132 research outputs found

    Cloud removal from optical remote sensing images

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    Optical remote sensing images used for Earth surface observations are constantly contaminated by cloud cover. Clouds dynamically affect the applications of optical data and increase the difficulty of image analysis. Therefore, cloud is considered as one of the sources of noise in optical image data, and its detection and removal need to be operated as a pre-processing step in most remote sensing image processing applications. This thesis investigates the current cloud detection and removal algorithms and develops three new cloud removal methods to improve the accuracy of the results. A thin cloud removal method based on signal transmission principles and spectral mixture analysis (ST-SMA) for pixel correction is developed in the first contribution. This method considers not only the additive reflectance from the clouds but also the energy absorption when solar radiation passes through them. Data correction is achieved by subtracting the product of the cloud endmember signature and the cloud abundance and rescaling according to the cloud thickness. The proposed method has no requirement for meteorological data and does not rely on reference images. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is able to perform effective removal of thin clouds in different scenarios. In the second study, an effective cloud removal method is proposed by taking advantage of the noise-adjusted principal components transform (CR-NAPCT). It is found that the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of cloud data is higher than data without cloud contamination, when spatial correlation is considered and are shown in the first NAPCT component (NAPC1) in the NAPCT data. An inverse transformation with a modified first component is then applied to generate the cloud free image. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed by performing experiments on simulated and real data to compare the quantitative and qualitative performance of the proposed approach. The third study of this thesis deals with both cloud and cloud shadow problems with the aid of an auxiliary image in a clear sky condition. A new cloud removal approach called multitemporal dictionary learning (MDL) is proposed. Dictionaries of the cloudy areas (target data) and the cloud free areas (reference data) are learned separately in the spectral domain. An online dictionary learning method is then applied to obtain the two dictionaries in this method. The removal process is conducted by using the coefficients from the reference image and the dictionary learned from the target image. This method is able to recover the data contaminated by thin and thick clouds or cloud shadows. The experimental results show that the MDL method is effective from both quantitative and qualitative viewpoints

    Remote Sensing of Coastal Wetlands: Long term vegetation stress assessment and data enhancement technique

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    Apalachicola Bay in the Florida panhandle is home to a rich variety of salt water and freshwater wetlands but unfortunately is also subject to a wide range of hydrologic extreme events. Extreme hydrologic events such as hurricanes and droughts continuously threaten the area. The impact of hurricane and drought on both fresh and salt water wetlands was investigated over the time period from 2000 to 2015 in Apalachicola Bay using spatio-temporal changes in the Landsat based NDVI. Results indicate that salt water wetlands were more resilient than fresh water wetlands. Results also suggest that in response to hurricanes, the coastal wetlands took almost a year to recover while recovery following a drought period was observed after only a month. This analysis was successful and provided excellent insights into coastal wetland health. Such long term study is heavily dependent on optical sensor that is subject to data loss due to cloud coverage. Therefore, a novel method is proposed and demonstrated to recover the information contaminated by cloud. Cloud contamination is a hindrance to long-term environmental assessment using information derived from satellite imagery that retrieve data from visible and infrared spectral ranges. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a widely used index to monitor vegetation and land use change. NDVI can be retrieved from publicly available data repositories of optical sensors such as Landsat, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) and several commercial satellites. Landsat has an ongoing high resolution NDVI record starting from 1984. Unfortunately, the time series NDVI data suffers from the cloud contamination issue. Though simple to complex computational methods for data interpolation have been applied to recover cloudy data, all the techniques are subject to many limitations. In this paper, a novel Optical Cloud Pixel Recovery (OCPR) method is proposed to repair cloudy pixels from the time-space-spectrum continuum with the aid of a machine learning tool, namely random forest (RF) trained and tested utilizing multi-parameter hydrologic data. The RF based OCPR model was compared with a simple linear regression (LR) based OCPR model to understand the potential of the model. A case study in Apalachicola Bay is presented to evaluate the performance of OCPR to repair cloudy NDVI reflectance for two specific dates. The RF based OCPR method achieves a root mean squared error of 0.0475 sr?1 between predicted and observed NDVI reflectance values. The LR based OCPR method achieves a root mean squared error of 0.1257 sr?1. Findings suggested that the RF based OCPR method is effective to repair cloudy values and provide continuous and quantitatively reliable imagery for further analysis in environmental applications

    Empirical approach to satellite snow detection

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    Lumipeitteellä on huomattava vaikutus säähän, ilmastoon, luontoon ja yhteiskuntaan. Pelkästään sääasemilla tehtävät lumihavainnot (lumen syvyys ja maanpinnan laatu) eivät anna kattavaa kuvaa lumen peittävyydestä tai muista lumipeitteen ominaisuuksista. Sääasemien tuottamia havaintoja voidaan täydentää satelliiteista tehtävillä havainnoilla. Geostationaariset sääsatelliitit tuottavat havaintoja tihein välein, mutta havaintoresoluutio on heikko monilla alueilla, joilla esiintyy kausittaista lunta. Polaariradoilla sääsatelliittien havaintoresoluutio on napa-alueiden läheisyydessä huomattavasti parempi, mutta silloinkaan satelliitit eivät tuota jatkuvaa havaintopeittoa. Tiheimmän havaintoresoluution tuottavat sääsatelliittiradiometrit, jotka toimivat optisilla aallonpituuksilla (näkyvä valo ja infrapuna). Lumipeitteen kaukokartoitusta satelliiteista vaikeuttavat lumipeitteen oman vaihtelun lisäksi pinnan ominaisuuksien vaihtelu (kasvillisuus, vesistöt, topografia) ja valaistusolojen vaihtelu. Epävarma ja osittain puutteellinen tieto pinnan ja kasvipeitteen ominaisuuksista vaikeuttaa luotettavan automaattisen analyyttisen lumentunnistusmenetelmän kehittämistä ja siksi empiirinen lähestymistapa saattaa olla toimivin vaihtoehto automaattista lumentunnistusmenetelmää kehitettäessä. Tässä työssä esitellään kaksi EUMETSATin osittain rahoittamassa H SAFissa kehitettyä lumituotetta ja niissä käytetyt empiiristä lähestymistapaa soveltaen kehitetyt algoritmit. Geostationaarinen MSG/SEVIRI H31 lumituote on saatavilla vuodesta 2008 alkaen ja polaarituote Metop/AVHRR H32 vuodesta 2015 alkaen. Lisäksi esitellään pintahavaintoihin perustuvat validointitulokset, jotka osoittavat tuotteiden saavuttavan määritellyt tavoitteet.Snow cover plays a significant role in the weather and climate system, ecosystems and many human activities, such as traffic. Weather station snow observations (snow depth and state of the ground) do not provide highresolution continental or global snow coverage data. The satellite observations complement in situ observations from weather stations. Geostationary weather satellites provide observations at high temporal resolution, but the spatial resolution is low, especially in polar regions. Polarorbiting weather satellites provide better spatial resolution in polar regions with limited temporal resolution. The best detection resolution is provided by optical and infra-red radiometers onboard weather satellites. Snow cover in itself is highly variable. Also, the variability of the surface properties (such as vegetation, water bodies, topography) and changing light conditions make satellite snow detection challenging. Much of this variability is in subpixel scales, and this uncertainty creates additional challenges for the development of snow detection methods. Thus, an empirical approach may be the most practical option when developing algorithms for automatic snow detection. In this work, which is a part of the EUMETSAT-funded H SAF project, two new empirically developed snow extent products for the EUMETSAT weather satellites are presented. The geostationary MSG/SEVIRI H32 snow product has been in operational production since 2008. The polar product Metop/AVHRR H32 is available since 2015. In addition, validation results based on weather station snow observations between 2015 and 2019 are presented. The results show that both products achieve the requirements set by the H SAF

    Earth Resources. A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 34, July 1982

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    This bibliography lists 567 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System between April 1, and June 30, 1982. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Metsien kartoitus ja seuranta aktiivisella 3D-kaukokartoituksella

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    The main aim in forest mapping and monitoring is to produce accurate information for forest managers with the use of efficient methodologies. For example, it is important to locate harvesting sites and stands where forest operations should be carried out as well as to provide updates regarding forest growth, among other changes in forest structure. In recent years, remote sensing (RS) has taken a significant technological leap forward. It has become possible to acquire three-dimensional (3D), spatially accurate information from forest resources using active RS methods. In practical applications, mainly 3D information produced by airborne laser scanning (ALS) has opened up groundbreaking potential in natural resource mapping and monitoring. In addition to ALS, new satellite radars are also capable of acquiring spatially accurate 3D information. The main objectives of the present study were to develop 3D RS methodologies for large-area forest mapping and monitoring applications. In substudy I, we aim to map harvesting sites, while in substudy II, we monitor changes in the forest canopy structure. In studies III-V, efficient mapping and monitoring applications were developed and tested. In substudy I, we predicted plot-level thinning maturity within the next 10-year planning period. Stands requiring immediate thinning were located with an overall accuracy of 83%-86% depending on the prediction method applied. The respective prediction accuracy for stands reaching thinning maturity within the next 10 years was 70%-79%. Substudy II addressed natural disturbance monitoring that could be linked to forest management planning when an ALS time series is available. The accuracy of the damaged canopy cover area estimate varied between -16.4% to 5.4%. Substudy II showed that changes in the forest canopy structure can be monitored with a rather straightforward method by contrasting bi-temporal canopy height models. In substudy III, we developed a RS-based forest inventory method where single-tree RS is used to acquire modelling data needed in area-based predictions. The method uses ALS data and is capable of producing accurate stand variable estimates even at the sub-compartment level. The developed method could be applied in areas with sparse road networks or when the costs of fieldwork must be minimized. The method is especially suitable for large-area biomass or stem volume mapping. Based on substudy IV, the use of stereo synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data in the prediction of plot-level forest variables appears to be promising for large-area applications. In the best case, the plot-level stem volume (VOL) was predicted with a relative error (RMSE%) of 34.9%. Typically, such a high level of prediction accuracy cannot be obtained using spaceborne RS data. Then, in substudy V, we compared the aboveground biomass and VOL estimates derived by radargrammetry to the ALS estimates. The difference between the estimation accuracy of ALS based and TerraSAR X based features was smaller than in any previous study in which ALS and different kinds of SAR materials have been compared. In this thesis, forest mapping and monitoring applications using active 3D RS were developed. Spatially accurate 3D RS enables the mapping of harvesting sites, the monitoring of changes in the canopy structure and even the making of a fully RS-based forest inventory. ALS is carried out at relatively low altitudes, which makes it relatively expensive per area unit, and other RS materials are still needed. Spaceborne stereo radargrammetry proved to be a promising technique to acquire additional 3D RS data efficiently as long as an accurate digital terrain model is available as a ground-surface reference.Metsien kartoitus ja seuranta aktiivisella 3D-kaukokartoituksella. Metsävaroista kerätään mahdollisimman tarkkaa tietoa metsänomistajan päätöksenteon tueksi. Tietoa kerätään puustotunnusten lisäksi toimenpidekohteista ja metsässä tapahtuvista muutoksista, kuten kasvusta ja luonnontuhoista. Laajojen metsäalueiden kartoituksessa käytetään apuna lentokoneesta tai satelliiteista tehtävää kaukokartoitusta. Metsien kaukokartoitus on viime vuosina ottanut merkittävän kehitysaskeleen, kun aktiiviset 3D-kaukokartoitusmenetelmät ovat yleistyneet. Aktiivisessa kaukokartoituksessa, kuten laserkeilauksessa ja tutkakuvauksessa instrumentti vastaanottaa lähettämäänsä säteilyä. Laserkeilaus tuottaa kohteesta 3D-havaintoja, jotka metsäalueilla kuvaavat suoraan puuston pituutta ja metsän tiheyttä. Laserkeilauksella kohteesta saadaan tällä hetkellä tyypillisesti 0,5−20 havaintoa/m2. Laserkeilaus tehdään lentokoneesta 500−3000 m korkeudesta, jolloin aineiston hankinta laajoilta alueilta on kallista verrattuna satelliittikuviin. Myös satelliittitutkakuvilta voidaan tuottaa spatiaalisesti tarkkaa 3D-tietoa, jonka pistetiheys on tosin huomattavasti harvempaa kuin laserkeilauksella. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin sovelluksia metsien kartoitukseen ja seurantaan hyödyntäen aktiivisia 3D-kaukokartoitusmenetelmiä. Metsiköiden toimenpidetarvetta ennustettiin onnistuneesti laserkeilausaineiston avulla. Harvennettaviksi luokitellut metsiköt pystyttiin kartoittamaan 70%−86% tarkkuudella. Kahden ajankohdan laserkeilausaineistoja käytettiin lumituhojen vuoksi vaurioituneiden puiden kartoittamiseen. Tuhoutuneen latvuspinta-alan kartoitus perustui laserkeilausaineistosta tuotettujen latvusmallien erotuskuviin. Kehitetty menetelmä soveltuu latvusrakenteessa tapahtuneiden muutosten, kuten lumi- ja tuulituhojen, kartoittamiseen ja seurantaan. Laajojen metsäalueiden kartoitus perustuu yleensä kaksivaiheeseen inventointimenetelmään, jossa käytetään maastomittauksia ja tiedon yleistyksessä kaukokartoitusaineistoa. Kartoitusta voidaan tehostaa joko maastomittauksia vähentämällä tai hyödyntämällä mahdollisimman halpaa kaukokartoitusaineistoa. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin täysin kaukokartoitukseen perustuva kaksivaiheinen metsien inventointimenetelmä. Tarvittava maastotieto mitattiin suoraan laserkeilausaineistosta. Menetelmä soveltuu puuston tilavuuden tai biomassan kartoitukseen erityisesti alueille, joilla maastomittausten kustannukset ovat merkittävät. Satelliittitutkakuvat ovat potentiaalinen aineisto etenkin laajojen alueiden metsävarojen seurannassa. Synteettisen apertuurin tutka (SAR)-stereokuvilta mitattiin automaattisesti 3D-pisteitä, joita käytettiin puustotunnusten ennustamisessa. Keskitilavuus ennustettiin parhaimmillaan lähes samalla tarkkuudella kuin laserkeilauksella. Tutkimus osoitti aktiivisen 3D-kaukokartoitustiedon mahdollistavan entistä yksityiskohtaisemman metsien kartoituksen ja seurannan

    Investigation of Coastal Vegetation Dynamics and Persistence in Response to Hydrologic and Climatic Events Using Remote Sensing

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    Coastal Wetlands (CW) provide numerous imperative functions and provide an economic base for human societies. Therefore, it is imperative to track and quantify both short and long-term changes in these systems. In this dissertation, CW dynamics related to hydro-meteorological signals were investigated using a series of LANDSAT-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and hydro-meteorological time-series data in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, from 1984 to 2015. NDVI in forested wetlands exhibited more persistence compared to that for scrub and emergent wetlands. NDVI fluctuations generally lagged temperature by approximately three months, and water level by approximately two months. This analysis provided insight into long-term CW dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Long-term studies like this are dependent on optical remote sensing data such as Landsat which is frequently partially obscured due to clouds and this can that makes the time-series sparse and unusable during meteorologically active seasons. Therefore, a multi-sensor, virtual constellation method is proposed and demonstrated to recover the information lost due to cloud cover. This method, named Tri-Sensor Fusion (TSF), produces a simulated constellation for NDVI by integrating data from three compatible satellite sensors. The visible and near-infrared (VNIR) bands of Landsat-8 (L8), Sentinel-2, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were utilized to map NDVI and to compensate each satellite sensor\u27s shortcomings in visible coverage area. The quantitative comparison results showed a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.0020 sr-1 and 0.88, respectively between true observed and fused L8 NDVI. Statistical test results and qualitative performance evaluation suggest that TSF was able to synthesize the missing pixels accurately in terms of the absolute magnitude of NDVI. The fusion improved the spatial coverage of CWs reasonably well and ultimately increases the continuity of NDVI data for long term studies

    Transfer Learning of Deep Learning Models for Cloud Masking in Optical Satellite Images

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    Los satélites de observación de la Tierra proporcionan una oportunidad sin precedentes para monitorizar nuestro planeta a alta resolución tanto espacial como temporal. Sin embargo, para procesar toda esta cantidad creciente de datos, necesitamos desarrollar modelos rápidos y precisos adaptados a las características específicas de los datos de cada sensor. Para los sensores ópticos, detectar las nubes en la imagen es un primer paso inevitable en la mayoría de aplicaciones tanto terrestres como oceánicas. Aunque detectar nubes brillantes y opacas es relativamente fácil, identificar automáticamente nubes delgadas semitransparentes o diferenciar nubes de nieve o superficies brillantes es mucho más difícil. Además, en el escenario actual, donde el número de sensores en el espacio crece constantemente, desarrollar metodologías para transferir modelos que funcionen con datos de nuevos satélites es una necesidad urgente. Por tanto, los objetivos de esta tesis son desarrollar modelos precisos de detección de nubes que exploten las diferentes propiedades de las imágenes de satélite y desarrollar metodologías para transferir esos modelos a otros sensores. La tesis está basada en cuatro trabajos los cuales proponen soluciones a estos problemas. En la primera contribución, "Multitemporal cloud masking in the Google Earth Engine", implementamos un modelo de detección de nubes multitemporal que se ejecuta en la plataforma Google Earth Engine y que supera los modelos operativos de Landsat-8. La segunda contribución, "Transferring deep learning models for Cloud Detection between Landsat-8 and Proba-V", es un caso de estudio de transferencia de un algoritmo de detección de nubes basado en aprendizaje profundo de Landsat-8 (resolución 30m, 12 bandas espectrales y muy buena calidad radiométrica) a Proba-V, que tiene una resolución de 333m, solo cuatro bandas y una calidad radiométrica peor. El tercer artículo, "Cross sensor adversarial domain adaptation of Landsat-8 and Proba-V images for cloud detection", propone aprender una transformación de adaptación de dominios que haga que las imágenes de Proba-V se parezcan a las tomadas por Landsat-8 con el objetivo de transferir productos diseñados con datos de Landsat-8 a Proba-V. Finalmente, la cuarta contribución, "Towards global flood mapping onboard low cost satellites with machine learning", aborda simultáneamente la detección de inundaciones y nubes con un único modelo de aprendizaje profundo, implementado para que pueda ejecutarse a bordo de un CubeSat (ϕSat-I) con un chip acelerador de aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial. El modelo está entrenado en imágenes Sentinel-2 y demostramos cómo transferir este modelo a la cámara del ϕSat-I. Este modelo se lanzó en junio de 2021 a bordo de la misión WildRide de D-Orbit para probar su funcionamiento en el espacio.Remote sensing sensors onboard Earth observation satellites provide a great opportunity to monitor our planet at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Nevertheless, to process all this ever-growing amount of data, we need to develop fast and accurate models adapted to the specific characteristics of the data acquired by each sensor. For optical sensors, detecting the clouds present in the image is an unavoidable first step for most of the land and ocean applications. Although detecting bright and opaque clouds is relatively easy, automatically identifying thin semi-transparent clouds or distinguishing clouds from snow or bright surfaces is much more challenging. In addition, in the current scenario where the number of sensors in orbit is constantly growing, developing methodologies to transfer models across different satellite data is a pressing need. Henceforth, the overreaching goal of this Thesis is to develop accurate cloud detection models that exploit the different properties of the satellite images, and to develop methodologies to transfer those models across different sensors. The four contributions of this Thesis are stepping stones in that direction. In the first contribution,"Multitemporal cloud masking in the Google Earth Engine", we implemented a lightweight multitemporal cloud detection model that runs on the Google Earth Engine platform and which outperforms the operational models for Landsat-8. The second contribution, "Transferring deep learning models for Cloud Detection between Landsat-8 and Proba-V", is a case-study of transferring a deep learning based cloud detection algorithm from Landsat-8 (30m resolution, 12 spectral bands and very good radiometric quality) to Proba-V, which has a lower{333m resolution, only four bands and a less accurate radiometric quality. The third paper, "Cross sensor adversarial domain adaptation of Landsat-8 and Proba-V images for cloud detection", proposes a learning-based domain adaptation transformation of Proba-V images to resemble those taken by Landsat-8, with the objective of transferring products designed on Landsat-8 to Proba-V. Finally, the fourth contribution, "Towards global flood mapping onboard low cost satellites with machine learning", tackles simultaneously cloud and flood water detection with a single deep learning model, which was implemented to run onboard a CubeSat (ϕSat-I) with an AI accelerator chip. In this case, the model is trained on Sentinel-2 and transferred to theϕSat-I camera. This model was launched in June 2021 onboard the Wild Ride D-Orbit mission in order to test its performance in space