53 research outputs found

    A Product Oriented Modelling Concept: Holons for systems synchronisation and interoperability

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    Nowadays, enterprises are confronted to growing needs for traceability, product genealogy and product life cycle management. To meet those needs, the enterprise and applications in the enterprise environment have to manage flows of information that relate to flows of material and that are managed in shop floor level. Nevertheless, throughout product lifecycle coordination needs to be established between reality in the physical world (physical view) and the virtual world handled by manufacturing information systems (informational view). This paper presents the "Holon" modelling concept as a means for the synchronisation of both physical view and informational views. Afterwards, we show how the concept of holon can play a major role in ensuring interoperability in the enterprise context

    Product oriented modelling and Interoperability issues

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    International audienceThe consideration of Product information or Knowledge management, product traceability or genealogy, and product life cycle management implies new strategies and approaches to manage flows of information that relate to flows of material managed in shop floor level. Moreover, throughout product lifecycle coordination needs to be established between reality in the physical world (physical view) and the virtual world handled by manufacturing information systems (informational view). This paper presents a product oriented modelling and a product oriented interoperability approach based on the use of the “Holon” modelling concept as a means for the synchronisation of both physical view and informational views. The Zachman framework is afterwards used as a guideline to establish product oriented interoperability between enterprise systems

    Simulation for Product Driven Systems

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    Due to globalisation, companies have to become more and more agile in order to face demand fluctuations and growing customisation needs. Indeed, the mass production market moves to a mass customization one, which could be defined as the production of a wide variety of end products at a low unit cost. During last years, many efforts have been done in order to improve operating system reactivity (with the Flexible Manufacturing initiative for example), but the manufacturing decision process did not really change, and then doesn't enable to fully make the most of these new operating system skills. Facing these new trends, a lot of new research works are focusing on identification technologies, like Auto-ID, biometry or vision ones. Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) represents a quick and safe way to track products, opening the way of linking informational and physical flows, and providing an accurate, real time vision of the shop floor. These new technologies appear like a catalyst to change the fifty years old way of controlling production through traditional MRP² systems

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Digital Twins:State of the Art Theory and Practice, Challenges, and Open Research Questions

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    Digital Twin was introduced over a decade ago, as an innovative all-encompassing tool, with perceived benefits including real-time monitoring, simulation and forecasting. However, the theoretical framework and practical implementations of digital twins (DT) are still far from this vision. Although successful implementations exist, sufficient implementation details are not publicly available, therefore it is difficult to assess their effectiveness, draw comparisons and jointly advance the DT methodology. This work explores the various DT features and current approaches, the shortcomings and reasons behind the delay in the implementation and adoption of digital twin. Advancements in machine learning, internet of things and big data have contributed hugely to the improvements in DT with regards to its real-time monitoring and forecasting properties. Despite this progress and individual company-based efforts, certain research gaps exist in the field, which have caused delay in the widespread adoption of this concept. We reviewed relevant works and identified that the major reasons for this delay are the lack of a universal reference framework, domain dependence, security concerns of shared data, reliance of digital twin on other technologies, and lack of quantitative metrics. We define the necessary components of a digital twin required for a universal reference framework, which also validate its uniqueness as a concept compared to similar concepts like simulation, autonomous systems, etc. This work further assesses the digital twin applications in different domains and the current state of machine learning and big data in it. It thus answers and identifies novel research questions, both of which will help to better understand and advance the theory and practice of digital twins

    Metodología dirigida por modelos para las pruebas de un sistema distribuido multiagente de fabricación

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    Las presiones del mercado han empujado a las empresas de fabricación a reducir costes a la vez que mejoran sus productos, especializándose en las actividades sobre las que pueden añadir valor y colaborando con especialistas de las otras áreas para el resto. Estos sistemas distribuidos de fabricación conllevan nuevos retos, dado que es difícil integrar los distintos sistemas de información y organizarlos de forma coherente. Esto ha llevado a los investigadores a proponer una variedad de abstracciones, arquitecturas y especificaciones que tratan de atacar esta complejidad. Entre ellas, los sistemas de fabricación holónicos han recibido una atención especial: ven las empresas como redes de holones, entidades que a la vez están formados y forman parte de varios otros holones. Hasta ahora, los holones se han implementado para control de fabricación como agentes inteligentes autoconscientes, pero su curva de aprendizaje y las dificultades a la hora de integrarlos con sistemas tradicionales han dificultado su adopción en la industria. Por otro lado, su comportamiento emergente puede que no sea deseable si se necesita que las tareas cumplan ciertas garantías, como ocurren en las relaciones de negocio a negocio o de negocio a cliente y en las operaciones de alto nivel de gestión de planta. Esta tesis propone una visión más flexible del concepto de holón, permitiendo que se sitúe en un espectro más amplio de niveles de inteligencia, y defiende que sea mejor implementar los holones de negocio como servicios, componentes software que pueden ser reutilizados a través de tecnologías estándar desde cualquier parte de la organización. Estos servicios suelen organizarse como catálogos coherentes, conocidos como Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios (‘Service Oriented Architectures’ o SOA). Una iniciativa SOA exitosa puede reportar importantes beneficios, pero no es una tarea trivial. Por este motivo, se han propuesto muchas metodologías SOA en la literatura, pero ninguna de ellas cubre explícitamente la necesidad de probar los servicios. Considerando que la meta de las SOA es incrementar la reutilización del software en la organización, es una carencia importante: tener servicios de alta calidad es crucial para una SOA exitosa. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de la presente Tesis es definir una metodología extendida que ayude a los usuarios a probar los servicios que implementan a sus holones de negocio. Tras considerar las opciones disponibles, se tomó la metodología dirigida por modelos SODM como punto de partida y se reescribió en su mayor parte con el framework Epsilon de código abierto, permitiendo a los usuarios que modelen su conocimiento parcial sobre el rendimiento esperado de los servicios. Este conocimiento parcial es aprovechado por varios nuevos algoritmos de inferencia de requisitos de rendimiento, que extraen los requisitos específicos de cada servicio. Aunque el algoritmo de inferencia de peticiones por segundo es sencillo, el algoritmo de inferencia de tiempos límite pasó por numerosas revisiones hasta obtener el nivel deseado de funcionalidad y rendimiento. Tras una primera formulación basada en programación lineal, se reemplazó con un algoritmo sencillo ad-hoc que recorría el grafo y después con un algoritmo incremental mucho más rápido y avanzado. El algoritmo incremental produce resultados equivalentes y tarda mucho menos, incluso con modelos grandes. Para sacar más partidos de los modelos, esta Tesis también propone un enfoque general para generar artefactos de prueba para múltiples tecnologías a partir de los modelos anotados por los algoritmos. Para evaluar la viabilidad de este enfoque, se implementó para dos posibles usos: reutilizar pruebas unitarias escritas en Java como pruebas de rendimiento, y generar proyectos completos de prueba de rendimiento usando el framework The Grinder para cualquier Servicio Web que esté descrito usando el estándar Web Services Description Language. La metodología completa es finalmente aplicada con éxito a un caso de estudio basado en un área de fabricación de losas cerámicas rectificadas de un grupo de empresas español. En este caso de estudio se parte de una descripción de alto nivel del negocio y se termina con la implementación de parte de uno de los holones y la generación de pruebas de rendimiento para uno de sus Servicios Web. Con su soporte para tanto diseñar como implementar pruebas de rendimiento de los servicios, se puede concluir que SODM+T ayuda a que los usuarios tengan una mayor confianza en sus implementaciones de los holones de negocio observados en sus empresas

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    In the last decades significant changes in the manufacturing environment have been noticed: moving from a local economy towards a global economy, with markets asking for products with high quality at lower costs, highly customised and with short life cycle. In this environment, the manufacturing enterprises, to avoid the risk to lose competitiveness, search to answer more closely to the customer demands, by improving their flexibility and agility, while maintaining their productivity and quality. Actually, the dynamic response to emergence is becoming a key issue, due to the weak response of the traditional manufacturing control systems to unexpected disturbances, mainly because of the rigidity of their control architectures. In these circumstances, the challenge is to develop manufacturing control systems with autonomy and intelligence capabilities, fast adaptation to the environment changes, more robustness against the occurrence of disturbances, and easier integration of manufacturing resources and legacy systems. Several architectures using emergent concepts and technologies have been proposed, in particular those based in the holonic manufacturing paradigm. Holonic manufacturing is a paradigm based in the ideas of the philosopher Arthur Koestler, who proposed the word holon to describe a basic unit of organisation in biological and social systems. A holon, as Koestler devised the term, is an identifiable part of a (manufacturing) system that has a unique identity, yet is made up of sub-ordinate parts and in turn is part of a larger whole. The introduction of the holonic manufacturing paradigm allows a new approach to the manufacturing problem, bringing the advantages of modularity, decentralisation, autonomy, scalability, and re-use of software components. This dissertation intends to develop an agile and adaptive manufacturing control architecture to face the current requirements imposed to the manufacturing enterprises. The architecture proposed in this dissertation addresses the need for the fast reaction to disturbances at the shop floor level, increasing the agility and flexibility of the enterprise, when it works in volatile environments, characterised by the frequent occurrence of unexpected disturbances. The proposed architecture, designated by ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture for distributed manufacturing systems), is based in the holonic manufacturing paradigm, build upon autonomous and cooperative holons, allowing the development of manufacturing control applications that present all the features of decentralised and holonic systems. ADACOR holonic architecture introduces an adaptive control that balances dynamically between a more centralised structure and a more decentralised one, allowing to combine the global production optimisation with agile reaction to unexpected disturbances. Nas últimas décadas têm-se assistido a mudanças significativas no ambiente de fabrico: evoluindo de uma economia local para um economia global, com os mercados a procurar produtos com elevada qualidade a baixos preços, altamente customizados e com um ciclo de vida curto. Neste ambiente, as empresas de manufactura, para evitar o risco de perda de competitividade, procuram responder às solicitações dos clientes, melhorando a sua flexibilidade e agilidade, mantendo os mesmos índices de produtividade e qualidade. Na verdade, a resposta dinâmica à emergência está a tornar-se num assunto chave, devido `a fraca resposta a perturbações que os sistemas de controlo de fabrico tradicionais apresentam, principalmente devido à rigidez das suas arquitecturas de controlo. Nestas circunstâncias, é fundamental o desenvolvimento de sistemas de controlo de fabrico com capacidades de autonomia e inteligência, rápida adaptação às mudanças, maior robustez à ocorrência de perturbações e fácil integração de recursos físicos e sistemas legados. Diversas arquitecturas usando conceitos e tecnologias emergentes têm sido propostas, em particular algumas baseadas no paradigma da produção holónica. O paradigma da produção holónica é inspirado nas ideias de Arthur Koestler, que propôs a palavra holon para descrever uma unidade básica de organização de sistemas biológicos e sociais. Um holon, de acordo com a definição de Koestler, é uma parte identificável do sistema com identidade única, composta por sub-partes e fazendo simultaneamente parte do todo. A introdução do paradigma da produção holónica permite uma nova abordagem aos sistemas de controlo de fabrico, trazendo vantagens de modularidade, descentralização, autonomia, escalabilidade e reutilização de componentes. Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma arquitectura de controlo ágil e adaptativa que suporte os requisitos actuais impostos `as empresas de manufactura. A arquitectura proposta visa a necessidade de uma reacção rápida a perturbações, ao nível da planta fabril, melhorando a flexibilidade e agilidade da empresa quando esta opera em ambientes voláteis, caracterizados pela ocorrência frequente de perturbações inesperadas. A arquitectura proposta, designada por ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture for distributed manufacturing systems), é baseada no paradigma da produção holónica e construída sobre holons autónomos e cooperativos, permitindo o desenvolvimento de aplicações de controlo de fabrico que apresentem todas as características dos sistemas descentralizados e holónicos. A arquitectura holónica ADACOR introduz um controlo adaptativo que balança dinamicamente entre uma estrutura de controlo mais centralizada e uma mais descentralizada, permitindo combinar a optimização da produção com a ágil reacção a perturbações

    A service-oriented approach to embedded component-based manufacturing automation

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    This thesis is focused on the application of Component-Based (CB) technology to shop oor devices using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services (WS) for the purpose of realising future generation agile manufacturing systems. The environment of manufacturing enterprises is now characterised by frequently changing market demands, time-to-market pressure, continuously emerging new technologies and global competition. Under these circumstances, manufacturing systems need to be agile and automation systems need to support this agility. More speci cally, an open, exible automation environment with plug and play connectivity is needed. Technically, this requires the easy connectivity of hardware devices and software components from di erent vendors. Functionally, there is a need of interoperability and integration of control functions on di erent hierarchical levels ranging from eld level to various higher level applications such as process control and operations management services. [Continues.