12,484 research outputs found

    Simplified literature review on the applicability of process mining to RPA

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    Business processes play an important role in any enterprise value chain and are involved in key activities such as the purchase of material, sales, and hiring of staff. Hence, mediumsized and large companies are inherently process-oriented. Managing business processes is yet, due to new regulations, technologies, and market changes, not a trivial task. In addition to that, the execution of business processes may be repetitive, tedious and time demanding. For this reason, there is a high motivation to automate such processes, which has been facilitated by the popularisation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA brings a cost-efficient solution for process automation along with a substantial challenge that is to decide what process to automate and how. Process Mining tools and techniques have been largely adopted to address challenges faced during RPA implementations. The goal of this work is to present the usage of Process Mining in RPA implementations through a simplified systematic literature review.Processos de negócio possuem um papel importante em qualquer cadeia de valores corporativa e estão envolvidos em atividades chave como compras de suprimentos, vendas e contratações de recursos humanos. Por esse motivo, empresas de médio e grande porte são inerentemente orientadas a processos. Devido à novas regulamentações, tecnologias e mudanças de mercado, a gestão de processos de negócio é ainda uma tarefa não trivial. Além disso, a execução de processos de negócio pode ser repetitiva, entendiante e demandar tempo. Por isso, existe uma alta motivação para automatizar processos de negócio, o que tem sido facilitado pela popularização da Automação de Processos Robóticos (Robotic Process Automation - RPA). RPA provê uma solução eficiente em custo para automação de processos e trás desafios no âmbito das escolhas de quais precessos automatizar e como. As ferramentas e metodologias de Mineração de Processos têm sido amplamente utilizadas para endereçar os desafios provenietes de implementações de RPA. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as aplicações da Mineração de Processos em RPA, através de uma revisão sistemática simplificada da literatura

    Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process

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    This working paper examines the role and influence of business actors in the process towards the Post-2015 agenda of the UN, with particular attention to the influence of large transnational corporations. The business sector certainly has an important role to play in the implementation process of the Post-2015 agenda, as sustainable development will require large-scale changes in business practices. Some pioneering companies are already on the path towards sustainable development solutions (for instance in the area of renewable energies). However, acknowledging corporations' role must not mean giving them undue influence on policymaking and ignoring their responsibility in creating and exacerbating many of the problems that the Post-2015 agenda is supposed to tackle.This working paper starts with a brief overview of the current process towards the Post-2015 agenda and assesses its political relevance. The second part maps out the key business players involved in various processes surrounding the post-2015 consultations. The third part of the paper analyzes the key messages and policy recommendations of business actors in the post-2015 process. The fourth part explores the problems, risks and side-effects of the corporate influence on the Post-2015 agenda. They relate, on the one hand, to the key messages, on the other hand to the promoted governance models. The final part draws some conclusions, provides policy recommendations for the UN, member states, civil society and academia, and highlights potential paths for future research and policy work

    Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace Productivity

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    Using a large longitudinal, nationally representative workplace-level dataset, we explore the productivity gains associated with computer use and organizational redesign. The empirical strategy involves the estimation of a production function, augmented to account for technology use and organizational design, correcting for unobserved heterogeneity. We find large returns associated with computer use. We also find that computer use and organizational redesign may be complements or substitutes in production, and that the productivity gains associated with organizational redesign are industry-specific.linked employer-employee data, workplace practices, productivity, information technologies

    Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace Productivity

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    Using a large longitudinal, nationally representative workplace-level dataset, we explore the productivity gains associated with computer use and organizational redesign. The empirical strategy involves the estimation of a production function, augmented to account for technology use and organizational design, correcting for unobserved heterogeneity. We find large returns associated with computer use. We also find that computer use and organizational redesign may be complements or substitutes in production, and that the productivity gains associated with organizational redesign are industry-specific.

    Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace Productivity

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    Using a large longitudinal, nationally representative workplace-level dataset, we explore the productivity gains associated with computer use and organizational redesign. The empirical strategy involves the estimation of a production function, augmented to account for technology use and organizational design, correcting for unobserved heterogeneity. We find large returns associated with computer use. We also find that computer use and organizational redesign may be complements or substitutes in production, and that the productivity gains associated with organizational redesign are industry-specific.Productivity, information technologies, linked employer-employee data, workplace practices, complementarities

    Presenting Business Process Improvement Changes – A Systematic Literature Review

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    Äriprotsessi täiustamine aitab parandada lõppkasutaja kogemust, vähendada kulutusi ja kiirendada tööd. Eksisteerib mitmeid äriprotsessi täiustamise tehnikaid. Olemasolevate protsesside juures ei ole aga demonstreeritud muutuste mõju. Et täita see lünk, pakub antud lõputöö ülevaadet viisidest, kuidas demonstreerida äriprotsesside muutuste mõju päris elu näidete põhjal. Sel eesmärgil on tehtud süstemaatiline kirjanduse ülevaade artiklitest, mis kasutavad äriprotsesside täiustamist päris elu näidetes, et näha, kuidas need muutuseid on esitletud. Leitud artikleid analüüsiti ning leiti vastused uurimuse küsimustele. Analüüsi tulemusena leiti, et nagu igas teises teadusvaldkonnas, mis käsitleb muutusi, saab neid esitleda visuaalselt, numbriliselt või mitte- struktureeritud viisil, kasutates erinevaid esitlemise strateegiaid. Teadmine, kuidas antakse edasi asjade muutumist, aitab inimestel paremini aru saada nende sisust. Võimalik on paremini aru saada äriprotsesside muutustest.Business Process Improvement (BPI) has a big potential by helping to improve end-user satisfaction, to reduce costs and throughput times. A lot of business process improvement techniques exist, but they lack the information about the presentation of the effects of business process change. In order to fill this gap, this thesis provides an overview of the ways that are used to present the effects of business process change in real-life business process scenarios. For that purpose, a systematic literature review is performed to identify papers that apply BPI on real-life cases from industry to see what means are used to capture and present those changes. The identified final papers are analysed in order to answer to Research Questions (RQ). The analysis reveals that as in any other scientific field where change is occurring the change could be presented either visually, or in a numerical way, or in a not structured (narrative) way using some presentation strategies. This knowledge that gives some hints on how changes are conveyed can be used to support people to better understand the changes which occur in a process after a BPI

    The circular economy: An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and application in a global context

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    There have long been calls from industry for guidance in implementing strategies for sustainable development. The Circular Economy represents the most recent attempt to conceptualize the integration of economic activity and environmental wellbeing in a sustainable way. This set of ideas has been adopted by China as the basis of their economic development (included in both the 11th and the 12th ‘Five Year Plan’), escalating the concept in minds of western policymakers and NGOs. This paper traces the conceptualisations and origins of the Circular Economy, tracing its meanings, and exploring its antecedents in economics and ecology, and discusses how the Circular Economy has been operationalized in business and policy. The paper finds that while the Circular Economy places emphasis on the redesign of processes and cycling of materials, which may contribute to more sustainable business models, it also encapsulates tensions and limitations. These include an absence of the social dimension inherent in sustainable development that limits its ethical dimensions, and some unintended consequences. This leads us to propose a revised definition of the Circular Economy as “an economic model wherein planning, resourcing, procurement, production and reprocessing are designed and managed, as both process and output, to maximize ecosystem functioning and human well-being”

    ECASTAR: Energy conservation. An assessment of systems, technologies and requirements

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    A methodology was presented for a systems approach to energy conservation actions and their potentials and impacts in the United States. Constraints affecting the approach were ranked, and the most important ones are the present economic and technical conditions. The following unresolved issues were identified: consumptive lifestyles vs. conservation ethic, environmental standards vs. energy conservation, capital availability, decentralization and vertical integration vs. centralization, fuel rich regions vs. fuel poor regions, supply vs. end use conservation, life cycle costing vs. initial cost, mandatory savings vs. voluntary savings, labor intensive vs. capital intensive, price control vs. free market. The following recommendations were made: provide action/impact assessment, establish regional energy centers, improve technology articulation with government, design total energy systems, utilize existing systems approach expertise

    Enterprise Systems Analysis and Modelling

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    In ES implementations, process modelling is a critical and often overlooked activity. This paper proposes a framework for process modelling of ES. The four steps method involves: Current Situation Analysis, Business Process Improvements and Requirements, Gap Analysis, and To-be process to develop. Outputs of the methodology are an interdependent set of organizational and system proposed changes, and feedback loops to the ES vendors and to the strategy of the firm. In-depth case studies and extensive literature review provides methodological support. For practitioners, this study provides useful insights into one of the reasons by which companies could be frustrated with ES implementation.E-business, ERP

    Adapting to climate risks and extreme weather: guide for mining - minerals industry professionals

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    AbstractExtreme weather events in Australia over recent years have highlighted the costs for Australian mining and mineral processing operations of being under-prepared for adapting to climate risk. For example, the 2010/2011 Queensland floods closed or restricted production of about forty out of Queensland’s fifty coal mines costing more than $2 billion in lost production.Whilst mining and mineral professionals have experience with risk management and managing workplace health and safety, changes to patterns of extreme weather events and future climate impacts are unpredictable. Responding to these challenges requires planning and preparation for events that many people have never experienced before. With increasing investor and public concern for the impact of such events, this guide is aimed at assisting a wide range of mining and mineral industry professionals to incorporate planning and management of extreme weather events and impacts from climate change into pre-development, development and construction, mining and processing operations and post-mining phases. The guide should be read in conjunction with the research  final report which describes the research process for developing the guide and reflects on challenges and lessons for adaptation research from the project.The Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) led the development of the guide with input from the Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, University of Queensland and a Steering Committee from the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy’s Sustainability Committee and individual AusIMM members, who volunteered their time and experience. As the situation of every mining and mineral production operation is going to be different, this guide has been designed to provide general information about the nature of extreme weather events, and some specific examples of how unexpectedly severe flooding, storm, drought, high temperature and bushfire events have affected mining and mineral processing operations. A number of case studies used throughout the guide also illustrate the ways forward thinking operations have tackled dramatically changing climatic conditions.Each section of the guide outlines a range of direct and indirect impacts from a different type of extreme weather, and provides a starting point for identifying potential risks and adaptation options that can be applied in different situations. The impacts and adaptation sections provide guidance on putting the key steps into practice by detailing specific case examples of leading practice and how a risk management approach can be linked to adaptive planning. More information about specific aspects of extreme weather, planning and preparation for the risks presented by these events, and tools for undertaking climate related adaptation is provided in the ‘Additional Resources’ section