44 research outputs found

    Improved Hardness of Approximating Chromatic Number

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    We prove that for sufficiently large K, it is NP-hard to color K-colorable graphs with less than 2^{K^{1/3}} colors. This improves the previous result of K versus K^{O(log K)} in Khot [14]

    On the Power of Many One-Bit Provers

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    We study the class of languages, denoted by \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s], which have kk-prover games where each prover just sends a \emph{single} bit, with completeness 1ϵ1-\epsilon and soundness error ss. For the case that k=1k=1 (i.e., for the case of interactive proofs), Goldreich, Vadhan and Wigderson ({\em Computational Complexity'02}) demonstrate that \SZK exactly characterizes languages having 1-bit proof systems with"non-trivial" soundness (i.e., 1/2<s12ϵ1/2 < s \leq 1-2\epsilon). We demonstrate that for the case that k2k\geq 2, 1-bit kk-prover games exhibit a significantly richer structure: + (Folklore) When s12kϵs \leq \frac{1}{2^k} - \epsilon, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] = \BPP; + When 12k+ϵs<22kϵ\frac{1}{2^k} + \epsilon \leq s < \frac{2}{2^k}-\epsilon, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] = \SZK; + When s22k+ϵs \ge \frac{2}{2^k} + \epsilon, \AM \subseteq \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s]; + For s0.62k/2ks \le 0.62 k/2^k and sufficiently large kk, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] \subseteq \EXP; + For s2k/2ks \ge 2k/2^{k}, \MIP[k, 1, 1-\epsilon, s] = \NEXP. As such, 1-bit kk-prover games yield a natural "quantitative" approach to relating complexity classes such as \BPP,\SZK,\AM, \EXP, and \NEXP. We leave open the question of whether a more fine-grained hierarchy (between \AM and \NEXP) can be established for the case when s22k+ϵs \geq \frac{2}{2^k} + \epsilon

    On the Usefulness of Predicates

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    Motivated by the pervasiveness of strong inapproximability results for Max-CSPs, we introduce a relaxed notion of an approximate solution of a Max-CSP. In this relaxed version, loosely speaking, the algorithm is allowed to replace the constraints of an instance by some other (possibly real-valued) constraints, and then only needs to satisfy as many of the new constraints as possible. To be more precise, we introduce the following notion of a predicate PP being \emph{useful} for a (real-valued) objective QQ: given an almost satisfiable Max-PP instance, there is an algorithm that beats a random assignment on the corresponding Max-QQ instance applied to the same sets of literals. The standard notion of a nontrivial approximation algorithm for a Max-CSP with predicate PP is exactly the same as saying that PP is useful for PP itself. We say that PP is useless if it is not useful for any QQ. This turns out to be equivalent to the following pseudo-randomness property: given an almost satisfiable instance of Max-PP it is hard to find an assignment such that the induced distribution on kk-bit strings defined by the instance is not essentially uniform. Under the Unique Games Conjecture, we give a complete and simple characterization of useful Max-CSPs defined by a predicate: such a Max-CSP is useless if and only if there is a pairwise independent distribution supported on the satisfying assignments of the predicate. It is natural to also consider the case when no negations are allowed in the CSP instance, and we derive a similar complete characterization (under the UGC) there as well. Finally, we also include some results and examples shedding additional light on the approximability of certain Max-CSPs

    The Gowers norm in the testing of Boolean functions

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-68).A property tester is a fast, randomized algorithm that reads only a few entries of the input, and based on the values of these entries, it distinguishes whether the input has a certain property or is "different" from any input having this property. Furthermore, we say that a property tester has completeness c and soundness s if it accepts all inputs having the property with probability at least c and accepts "different" inputs with probability at most s + o(1). In this thesis we present two property testers for boolean functions on the boolean cube f0; 1gn. We summarize our contribution as follows. We present a new dictatorship test that determines whether the function is a dictator (of the form f(x) = xi for some coordinate i), or a function that is an "anti-dictator." Our test is "adaptive," makes q queries, has completeness 1, and soundness O(q3) 2??q. Previously, a dictatorship test that has soundness (q + 1) . 2-q is achieved by Samorodnitsky and Trevisan, but their test has completeness strictly less than 1. Furthermore, the previously best known dictatorship test from the PCP literature with completeness 1 has soundness ... . Our contribution lies in achieving perfect completeness and low sound- ness simultaneously. We consider properties of functions that are invariant under linear transformations of the boolean cube. Previous works, such as linearity testing and low-degree testing, have focused on linear properties.(cont.) The one exception is a test due to Green for "triangle freeness": a function f satisfies this property if f(x); f(y); f(x + y) do not all equal 1, for any pair x; y 2 f0; 1gn. We extend this test to a more systematic study and consider non-linear properties that are described by a single forbidden pattern. Specifically, let M denote an r by k matrix over f0; 1g. We say that a function f is M-free if there are no ~x = (x1,...,xk), where x1,...,xk 2 f0; 1gn such that f(x1),...,f(xk) = 1 and M~x = ~0. If M can be represented by an underlying graph, we can analyze a test that determines whether a function is M-free or \far" from one. Our test makes k queries, has completeness 1, and soundness bounded away from 1. The technique from our work leads to alternate proofs that some previously studied linear properties are testable, albeit with worse parameters. Our results, though quite different in terms of context, are connected by similar techniques. Our analysis of the algorithms relies on the machinery of the Gowers uniformity norm, a recent and powerful tool in additive combinatorics.by Victor Yen-Wen Chen.Ph.D

    Low-degree tests at large distances

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    We define tests of boolean functions which distinguish between linear (or quadratic) polynomials, and functions which are very far, in an appropriate sense, from these polynomials. The tests have optimal or nearly optimal trade-offs between soundness and the number of queries. In particular, we show that functions with small Gowers uniformity norms behave ``randomly'' with respect to hypergraph linearity tests. A central step in our analysis of quadraticity tests is the proof of an inverse theorem for the third Gowers uniformity norm of boolean functions. The last result has also a coding theory application. It is possible to estimate efficiently the distance from the second-order Reed-Muller code on inputs lying far beyond its list-decoding radius

    Sublinear-Time Computation in the Presence of Online Erasures

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    We initiate the study of sublinear-time algorithms that access their input via an online adversarial erasure oracle. After answering each query to the input object, such an oracle can erase tt input values. Our goal is to understand the complexity of basic computational tasks in extremely adversarial situations, where the algorithm's access to data is blocked during the execution of the algorithm in response to its actions. Specifically, we focus on property testing in the model with online erasures. We show that two fundamental properties of functions, linearity and quadraticity, can be tested for constant tt with asymptotically the same complexity as in the standard property testing model. For linearity testing, we prove tight bounds in terms of tt, showing that the query complexity is Θ(logt)\Theta(\log t). In contrast to linearity and quadraticity, some other properties, including sortedness and the Lipschitz property of sequences, cannot be tested at all, even for t=1t=1. Our investigation leads to a deeper understanding of the structure of violations of linearity and other widely studied properties. We also consider implications of our results for algorithms that are resilient to online adversarial corruptions instead of erasures