31 research outputs found

    Nanorobotics in Medicine: A Systematic Review of Advances, Challenges, and Future Prospects

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    Nanorobotics offers an emerging frontier in biomedicine, holding the potential to revolutionize diagnostic and therapeutic applications through its unique capabilities in manipulating biological systems at the nanoscale. Following PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted using IEEE Xplore and PubMed databases, resulting in the identification and analysis of a total of 414 papers. The studies were filtered to include only those that addressed both nanorobotics and direct medical applications. Our analysis traces the technology's evolution, highlighting its growing prominence in medicine as evidenced by the increasing number of publications over time. Applications ranged from targeted drug delivery and single-cell manipulation to minimally invasive surgery and biosensing. Despite the promise, limitations such as biocompatibility, precise control, and ethical concerns were also identified. This review aims to offer a thorough overview of the state of nanorobotics in medicine, drawing attention to current challenges and opportunities, and providing directions for future research in this rapidly advancing field

    Synthesis and Analysis of Minimalist Control Strategies for Swarm Robotic Systems

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    The field of swarm robotics studies bio-inspired cooperative control strategies for large groups of relatively simple robots. The robots are limited in their individual capabilities, however, by inducing cooperation amongst them, the limitations can be overcome. Local sensing and interactions within the robotic swarm promote scalable, robust, and flexible behaviours. This thesis focuses on synthesising and analysing minimalist control strategies for swarm robotic systems. Using a computation-free swarming framework, multiple decentralised control strategies are synthesised and analysed. The control strategies enable the robots—equipped with only discrete-valued sensors—to reactively respond to their environment. We present the simplest control solutions to date to four multi-agent problems: finding consensus, gathering on a grid, shepherding, and spatial coverage. The control solutions—obtained by employing an offline evolutionary robotics approach—are tested, either in computer simulation or by physical experiment. They are shown to be—up to a certain extent—scalable, robust against sensor noise, and flexible to the changes in their environment. The investigated gathering problem is proven to be unsolvable using the deterministic framework. The extended framework, using stochastic reactive controllers, is applied to obtain provably correct solutions. Using no run-time memory and only limited sensing make it possible to realise implementations that are arguably free of arithmetic computation. Due to the low computational demands, the control solutions may enable or inspire novel applications, for example, in nanomedicine

    Design, Actuation, and Functionalization of Untethered Soft Magnetic Robots with Life-Like Motions: A Review

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    Soft robots have demonstrated superior flexibility and functionality than conventional rigid robots. These versatile devices can respond to a wide range of external stimuli (including light, magnetic field, heat, electric field, etc.), and can perform sophisticated tasks. Notably, soft magnetic robots exhibit unparalleled advantages among numerous soft robots (such as untethered control, rapid response, and high safety), and have made remarkable progress in small-scale manipulation tasks and biomedical applications. Despite the promising potential, soft magnetic robots are still in their infancy and require significant advancements in terms of fabrication, design principles, and functional development to be viable for real-world applications. Recent progress shows that bionics can serve as an effective tool for developing soft robots. In light of this, the review is presented with two main goals: (i) exploring how innovative bioinspired strategies can revolutionize the design and actuation of soft magnetic robots to realize various life-like motions; (ii) examining how these bionic systems could benefit practical applications in small-scale solid/liquid manipulation and therapeutic/diagnostic-related biomedical fields

    A comprehensive survey of recent advancements in molecular communication

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    With much advancement in the field of nanotechnology, bioengineering and synthetic biology over the past decade, microscales and nanoscales devices are becoming a reality. Yet the problem of engineering a reliable communication system between tiny devices is still an open problem. At the same time, despite the prevalence of radio communication, there are still areas where traditional electromagnetic waves find it difficult or expensive to reach. Points of interest in industry, cities, and medical applications often lie in embedded and entrenched areas, accessible only by ventricles at scales too small for conventional radio waves and microwaves, or they are located in such a way that directional high frequency systems are ineffective. Inspired by nature, one solution to these problems is molecular communication (MC), where chemical signals are used to transfer information. Although biologists have studied MC for decades, it has only been researched for roughly 10 year from a communication engineering lens. Significant number of papers have been published to date, but owing to the need for interdisciplinary work, much of the results are preliminary. In this paper, the recent advancements in the field of MC engineering are highlighted. First, the biological, chemical, and physical processes used by an MC system are discussed. This includes different components of the MC transmitter and receiver, as well as the propagation and transport mechanisms. Then, a comprehensive survey of some of the recent works on MC through a communication engineering lens is provided. The paper ends with a technology readiness analysis of MC and future research directions

    Life Expansion: Toward an Artistic, Design-Based Theory of the Transhuman / Posthuman

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    The thesis’ study of life expansion proposes a framework for artistic, design-based approaches concerned with prolonging human life and sustaining personal identity. To delineate the topic: life expansion means increasing the length of time a person is alive and diversifying the matter in which a person exists. For human life, the length of time is bounded by a single century and its matter is tied to biology. Life expansion is located in the domain of human enhancement, distinctly linked to technological interfaces with biology. The thesis identifies human-computer interaction and the potential of emerging and speculative technologies as seeding the promulgation of human enhancement that approach life expansion. In doing so, the thesis constructs an inquiry into historical and current attempts to append human physiology and intervene with its mortality. By encountering emerging and speculative technologies for prolonging life and sustaining personal identity as possible media for artistic, design-based approaches to human enhancement, a new axis is sought that identifies the transhuman and posthuman as conceptual paradigms for life expansion. The thesis asks: What are the required conditions that enable artistic, design-based approaches to human enhancement that explicitly pursue extending human life? This question centers on the potential of the study’s proposed enhancement technologies in their relationship to life, death, and the human condition. Notably, the thesis investigates artistic approaches, as distinct from those of the natural sciences, and the borders that need to be mediated between them. The study navigates between the domains of life extension, art and design, technology, and philosophy in forming the framework for a theory of life expansion. The critical approach seeks to uncover invisible borders between these interconnecting forces by bringing to light issues of sustaining life and personal identity, ethical concerns, including morphological freedom and extinction risk. Such issues relate to the thesis’ interest in life expansion and the use emerging and speculative technologies. 4 The study takes on a triad approach in its investigation: qualitative interviews with experts of the emerging and speculative technologies; field studies encountering research centers of such technologies; and an artistic, autopoietic process that explores the heuristics of life expansion. This investigation forms an integrative view of the human use of technology and its melioristic aim. The outcome of the research is a theoretical framework for further research in artistic approaches to life expansion

    Evolutionary Robot Swarms Under Real-World Constraints

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnica e de Computadores, na especialidade de Automação e RobĂłtica, apresentada ao Departamento de Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnica e de Computadores da Faculdade de CiĂȘncias e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraNas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, vĂĄrios cientistas e engenheiros tĂȘm vindo a estudar as estratĂ©gias provenientes da natureza. Dentro das arquiteturas biolĂłgicas, as sociedades que vivem em enxames revelam que agentes simplistas, tais como formigas ou pĂĄssaros, sĂŁo capazes de realizar tarefas complexas usufruindo de mecanismos de cooperação. Estes sistemas abrangem todas as condiçÔes necessĂĄrias para a sobrevivĂȘncia, incorporando comportamentos de cooperação, competição e adaptação. Na “batalha” sem fim em prol do progresso dos mecanismos artificiais desenvolvidos pelo homem, a ciĂȘncia conseguiu simular o primeiro comportamento em enxame no final dos anos oitenta. Desde entĂŁo, muitas outras ĂĄreas, entre as quais a robĂłtica, beneficiaram de mecanismos de tolerĂąncia a falhas inerentes da inteligĂȘncia coletiva de enxames. A ĂĄrea de investigação deste estudo incide na robĂłtica de enxame, consistindo num domĂ­nio particular dos sistemas robĂłticos cooperativos que incorpora os mecanismos de inteligĂȘncia coletiva de enxames na robĂłtica. Mais especificamente, propĂ”e-se uma solução completa de robĂłtica de enxames a ser aplicada em contexto real. Nesta Ăłtica, as operaçÔes de busca e salvamento foram consideradas como o caso de estudo principal devido ao nĂ­vel de complexidade associado Ă s mesmas. Tais operaçÔes ocorrem tipicamente em cenĂĄrios dinĂąmicos de elevadas dimensĂ”es, com condiçÔes adversas que colocam em causa a aplicabilidade dos sistemas robĂłticos cooperativos. Este estudo centra-se nestes problemas, procurando novos desafios que nĂŁo podem ser ultrapassados atravĂ©s da simples adaptação da literatura da especialidade em algoritmos de enxame, planeamento, controlo e tĂ©cnicas de tomada de decisĂŁo. As contribuiçÔes deste trabalho sustentam-se em torno da extensĂŁo do mĂ©todo Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) aplicado a sistemas robĂłticos cooperativos, denominado de Robotic Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (RDPSO). O RDPSO consiste numa arquitetura robĂłtica de enxame distribuĂ­da que beneficia do particionamento dinĂąmico da população de robĂŽs utilizando mecanismos evolucionĂĄrios de exclusĂŁo social baseados na sobrevivĂȘncia do mais forte de Darwin. No entanto, apesar de estar assente no caso de estudo do RDPSO, a aplicabilidade dos conceitos aqui propostos nĂŁo se encontra restrita ao mesmo, visto que todos os algoritmos parametrizĂĄveis de enxame de robĂŽs podem beneficiar de uma abordagem idĂȘntica. Os fundamentos em torno do RDPSO sĂŁo introduzidos, focando-se na dinĂąmica dos robĂŽs, nos constrangimentos introduzidos pelos obstĂĄculos e pela comunicação, e nas suas propriedades evolucionĂĄrias. Considerando a colocação inicial dos robĂŽs no ambiente como algo fundamental para aplicar sistemas de enxames em aplicaçÔes reais, Ă© assim introduzida uma estratĂ©gia de colocação de robĂŽs realista. Para tal, a população de robĂŽs Ă© dividida de forma hierĂĄrquica, em que sĂŁo utilizadas plataformas mais robustas para colocar as plataformas de enxame no cenĂĄrio de forma autĂłnoma. ApĂłs a colocação dos robĂŽs no cenĂĄrio, Ă© apresentada uma estratĂ©gia para permitir a criação e manutenção de uma rede de comunicação mĂłvel ad hoc com tolerĂąncia a falhas. Esta estratĂ©gia nĂŁo considera somente a distĂąncia entre robĂŽs, mas tambĂ©m a qualidade do nĂ­vel de sinal rĂĄdio frequĂȘncia, redefinindo assim a sua aplicabilidade em cenĂĄrios reais. Os aspetos anteriormente mencionados estĂŁo sujeitos a uma anĂĄlise detalhada do sistema de comunicação inerente ao algoritmo, para atingir uma implementação mais escalĂĄvel do RDPSO a cenĂĄrios de elevada complexidade. Esta elevada complexidade inerente Ă  dinĂąmica dos cenĂĄrios motivaram a ultimar o desenvolvimento do RDPSO, integrando para o efeito um mecanismo adaptativo baseado em informação contextual (e.g., nĂ­vel de atividade do grupo). Face a estas consideraçÔes, o presente estudo pode contribuir para expandir o estado-da-arte em robĂłtica de enxame com algoritmos inovadores aplicados em contexto real. Neste sentido, todos os mĂ©todos propostos foram extensivamente validados e comparados com alternativas, tanto em simulação como com robĂŽs reais. Para alĂ©m disso, e dadas as limitaçÔes destes (e.g., nĂșmero limitado de robĂŽs, cenĂĄrios de dimensĂ”es limitadas, constrangimentos reais limitados), este trabalho contribui ainda para um maior aprofundamento do estado-da-arte, onde se propĂ”e um modelo macroscĂłpico capaz de capturar a dinĂąmica inerente ao RDPSO e, atĂ© certo ponto, estimar analiticamente o desempenho coletivo dos robĂŽs perante determinada tarefa. Em suma, esta investigação pode ter aplicabilidade prĂĄtica ao colmatar a lacuna que se faz sentir no Ăąmbito das estratĂ©gias de enxames de robĂŽs em contexto real e, em particular, em cenĂĄrios de busca e salvamento.Over the past decades, many scientists and engineers have been studying nature’s best and time-tested patterns and strategies. Within the existing biological architectures, swarm societies revealed that relatively unsophisticated agents with limited capabilities, such as ants or birds, were able to cooperatively accomplish complex tasks necessary for their survival. Those simplistic systems embrace all the conditions necessary to survive, thus embodying cooperative, competitive and adaptive behaviours. In the never-ending battle to advance artificial manmade mechanisms, computer scientists simulated the first swarm behaviour designed to mimic the flocking behaviour of birds in the late eighties. Ever since, many other fields, such as robotics, have benefited from the fault-tolerant mechanism inherent to swarm intelligence. The area of research presented in this Ph.D. Thesis focuses on swarm robotics, which is a particular domain of multi-robot systems (MRS) that embodies the mechanisms of swarm intelligence into robotics. More specifically, this Thesis proposes a complete swarm robotic solution that can be applied to real-world missions. Although the proposed methods do not depend on any particular application, search and rescue (SaR) operations were considered as the main case study due to their inherent level of complexity. Such operations often occur in highly dynamic and large scenarios, with harsh and faulty conditions, that pose several problems to MRS applicability. This Thesis focuses on these problems raising new challenges that cannot be handled appropriately by simple adaptation of state-of-the-art swarm algorithms, planning, control and decision-making techniques. The contributions of this Thesis revolve around an extension of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to MRS, denoted as Robotic Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (RDPSO). The RDPSO is a distributed swarm robotic architecture that benefits from the dynamical partitioning of the whole swarm of robots by means of an evolutionary social exclusion mechanism based on Darwin’s survival-of-the-fittest. Nevertheless, although currently applied solely to the RDPSO case study, the applicability of all concepts herein proposed is not restricted to it, since all parameterized swarm robotic algorithms may benefit from a similar approach The RDPSO is then proposed and used to devise the applicability of novel approaches. The fundamentals around the RDPSO are introduced by focusing on robots’ dynamics, obstacle avoidance, communication constraints and its evolutionary properties. Afterwards, taking the initial deployment of robots within the environment as a basis for applying swarm robotics systems into real-world applications, the development of a realistic deployment strategy is proposed. For that end, the population of robots is hierarchically divided, wherein larger support platforms autonomously deploy smaller exploring platforms in the scenario, while considering communication constraints and obstacles. After the deployment, a way of ensuring a fault-tolerant multi-hop mobile ad hoc communication network (MANET) is introduced to explicitly exchange information needed in a collaborative realworld task execution. Such strategy not only considers the maximum communication range between robots, but also the minimum signal quality, thus refining the applicability to real-world context. This is naturally followed by a deep analysis of the RDPSO communication system, describing the dynamics of the communication data packet structure shared between teammates. Such procedure is a first step to achieving a more scalable implementation by optimizing the communication procedure between robots. The highly dynamic characteristics of real-world applications motivated us to ultimate the RDPSO development with an adaptive strategy based on a set of context-based evaluation metrics. This thesis contributes to the state-of-the-art in swarm robotics with novel algorithms for realworld applications. All of the proposed approaches have been extensively validated in benchmarking tasks, in simulation, and with real robots. On top of that, and due to the limitations inherent to those (e.g., number of robots, scenario dimensions, real-world constraints), this Thesis further contributes to the state-of-the-art by proposing a macroscopic model able to capture the RDPSO dynamics and, to some extent, analytically estimate the collective performance of robots under a certain task. It is the author’s expectation that this Ph.D. Thesis may shed some light into bridging the reality gap inherent to the applicability of swarm strategies to real-world scenarios, and in particular to SaR operations.FCT - SFRH/BD /73382/201

    An Approach Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Inspection of Spacecraft Hulls by a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots

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    The remoteness and hazards that are inherent to the operating environments of space infrastructures promote their need for automated robotic inspection. In particular, micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact and structural fatigue are common sources of damage to spacecraft hulls. Vibration sensing has been used to detect structural damage in spacecraft hulls as well as in structural health monitoring practices in industry by deploying static sensors. In this paper, we propose using a swarm of miniaturized vibration-sensing mobile robots realizing a network of mobile sensors. We present a distributed inspection algorithm based on the bio-inspired particle swarm optimization and evolutionary algorithm niching techniques to deliver the task of enumeration and localization of an a priori unknown number of vibration sources on a simplified 2.5D spacecraft surface. Our algorithm is deployed on a swarm of simulated cm-scale wheeled robots. These are guided in their inspection task by sensing vibrations arising from failure points on the surface which are detected by on-board accelerometers. We study three performance metrics: (1) proximity of the localized sources to the ground truth locations, (2) time to localize each source, and (3) time to finish the inspection task given a 75% inspection coverage threshold. We find that our swarm is able to successfully localize the present so

    Swarm Robotics

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    Collectively working robot teams can solve a problem more efficiently than a single robot, while also providing robustness and flexibility to the group. Swarm robotics model is a key component of a cooperative algorithm that controls the behaviors and interactions of all individuals. The robots in the swarm should have some basic functions, such as sensing, communicating, and monitoring, and satisfy the following properties

    Modeling the Molecular Communication Nanonetworks

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    Nanotechnology is a cutting edge investigation area that has come out with new and unlimited applications. The recent explosion of research in this field, combined with important discoveries in molecular biology have created a new interest in bio-nanorobotic communication. This thesis provides a general theoretical understanding of nanonetworks and their multiple possibilities. It describes some basic concepts of architectures that compose nanotechnology topologies, as well as possible designs for the tiny nanonetwork components, the nanomachines. The thesis also reviews some promising methods proposed for communicating and coordinating in these nanonetworks. Molecular communication applied to nanonetworks presents indeed extremely appealing features in terms of energy consumption, reliability and robustness. Nevertheless, it remains to understand the impact of the extremely slow propagation of molecules and the highly variable environments. As a totally unexplored research area, it is important to establish thorough theoretical framework so that the applications and possible solutions can be validated. It is clear that many issues still need to be addressed in order to understand the limiting performance of information communications among nano-scale devices and design optimal and quasi-optimal encoding/decoding strategies. Such issues are believed to be of key relevance for allowing nanotechnologies display their full potential