1,222,766 research outputs found

    Graphs that are not pairwise compatible: A new proof technique (extended abstract)

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    A graph G = (V,E) is a pairwise compatibility graph (PCG) if there exists an edge-weighted tree T and two non-negative real numbers dminand dmax, dmin≤ dmax, such that each node u∈V is uniquely associated to a leaf of T and there is an edge (u, v) ∈ E if and only if dmin≤ dT(u, v) ≤ dmax, where dT(u, v) is the sum of the weights of the edges on the unique path PT(u, v) from u to v in T. Understanding which graph classes lie inside and which ones outside the PCG class is an important issue. Despite numerous efforts, a complete characterization of the PCG class is not known yet. In this paper we propose a new proof technique that allows us to show that some interesting classes of graphs have empty intersection with PCG. We demonstrate our technique by showing many graph classes that do not lie in PCG. As a side effect, we show a not pairwise compatibility planar graph with 8 nodes (i.e. C28), so improving the previously known result concerning the smallest planar graph known not to be PCG

    Practical Theory Extension in Event-B

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    Abstract. The Rodin tool for Event-B supports formal modelling and proof using a mathematical language that is based on predicate logic and set theory. Although Rodin has in-built support for a rich set of operators and proof rules, for some application areas there may be a need to extend the set of operators and proof rules supported by the tool. This paper outlines a new feature of the Rodin tool, the theory component, that allows users to extend the mathematical language supported by the tool. Using theories, Rodin users may define new data types and polymorphic operators in a systematic and practical way. Theories also allow users to extend the proof capabilities of Rodin by defining new proof rules that get incorporated into the proof mechanisms. Soundness of new definitions and rules is provided through validity proof obligations.

    Majority is Stablest : Discrete and SoS

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    The Majority is Stablest Theorem has numerous applications in hardness of approximation and social choice theory. We give a new proof of the Majority is Stablest Theorem by induction on the dimension of the discrete cube. Unlike the previous proof, it uses neither the "invariance principle" nor Borell's result in Gaussian space. The new proof is general enough to include all previous variants of majority is stablest such as "it ain't over until it's over" and "Majority is most predictable". Moreover, the new proof allows us to derive a proof of Majority is Stablest in a constant level of the Sum of Squares hierarchy.This implies in particular that Khot-Vishnoi instance of Max-Cut does not provide a gap instance for the Lasserre hierarchy
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