4,999 research outputs found

    The distribution of trimoraic syllables in German and English as evidence for the phonological word

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    In the present article I discuss the distribution of trimoraic syllables in German and English. The reason I have chosen to analyze these two languages together is that the data in both languages are strikingly similar. However, although the basic generalization in (1) holds for both German and English, we will see below that trimoraic syllabIes do not have an identical distribution in both languages. In the present study I make the following theoretical claims. First, I argue that the three environments in (1) have a property in common: they all describe the right edge of a phonological word (or prosodic word; henceforth pword). From a formal point of view, I argue that a constraint I dub the THIRD MORA RESTRICTION (henceforth TMR), which ensures that trimoraic syllables surface at the end of a pword, is active in German and English. According to my proposal trimoraic syllables cannot occur morpheme-internally because monomorphemic grammatical words like garden are parsed as single pwords. Second, I argue that the TMR refers crucially to moraic structure. In particular, underlined strings like the ones in (1) will be shown to be trimoraic; neither skeletal positions nor the subsyllabic constituent rhyme are necessary. Third, the TMR will be shown to be violated in certain (predictable) pword-internal cases, as in Monde and chamber; I account for such facts in an OptimalityTheoretic analysis (henceforth OT; Prince & Smolensky 1993) by ranking various markedness constraints among themselves or by ranking them ahead of the TMR. Fourth, I hold that the TMR describes a concrete level of grammar, which I refer to below as the 'surface' representation. In this respect, my treatment differs significantly from the one proposed for English by Borowsky (1986, 1989), in which the English facts are captured in a Lexical Phonology model by ordering the relevant constraint at level 1 in the lexicon

    Word stress in Arabic

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    Latin: a Linguistic Introduction

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    Recent developments in phonology

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    Corno quase nenhuma outra disciplina lingüística, a fonologia passou por uma evolução turbulenta nas duas últimas décadas. Ao contrário da abordagem cöássica da Gramática Gerativa, que se concentrou na descrição de cadeias de segmentos fonológicos e de suas transformações em virtude de regras fonológicas, a Fonologia Não-linear colocou as relações prosódicas em enunciados em primeiro plano. A sílaba foi redescoberta como unidade prosódica; muitos trabalhos foram dedicados à análise de estruturas silábicas e de relações de sonoridade. Acima da sílaba, o pé a palavra fonológica foram utilizados como unidades prosódicas relevantes para a descrição das estruturas de acento e entonação. Abaixo da sílaba, reabilitou-se a mora já conhecida a partir da Filologia Clássica. No presente artigo, descrevem-se, a partir de exemplos do alemão e de outras línguas, as duas abordagens principais da Fonologia Não-linear, a Fonologia Autosegmental e a Fonologia Métrica. Procura-se mostrar que, com esses modelos, alguns fenômenos prosódico-fonológicos que antes só podiam ser descritos com grandes dificuldades ou eram até mesmo indescritíveis podem ser analisados de maneira adequada e elegante.Wie kaum eine andere linguistische Disziplin hat die Phonologie in den letzten zwei Dekaden eine stürmische Entwicklung durchgemacht. Im Gegensatz zum klassischen Ansatz der Generativen Grammatik, der sich auf die Beschreibung phonologischer Segmentketten und ihrer Veränderungen durch phonologische Regeln. konzentrierte, hat die Nichtlineare Phonologie prosodische Relationen in Äußerungsketten in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Die Silbe wurde als prosodische Einheit wiederentdeckt; viele Arbeiten widmeten sich der Analyse von Silbenstrukturen und Sonoritärsrelationen. Oberhalb der Silbe wurden der Fuß und das phonologische Wort als relevante prosodische Einheiten zur Beschreibung von Akzent- und Intonationsstrukturen verwendet. Unterhalb der Silbe kam die aus der Klassischen Philologie bekannte Wort zu neuen Ehren. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz werden die beiden Hauptansätze der Nichtlinearen Phonologie, Autosegmentale und Metrische Phonologie, anhand von Beispielen aus dem Deutschen und anderen Sprachen beschrieben. Es wird versucht zu zeigen, des einige vorher nicht oder nur sehr umständlich beschreibbare prosodisch-phonologische Phänomenen ach diesen Ansätzen adäquat und elegant analysierbar sind

    Language As An Emergent System

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