21 research outputs found

    Faster tuple lattice sieving using spherical locality-sensitive filters

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    To overcome the large memory requirement of classical lattice sieving algorithms for solving hard lattice problems, Bai-Laarhoven-Stehl\'{e} [ANTS 2016] studied tuple lattice sieving, where tuples instead of pairs of lattice vectors are combined to form shorter vectors. Herold-Kirshanova [PKC 2017] recently improved upon their results for arbitrary tuple sizes, for example showing that a triple sieve can solve the shortest vector problem (SVP) in dimension dd in time 20.3717d+o(d)2^{0.3717d + o(d)}, using a technique similar to locality-sensitive hashing for finding nearest neighbors. In this work, we generalize the spherical locality-sensitive filters of Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven [SODA 2016] to obtain space-time tradeoffs for near neighbor searching on dense data sets, and we apply these techniques to tuple lattice sieving to obtain even better time complexities. For instance, our triple sieve heuristically solves SVP in time 20.3588d+o(d)2^{0.3588d + o(d)}. For practical sieves based on Micciancio-Voulgaris' GaussSieve [SODA 2010], this shows that a triple sieve uses less space and less time than the current best near-linear space double sieve.Comment: 12 pages + references, 2 figures. Subsumed/merged into Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017/228, available at https://ia.cr/2017/122

    Efficient (ideal) lattice sieving using cross-polytope LSH

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    Combining the efficient cross-polytope locality-sensitive hash family of Terasawa and Tanaka with the heuristic lattice sieve algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris, we show how to obtain heuristic and practical speedups for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on both arbitrary and ideal lattices. In both cases, the asymptotic time complexity for solving SVP in dimension n is 2^(0.298n). For any lattice, hashes can be computed in polynomial time, which makes our CPSieve algorithm much more practical than the SphereSieve of Laarhoven and De Weger, while the better asymptotic complexities imply that this algorithm will outperform the GaussSieve of Micciancio and Voulgaris and the HashSieve of Laarhoven in moderate dimensions as well. We performed tests to show this improvement in practice. For ideal lattices, by observing that the hash of a shifted vector is a shift of the hash value of the original vector and constructing rerandomization matrices which preserve this property, we obtain not only a linear decrease in the space complexity, but also a linear speedup of the overall algorithm. We demonstrate the practicability of our cross-polytope ideal lattice sieve IdealCPSieve by applying the algorithm to cyclotomic ideal lattices from the ideal SVP challenge and to lattices which appear in the cryptanalysis of NTRU

    The irreducible vectors of a lattice:Some theory and applications

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    The main idea behind lattice sieving algorithms is to reduce a sufficiently large number of lattice vectors with each other so that a set of short enough vectors is obtained. It is therefore natural to study vectors which cannot be reduced. In this work we give a concrete definition of an irreducible vector and study the properties of the set of all such vectors. We show that the set of irreducible vectors is a subset of the set of Voronoi relevant vectors and study its properties. For extremal lattices this set may contain as many as 2^n vectors, which leads us to define the notion of a complete system of irreducible vectors, whose size can be upperbounded by the kissing number. One of our main results shows thatmodified heuristic sieving algorithms heuristically approximate such a set (modulo sign). We provide experiments in low dimensions which support this theory. Finally we give some applications of this set in the study of lattice problems such as SVP, SIVP and CVPP. The introduced notions, as well as various results derived along the way, may provide further insights into lattice algorithms and motivate new research into understanding these algorithms better

    Progressive lattice sieving

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    Most algorithms for hard lattice problems are based on the principle of rank reduction: to solve a problem in a dd-dimensional lattice, one first solves one or more problem instances in a sublattice of rank d−1d - 1, and then uses this information to find a solution to the original problem. Existing lattice sieving methods, however, tackle lattice problems such as the shortest vector problem (SVP) directly, and work with the full-rank lattice from the start. Lattice sieving further seems to benefit less from starting with reduced bases than other methods, and finding an approximate solution almost takes as long as finding an exact solution. These properties currently set sieving apart from other methods. In this work we consider a progressive approach to lattice sieving, where we gradually introduce new basis vectors only when the sieve has stabilized on the previous basis vectors. This leads to improved (heuristic) guarantees on finding approximate shortest vectors, a bigger practical impact of the quality of the basis on the run-time, better memory management, a smoother and more predictable behavior of the algorithm, and significantly faster convergence - compared to traditional approaches, we save between a factor 2020 to 4040 in the time complexity for SVP

    LUSA: the HPC library for lattice-based cryptanalysis

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    This paper introduces LUSA - the Lattice Unified Set of Algorithms library - a C++ library that comprises many high performance, parallel implementations of lattice algorithms, with particular focus on lattice-based cryptanalysis. Currently, LUSA offers algorithms for lattice reduction and the SVP. % and the CVP. LUSA was designed to be 1) simple to install and use, 2) have no other dependencies, 3) be designed specifically for lattice-based cryptanalysis, including the majority of the most relevant algorithms in this field and 4) offer efficient, parallel and scalable methods for those algorithms. LUSA explores paralellism mainly at the thread level, being based on OpenMP. However the code is also written to be efficient at the cache and operation level, taking advantage of carefully sorted data structures and data level parallelism. This paper shows that LUSA delivers these promises, by being simple to use while consistently outperforming its counterparts, such as NTL, plll and fplll, and offering scalable, parallel implementations of the most relevant algorithms to date, which are currently not available in other libraries

    Shortest vector from lattice sieving: A few dimensions for free

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    Asymptotically, the best known algorithms for solving the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in a lattice of dimension n are sieve algorithms, which have heuristic complexity estimates ranging from (4/3)n+o(n) down to (3/2)n/2+o(n) when Locality Sensitive Hashing techniques are used. Sieve algorithms are however outperformed by pruned enumeration algorithms in practice by several orders of magnitude, despite the larger super-exponential asymptotical complexity 2Θ(n log n) of the latter. In this work, we show a concrete improvement of sieve-type algorithms. Precisely, we show that a few calls to the sieve algorithm in lattices of dimension less than n - d solves SVP in dimension n, where d = Θ(n/ log n). Although our improvement is only sub-exponential, its practical effect in relevant dimensions is quite significant. We implemented it over a simple sieve algorithm with (4/3)n+o(n) complexity, and it outperforms the best sieve algorithms from the literature by a factor of 10 in dimensions 7080. It performs less than an order of magnitude slower than pruned enumeration in the same range. By design, this improvement can also be applied to most other variants of sieve algorithms, including LSH sieve algorithms and tuple-sieve algorithms. In this light, we may expect sieve-techniques to outperform pruned enumeration in practice in the near future

    The irreducible vectors of a lattice: Some theory and applications

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    The main idea behind lattice sieving algorithms is to reduce a sufficiently large number of lattice vectors with each other so that a set of short enough vectors is obtained, including a basis of the lattice. It is therefore natural to study vectors which cannot be reduced. In this work we give a concrete definition of an irreducible vector and study the properties of the set of all such vectors. We show that the set of irreducible vectors is a subset of the set of relevant vectors and study its properties. For extremal lattices this set may contain as many as 2n2^n vectors, which leads us to define the notion of a complete system of irreducible vectors, whose size can be upper-bounded by the kissing number. We study properties of this set and observe a close relation to heuristic sieving algorithms. Finally we briefly examine the use of this set in the study of lattice problems such as SVP, SIVP and CVPP. The introduced notions, as well as various results derived along the way, may provide further insights into lattice algorithms and motivate new research into understanding these algorithms better

    Sieving for Shortest Vectors in Ideal Lattices: a Practical Perspective

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    The security of many lattice-based cryptographic schemes relies on the hardness of finding short vectors in integral lattices. We propose a new variant of the parallel Gauss sieve algorithm to compute such short vectors. It combines favorable properties of previous approaches resulting in reduced run time and memory requirement per node. Our publicly available implementation outperforms all previous Gauss sieve approaches for dimensions 80, 88, and 96. When computing short vectors in ideal lattices, we show how to reduce the number of multiplications and comparisons by using a symbolic Fourier transform. We computed a short vector in a negacyclic ideal lattice of dimension 128 in less than nine days on 1024 cores, more than twice as fast as the recent record computation for the same lattice on the same computer hardware

    Faster Sieving for Shortest Lattice Vectors Using Spherical Locality-Sensitive Hashing

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    Recently, it was shown that angular locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) can be used to significantly speed up lattice sieving, leading to heuristic time and space complexities for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) of 20.3366n+o(n)2^{0.3366n + o(n)}. We study the possibility of applying other LSH methods to sieving, and show that with the recent spherical LSH method of Andoni et al.\ we can heuristically solve SVP in time and space 20.2972n+o(n)2^{0.2972n + o(n)}. We further show that a practical variant of the resulting SphereSieve is very similar to Wang et al.'s two-level sieve, with the key difference that we impose an order on the outer list of centers. Keywords: lattices, shortest vector problem, sieving algorithms, (approximate) nearest neighbor problem, locality-sensitive hashin