49,005 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Path Query on Social Network with Hybrid RDF Management

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    The scalability and exibility of Resource Description Framework(RDF) model make it ideally suited for representing online social networks(OSN). One basic operation in OSN is to find chains of relations,such as k-Hop friends. Property path query in SPARQL can express this type of operation, but its implementation suffers from performance problem considering the ever growing data size and complexity of OSN.In this paper, we present a main memory/disk based hybrid RDF data management framework for efficient property path query. In this hybrid framework, we realize an efficient in-memory algebra operator for property path query using graph traversal, and estimate the cost of this operator to cooperate with existing cost-based optimization. Experiments on benchmark and real dataset demonstrated that our approach can achieve a good tradeoff between data load expense and online query performance

    Algorithms for Approximate Subtropical Matrix Factorization

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    Matrix factorization methods are important tools in data mining and analysis. They can be used for many tasks, ranging from dimensionality reduction to visualization. In this paper we concentrate on the use of matrix factorizations for finding patterns from the data. Rather than using the standard algebra -- and the summation of the rank-1 components to build the approximation of the original matrix -- we use the subtropical algebra, which is an algebra over the nonnegative real values with the summation replaced by the maximum operator. Subtropical matrix factorizations allow "winner-takes-it-all" interpretations of the rank-1 components, revealing different structure than the normal (nonnegative) factorizations. We study the complexity and sparsity of the factorizations, and present a framework for finding low-rank subtropical factorizations. We present two specific algorithms, called Capricorn and Cancer, that are part of our framework. They can be used with data that has been corrupted with different types of noise, and with different error metrics, including the sum-of-absolute differences, Frobenius norm, and Jensen--Shannon divergence. Our experiments show that the algorithms perform well on data that has subtropical structure, and that they can find factorizations that are both sparse and easy to interpret.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures. For the associated source code, see http://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~pmiettin/tropical

    Exposing Multi-Relational Networks to Single-Relational Network Analysis Algorithms

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    Many, if not most network analysis algorithms have been designed specifically for single-relational networks; that is, networks in which all edges are of the same type. For example, edges may either represent "friendship," "kinship," or "collaboration," but not all of them together. In contrast, a multi-relational network is a network with a heterogeneous set of edge labels which can represent relationships of various types in a single data structure. While multi-relational networks are more expressive in terms of the variety of relationships they can capture, there is a need for a general framework for transferring the many single-relational network analysis algorithms to the multi-relational domain. It is not sufficient to execute a single-relational network analysis algorithm on a multi-relational network by simply ignoring edge labels. This article presents an algebra for mapping multi-relational networks to single-relational networks, thereby exposing them to single-relational network analysis algorithms.Comment: ISSN:1751-157
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