41 research outputs found

    Towards Certified Model Checking for PLTL using One-pass Tableaux

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    The standard model checking setup analyses whether the given system specification satisfies a dedicated temporal property of the system, providing a positive answer here or a counter-example. At the same time, it is often useful to have an explicit proof that certifies the satisfiability. This is exactly what the {\it certified model checking (CMC)} has been introduced for. The paper argues that one-pass (context-based) tableau for PLTL can be efficiently used in the CMC setting, emphasising the following two advantages of this technique. First, the use of the context in which the eventualities occur, forces them to fulfil as soon as possible. Second, a dual to the tableau sequent calculus can be used to formalise the certificates. The combination of the one-pass tableau and the dual sequent calculus enables us to provide not only counter-examples for unsatisfied properties, but also proofs for satisfied properties that can be checked in a proof assistant. In addition, the construction of the tableau is enriched by an embedded solver, to which we dedicate those (propositional) computational tasks that are costly for the tableaux rules applied solely. The combination of the above techniques is particularly helpful to reason about large (system) specifications

    Certificates for decision problems in temporal logic using context-based tableaux and sequent calculi.

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    115 p.Esta tesis trata de resolver problemas de Satisfactibilidad y Model Checking, aportando certificados del resultado. En ella, se trabaja con tres lógicas temporales: Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (PLTL), Computation Tree Logic (CTL) y Extended Computation Tree Logic (ECTL). Primero se presenta el trabajo realizado sobre Certified Satisfiability. Ahí se muestra una adaptación del ya existente método dual de tableaux y secuentes basados en contexto para satisfactibilidad de fórmulas PLTL en Negation Normal Form. Se ha trabajado la generación de certificados en el caso en el que las fórmulas son insactisfactibles. Por último, se aporta una prueba de soundness del método. Segundo, se ha optimizado con Sat Solvers el método de Certified Satisfiability para el contexto de Certified Model Checking. Se aportan varios ejemplos de sistemas y propiedades. Tercero, se ha creado un nuevo método dual de tableaux y secuentes basados en contexto para realizar Certified Satisfiability para fórmulas CTL yECTL. Se presenta el método y un algoritmo que genera tanto el modelo en el caso de que las fórmulas son satisfactibles como la prueba en el caso en que no lo sean. Por último, se presenta una implementación del método para CTL y una experimentación comparando el método propuesto con otro método de similares características