6 research outputs found

    Smart Shoe Insole Based on Polydimethylsiloxane Composite Capacitive Sensors

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    Nowadays, the study of the gait by analyzing the distribution of plantar pressure is a well-established technique. The use of intelligent insoles allows real-time monitoring of the user. Thus, collecting and analyzing information is a more accurate process than consultations in so-called gait laboratories. Most of the previous published studies consider the composition and operation of these insoles based on resistive sensors. However, the use of capacitive sensors could provide better results, in terms of linear behavior under the pressure exerted. This behavior depends on the properties of the dielectric used. In this work, the design and implementation of an intelligent plantar insole composed of capacitive sensors is proposed. The dielectric used is a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based composition. The sensorized plantar insole developed achieves its purpose as a tool for collecting pressure in different areas of the sole of the foot. The fundamentals and details of the composition, manufacture, and implementation of the insole and the system used to collect data, as well as the data samples, are shown. Finally, a comparison of the behavior of both insoles, resistive and capacitive sensor-equipped, is made. The prototype presented lays the foundation for the development of a tool to support the diagnosis of gait abnormalities.22 página

    The effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics of basketball dribbling with changes of direction

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    Basketball dribbling is one of the key elements in basketball game. There is a lack of studies investigating the effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics in basketball dribbling. There are two primary aims of this study: (1) to explore the effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics in dribbling with the change of directions; (2) to determine the effect of fatigue on dribbling speed. Fourteen Croatian senior male basketball players (age: 21.16±3.43 years; body height: 188.81±6.88 cm; body mass: 87.81±6.06 kg; body fat: 13.34±3.52%), not power forwards or centers, participated in the study. Each player performed two types of change of direction (COD) while dribbling: front COD and spin move in the non-fatigued and then in the fatigued state. Xsens suit and Novel insoles were used to measure the kinematic and kinetic parameters. In terms of the front COD, the results of this study demonstrated that the maximum angular velocity in the knee (p=.028) and wrist joint (p=.007) as well as maximum force (p=.004) significantly decreased in the fatigued state. In terms of the spin move, the results showed that there were significant differences in pelvis velocity (p=.000), the maximum angular velocity in the knee joint (p=.020), and the first step velocity (p=.010) between the fatigued and non-fatigued states. No significant difference was found in the pelvis position, minimum angle in the knee joint and maximum force. Importantly, dribbling speed significantly decreased in the fatigued state (p=.002). The findings of this study suggest that coaching staff should design appropriate training programs to optimize players’ ability to resist fatigue when dribbling under real game speed conditions

    Télé-opération Corps Complet de Robots Humanoïdes

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    This thesis aims to investigate systems and tools for teleoperating a humanoid robot. Robotteleoperation is crucial to send and control robots in environments that are dangerous or inaccessiblefor humans (e.g., disaster response scenarios, contaminated environments, or extraterrestrialsites). The term teleoperation most commonly refers to direct and continuous control of a robot.In this case, the human operator guides the motion of the robot with her/his own physical motionor through some physical input device. One of the main challenges is to control the robot in a waythat guarantees its dynamical balance while trying to follow the human references. In addition,the human operator needs some feedback about the state of the robot and its work site through remotesensors in order to comprehend the situation or feel physically present at the site, producingeffective robot behaviors. Complications arise when the communication network is non-ideal. Inthis case the commands from human to robot together with the feedback from robot to human canbe delayed. These delays can be very disturbing for the human operator, who cannot teleoperatetheir robot avatar in an effective way.Another crucial point to consider when setting up a teleoperation system is the large numberof parameters that have to be tuned to effectively control the teleoperated robots. Machinelearning approaches and stochastic optimizers can be used to automate the learning of some of theparameters.In this thesis, we proposed a teleoperation system that has been tested on the humanoid robotiCub. We used an inertial-technology-based motion capture suit as input device to control thehumanoid and a virtual reality headset connected to the robot cameras to get some visual feedback.We first translated the human movements into equivalent robot ones by developping a motionretargeting approach that achieves human-likeness while trying to ensure the feasibility of thetransferred motion. We then implemented a whole-body controller to enable the robot to trackthe retargeted human motion. The controller has been later optimized in simulation to achieve agood tracking of the whole-body reference movements, by recurring to a multi-objective stochasticoptimizer, which allowed us to find robust solutions working on the real robot in few trials.To teleoperate walking motions, we implemented a higher-level teleoperation mode in whichthe user can use a joystick to send reference commands to the robot. We integrated this setting inthe teleoperation system, which allows the user to switch between the two different modes.A major problem preventing the deployment of such systems in real applications is the presenceof communication delays between the human input and the feedback from the robot: evena few hundred milliseconds of delay can irremediably disturb the operator, let alone a few seconds.To overcome these delays, we introduced a system in which a humanoid robot executescommands before it actually receives them, so that the visual feedback appears to be synchronizedto the operator, whereas the robot executed the commands in the past. To do so, the robot continuouslypredicts future commands by querying a machine learning model that is trained on pasttrajectories and conditioned on the last received commands.Cette thèse vise à étudier des systèmes et des outils pour la télé-opération d’un robot humanoïde.La téléopération de robots est cruciale pour envoyer et contrôler les robots dans des environnementsdangereux ou inaccessibles pour les humains (par exemple, des scénarios d’interventionen cas de catastrophe, des environnements contaminés ou des sites extraterrestres). Le terme téléopérationdésigne le plus souvent le contrôle direct et continu d’un robot. Dans ce cas, l’opérateurhumain guide le mouvement du robot avec son propre mouvement physique ou via un dispositifde contrôle. L’un des principaux défis est de contrôler le robot de manière à garantir son équilibredynamique tout en essayant de suivre les références humaines. De plus, l’opérateur humain abesoin d’un retour d’information sur l’état du robot et de son site via des capteurs à distance afind’appréhender la situation ou de se sentir physiquement présent sur le site, produisant des comportementsde robot efficaces. Des complications surviennent lorsque le réseau de communicationn’est pas idéal. Dans ce cas, les commandes de l’homme au robot ainsi que la rétroaction du robotà l’homme peuvent être retardées. Ces délais peuvent être très gênants pour l’opérateur humain,qui ne peut pas télé-opérer efficacement son avatar robotique.Un autre point crucial à considérer lors de la mise en place d’un système de télé-opérationest le grand nombre de paramètres qui doivent être réglés pour contrôler efficacement les robotstélé-opérés. Des approches d’apprentissage automatique et des optimiseurs stochastiques peuventêtre utilisés pour automatiser l’apprentissage de certains paramètres.Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé un système de télé-opération qui a été testé sur le robothumanoïde iCub. Nous avons utilisé une combinaison de capture de mouvement basée sur latechnologie inertielle comme périphérique de contrôle pour l’humanoïde et un casque de réalitévirtuelle connecté aux caméras du robot pour obtenir un retour visuel. Nous avons d’abord traduitles mouvements humains en mouvements robotiques équivalents en développant une approchede retargeting de mouvement qui atteint la ressemblance humaine tout en essayant d’assurer lafaisabilité du mouvement transféré. Nous avons ensuite implémenté un contrôleur du corps entierpour permettre au robot de suivre le mouvement humain reciblé. Le contrôleur a ensuite étéoptimisé en simulation pour obtenir un bon suivi des mouvements de référence du corps entier,en recourant à un optimiseur stochastique multi-objectifs, ce qui nous a permis de trouver dessolutions robustes fonctionnant sur le robot réel en quelques essais.Pour télé-opérer les mouvements de marche, nous avons implémenté un mode de télé-opérationde niveau supérieur dans lequel l’utilisateur peut utiliser un joystick pour envoyer des commandesde référence au robot. Nous avons intégré ce paramètre dans le système de télé-opération, ce quipermet à l’utilisateur de basculer entre les deux modes différents.Un problème majeur empêchant le déploiement de tels systèmes dans des applications réellesest la présence de retards de communication entre l’entrée humaine et le retour du robot: mêmequelques centaines de millisecondes de retard peuvent irrémédiablement perturber l’opérateur,encore plus quelques secondes. Pour surmonter ces retards, nous avons introduit un système danslequel un robot humanoïde exécute des commandes avant de les recevoir, de sorte que le retourvisuel semble être synchronisé avec l’opérateur, alors que le robot exécutait les commandes dansle passé. Pour ce faire, le robot prédit en permanence les commandes futures en interrogeant unmodèle d’apprentissage automatique formé sur les trajectoires passées et conditionné aux dernièrescommandes reçues

    A Novel Sensorised Insole for Sensing Feet Pressure Distributions

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    Wearable sensors are gaining in popularity because they enable outdoor experimental monitoring. This paper presents a cost-effective sensorised insole based on a mesh of tactile capacitive sensors. Each sensor's spatial resolution is about 4 taxels/cm^2 in order to have an accurate reconstruction of the contact pressure distribution. As a consequence, the insole provides information such as contact forces, moments, and center of pressure. To retrieve this information, a calibration technique that fuses measurements from a vacuum chamber and shoes equipped with force/torque sensors is proposed. The validation analysis shows that the best performance achieved a root mean square error (RMSE) of about 7 N for the contact forces and 2 N m for the contact moments when using the force/torque shoe data as ground truth. Thus, the insole may be an alternative to force/torque sensors for certain applications, with a considerably more cost-effective and less invasive hardware.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Proceedings XXIII Congresso SIAMOC 2023

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    Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), giunto quest’anno alla sua ventitreesima edizione, approda nuovamente a Roma. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti che operano nell’ambito dell’analisi del movimento di incontrarsi, presentare i risultati delle proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni riguardanti le procedure e le tecnologie per l’analisi del movimento nella pratica clinica. Il congresso SIAMOC 2023 di Roma si propone l’obiettivo di fornire ulteriore impulso ad una già eccellente attività di ricerca italiana nel settore dell’analisi del movimento e di conferirle ulteriore respiro ed impatto internazionale. Oltre ai qualificanti temi tradizionali che riguardano la ricerca di base e applicata in ambito clinico e sportivo, il congresso SIAMOC 2023 intende approfondire ulteriori tematiche di particolare interesse scientifico e di impatto sulla società. Tra questi temi anche quello dell’inserimento lavorativo di persone affette da disabilità anche grazie alla diffusione esponenziale in ambito clinico-occupazionale delle tecnologie robotiche collaborative e quello della protesica innovativa a supporto delle persone con amputazione. Verrà infine affrontato il tema dei nuovi algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale per l’ottimizzazione della classificazione in tempo reale dei pattern motori nei vari campi di applicazione