1,019 research outputs found

    Modeling Data-Plane Power Consumption of Future Internet Architectures

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    With current efforts to design Future Internet Architectures (FIAs), the evaluation and comparison of different proposals is an interesting research challenge. Previously, metrics such as bandwidth or latency have commonly been used to compare FIAs to IP networks. We suggest the use of power consumption as a metric to compare FIAs. While low power consumption is an important goal in its own right (as lower energy use translates to smaller environmental impact as well as lower operating costs), power consumption can also serve as a proxy for other metrics such as bandwidth and processor load. Lacking power consumption statistics about either commodity FIA routers or widely deployed FIA testbeds, we propose models for power consumption of FIA routers. Based on our models, we simulate scenarios for measuring power consumption of content delivery in different FIAs. Specifically, we address two questions: 1) which of the proposed FIA candidates achieves the lowest energy footprint; and 2) which set of design choices yields a power-efficient network architecture? Although the lack of real-world data makes numerous assumptions necessary for our analysis, we explore the uncertainty of our calculations through sensitivity analysis of input parameters

    Flexpop: A popularity-based caching strategy for multimedia applications in information-centric networking

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is the dominant architecture for the future Internet. In ICN, the content items are stored temporarily in network nodes such as routers. When the memory of routers becomes full and there is no room for a new arriving content, the stored contents are evicted to cope with the limited cache size of the routers. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an effective caching strategy for keeping popular contents for a longer period of time. This study proposes a new caching strategy, named Flexible Popularity-based Caching (FlexPop) for storing popular contents. The FlexPop comprises two mechanisms, i.e., Content Placement Mechanism (CPM), which is responsible for content caching, and Content Eviction Mechanism (CEM) that deals with content eviction when the router cache is full and there is no space for the new incoming content. Both mechanisms are validated using Fuzzy Set Theory, following the Design Research Methodology (DRM) to manifest that the research is rigorous and repeatable under comparable conditions. The performance of FlexPop is evaluated through simulations and the results are compared with those of the Leave Copy Everywhere (LCE), ProbCache, and Most Popular Content (MPC) strategies. The results show that the FlexPop strategy outperforms LCE, ProbCache, and MPC with respect to cache hit rate, redundancy, content retrieval delay, memory utilization, and stretch ratio, which are regarded as extremely important metrics (in various studies) for the evaluation of ICN caching. The outcomes exhibited in this study are noteworthy in terms of making FlexPop acceptable to users as they can verify the performance of ICN before selecting the right caching strategy. Thus FlexPop has potential in the use of ICN for the future Internet such as in deployment of the IoT technology

    Ontwerp en evaluatie van content distributie netwerken voor multimediale streaming diensten.

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    Traditionele Internetgebaseerde diensten voor het verspreiden van bestanden, zoals Web browsen en het versturen van e-mails, worden aangeboden via één centrale server. Meer recente netwerkdiensten zoals interactieve digitale televisie of video-op-aanvraag vereisen echter hoge kwaliteitsgaranties (QoS), zoals een lage en constante netwerkvertraging, en verbruiken een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid bandbreedte op het netwerk. Architecturen met één centrale server kunnen deze garanties moeilijk bieden en voldoen daarom niet meer aan de hoge eisen van de volgende generatie multimediatoepassingen. In dit onderzoek worden daarom nieuwe netwerkarchitecturen bestudeerd, die een dergelijke dienstkwaliteit kunnen ondersteunen. Zowel peer-to-peer mechanismes, zoals bij het uitwisselen van muziekbestanden tussen eindgebruikers, als servergebaseerde oplossingen, zoals gedistribueerde caches en content distributie netwerken (CDN's), komen aan bod. Afhankelijk van de bestudeerde dienst en de gebruikte netwerktechnologieën en -architectuur, worden gecentraliseerde algoritmen voor netwerkontwerp voorgesteld. Deze algoritmen optimaliseren de plaatsing van de servers of netwerkcaches en bepalen de nodige capaciteit van de servers en netwerklinks. De dynamische plaatsing van de aangeboden bestanden in de verschillende netwerkelementen wordt aangepast aan de heersende staat van het netwerk en aan de variërende aanvraagpatronen van de eindgebruikers. Serverselectie, herroutering van aanvragen en het verspreiden van de belasting over het hele netwerk komen hierbij ook aan bod

    A flexible receiver-driven cache replacement scheme for continuous media objects in best-effort networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the potential of caching to improve quality of reception (QoR) in the context of continuous media applications over best-effort networks. Specifically, we investigate the influence of parameters such as loss rate, jitter, delay and area in determining a proxy\u27s cache contents. We propose the use of a flexible cost function in caching algorithms and develop a framework for benchmarking continuous media caching algorithms. The cost function incorporates parameters in which, an administrator and or a client can tune to influence a proxy\u27s cache. Traditional caching systems typically base decisions around static schemes that do not take into account the interest of their receiver pool. Based on the flexible cost function, an improvised Greedy Dual (GD) algorithm called GD-multi has been developed for layered multiresolution multimedia streams. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by simulation-based performance studies. Performance of several caching schemes are evaluated and compared with those of the proposed scheme. Our empirical results indicate GD-multi performs well despite employing a generalized caching policy

    Study and analysis of mobility, security, and caching issues in CCN

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    Existing architecture of Internet is IP-centric, having capability to cope with the needs of the Internet users. Due to the recent advancements and emerging technologies, a need to have ubiquitous connectivity has become the primary focus. Increasing demands for location-independent content raised the requirement of a new architecture and hence it became a research challenge. Content Centric Networking (CCN) paradigm emerges as an alternative to IP-centric model and is based on name-based forwarding and in-network data caching. It is likely to address certain challenges that have not been solved by IP-based protocols in wireless networks. Three important factors that require significant research related to CCN are mobility, security, and caching. While a number of studies have been conducted on CCN and its proposed technologies, none of the studies target all three significant research directions in a single article, to the best of our knowledge. This paper is an attempt to discuss the three factors together within context of each other. In this paper, we discuss and analyze basics of CCN principles with distributed properties of caching, mobility, and secure access control. Different comparisons are made to examine the strengths and weaknesses of each aforementioned aspect in detail. The final discussion aims to identify the open research challenges and some future trends for CCN deployment on a large scale

    Internet performance modeling: the state of the art at the turn of the century

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    Seemingly overnight, the Internet has gone from an academic experiment to a worldwide information matrix. Along the way, computer scientists have come to realize that understanding the performance of the Internet is a remarkably challenging and subtle problem. This challenge is all the more important because of the increasingly significant role the Internet has come to play in society. To take stock of the field of Internet performance modeling, the authors organized a workshop at Schloß Dagstuhl. This paper summarizes the results of discussions, both plenary and in small groups, that took place during the four-day workshop. It identifies successes, points to areas where more work is needed, and poses “Grand Challenges” for the performance evaluation community with respect to the Internet