352 research outputs found

    Problema geométrico conexo de localização de instalações

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    Orientadores: Flávio Keidi Miyazawa, Rafael Crivellari Saliba SchoueryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Esse trabalho visa estudar problemas da família Localização de Instalações. Nesses problemas, recebemos de entrada um conjunto de clientes e um conjunto de instalações. Queremos encontrar e abrir um subconjunto de instalações, normalmente, pagando um preço por cada instalação aberta. Nosso objetivo é conectar clientes a instalações abertas, pagando o menor custo possível. Esse problema tem grandes aplicações na área de Pesquisa Operacional e Telecomunicações. Estamos especialmente interessados no problema de Localização de Instalações Geométrico e Conexo. Nessa versão do problema, as instalações podem ser abertas em qualquer lugar de um plano de dimensão d, e pagamos um preço fixo f por cada instalação aberta. Também devemos conectar as instalações entre si formando uma árvore. Essa árvore normalmente recebe uma ponderação maior, uma vez que suas conexões agregam atendimento para quantidade maior de recursos. Para representar tal ponderação seus custos são multiplicados por um parametro M > 0 dado como parte da entrada. Apresentamos um Esquema de Aproximação Polinomial para a versão euclidiana do problemaAbstract: In this work we study problems from the facility location family. In this set of problems, we want to find and open a subset of given facilities. Usually, a price is paid for each opened facility. Our goal is to connect given clients to the closest opened facilities incurring in the smallest cost possible. This problem has several practical applications in Operations Research and Telecommunication. We are specially interested in the Geometric Connected Facility Location problem. In this version, facilities can be anywhere in the d-dimensional plane, and we have to pay a fixed price f to open each facility. We also have the requirement of connecting facilities among themselves forming a tree. This tree is usually weighted by a given parameter M > 0. We present a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for the two-dimensional version of this problemMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação1406904, 1364124CAPE

    Efficient Approximation Schemes for Uniform-Cost Clustering Problems in Planar Graphs

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    We consider the k-Median problem on planar graphs: given an edge-weighted planar graph G, a set of clients C subseteq V(G), a set of facilities F subseteq V(G), and an integer parameter k, the task is to find a set of at most k facilities whose opening minimizes the total connection cost of clients, where each client contributes to the cost with the distance to the closest open facility. We give two new approximation schemes for this problem: - FPT Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(k epsilon^{-3} log (k epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a solution that has connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum, with high probability. - Efficient Bicriteria Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(epsilon^{-5} log (epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a set of at most (1+epsilon)k facilities whose opening yields connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum connection cost for opening at most k facilities, with high probability. As a direct corollary of the second result we obtain an EPTAS for Uniform Facility Location on planar graphs, with same running time. Our main technical tool is a new construction of a "coreset for facilities" for k-Median in planar graphs: we show that in polynomial time one can compute a subset of facilities F_0 subseteq F of size k * (log n/epsilon)^O(epsilon^{-3}) with a guarantee that there is a (1+epsilon)-approximate solution contained in F_0

    Finding a Collective Set of Items: From Proportional Multirepresentation to Group Recommendation

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    We consider the following problem: There is a set of items (e.g., movies) and a group of agents (e.g., passengers on a plane); each agent has some intrinsic utility for each of the items. Our goal is to pick a set of KK items that maximize the total derived utility of all the agents (i.e., in our example we are to pick KK movies that we put on the plane's entertainment system). However, the actual utility that an agent derives from a given item is only a fraction of its intrinsic one, and this fraction depends on how the agent ranks the item among the chosen, available, ones. We provide a formal specification of the model and provide concrete examples and settings where it is applicable. We show that the problem is hard in general, but we show a number of tractability results for its natural special cases

    Minimum-Cost Coverage of Point Sets by Disks

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    We consider a class of geometric facility location problems in which the goal is to determine a set X of disks given by their centers (t_j) and radii (r_j) that cover a given set of demand points Y in the plane at the smallest possible cost. We consider cost functions of the form sum_j f(r_j), where f(r)=r^alpha is the cost of transmission to radius r. Special cases arise for alpha=1 (sum of radii) and alpha=2 (total area); power consumption models in wireless network design often use an exponent alpha>2. Different scenarios arise according to possible restrictions on the transmission centers t_j, which may be constrained to belong to a given discrete set or to lie on a line, etc. We obtain several new results, including (a) exact and approximation algorithms for selecting transmission points t_j on a given line in order to cover demand points Y in the plane; (b) approximation algorithms (and an algebraic intractability result) for selecting an optimal line on which to place transmission points to cover Y; (c) a proof of NP-hardness for a discrete set of transmission points in the plane and any fixed alpha>1; and (d) a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the problem of computing a minimum cost covering tour (MCCT), in which the total cost is a linear combination of the transmission cost for the set of disks and the length of a tour/path that connects the centers of the disks.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Latex, to appear in ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 200

    Two-Level Rectilinear Steiner Trees

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    Given a set PP of terminals in the plane and a partition of PP into kk subsets P1,...,PkP_1, ..., P_k, a two-level rectilinear Steiner tree consists of a rectilinear Steiner tree TiT_i connecting the terminals in each set PiP_i (i=1,...,ki=1,...,k) and a top-level tree TtopT_{top} connecting the trees T1,...,TkT_1, ..., T_k. The goal is to minimize the total length of all trees. This problem arises naturally in the design of low-power physical implementations of parity functions on a computer chip. For bounded kk we present a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) that is based on Arora's PTAS for rectilinear Steiner trees after lifting each partition into an extra dimension. For the general case we propose an algorithm that predetermines a connection point for each TiT_i and TtopT_{top} (i=1,...,ki=1,...,k). Then, we apply any approximation algorithm for minimum rectilinear Steiner trees in the plane to compute each TiT_i and TtopT_{top} independently. This gives us a 2.372.37-factor approximation with a running time of O(PlogP)\mathcal{O}(|P|\log|P|) suitable for fast practical computations. The approximation factor reduces to 1.631.63 by applying Arora's approximation scheme in the plane

    The Unreasonable Success of Local Search: Geometric Optimization

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    What is the effectiveness of local search algorithms for geometric problems in the plane? We prove that local search with neighborhoods of magnitude 1/ϵc1/\epsilon^c is an approximation scheme for the following problems in the Euclidian plane: TSP with random inputs, Steiner tree with random inputs, facility location (with worst case inputs), and bicriteria kk-median (also with worst case inputs). The randomness assumption is necessary for TSP