoundly the accessibility impacts of possible combinations of implementing future phases of the Edinburgh Tram and the Edinburgh South Suburban Railway (ESSR). The findings provide a better insight into the spatial equity and accessibility levels in Edinburgh, demonstrating the significance of introducing non-radial public transport routes to the city network. A key output of the analysis suggests that the first part of Edinburgh Tram, delivered in summer 2014, would bring a very limited improvement to the accessibility of population across Edinburgh Council‟s area. On the other hand, the empirical evidence of the study shows that ESSR can play a significant role, bringing a greater benefit for accessibility than any other combination of tram lines. A workshop organised to test SNAPTA in a virtually real exercise enabled expert assessment of the usefulness, robustness and applicability of the tool. The research concludes that SNAPTA offers a useful alternative that can be used in decision-making to inform strategic planning processes for future urban growth and urban structure framed around the integration of land-use with strong public transport accessibility

    An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in product-service systems?

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    Copyright @ 2012 Greenleaf PublishingEco-efficient Product-Service System (PSS) innovations represent a promising approach to sustainability. However the application of this concept is still very limited because its implementation and diffusion is hindered by several barriers (cultural, corporate and regulative ones). The paper investigates the barriers that affect the attractiveness and acceptation of eco-efficient PSS alternatives, and opens the debate on the aesthetic of eco-efficient PSS, and the way in which aesthetic could enhance some specific inner qualities of this kinds of innovations. Integrating insights from semiotics, the paper outlines some first research hypothesis on how the aesthetic elements of an eco-efficient PSS could facilitate user attraction, acceptation and satisfaction