24 research outputs found

    Novo método iterativo de localização da câmera baseado no conceito de resection-intersection

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    A Odometria Visual é o processo de estimar o movimento de um ente a partir de duas ou mais imagens fornecidas por uma ou mais câmeras. É uma técnica de grande importância na visão computacional, com aplicações em diversas áreas tais como assistência ao motorista e navegação de veículos autônomos, sistemas de realidade aumentada, veículos autônomos não-tripulados (VANTs) e até mesmo na exploração interplanetária. Os mé- todos mais comuns de Odometria Visual utilizam câmeras com visão estéreo, através das quais é possível calcular diretamente as informações de profundidade de detalhes de uma cena, o que permite estimar as posições sucessivas das câmeras. A Odometria Visual Monocular estima o deslocamento de um objeto com base nas imagens fornecidas por uma única câmera, o que oferece vantagens construtivas e operacionais embora exija processamento mais complexo. Os sistemas de Odometria Visual Monocular do tipo esparsos estimam a pose da câmera a partir de singularidades detectadas nas imagens, o que reduz significativamente o poder de processamento necessário, sendo assim ideal para aplica- ções de tempo real. Nessa óptica, este trabalho apresenta um novo sistema de Odometria Visual Monocular esparsa para tempo real, validado em veículo instrumentado. O novo sistema é baseado no conceito de Resection-Intersection, combinado com um novo teste de convergência, e um método de refinamento iterativo para minimizar os erros de reproje- ção. O sistema foi projetado para ser capaz de utilizar diferentes algoritmos de otimização não linear, tais como Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, Davidon-Fletcher-Powell ou Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shannon. Utilizando o benchmark KITTI, o sistema proposto obteve um erro de translação em relação à distância média percorrida de 0, 86% e erro médio de rotação em relação à distância média percorrida de 0.0024◦/m. O sistema foi desenvolvido em Python em uma única thread, foi embarcado em uma placa Raspberry Pi 4B e obteve um tempo médio de processamento de 775ms por imagem para os onze primeiros cenários do benchmark. O desempenho obtido neste trabalho supera os resultados de outros sistemas de Odometria Visual Monocular baseados no conceito de ResectionIntersection até o momento submetidos na classificação do benchmark KITTI.Visual Odometry is the process of estimating the movement of an entity from two or more images provided by one or more cameras. It is a technique ofmain concern in computer vision, with applications in several areas such as driver assistance and autonomous vehicle navigation, augmented reality systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and even in interplanetary exploration. Most common methods of Visual Odometry use stereo cameras, through which it is possible to directly calculate the depth information of details of a scene, which allows to estimate the successive positions of the cameras. Monocular Visual Odometry estimates the displacement of an object based on images provided by a single camera, which offers constructive and operational advantages although it requires more complex processing. Sparse-type Monocular Visual Odometry systems estimate the camera pose from singularities detected in the images, which significantly reduces the processing power required, thus making it ideal for real-time applications. In this perspective, this work presents a new Sparse Monocular visual Odometry system for real-time, validated on a instrumented vehicle. The new system is based on the Resection-Intersection concept, combined with an expanded convergence test, and an iterative refinement method to minimize reprojection errors. It was designed to be able to use different non-linear optimization algorithms, such as Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, Davidon-FletcherPowell or Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shannon. Using the benchmark KITTI, the proposed system obtained a translation error in relation to the average distance traveled of 0.86% and an average rotation error in relation to the average distance covered of 0.0024◦/m. The system was developed in Python on a single thread, was embedded on a Raspberry Pi 4B board and an average processing time of 775ms per image for the first eleven scenarios of the benchmark. The results obtained in this work surpass the results obtained by other visual odometry systems based on the concept of Resection-Intersection so far submitted to the KITTI benchmark ranking

    Visual Localization with Lines

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    Mobile robots must be able to derive their current location from sensor measurements in order to navigate fully autonomously. Positioning sensors like GPS output a global position but their precision is not sufficient for many applications; and indoors no GPS signal is received at all. Cameras provide information-rich data and are already used in many systems, e.g. for object detection and recognition. Therefore, this thesis investigates the possibility of additionally using cameras for localization. State-of-the-art methods are based on point observations but as man-made environments mostly consist of planar and linear structures which are perceived as lines, the focus in this thesis is on the use of image lines to derive the camera trajectory. To achieve this goal, multiple view geometry algorithms for line-based pose and structure estimation have to be developed. A prerequisite for these algorithms is that correspondences between line observations in multiple images which originate from the same spatial line are established. This thesis proposes a novel line matching algorithm for matching under small baseline motion which is designed with one-to-many matching in mind to tackle the issue of varying line segmentation. In contrast to other line matching solutions, the algorithm proposed leverages optical flow calculation and hence obviates the need for an expensive descriptor calculation. A two-view relative pose estimation algorithm is introduced which extracts the spatial line directions using parallel line clustering on the image lines in order to calculate the relative rotation. In lieu of the "Manhattan world" assumption, which is required by state-of-the-art methods, the approach proposed is less restrictive as it needs only lines of different directions; the angle between the directions is not relevant. In addition, the method proposed is in the order of one magnitude faster to compute. A novel line triangulation method is proposed to derive the scene structure from the images. The method is derived from the spatial transformation of PlĂĽcker lines and allows prior knowledge of the spatial line, like the precalculated directions from the parallel line clustering, to be integrated. The problem of degenerate configurations is analyzed, too, and a solution is developed which incorporates the optical flow vectors from the matching step as spatial points into the estimation. Lastly, all components are combined to a visual odometry pipeline for monocular cameras. The pipeline uses image-to-image motion estimation to calculate the camera trajectory. A scale adjustment based on the trifocal tensor is introduced which ensures the consistent scale of the trajectory. To increase the robustness, a sliding-window bundle adjustment is employed. All components and the visual odometry pipeline proposed are evaluated and compared to state-of-the-art methods on real world data of indoor and outdoor scenes. The evaluation shows that line-based visual localization is suitable to solve the localization task

    Visual Odometry and Sparse Scene Reconstruction for UAVs with a Multi-Fisheye Camera System

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    Autonomously operating UAVs demand a fast localization for navigation, to actively explore unknown areas and to create maps. For pose estimation, many UAV systems make use of a combination of GPS receivers and inertial sensor units (IMU). However, GPS signal coverage may go down occasionally, especially in the close vicinity of objects, and precise IMUs are too heavy to be carried by lightweight UAVs. This and the high cost of high quality IMU motivate the use of inexpensive vision based sensors for localization using visual odometry or visual SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) techniques. The first contribution of this thesis is a more general approach to bundle adjustment with an extended version of the projective coplanarity equation which enables us to make use of omnidirectional multi-camera systems which may consist of fisheye cameras that can capture a large field of view with one shot. We use ray directions as observations instead of image points which is why our approach does not rely on a specific projection model assuming a central projection. In addition, our approach allows the integration and estimation of points at infinity, which classical bundle adjustments are not capable of. We show that the integration of far or infinitely far points stabilizes the estimation of the rotation angles of the camera poses. In its second contribution, we employ this approach to bundle adjustment in a highly integrated system for incremental pose estimation and mapping on light-weight UAVs. Based on the image sequences of a multi-camera system our system makes use of tracked feature points to incrementally build a sparse map and incrementally refines this map using the iSAM2 algorithm. Our system is able to optionally integrate GPS information on the level of carrier phase observations even in underconstrained situations, e.g. if only two satellites are visible, for georeferenced pose estimation. This way, we are able to use all available information in underconstrained GPS situations to keep the mapped 3D model accurate and georeferenced. In its third contribution, we present an approach for re-using existing methods for dense stereo matching with fisheye cameras, which has the advantage that highly optimized existing methods can be applied as a black-box without modifications even with cameras that have field of view of more than 180 deg. We provide a detailed accuracy analysis of the obtained dense stereo results. The accuracy analysis shows the growing uncertainty of observed image points of fisheye cameras due to increasing blur towards the image border. Core of the contribution is a rigorous variance component estimation which allows to estimate the variance of the observed disparities at an image point as a function of the distance of that point to the principal point. We show that this improved stochastic model provides a more realistic prediction of the uncertainty of the triangulated 3D points.Autonom operierende UAVs benötigen eine schnelle Lokalisierung zur Navigation, zur Exploration unbekannter Umgebungen und zur Kartierung. Zur Posenbestimmung verwenden viele UAV-Systeme eine Kombination aus GPS-Empfängern und Inertial-Messeinheiten (IMU). Die Verfügbarkeit von GPS-Signalen ist jedoch nicht überall gewährleistet, insbesondere in der Nähe abschattender Objekte, und präzise IMUs sind für leichtgewichtige UAVs zu schwer. Auch die hohen Kosten qualitativ hochwertiger IMUs motivieren den Einsatz von kostengünstigen bildgebenden Sensoren zur Lokalisierung mittels visueller Odometrie oder SLAM-Techniken zur simultanen Lokalisierung und Kartierung. Im ersten wissenschaftlichen Beitrag dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen allgemeineren Ansatz für die Bündelausgleichung mit einem erweiterten Modell für die projektive Kollinearitätsgleichung, sodass auch omnidirektionale Multikamerasysteme verwendet werden können, welche beispielsweise bestehend aus Fisheyekameras mit einer Aufnahme einen großen Sichtbereich abdecken. Durch die Integration von Strahlrichtungen als Beobachtungen ist unser Ansatz nicht von einem kameraspezifischen Abbildungsmodell abhängig solange dieses der Zentralprojektion folgt. Zudem erlaubt unser Ansatz die Integration und Schätzung von unendlich fernen Punkten, was bei klassischen Bündelausgleichungen nicht möglich ist. Wir zeigen, dass durch die Integration weit entfernter und unendlich ferner Punkte die Schätzung der Rotationswinkel der Kameraposen stabilisiert werden kann. Im zweiten Beitrag verwenden wir diesen entwickelten Ansatz zur Bündelausgleichung für ein System zur inkrementellen Posenschätzung und dünnbesetzten Kartierung auf einem leichtgewichtigen UAV. Basierend auf den Bildsequenzen eines Mulitkamerasystems baut unser System mittels verfolgter markanter Bildpunkte inkrementell eine dünnbesetzte Karte auf und verfeinert diese inkrementell mittels des iSAM2-Algorithmus. Unser System ist in der Lage optional auch GPS Informationen auf dem Level von GPS-Trägerphasen zu integrieren, wodurch sogar in unterbestimmten Situation - beispielsweise bei nur zwei verfügbaren Satelliten - diese Informationen zur georeferenzierten Posenschätzung verwendet werden können. Im dritten Beitrag stellen wir einen Ansatz zur Verwendung existierender Methoden für dichtes Stereomatching mit Fisheyekameras vor, sodass hoch optimierte existierende Methoden als Black Box ohne Modifzierungen sogar mit Kameras mit einem Gesichtsfeld von mehr als 180 Grad verwendet werden können. Wir stellen eine detaillierte Genauigkeitsanalyse basierend auf dem Ergebnis des dichten Stereomatchings dar. Die Genauigkeitsanalyse zeigt, wie stark die Genauigkeit beobachteter Bildpunkte bei Fisheyekameras zum Bildrand aufgrund von zunehmender Unschärfe abnimmt. Das Kernstück dieses Beitrags ist eine Varianzkomponentenschätzung, welche die Schätzung der Varianz der beobachteten Disparitäten an einem Bildpunkt als Funktion von der Distanz dieses Punktes zum Hauptpunkt des Bildes ermöglicht. Wir zeigen, dass dieses verbesserte stochastische Modell eine realistischere Prädiktion der Genauigkeiten der 3D Punkte ermöglicht

    Map-Based Localization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) require precise pose estimation when navigating in indoor and GNSS-denied / GNSS-degraded outdoor environments. The possibility of crashing in these environments is high, as spaces are confined, with many moving obstacles. There are many solutions for localization in GNSS-denied environments, and many different technologies are used. Common solutions involve setting up or using existing infrastructure, such as beacons, Wi-Fi, or surveyed targets. These solutions were avoided because the cost should be proportional to the number of users, not the coverage area. Heavy and expensive sensors, for example a high-end IMU, were also avoided. Given these requirements, a camera-based localization solution was selected for the sensor pose estimation. Several camera-based localization approaches were investigated. Map-based localization methods were shown to be the most efficient because they close loops using a pre-existing map, thus the amount of data and the amount of time spent collecting data are reduced as there is no need to re-observe the same areas multiple times. This dissertation proposes a solution to address the task of fully localizing a monocular camera onboard a UAV with respect to a known environment (i.e., it is assumed that a 3D model of the environment is available) for the purpose of navigation for UAVs in structured environments. Incremental map-based localization involves tracking a map through an image sequence. When the map is a 3D model, this task is referred to as model-based tracking. A by-product of the tracker is the relative 3D pose (position and orientation) between the camera and the object being tracked. State-of-the-art solutions advocate that tracking geometry is more robust than tracking image texture because edges are more invariant to changes in object appearance and lighting. However, model-based trackers have been limited to tracking small simple objects in small environments. An assessment was performed in tracking larger, more complex building models, in larger environments. A state-of-the art model-based tracker called ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) was applied in tracking outdoor and indoor buildings using a UAVs low-cost camera. The assessment revealed weaknesses at large scales. Specifically, ViSP failed when tracking was lost, and needed to be manually re-initialized. Failure occurred when there was a lack of model features in the cameras field of view, and because of rapid camera motion. Experiments revealed that ViSP achieved positional accuracies similar to single point positioning solutions obtained from single-frequency (L1) GPS observations standard deviations around 10 metres. These errors were considered to be large, considering the geometric accuracy of the 3D model used in the experiments was 10 to 40 cm. The first contribution of this dissertation proposes to increase the performance of the localization system by combining ViSP with map-building incremental localization, also referred to as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Experimental results in both indoor and outdoor environments show sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved, while reducing the number of tracking losses throughout the image sequence. It is shown that by integrating model-based tracking with SLAM, not only does SLAM improve model tracking performance, but the model-based tracker alleviates the computational expense of SLAMs loop closing procedure to improve runtime performance. Experiments also revealed that ViSP was unable to handle occlusions when a complete 3D building model was used, resulting in large errors in its pose estimates. The second contribution of this dissertation is a novel map-based incremental localization algorithm that improves tracking performance, and increases pose estimation accuracies from ViSP. The novelty of this algorithm is the implementation of an efficient matching process that identifies corresponding linear features from the UAVs RGB image data and a large, complex, and untextured 3D model. The proposed model-based tracker improved positional accuracies from 10 m (obtained with ViSP) to 46 cm in outdoor environments, and improved from an unattainable result using VISP to 2 cm positional accuracies in large indoor environments. The main disadvantage of any incremental algorithm is that it requires the camera pose of the first frame. Initialization is often a manual process. The third contribution of this dissertation is a map-based absolute localization algorithm that automatically estimates the camera pose when no prior pose information is available. The method benefits from vertical line matching to accomplish a registration procedure of the reference model views with a set of initial input images via geometric hashing. Results demonstrate that sub-metre positional accuracies were achieved and a proposed enhancement of conventional geometric hashing produced more correct matches - 75% of the correct matches were identified, compared to 11%. Further the number of incorrect matches was reduced by 80%

    Real-time object detection using monocular vision for low-cost automotive sensing systems

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    This work addresses the problem of real-time object detection in automotive environments using monocular vision. The focus is on real-time feature detection, tracking, depth estimation using monocular vision and finally, object detection by fusing visual saliency and depth information. Firstly, a novel feature detection approach is proposed for extracting stable and dense features even in images with very low signal-to-noise ratio. This methodology is based on image gradients, which are redefined to take account of noise as part of their mathematical model. Each gradient is based on a vector connecting a negative to a positive intensity centroid, where both centroids are symmetric about the centre of the area for which the gradient is calculated. Multiple gradient vectors define a feature with its strength being proportional to the underlying gradient vector magnitude. The evaluation of the Dense Gradient Features (DeGraF) shows superior performance over other contemporary detectors in terms of keypoint density, tracking accuracy, illumination invariance, rotation invariance, noise resistance and detection time. The DeGraF features form the basis for two new approaches that perform dense 3D reconstruction from a single vehicle-mounted camera. The first approach tracks DeGraF features in real-time while performing image stabilisation with minimal computational cost. This means that despite camera vibration the algorithm can accurately predict the real-world coordinates of each image pixel in real-time by comparing each motion-vector to the ego-motion vector of the vehicle. The performance of this approach has been compared to different 3D reconstruction methods in order to determine their accuracy, depth-map density, noise-resistance and computational complexity. The second approach proposes the use of local frequency analysis of i ii gradient features for estimating relative depth. This novel method is based on the fact that DeGraF gradients can accurately measure local image variance with subpixel accuracy. It is shown that the local frequency by which the centroid oscillates around the gradient window centre is proportional to the depth of each gradient centroid in the real world. The lower computational complexity of this methodology comes at the expense of depth map accuracy as the camera velocity increases, but it is at least five times faster than the other evaluated approaches. This work also proposes a novel technique for deriving visual saliency maps by using Division of Gaussians (DIVoG). In this context, saliency maps express the difference of each image pixel is to its surrounding pixels across multiple pyramid levels. This approach is shown to be both fast and accurate when evaluated against other state-of-the-art approaches. Subsequently, the saliency information is combined with depth information to identify salient regions close to the host vehicle. The fused map allows faster detection of high-risk areas where obstacles are likely to exist. As a result, existing object detection algorithms, such as the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) can execute at least five times faster. In conclusion, through a step-wise approach computationally-expensive algorithms have been optimised or replaced by novel methodologies to produce a fast object detection system that is aligned to the requirements of the automotive domain

    Vision-based control of a knuckle boom crane with online cable length estimation

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    A vision-based controller for a knuckle boom crane is presented. The controller is used to control the motion of the crane tip and at the same time compensate for payload oscillations. The oscillations of the payload are measured with three cameras that are fixed to the crane king and are used to track two spherical markers fixed to the payload cable. Based on color and size information, each camera identifies the image points corresponding to the markers. The payload angles are then determined using linear triangulation of the image points. An extended Kalman filter is used for estimation of payload angles and angular velocity. The length of the payload cable is also estimated using a least squares technique with projection. The crane is controlled by a linear cascade controller where the inner control loop is designed to damp out the pendulum oscillation, and the crane tip is controlled by the outer loop. The control variable of the controller is the commanded crane tip acceleration, which is converted to a velocity command using a velocity loop. The performance of the control system is studied experimentally using a scaled laboratory version of a knuckle boom crane

    On the use of smartphones as novel photogrammetric water gauging instruments: Developing tools for crowdsourcing water levels

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    The term global climate change is omnipresent since the beginning of the last decade. Changes in the global climate are associated with an increase in heavy rainfalls that can cause nearly unpredictable flash floods. Consequently, spatio-temporally high-resolution monitoring of rivers becomes increasingly important. Water gauging stations continuously and precisely measure water levels. However, they are rather expensive in purchase and maintenance and are preferably installed at water bodies relevant for water management. Small-scale catchments remain often ungauged. In order to increase the data density of hydrometric monitoring networks and thus to improve the prediction quality of flood events, new, flexible and cost-effective water level measurement technologies are required. They should be oriented towards the accuracy requirements of conventional measurement systems and facilitate the observation of water levels at virtually any time, even at the smallest rivers. A possible solution is the development of a photogrammetric smartphone application (app) for crowdsourcing water levels, which merely requires voluntary users to take pictures of a river section to determine the water level. Today’s smartphones integrate high-resolution cameras, a variety of sensors, powerful processors, and mass storage. However, they are designed for the mass market and use low-cost hardware that cannot comply with the quality of geodetic measurement technology. In order to investigate the potential for mobile measurement applications, research was conducted on the smartphone as a photogrammetric measurement instrument as part of the doctoral project. The studies deal with the geometric stability of smartphone cameras regarding device-internal temperature changes and with the accuracy potential of rotation parameters measured with smartphone sensors. The results show a high, temperature-related variability of the interior orientation parameters, which is why the calibration of the camera should be carried out during the immediate measurement. The results of the sensor investigations show considerable inaccuracies when measuring rotation parameters, especially the compass angle (errors up to 90° were observed). The same applies to position parameters measured by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers built into smartphones. According to the literature, positional accuracies of about 5 m are possible in best conditions. Otherwise, errors of several 10 m are to be expected. As a result, direct georeferencing of image measurements using current smartphone technology should be discouraged. In consideration of the results, the water gauging app Open Water Levels (OWL) was developed, whose methodological development and implementation constituted the core of the thesis project. OWL enables the flexible measurement of water levels via crowdsourcing without requiring additional equipment or being limited to specific river sections. Data acquisition and processing take place directly in the field, so that the water level information is immediately available. In practice, the user captures a short time-lapse sequence of a river bank with OWL, which is used to calculate a spatio-temporal texture that enables the detection of the water line. In order to translate the image measurement into 3D object space, a synthetic, photo-realistic image of the situation is created from existing 3D data of the river section to be investigated. Necessary approximations of the image orientation parameters are measured by smartphone sensors and GNSS. The assignment of camera image and synthetic image allows for the determination of the interior and exterior orientation parameters by means of space resection and finally the transfer of the image-measured 2D water line into the 3D object space to derive the prevalent water level in the reference system of the 3D data. In comparison with conventionally measured water levels, OWL reveals an accuracy potential of 2 cm on average, provided that synthetic image and camera image exhibit consistent image contents and that the water line can be reliably detected. In the present dissertation, related geometric and radiometric problems are comprehensively discussed. Furthermore, possible solutions, based on advancing developments in smartphone technology and image processing as well as the increasing availability of 3D reference data, are presented in the synthesis of the work. The app Open Water Levels, which is currently available as a beta version and has been tested on selected devices, provides a basis, which, with continuous further development, aims to achieve a final release for crowdsourcing water levels towards the establishment of new and the expansion of existing monitoring networks.Der Begriff des globalen Klimawandels ist seit Beginn des letzten Jahrzehnts allgegenwärtig. Die Veränderung des Weltklimas ist mit einer Zunahme von Starkregenereignissen verbunden, die nahezu unvorhersehbare Sturzfluten verursachen können. Folglich gewinnt die raumzeitlich hochaufgelöste Überwachung von Fließgewässern zunehmend an Bedeutung. Pegelmessstationen erfassen kontinuierlich und präzise Wasserstände, sind jedoch in Anschaffung und Wartung sehr teuer und werden vorzugsweise an wasserwirtschaftlich-relevanten Gewässern installiert. Kleinere Gewässer bleiben häufig unbeobachtet. Um die Datendichte hydrometrischer Messnetze zu erhöhen und somit die Vorhersagequalität von Hochwasserereignissen zu verbessern, sind neue, kostengünstige und flexibel einsetzbare Wasserstandsmesstechnologien erforderlich. Diese sollten sich an den Genauigkeitsanforderungen konventioneller Messsysteme orientieren und die Beobachtung von Wasserständen zu praktisch jedem Zeitpunkt, selbst an den kleinsten Flüssen, ermöglichen. Ein Lösungsvorschlag ist die Entwicklung einer photogrammetrischen Smartphone-Anwendung (App) zum Crowdsourcing von Wasserständen mit welcher freiwillige Nutzer lediglich Bilder eines Flussabschnitts aufnehmen müssen, um daraus den Wasserstand zu bestimmen. Heutige Smartphones integrieren hochauflösende Kameras, eine Vielzahl von Sensoren, leistungsfähige Prozessoren und Massenspeicher. Sie sind jedoch für den Massenmarkt konzipiert und verwenden kostengünstige Hardware, die nicht der Qualität geodätischer Messtechnik entsprechen kann. Um das Einsatzpotential in mobilen Messanwendungen zu eruieren, sind Untersuchungen zum Smartphone als photogrammetrisches Messinstrument im Rahmen des Promotionsprojekts durchgeführt worden. Die Studien befassen sich mit der geometrischen Stabilität von Smartphone-Kameras bezüglich geräteinterner Temperaturänderungen und mit dem Genauigkeitspotential von mit Smartphone-Sensoren gemessenen Rotationsparametern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine starke, temperaturbedingte Variabilität der inneren Orientierungsparameter, weshalb die Kalibrierung der Kamera zum unmittelbaren Messzeitpunkt erfolgen sollte. Die Ergebnisse der Sensoruntersuchungen zeigen große Ungenauigkeiten bei der Messung der Rotationsparameter, insbesondere des Kompasswinkels (Fehler von bis zu 90° festgestellt). Selbiges gilt auch für Positionsparameter, gemessen durch in Smartphones eingebaute Empfänger für Signale globaler Navigationssatellitensysteme (GNSS). Wie aus der Literatur zu entnehmen ist, lassen sich unter besten Bedingungen Lagegenauigkeiten von etwa 5 m erreichen. Abseits davon sind Fehler von mehreren 10 m zu erwarten. Infolgedessen ist von einer direkten Georeferenzierung von Bildmessungen mittels aktueller Smartphone-Technologie abzusehen. Unter Berücksichtigung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde die Pegel-App Open Water Levels (OWL) entwickelt, deren methodische Entwicklung und Implementierung den Kern der Arbeit bildete. OWL ermöglicht die flexible Messung von Wasserständen via Crowdsourcing, ohne dabei zusätzliche Ausrüstung zu verlangen oder auf spezifische Flussabschnitte beschränkt zu sein. Datenaufnahme und Verarbeitung erfolgen direkt im Feld, so dass die Pegelinformationen sofort verfügbar sind. Praktisch nimmt der Anwender mit OWL eine kurze Zeitraffersequenz eines Flussufers auf, die zur Berechnung einer Raum-Zeit-Textur dient und die Erkennung der Wasserlinie ermöglicht. Zur Übersetzung der Bildmessung in den 3D-Objektraum wird aus vorhandenen 3D-Daten des zu untersuchenden Flussabschnittes ein synthetisches, photorealistisches Abbild der Aufnahmesituation erstellt. Erforderliche Näherungen der Bildorientierungsparameter werden von Smartphone-Sensoren und GNSS gemessen. Die Zuordnung von Kamerabild und synthetischem Bild erlaubt die Bestimmung der inneren und äußeren Orientierungsparameter mittels räumlichen Rückwärtsschnitt. Nach Rekonstruktion der Aufnahmesituation lässt sich die im Bild gemessene 2D-Wasserlinie in den 3D-Objektraum projizieren und der vorherrschende Wasserstand im Referenzsystem der 3D-Daten ableiten. Im Soll-Ist-Vergleich mit konventionell gemessenen Pegeldaten zeigt OWL ein erreichbares Genauigkeitspotential von durchschnittlich 2 cm, insofern synthetisches und reales Kamerabild einen möglichst konsistenten Bildinhalt aufweisen und die Wasserlinie zuverlässig detektiert werden kann. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden damit verbundene geometrische und radiometrische Probleme ausführlich diskutiert sowie Lösungsansätze, auf der Basis fortschreitender Entwicklungen von Smartphone-Technologie und Bildverarbeitung sowie der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit von 3D-Referenzdaten, in der Synthese der Arbeit vorgestellt. Mit der gegenwärtig als Betaversion vorliegenden und auf ausgewählten Geräten getesteten App Open Water Levels wurde eine Basis geschaffen, die mit kontinuierlicher Weiterentwicklung eine finale Freigabe für das Crowdsourcing von Wasserständen und damit den Aufbau neuer und die Erweiterung bestehender Monitoring-Netzwerke anstrebt