363 research outputs found

    Implementation of Modified AES as Image Encryption Scheme

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    Since images have bigger size than text, a faster encryption algorithm is needed to provide higher security in digital images. The paper presents a modified AES algorithm that address the requirement in image encryption. The modified algorithm used bit permutation in replacement of MixColumns to reduce the computational requirement of the algorithm in encrypting images. Results of the study show that the modified algorithm exhibited faster encryption and decryption time in images. The modified algorithm also achieved a good result in the key sensitivity analysis, histogram analysis, information entropy, the correlation coefficient of adjacent pixels, Number of Pixel Change Rate and Unified Average Change Intensity making the modified algorithm resistant to statistical and differential attack

    A new partial image encryption method for document images using variance based quad tree decomposition

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    The proposed method partially and completely encrypts the gray scale Document images. The complete image encryption is also performed to compare the performance with the existing encryption methods. The partial encryption is carried out by segmenting the image using the Quad-tree decomposition method based on the variance of the image block. The image blocks with uniform pixel levels are considered insignificant blocks and others the significant blocks. The pixels in the significant blocks are permuted by using 1D Skew tent chaotic map. The partially encrypted image blocks are further permuted using 2D Henon map to increase the security level and fed as input to complete encryption. The complete encryption is carried out by diffusing the partially encrypted image. Two levels of diffusion are performed. The first level simply modifies the pixels in the partially encrypted image with the Bernoulli’s chaotic map. The second level establishes the interdependency between rows and columns of the first level diffused image. The experiment is conducted for both partial and complete image encryption on the Document images. The proposed scheme yields better results for both partial and complete encryption on Speed, statistical and dynamical attacks. The results ensure better security when compared to existing encryption schemes

    Improved method for image security based on chaotic-shuffle and chaotic-diffusion algorithms

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    In this paper, we propose to enhance the security performance of the color image encryption algorithm which depends on multi-chaotic systems. The current cryptosystem utilized a pixel-chaotic-shuffle system to encode images, in which the time of shuffling is autonomous to the plain-image. Thus, it neglects to the picked plaintext and known-plaintext attacks. Also, the statistical features of the cryptosystem are not up to the standard. Along these lines, the security changes are encircled to make the above attacks infeasible and upgrade the statistical features also. It is accomplished by altering the pixel-chaotic-shuffle component and including another pixel-chaotic-diffusion system to it. The keys for diffusion of pixels are extracted from the same chaotic arrangements created in the past stage. The renovation investigations and studies are performed to exhibit that the refreshed version of cryptosystem has better statistical features and invulnerable to the picked plaintext and known plaintext attacks than the current algorithm
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