25 research outputs found

    Secure Blind Decryption

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    Abstract. In this work we construct public key encryption schemes that admit a protocol for blindly decrypting ciphertexts. In a blind decryp-tion protocol, a user with a ciphertext interacts with a secret keyholder such that the user obtains the decryption of the ciphertext and the key-holder learns nothing about what it decrypted. While we are not the first to consider this problem, previous works provided only weak secu-rity guarantees against malicious users. We provide, to our knowledge, the first practical blind decryption schemes that are secure under a strong CCA security definition. We prove our construction secure in the stan-dard model under simple, well-studied assumptions in bilinear groups. To motivate the usefulness of this primitive we discuss several applica-tions including privacy-preserving distributed file systems and Oblivious Transfer schemes that admit public contribution.

    Privacy Enhancing Protocols using Pairing Based Cryptography

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    This thesis presents privacy enhanced cryptographic constructions, consisting of formal definitions, algorithms and motivating applications. The contributions are a step towards the development of cryptosystems which, from the design phase, incorporate privacy as a primary goal. Privacy offers a form of protection over personal and other sensitive data to individuals, and has been the subject of much study in recent years. Our constructions are based on a special type of algebraic group called bilinear groups. We present existing cryptographic constructions which use bilinear pairings, namely Identity-Based Encryption (IBE). We define a desirable property of digital signatures, blindness, and present new IBE constructions which incorporate this property. Blindness is a desirable feature from a privacy perspective as it allows an individual to obscure elements such as personal details in the data it presents to a third party. In IBE, blinding focuses on obscuring elements of the identity string which an individual presents to the key generation centre. This protects an individual's privacy in a direct manner by allowing her to blind sensitive elements of the identity string and also prevents a key generation centre from subsequently producing decryption keys using her full identity string. Using blinding techniques, the key generation centre does not learn the full identity string. In this thesis, we study selected provably-secure cryptographic constructions. Our contribution is to reconsider the design of such constructions with a view to incorporating privacy. We present the new, privacy-enhanced cryptographic protocols using these constructions as primitives. We refine useful existing security notions and present feasible security definitions and proofs for these constructions

    Enabling Machine-aided Cryptographic Design

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    The design of cryptographic primitives such as digital signatures and public-key encryption is very often a manual process conducted by expert cryptographers. This persists despite the fact that many new generic or semi-generic methods have been proposed to construct new primitives by transforming existing ones in interesting ways. However, manually applying transformations to existing primitives can be error-prone, ad-hoc and tedious. A natural question is whether automating the process of applying cryptographic transformations would yield competitive or better results? In this thesis, we explore a compiler-based approach for automatically performing certain cryptographic designs. Similar approaches have been applied to various types of cryptographic protocol design with compelling results. We extend this same approach and show that it also can be effective towards automatically applying cryptographic transformations. We first present our extensible architecture that automates a class of cryptographic transformations on primitives. We then propose several techniques that address the aforementioned question including the Charm cryptographic framework, which enables rapid prototyping of cryptographic primitives from abstract descriptions. We build on this work and show the extent to which transformations can be performed automatically given these descriptions. To illustrate this automation, we present a series of cryptographic tools that demonstrate the effectiveness of our automated approach. Our contributions are listed as follows: - AutoBatch: Batch verification is a transformation that improves signature verification time by efficiently processing many signatures at once. Historically, this manual process has been prone to error and tedious for practitioners. We describe the design of an automated tool that finds efficient batch verification algorithms from abstract descriptions of signature schemes. - AutoGroup: Cryptographers often prefer to describe their pairing-based constructions using symmetric group notation for simplicity, while they prefer asymmetric groups for implementation due to the efficiency gains. The symmetric- to-asymmetric translation is usually performed through manual analysis of a scheme and finding an efficient translation that suits applications can be quite challenging. We present an automated tool that uses SMT solvers to find efficient asymmetric translations from abstract descriptions of cryptographic schemes. - AutoStrong: Strongly unforgeable signatures are desired in practice for a variety of cryptographic protocols. Several transformations exist in the literature that show how to obtain strongly unforgeable signatures from existentially unforgeable ones. We focus on a particular highly-efficient transformation due to Boneh, Shen and Waters that is applicable if the signature satisfies a notion of partitioning. Checking for this property can be challenging and has been less explored in the literature. We present an automated tool that also utilizes SMT solvers to determine when this property is applicable for constructing efficient strongly unforgeable signatures from abstract descriptions. We anticipate that these proof-of-concept tools embody the notion that certain cryptographic transformations can be safely and effectively outsourced to machines

    Oblivious Transfer with Hidden Access Control from Attribute-Based Encryption

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    The notion of oblivious transfer with hidden access control policies (HACOT) was recently proposed by Camenisch et al.~(Public-Key Cryptography~2011). This primitive allows a user to anonymously query a database where each record is protected by a hidden attribute-based access control policy. At each query, the user either learns the value of a single record if the attributes in his key satisfy the policy, or the mere fact that his attributes do not satisfy the policy. The database, even when colluding with the key issuer, learns nothing about the identity of the user, the index or the access policy of the record, or whether access was granted or denied. At the same time, the database can keep an eye on the overall access frequency to prevent the data from being ``crawled\u27\u27. In this paper, we present a new HACOT scheme which is more efficient and offers more expressive policies than the scheme presented by Camenisch et al. We construct our HACOT protocol based on a hidden ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (HP-ABE) scheme by Nishide et al.: users are issued HACOT decryption keys based on HP-ABE attributes and HACOT records are encrypted under HP-ABE policies. However, as we will see, this simple approach does not work and we need to extend the Nishide et al.\ scheme as follows. First, we add protocols that allows users to verify that the public key of the issuer and ciphertexts are correctly formed. Second, we reserve one attribute and give the corresponding decryption key only to the database. Thereby users can no longer decrypt records by themselves but require the help of the database. Third, we provide a joint decryption protocol between the user and the database, so that the database does not learn which ciphertext is decrypted. The latter will also allow one to optionally add revocation of the users\u27 access. We prove our construction secure by a reduction to the security of Nishide et al.\u27s scheme, the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and Simultaneous Flexible Pairing (SFP) assumptions

    Verified Implementations for Secure and Verifiable Computation

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    Formal verification of the security of software systems is gradually moving from the traditional focus on idealized models, to the more ambitious goal of producing verified implementations. This trend is also present in recent work targeting the verification of cryptographic software, but the reach of existing tools has so far been limited to cryptographic primitives, such as RSA-OAEP encryption, or standalone protocols, such as SSH. This paper presents a scalable approach to formally verifying implementations of higher-level cryptographic systems, directly in the computational model. We consider circuit-based cloud-oriented cryptographic protocols for secure and verifiable computation over encrypted data. Our examples share as central component Yao\u27s celebrated transformation of a boolean circuit into an equivalent garbled form that can be evaluated securely in an untrusted environment. We leverage the foundations of garbled circuits set forth by Bellare, Hoang, and Rogaway (CCS 2012, ASIACRYPT 2012) to build verified implementations of garbling schemes, a verified implementation of Yao\u27s secure function evaluation protocol, and a verified (albeit partial) implementation of the verifiable computation protocol by Gennaro, Gentry, and Parno (CRYPTO 2010). The implementations are formally verified using EasyCrypt, a tool-assisted framework for building high-confidence cryptographic proofs, and critically rely on two novel features: a module and theory system that supports compositional reasoning, and a code extraction mechanism for generating implementations from formalizations

    Cryptography with anonymity in mind

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    Advances in information technologies gave a rise to powerful ubiquitous com- puting devices, and digital networks have enabled new ways of fast communication, which immediately found tons of applications and resulted in large amounts of data being transmitted. For decades, cryptographic schemes and privacy-preserving protocols have been studied and researched in order to offer end users privacy of their data and implement useful functionalities at the same time, often trading security properties for cryptographic assumptions and efficiency. In this plethora of cryptographic constructions, anonymity properties play a special role, as they are important in many real-life scenarios. However, many useful cryptographic primitives lack anonymity properties or imply prohibitive costs to achieve them. In this thesis, we expand the territory of cryptographic primitives with anonymity in mind. First, we define Anonymous RAM, a generalization of a single- user Oblivious RAM to multiple mistrusted users, and present two constructions thereof with different trade-offs between assumptions and efficiency. Second, we define an encryption scheme that allows to establish chains of ciphertexts anony- mously and verify their integrity. Furthermore, the aggregatable version of the scheme allows to build a Parallel Anonymous RAM, which enhances Anonymous RAM by supporting concurrent users. Third, we show our technique for construct- ing efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for statements that consist of both algebraic and arithmetic statements. Finally, we show our framework for constructing efficient single secret leader election protocols, which have been recently identified as an important component in proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies.Fortschritte in der Informationstechnik haben leistungsstarke allgegenwärtige Rechner hervorgerufen, während uns digitale Netzwerke neue Wege für die schnelle Kommunikation ermöglicht haben. Durch die Vielzahl von Anwendungen führte dies zur Übertragung von riesigen Datenvolumen. Seit Jahrzehnten wurden bereits verschiedene kryptographische Verfahren und Technologien zum Datenschutz erforscht und analysiert. Das Ziel ist die Privatsphäre der Benutzer zu schützen und gleichzeitig nützliche Funktionalität anzubieten, was oft mit einem Kompromiss zwischen Sicherheitseigenschaften, kryptographischen Annahmen und Effizienz verbunden ist. In einer Fülle von kryptographischen Konstruktionen spielen Anonymitätseigenschaften eine besondere Rolle, da sie in vielen realistischen Szenarien sehr wichtig sind. Allerdings fehlen vielen kryptographischen Primitive Anonymitätseigenschaften oder sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit erheblichen Kosten. In dieser Dissertation erweitern wir den Bereich von kryptographischen Prim- itiven mit einem Fokus auf Anonymität. Erstens definieren wir Anonymous RAM, eine Verallgemeinerung von Einzelbenutzer-Oblivious RAM für mehrere misstraute Benutzer, und stellen dazu zwei Konstruktionen mit verschiedenen Kompromissen zwischen Annahmen und Effizienz vor. Zweitens definieren wir ein Verschlüsselungsverfahren, das es erlaubt anonym eine Verbindung zwischen Geheimtexten herzustellen und deren Integrität zu überprüfen. Darüber hinaus bietet die aggregierbare Variante von diesem Verfahren an, Parallel Anonymous RAM zu bauen. Dieses verbessert Anonymous RAM, indem es mehrere Benutzer in einer parallelen Ausführung unterstützen kann. Drittens zeigen wir eine Meth- ode für das Konstruieren effizienter Zero-Knowledge-Protokolle, die gleichzeitig aus algebraischen und arithmetischen Teilen bestehen. Zuletzt zeigen wir ein Framework für das Konstruieren effizienter Single-Leader-Election-Protokolle, was kürzlich als ein wichtiger Bestandteil in den Proof-of-Stake Kryptowährungen erkannt worden ist

    Pursuing the Limits of Cryptography

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    Modern cryptography has gone beyond traditional notions of encryption, allowing for new applications such as digital signatures, software obfuscation among others. While cryptography might seem like a magical tool for one's privacy needs, there are mathematical limitations to what cryptography can achieve. In this thesis we focus on understanding what lies on the boundary of what cryptography enables. In particular, we focus on three specific aspects that we elaborate on below. Necessity of Randomness in Zero-Knowledge Protocols: A Zero-Knowledge protocol consists of an interaction between two parties, designated prover and verifier, where the prover is trying to convince the verifier of the validity of a statement without revealing anything beyond the validity. We study the necessity of randomness, a scarce resource, in such protocols. Prior works have shown that for most settings, the prover necessarily *requires* randomness to run any such protocol. We show, somewhat surprisingly, one can design protocols where a prover requires *no* randomness. Minimizing Interaction in Secure Computation Protocols: The next part of the thesis focuses on one of the most general notions in cryptography, that of *secure computation*. It allows mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function over a network without revealing anything but the output of the computation. Considering that these protocols are going to be run on high-latency networks such as the internet, it is imperative that we design protocols to minimize the interaction between participants of the protocol. Prior works have established lower bounds on the amount of interaction, and in our work we show that these lower bounds are tight by constructing new protocols that are also optimal in their assumptions. Circumventing Impossibilities with Blockchains: In some cases, there are desired usages of secure computations protocols that are provably impossible on the (regular) Internet, i.e. existing protocols can no longer be proven secure when multiple concurrent instances of the protocol are executed. We show that by assuming the existence of a secure blockchain, a minimal additional trust assumption, we can push past the boundaries of what is cryptographically possible by constructing *new* protocols that are provably secure on the Internet

    Advances in Functional Encryption

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    Functional encryption is a novel paradigm for public-key encryption that enables both fine-grained access control and selective computation on encrypted data, as is necessary to protect big, complex data in the cloud. In this thesis, I provide a brief introduction to functional encryption, and an overview of my contributions to the area

    Practical Private Information Retrieval

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    In recent years, the subject of online privacy has been attracting much interest, especially as more Internet users than ever are beginning to care about the privacy of their online activities. Privacy concerns are even prompting legislators in some countries to demand from service providers a more privacy-friendly Internet experience for their citizens. These are welcomed developments and in stark contrast to the practice of Internet censorship and surveillance that legislators in some nations have been known to promote. The development of Internet systems that are able to protect user privacy requires private information retrieval (PIR) schemes that are practical, because no other efficient techniques exist for preserving the confidentiality of the retrieval requests and responses of a user from an Internet system holding unencrypted data. This thesis studies how PIR schemes can be made more relevant and practical for the development of systems that are protective of users' privacy. Private information retrieval schemes are cryptographic constructions for retrieving data from a database, without the database (or database administrator) being able to learn any information about the content of the query. PIR can be applied to preserve the confidentiality of queries to online data sources in many domains, such as online patents, real-time stock quotes, Internet domain names, location-based services, online behavioural profiling and advertising, search engines, and so on. In this thesis, we study private information retrieval and obtain results that seek to make PIR more relevant in practice than all previous treatments of the subject in the literature, which have been mostly theoretical. We also show that PIR is the most computationally efficient known technique for providing access privacy under realistic computation powers and network bandwidths. Our result covers all currently known varieties of PIR schemes. We provide a more detailed summary of our contributions below: Our first result addresses an existing question regarding the computational practicality of private information retrieval schemes. We show that, unlike previously argued, recent lattice-based computational PIR schemes and multi-server information-theoretic PIR schemes are much more computationally efficient than a trivial transfer of the entire PIR database from the server to the client (i.e., trivial download). Our result shows the end-to-end response times of these schemes are one to three orders of magnitude (10--1000 times) smaller than the trivial download of the database for realistic computation powers and network bandwidths. This result extends and clarifies the well-known result of Sion and Carbunar on the computational practicality of PIR. Our second result is a novel approach for preserving the privacy of sensitive constants in an SQL query, which improves substantially upon the earlier work. Specifically, we provide an expressive data access model of SQL atop of the existing rudimentary index- and keyword-based data access models of PIR. The expressive SQL-based model developed results in between 7 and 480 times improvement in query throughput than previous work. We then provide a PIR-based approach for preserving access privacy over large databases. Unlike previously published access privacy approaches, we explore new ideas about privacy-preserving constraint-based query transformations, offline data classification, and privacy-preserving queries to index structures much smaller than the databases. This work addresses an important open problem about how real systems can systematically apply existing PIR schemes for querying large databases. In terms of applications, we apply PIR to solve user privacy problem in the domains of patent database query and location-based services, user and database privacy problems in the domain of the online sales of digital goods, and a scalability problem for the Tor anonymous communication network. We develop practical tools for most of our techniques, which can be useful for adding PIR support to existing and new Internet system designs