356 research outputs found

    Classification and Retrieval of Digital Pathology Scans: A New Dataset

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    In this paper, we introduce a new dataset, \textbf{Kimia Path24}, for image classification and retrieval in digital pathology. We use the whole scan images of 24 different tissue textures to generate 1,325 test patches of size 1000Ă—\times1000 (0.5mmĂ—\times0.5mm). Training data can be generated according to preferences of algorithm designer and can range from approximately 27,000 to over 50,000 patches if the preset parameters are adopted. We propose a compound patch-and-scan accuracy measurement that makes achieving high accuracies quite challenging. In addition, we set the benchmarking line by applying LBP, dictionary approach and convolutional neural nets (CNNs) and report their results. The highest accuracy was 41.80\% for CNN.Comment: Accepted for presentation at Workshop for Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis (CVMI 2017) @ CVPR 2017, Honolulu, Hawai

    Role of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of oesophageal neoplasia: 2020 an endoscopic odyssey

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    The past decade has seen significant advances in endoscopic imaging and optical enhancements to aid early diagnosis. There is still a treatment gap due to the underdiagnosis of lesions of the oesophagus. Computer aided diagnosis may play an important role in the coming years in providing an adjunct to endoscopists in the early detection and diagnosis of early oesophageal cancers, therefore curative endoscopic therapy can be offered. Research in this area of artificial intelligence is expanding and the future looks promising. In this review article we will review current advances in artificial intelligence in the oesophagus and future directions for development

    Multi-Magnification Search in Digital Pathology

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    This research study investigates the effect of magnification on content-based image search in digital pathology archives and proposes to use multi-magnification image representation. Image search in large archives of digital pathology slides provides researchers and medical professionals with an opportunity to match records of current and past patients and learn from evidently diagnosed and treated cases. When working with microscopes, pathologists switch between different magnification levels while examining tissue specimens to find and evaluate various morphological features. Inspired by the conventional pathology workflow, this thesis investigates several magnification levels in digital pathology and their combinations to minimize the gap between AI-enabled image search methods and clinical settings. This thesis suggests two approaches for combining magnification levels and compares their performance. The first approach obtains a single-vector deep feature representation for a WSI, whereas the second approach works with a multi-vector deep feature representation. The proposed content-based searching framework does not rely on any pixel-level annotation and potentially applies to millions of unlabelled (raw) WSIs. This thesis proposes using binary masks generated by U-Net as the primary step of patch preparation to locating tissue regions in a WSI. As a part of this thesis, a multi-magnification dataset of histopathology patches is created by applying the proposed patch preparation method on more than 8,000 WSIs of TCGA repository. The performance of both MMS methods is evaluated by investigating the top three most similar WSIs to a query WSI found by the search. The search is considered successful if two out of three matched cases have the same malignancy subtype as the query WSI. Experimental search results across tumors of several anatomical sites at different magnification levels, i.e., 20Ă—, 10Ă—, and 5Ă— magnifications and their combinations, are reported in this thesis. The experiments verify that cell-level information at the highest magnification is essential for searching for diagnostic purposes. In contrast, low-magnification information may improve this assessment depending on the tumor type. Both proposed search methods generally performed more accurately at 20Ă— magnification or the combination of the 20Ă— magnification with 10Ă—, 5Ă—, or both. The multi-magnification searching approach achieved up to 11% increase in F1-score for searching among some tumor types, including the urinary tract and brain tumor subtypes compared to the single-magnification image search

    Towards an Effective Imaging-Based Decision Support System for Skin Cancer

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    The usage of expert systems to aid in medical decisions has been employed since 1980s in distinct ap plications. With the high demands of medical care and limited human resources, these technologies are required more than ever. Skin cancer has been one of the pathologies with higher growth, which suf fers from lack of dermatology experts in most of the affected geographical areas. A permanent record of examination that can be further analyzed are medical imaging modalities. Most of these modalities were also assessed along with machine learning classification methods. It is the aim of this research to provide background information about skin cancer types, medical imaging modalities, data mining and machine learning methods, and their application on skin cancer imaging, as well as the disclosure of a proposal of a multi-imaging modality decision support system for skin cancer diagnosis and treatment assessment based in the most recent available technology. This is expected to be a reference for further implementation of imaging-based clinical support systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On smart gaze based annotation of histopathology images for training of deep convolutional neural networks

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    Unavailability of large training datasets is a bottleneck that needs to be overcome to realize the true potential of deep learning in histopathology applications. Although slide digitization via whole slide imaging scanners has increased the speed of data acquisition, labeling of virtual slides requires a substantial time investment from pathologists. Eye gaze annotations have the potential to speed up the slide labeling process. This work explores the viability and timing comparisons of eye gaze labeling compared to conventional manual labeling for training object detectors. Challenges associated with gaze based labeling and methods to refine the coarse data annotations for subsequent object detection are also discussed. Results demonstrate that gaze tracking based labeling can save valuable pathologist time and delivers good performance when employed for training a deep object detector. Using the task of localization of Keratin Pearls in cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma as a test case, we compare the performance gap between deep object detectors trained using hand-labelled and gaze-labelled data. On average, compared to 'Bounding-box' based hand-labeling, gaze-labeling required 57.6% less time per label and compared to 'Freehand' labeling, gaze-labeling required on average 85% less time per label

    Machine learning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT

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    Die Entwicklung von Synchrotronlichtquellen der dritten Generation hat die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der 3D-Struktur opaker Proben mit einer Auflösung im Mikrometerbereich und höher geschaffen. Dies führte zur Entwicklung der Röntgen-Synchrotron-Mikro-Computertomographie, welche die Schaffung von Bildgebungseinrichtungen zur Untersuchung von Proben verschiedenster Art förderte, z.B. von Modellorganismen, um die Physiologie komplexer lebender Systeme besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung moderner Steuerungssysteme und Robotik ermöglichte die vollständige Automatisierung der Röntgenbildgebungsexperimente und die Kalibrierung der Parameter des Versuchsaufbaus während des Betriebs. Die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Detektorsysteme führte zu Verbesserungen der Auflösung, des Dynamikbereichs, der Empfindlichkeit und anderer wesentlicher Eigenschaften. Diese Verbesserungen führten zu einer beträchtlichen Steigerung des Durchsatzes des Bildgebungsprozesses, aber auf der anderen Seite begannen die Experimente eine wesentlich größere Datenmenge von bis zu Dutzenden von Terabyte zu generieren, welche anschließend manuell verarbeitet wurden. Somit ebneten diese technischen Fortschritte den Weg für die Durchführung effizienterer Hochdurchsatzexperimente zur Untersuchung einer großen Anzahl von Proben, welche Datensätze von besserer Qualität produzierten. In der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft besteht daher ein hoher Bedarf an einem effizienten, automatisierten Workflow für die Röntgendatenanalyse, welcher eine solche Datenlast bewältigen und wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Fachexperten liefern kann. Die bestehenden Lösungen für einen solchen Workflow sind nicht direkt auf Hochdurchsatzexperimente anwendbar, da sie für Ad-hoc-Szenarien im Bereich der medizinischen Bildgebung entwickelt wurden. Daher sind sie nicht für Hochdurchsatzdatenströme optimiert und auch nicht in der Lage, die hierarchische Beschaffenheit von Proben zu nutzen. Die wichtigsten Beiträge der vorliegenden Arbeit sind ein neuer automatisierter Analyse-Workflow, der für die effiziente Verarbeitung heterogener Röntgendatensätze hierarchischer Natur geeignet ist. Der entwickelte Workflow basiert auf verbesserten Methoden zur Datenvorverarbeitung, Registrierung, Lokalisierung und Segmentierung. Jede Phase eines Arbeitsablaufs, die eine Trainingsphase beinhaltet, kann automatisch feinabgestimmt werden, um die besten Hyperparameter für den spezifischen Datensatz zu finden. Für die Analyse von Faserstrukturen in Proben wurde eine neue, hochgradig parallelisierbare 3D-Orientierungsanalysemethode entwickelt, die auf einem neuartigen Konzept der emittierenden Strahlen basiert und eine präzisere morphologische Analyse ermöglicht. Alle entwickelten Methoden wurden gründlich an synthetischen Datensätzen validiert, um ihre Anwendbarkeit unter verschiedenen Abbildungsbedingungen quantitativ zu bewerten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Workflow in der Lage ist, eine Reihe von Datensätzen ähnlicher Art zu verarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden die effizienten CPU/GPU-Implementierungen des entwickelten Workflows und der Methoden vorgestellt und der Gemeinschaft als Module für die Sprache Python zur Verfügung gestellt. Der entwickelte automatisierte Analyse-Workflow wurde erfolgreich für Mikro-CT-Datensätze angewandt, die in Hochdurchsatzröntgenexperimenten im Bereich der Entwicklungsbiologie und Materialwissenschaft gewonnen wurden. Insbesondere wurde dieser Arbeitsablauf für die Analyse der Medaka-Fisch-Datensätze angewandt, was eine automatisierte Segmentierung und anschließende morphologische Analyse von Gehirn, Leber, Kopfnephronen und Herz ermöglichte. Darüber hinaus wurde die entwickelte Methode der 3D-Orientierungsanalyse bei der morphologischen Analyse von Polymergerüst-Datensätzen eingesetzt, um einen Herstellungsprozess in Richtung wünschenswerter Eigenschaften zu lenken

    Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Glaucoma Detection using Clinical Data and Optical Coherence Tomography Images

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    Glaucoma is a multi-factorial, progressive blinding optic-neuropathy. A variety of factors, including genetics, vasculature, anatomy, and immune factors, are involved. Worldwide more than 80 million people are affected by glaucoma, and around 300,000 in Australia, where 50% remain undiagnosed. Untreated glaucoma can lead to blindness. Early detection by Artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial to accelerate the diagnosis process and can prevent further vision loss. Many proposed AI systems have shown promising performance for automated glaucoma detection using two-dimensional (2D) data. However, only a few studies had optimistic outcomes for glaucoma detection and staging. Moreover, the automated AI system still faces challenges in diagnosing at the clinicians’ level due to the lack of interpretability of the ML algorithms and integration of multiple clinical data. AI technology would be welcomed by doctors and patients if the "black box" notion is overcome by developing an explainable, transparent AI system with similar pathological markers used by clinicians as the sign of early detection and progression of glaucomatous damage. Therefore, the thesis aimed to develop a comprehensive AI model to detect and stage glaucoma by incorporating a variety of clinical data and utilising advanced data analysis and machine learning (ML) techniques. The research first focuses on optimising glaucoma diagnostic features by combining structural, functional, demographic, risk factor, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) features. The significant features were evaluated using statistical analysis and trained in ML algorithms to observe the detection performance. Three crucial structural ONH OCT features: cross-sectional 2D radial B-scan, 3D vascular angiography and temporal-superior-nasal-inferior-temporal (TSNIT) B-scan, were analysed and trained in explainable deep learning (DL) models for automated glaucoma prediction. The explanation behind the decision making of DL models were successfully demonstrated using the feature visualisation. The structural features or distinguished affected regions of TSNIT OCT scans were precisely localised for glaucoma patients. This is consistent with the concept of explainable DL, which refers to the idea of making the decision-making processes of DL models transparent and interpretable to humans. However, artifacts and speckle noise often result in misinterpretation of the TSNIT OCT scans. This research also developed an automated DL model to remove the artifacts and noise from the OCT scans, facilitating error-free retinal layers segmentation, accurate tissue thickness estimation and image interpretation. Moreover, to monitor and grade glaucoma severity, the visual field (VF) test is commonly followed by clinicians for treatment and management. Therefore, this research uses the functional features extracted from VF images to train ML algorithms for staging glaucoma from early to advanced/severe stages. Finally, the selected significant features were used to design and develop a comprehensive AI model to detect and grade glaucoma stages based on the data quantity and availability. In the first stage, a DL model was trained with TSNIT OCT scans, and its output was combined with significant structural and functional features and trained in ML models. The best-performed ML model achieved an area under the curve (AUC): 0.98, an accuracy of 97.2%, a sensitivity of 97.9%, and a specificity of 96.4% for detecting glaucoma. The model achieved an overall accuracy of 90.7% and an F1 score of 84.0% for classifying normal, early, moderate, and advanced-stage glaucoma. In conclusion, this thesis developed and proposed a comprehensive, evidence-based AI model that will solve the screening problem for large populations and relieve experts from manually analysing a slew of patient data and associated misinterpretation problems. Moreover, this thesis demonstrated three structural OCT features that could be added as excellent diagnostic markers for precise glaucoma diagnosis

    Vascular Implications of COVID-19: Role of Radiological Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, and Tissue Characterization: A Special Report

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a pandemic, infecting nearly 80 million people worldwide, with mortality exceeding six million. The average survival span is just 14 days from the time the symptoms become aggressive. The present study delineates the deep-driven vascular damage in the pulmonary, renal, coronary, and carotid vessels due to SARS-CoV-2. This special report addresses an important gap in the literature in understanding (i) the pathophysiology of vascular damage and the role of medical imaging in the visualization of the damage caused by SARS-CoV-2, and (ii) further understanding the severity of COVID-19 using artificial intelligence (AI)-based tissue characterization (TC). PRISMA was used to select 296 studies for AI-based TC. Radiological imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound were selected for imaging of the vasculature infected by COVID-19. Four kinds of hypotheses are presented for showing the vascular damage in radiological images due to COVID-19. Three kinds of AI models, namely, machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning, are used for TC. Further, the study presents recommendations for improving AI-based architectures for vascular studies. We conclude that the process of vascular damage due to COVID-19 has similarities across vessel types, even though it results in multi-organ dysfunction. Although the mortality rate is ~2% of those infected, the long-term effect of COVID-19 needs monitoring to avoid deaths. AI seems to be penetrating the health care industry at warp speed, and we expect to see an emerging role in patient care, reduce the mortality and morbidity rate

    Vascular Implications of COVID-19: Role of Radiological Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, and Tissue Characterization: A Special Report

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a pandemic, infecting nearly 80 million people worldwide, with mortality exceeding six million. The average survival span is just 14 days from the time the symptoms become aggressive. The present study delineates the deep-driven vascular damage in the pulmonary, renal, coronary, and carotid vessels due to SARS-CoV-2. This special report addresses an important gap in the literature in understanding (i) the pathophysiology of vascular damage and the role of medical imaging in the visualization of the damage caused by SARS-CoV-2, and (ii) further understanding the severity of COVID-19 using artificial intelligence (AI)-based tissue characterization (TC). PRISMA was used to select 296 studies for AI-based TC. Radiological imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound were selected for imaging of the vasculature infected by COVID-19. Four kinds of hypotheses are presented for showing the vascular damage in radiological images due to COVID-19. Three kinds of AI models, namely, machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning, are used for TC. Further, the study presents recommendations for improving AI-based architectures for vascular studies. We conclude that the process of vascular damage due to COVID-19 has similarities across vessel types, even though it results in multi-organ dysfunction. Although the mortality rate is ~2% of those infected, the long-term effect of COVID-19 needs monitoring to avoid deaths. AI seems to be penetrating the health care industry at warp speed, and we expect to see an emerging role in patient care, reduce the mortality and morbidity rate
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