23 research outputs found

    URLLC for 5G and Beyond: Requirements, Enabling Incumbent Technologies and Network Intelligence

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    The tactile internet (TI) is believed to be the prospective advancement of the internet of things (IoT), comprising human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. TI focuses on enabling real-time interactive techniques with a portfolio of engineering, social, and commercial use cases. For this purpose, the prospective 5{th} generation (5G) technology focuses on achieving ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services. TI applications require an extraordinary degree of reliability and latency. The 3{rd} generation partnership project (3GPP) defines that URLLC is expected to provide 99.99% reliability of a single transmission of 32 bytes packet with a latency of less than one millisecond. 3GPP proposes to include an adjustable orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique, called 5G new radio (5G NR), as a new radio access technology (RAT). Whereas, with the emergence of a novel physical layer RAT, the need for the design for prospective next-generation technologies arises, especially with the focus of network intelligence. In such situations, machine learning (ML) techniques are expected to be essential to assist in designing intelligent network resource allocation protocols for 5G NR URLLC requirements. Therefore, in this survey, we present a possibility to use the federated reinforcement learning (FRL) technique, which is one of the ML techniques, for 5G NR URLLC requirements and summarizes the corresponding achievements for URLLC. We provide a comprehensive discussion of MAC layer channel access mechanisms that enable URLLC in 5G NR for TI. Besides, we identify seven very critical future use cases of FRL as potential enablers for URLLC in 5G NR

    Satellite Systems in the Era of 5G Internet of Things

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    In recent years, IoT applications have drawn a great deal of attention, both in academia and industry. A crucial requirement of any infrastructure serving the IoT market will be to guarantee ubiquitous connectivity to the low-cost, low-powered devices distributed all over the globe. It is widely accepted that this requirement will not be met by the terrestrial network alone. There will be, in fact, vast areas of the globe where the terrestrial infrastructure deployment will be unfeasible or not economically viable, thus leaving those areas un- or under-served. For this reason, several studies and projects are addressing the use of a Non-Terrestrial Network component to seamlessly complement and extend the terrestrial network coverage in future systems. The design of these extremely complex systems requires manifold analyses at different levels of abstraction, from satellite constellation and ground segment architecture aspects, to the evaluation of the air interface behaviour, in order to evaluate the system performance. The aim of this work is to perform a detailed analysis of the SatCom system aspects, trying to be as accurate as possible but without getting lost in unnecessary details, in order to provide a comprehensive set of tools, organised in a simulation platform, to support the design and performance evaluation of the system. Notably, simulation softwares play an important role in this framework; however, a full-featured simulation tool does not yet exist for the evaluation of the described emerging technologies. ESA M2M Simulator (ESiM2M) is a System-Level Simulator, developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency, which is intended for closing this gap, as a tool for the design and analysis, from a system-level point of view, of Satellite-IoT systems. This work is primarily focused on the description of the ESiM2M simulation tool and the results derived with the latter from analyses on Satellite-IoT systems

    Non-Orthogonal Signal and System Design for Wireless Communications

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    The thesis presents research in non-orthogonal multi-carrier signals, in which: (i) a new signal format termed truncated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (TOFDM) is proposed to improve data rates in wireless communication systems, such as those used in mobile/cellular systems and wireless local area networks (LANs), and (ii) a new design and experimental implementation of a real-time spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) system are reported. This research proposes a modified version of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) format, obtained by truncating OFDM symbols in the time-domain. In TOFDM, subcarriers are no longer orthogonally packed in the frequency-domain as time samples are only partially transmitted, leading to improved spectral efficiency. In this work, (i) analytical expressions are derived for the newly proposed TOFDM signal, followed by (ii) interference analysis, (iii) systems design for uncoded and coded schemes, (iv) experimental implementation and (v) performance evaluation of the new proposed signal and system, with comparisons to conventional OFDM systems. Results indicate that signals can be recovered with truncated symbol transmission. Based on the TOFDM principle, a new receiving technique, termed partial symbol recovery (PSR), is designed and implemented in software de ned radio (SDR), that allows efficient operation of two users for overlapping data, in wireless communication systems operating with collisions. The PSR technique is based on recovery of collision-free partial OFDM symbols, followed by the reconstruction of complete symbols to recover progressively the frames of two users suffering collisions. The system is evaluated in a testbed of 12-nodes using SDR platforms. The thesis also proposes channel estimation and equalization technique for non-orthogonal signals in 5G scenarios, using an orthogonal demodulator and zero padding. Finally, the implementation of complete SEFDM systems in real-time is investigated and described in detail

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Design and Analysis of GFDM-Based Wireless Communication Systems

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    Le multiplexage gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© par rĂ©partition en frĂ©quence (GFDM), une mĂ©thode de traitement par blocs de modulation multiporteuses non orthogonales, est une candidate prometteuse pour les technologies de forme d'onde pour les systĂšmes sans fil au-delĂ  de la cinquiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration (5G). La capacitĂ© du GFDM Ă  ajuster de maniĂšre flexible la taille du bloc et le type de filtres de mise en forme des impulsions en fait une mĂ©thode appropriĂ©e pour rĂ©pondre Ă  plusieurs exigences importantes, comme une faible latence, un faible rayonnement hors bande (OOB) et des dĂ©bits de donnĂ©es Ă©levĂ©s. En appliquant aux systĂšmes GFDM la technique des systĂšmes Ă  entrĂ©es multiples et sorties multiples (MIMO), la technique de MIMO massif ou des codes de contrĂŽle de paritĂ© Ă  faible densitĂ© (LDPC), il est possible d'amĂ©liorer leurs performances. Par consĂ©quent, l'Ă©tude de ces systĂšmes combinĂ©s sont d'une grande importance thĂ©orique et pratique. Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions les systĂšmes de communication sans fil basĂ©s sur le GFDM en considĂ©rant trois aspects. Tout d'abord, nous dĂ©rivons une borne d'union sur le taux d'erreur sur les bits (BER) pour les systĂšmes MIMO-GFDM, technique qui est basĂ©e sur des probabilitĂ©s d'erreur par paires exactes (PEP). La PEP exacte est calculĂ©e en utilisant la fonction gĂ©nĂ©ratrice de moments(MGF) pour les dĂ©tecteurs Ă  maximum de vraisemblance (ML). La corrĂ©lation spatiale entre les antennes et les erreurs d'estimation de canal sont prises en compte dans l'environnement de canal Ă©tudiĂ©. DeuxiĂšmement, les estimateurs et les prĂ©codeurs de canal de faible complexitĂ© basĂ©s sur une expansion polynomiale sont proposĂ©s pour les systĂšmes MIMO-GFDM massifs. Des pilotes sans interfĂ©rence sont utilisĂ©s pour l'estimation du canal basĂ©e sur l'erreur quadratique moyenne minimale(MMSE) pour lutter contre l'influence de la non-orthogonalitĂ© entre les sous-porteuses dans le GFDM. La complexitĂ© de calcul cubique peut ĂȘtre rĂ©duite Ă  une complexitĂ© d'ordre au carrĂ© en utilisant la technique d'expansion polynomiale pour approximer les inverses de matrices dans l'estimation MMSE conventionnelle et le prĂ©codage. De plus, nous calculons les limites de performance en termes d'erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE) pour les estimateurs proposĂ©s, ce qui peut ĂȘtre un outil utile pour prĂ©dire la performance des estimateurs dans la rĂ©gion de Eₛ/N₀ Ă©levĂ©. Une borne infĂ©rieure de CramĂ©r-Rao(CRLB) est dĂ©rivĂ©e pour notre modĂšle de systĂšme et agit comme une rĂ©fĂ©rence pour les estimateurs. La complexitĂ© de calcul des estimateurs de canal proposĂ©s et des prĂ©codeurs et les impacts du degrĂ© du polynĂŽme sont Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ©s. Enfin, nous analysons les performances de la probabilitĂ© d'erreur des systĂšmes GFDM combinĂ©s aux codes LDPC. Nous dĂ©rivons d'abord les expressions du ratio de vraisemblance logarithmique (LLR) initiale qui sont utilisĂ©es dans le dĂ©codeur de l'algorithme de somme de produits (SPA). Ensuite, basĂ© sur le seuil de dĂ©codage, nous estimons le taux d'erreur de trame (FER) dans la rĂ©gion de bas E[indice b]/N₀ en utilisant le BER observĂ© pour modĂ©liser les variations du canal. De plus, une borne infĂ©rieure du FER du systĂšme est Ă©galement proposĂ©e basĂ©e sur des ensembles absorbants. Cette borne infĂ©rieure peut agir comme une estimation du FER dans la rĂ©gion de E[indice b]/N₀ Ă©levĂ© si l'ensemble absorbant utilisĂ© est dominant et que sa multiplicitĂ© est connue. La quantification a Ă©galement un impact important sur les performances du FER et du BER. Des codes LDPC basĂ©s sur un tableau et construit alĂ©atoirement sont utilisĂ©s pour supporter les analyses de performances. Pour ces trois aspects, des simulations et des calculs informatiques sont effectuĂ©s pour obtenir des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques connexes, qui vĂ©rifient les mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es.8 372162\u a Generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) is a block-processing based non-orthogonal multi-carrier modulation scheme, which is a promising candidate waveform technology for beyond fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems. The ability of GFDM to flexibly adjust the block size and the type of pulse-shaping filters makes it a suitable scheme to meet several important requirements, such as low latency, low out-of-band (OOB) radiation and high data rates. Applying the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique, the massive MIMO technique, or low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes to GFDM systems can further improve the systems performance. Therefore, the investigation of such combined systems is of great theoretical and practical importance. This thesis investigates GFDM-based wireless communication systems from the following three aspects. First, we derive a union bound on the bit error rate (BER) for MIMO-GFDM systems, which is based on exact pairwise error probabilities (PEPs). The exact PEP is calculated using the moment-generating function (MGF) for maximum likelihood (ML) detectors. Both the spatial correlation between antennas and the channel estimation errors are considered in the investigated channel environment. Second, polynomial expansion-based low-complexity channel estimators and precoders are proposed for massive MIMO-GFDM systems. Interference-free pilots are used in the minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation to combat the influence of non-orthogonality between subcarriers in GFDM. The cubic computational complexity can be reduced to square order by using the polynomial expansion technique to approximate the matrix inverses in the conventional MMSE estimation and precoding. In addition, we derive performance limits in terms of the mean square error (MSE) for the proposed estimators, which can be a useful tool to predict estimators performance in the high Eₛ/N₀ region. A CramĂ©r-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is derived for our system model and acts as a benchmark for the estimators. The computational complexity of the proposed channel estimators and precoders, and the impacts of the polynomial degree are also investigated. Finally, we analyze the error probability performance of LDPC coded GFDM systems. We first derive the initial log-likelihood ratio (LLR) expressions that are used in the sum-product algorithm (SPA) decoder. Then, based on the decoding threshold, we estimate the frame error rate (FER) in the low E[subscript b]/N₀ region by using the observed BER to model the channel variations. In addition, a lower bound on the FER of the system is also proposed based on absorbing sets. This lower bound can act as an estimate of the FER in the high E[subscript b]/N₀ region if the absorbing set used is dominant and its multiplicity is known. The quantization scheme also has an important impact on the FER and BER performances. Randomly constructed and array-based LDPC codes are used to support the performance analyses. For all these three aspects, software-based simulations and calculations are carried out to obtain related numerical results, which verify our proposed methods

    Spectrum Sharing Methods in Coexisting Wireless Networks

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    Radio spectrum, the fundamental basis for wireless communication, is a finite resource. The development of the expanding range of radio based devices and services in recent years makes the spectrum scarce and hence more costly under the paradigm of extensive regulation for licensing. However, with mature technologies and with their continuous improvements it becomes apparent that tight licensing might no longer be required for all wireless services. This is from where the concept of utilizing the unlicensed bands for wireless communication originates. As a promising step to reduce the substantial cost for radio spectrum, different wireless technology based networks are being deployed to operate in the same spectrum bands, particularly in the unlicensed bands, resulting in coexistence. However, uncoordinated coexistence often leads to cases where collocated wireless systems experience heavy mutual interference. Hence, the development of spectrum sharing rules to mitigate the interference among wireless systems is a significant challenge considering the uncoordinated, heterogeneous systems. The requirement of spectrum sharing rules is tremendously increasing on the one hand to fulfill the current and future demand for wireless communication by the users, and on the other hand, to utilize the spectrum efficiently. In this thesis, contributions are provided towards dynamic and cognitive spectrum sharing with focus on the medium access control (MAC) layer, for uncoordinated scenarios of homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless networks, in a micro scale level, highlighting the QoS support for the applications. This thesis proposes a generic and novel spectrum sharing method based on a hypothesis: The regular channel occupation by one system can support other systems to predict the spectrum opportunities reliably. These opportunities then can be utilized efficiently, resulting in a fair spectrum sharing as well as an improving aggregated performance compared to the case without having special treatment. The developed method, denoted as Regular Channel Access (RCA), is modeled for systems specified by the wireless local resp. metropolitan area network standards IEEE 802.11 resp. 802.16. In the modeling, both systems are explored according to their respective centrally controlled channel access mechanisms and the adapted models are evaluated through simulation and results analysis. The conceptual model of spectrum sharing based on the distributed channel access mechanism of the IEEE 802.11 system is provided as well. To make the RCA method adaptive, the following enabling techniques are developed and integrated in the design: a RSS-based (Received Signal Strength based) detection method for measuring the channel occupation, a pattern recognition based algorithm for system identification, statistical knowledge based estimation for traffic demand estimation and an inference engine for reconfiguration of resource allocation as a response to traffic dynamics. The advantage of the RCA method is demonstrated, in which each competing collocated system is configured to have a resource allocation based on the estimated traffic demand of the systems. The simulation and the analysis of the results show a significant improvement in aggregated throughput, mean delay and packet loss ratio, compared to the case where legacy wireless systems coexists. The results from adaptive RCA show its resilience characteristics in case of dynamic traffic. The maximum achievable throughput between collocated IEEE 802.11 systems applying RCA is provided by means of mathematical calculation. The results of this thesis provide the basis for the development of resource allocation methods for future wireless networks particularly emphasized to operate in current unlicensed bands and in future models of the Open Spectrum Alliance

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability