18 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Nonmonotone Trust Region Method Based on a Structured Quasi Newton Equation for the Nonlinear Least Squares Problem

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    In this work an iterative method to solve the nonlinear least squares problem is presented. The algorithm combines a secant method with a strategy of nonmonotone trust region. In order to dene the quadratic model, the Hessian matrix is chosen using a secant approach that takes advantage of the structure of the problem, and the radius of the trust region is updated following an adaptive technique. Moreover, convergence properties of this algorithm are proved. The numerical experimentation, in which several ways of choosing the Hessian matrix are compared, shows the effiency and robustness of the method.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Un método secante estructurado con estrategia globalizadora no monótona para resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos

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    En este trabajo se propone resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos, mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo que combina un método secante estructurado con una estrategia globalizadora no monótona, de región de confianza. La matriz Hessiana para conformar el modelo cuadrático, se elige usando un método secante que aprovecha la estructura del problema, y el radio de la región de confianza se actualiza siguiendo una técnica adaptativa. La experimentación numérica preliminar, en la que se comparan diferentes formas de elegir la matriz Hessiana, pone de manifiesto la eficiencia del método.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Un método secante estructurado con estrategia globalizadora no monótona para resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos

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    En este trabajo se propone resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos, mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo que combina un método secante estructurado con una estrategia globalizadora no monótona, de región de confianza. La matriz Hessiana para conformar el modelo cuadrático, se elige usando un método secante que aprovecha la estructura del problema, y el radio de la región de confianza se actualiza siguiendo una técnica adaptativa. La experimentación numérica preliminar, en la que se comparan diferentes formas de elegir la matriz Hessiana, pone de manifiesto la eficiencia del método.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Un método secante estructurado con estrategia globalizadora no monótona para resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos

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    En este trabajo se propone resolver el problema de cuadrados mínimos, mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo que combina un método secante estructurado con una estrategia globalizadora no monótona, de región de confianza. La matriz Hessiana para conformar el modelo cuadrático, se elige usando un método secante que aprovecha la estructura del problema, y el radio de la región de confianza se actualiza siguiendo una técnica adaptativa. La experimentación numérica preliminar, en la que se comparan diferentes formas de elegir la matriz Hessiana, pone de manifiesto la eficiencia del método.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Metodi linijskog pretrazivanja sa promenljivom velicinom uzorka

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    The problem under consideration is an unconstrained optimization problem with the objective function in the form of mathematical ex-pectation. The expectation is with respect to the random variable that represents the uncertainty. Therefore, the objective  function is in fact deterministic. However, nding the analytical form of that objective function can be very dicult or even impossible. This is the reason why the sample average approximation is often used. In order to obtain reasonable good approximation of the objective function, we have to use relatively large sample size. We assume that the sample is generated at the beginning of the optimization process and therefore we can consider this sample average objective function as the deterministic one. However, applying some deterministic method on that sample average function from the start can be very costly. The number of evaluations of the function under expectation is a common way of measuring the cost of an algorithm. Therefore, methods that vary the sample size throughout the optimization process are developed. Most of them are trying to determine the optimal dynamics of increasing the sample size. The main goal of this thesis is to develop the clas of methods that can decrease the cost of an algorithm by decreasing the number of function evaluations. The idea is to decrease the sample size whenever it seems to be reasonable - roughly speaking, we do not want to impose a large precision, i.e. a large sample size when we are far away from the solution we search for. The detailed description of the new methods  is presented in Chapter 4 together with the convergence analysis. It is shown that the approximate solution is of the same quality as the one obtained by dealing with the full sample from the start. Another important characteristic of the methods that are proposed here is the line search technique which is used for obtaining the sub-sequent iterates. The idea is to nd a suitable direction and to search along it until we obtain a sucient decrease in the  function value. The sucient decrease is determined throughout the line search rule. In Chapter 4, that rule is supposed to be monotone, i.e. we are imposing strict decrease of the function value. In order to decrease the cost of the algorithm even more and to enlarge the set of suitable search directions, we use nonmonotone line search rules in Chapter 5. Within that chapter, these rules are modied to t the variable sample size framework. Moreover, the conditions for the global convergence and the R-linear rate are presented.  In Chapter 6, numerical results are presented. The test problems are various - some of them are academic and some of them are real world problems. The academic problems are here to give us more insight into the behavior of the algorithms. On the other hand, data that comes from the real world problems are here to test the real applicability of the proposed algorithms. In the rst part of that chapter, the focus is on the variable sample size techniques. Different implementations of the proposed algorithm are compared to each other and to the other sample schemes as well. The second part is mostly devoted to the comparison of the various line search rules combined with dierent search directions in the variable sample size framework. The overall numerical results show that using the variable sample size can improve the performance of the algorithms signicantly, especially when the nonmonotone line search rules are used. The rst chapter of this thesis provides the background material for the subsequent chapters. In Chapter 2, basics of the nonlinear optimization are presented and the focus is on the line search, while Chapter 3 deals with the stochastic framework. These chapters are here to provide the review of the relevant known results, while the rest of the thesis represents the original contribution. U okviru ove teze posmatra se problem optimizacije bez ograničenja pri čcemu je funkcija cilja u formi matematičkog očekivanja. Očekivanje se odnosi na slučajnu promenljivu koja predstavlja neizvesnost. Zbog toga je funkcija cilja, u stvari, deterministička veličina. Ipak, odredjivanje analitičkog oblika te funkcije cilja može biti vrlo komplikovano pa čak i nemoguće. Zbog toga se za aproksimaciju često koristi uzoračko očcekivanje. Da bi se postigla dobra aproksimacija, obično je neophodan obiman uzorak. Ako pretpostavimo da se uzorak realizuje pre početka procesa optimizacije, možemo posmatrati uzoračko očekivanje kao determinističku funkciju. Medjutim, primena nekog od determinističkih metoda direktno na tu funkciju  moze biti veoma skupa jer evaluacija funkcije pod ocekivanjem često predstavlja veliki trošak i uobičajeno je da se ukupan trošak optimizacije meri po broju izračcunavanja funkcije pod očekivanjem. Zbog toga su razvijeni metodi sa promenljivom veličinom uzorka. Većcina njih je bazirana na odredjivanju optimalne dinamike uvećanja uzorka. Glavni cilj ove teze je razvoj algoritma koji, kroz smanjenje broja izračcunavanja funkcije, smanjuje ukupne trošskove optimizacije. Ideja je da se veličina uzorka smanji kad god je to moguće. Grubo rečeno, izbegava se koriscenje velike preciznosti  (velikog uzorka) kada smo daleko od rešsenja. U čcetvrtom poglavlju ove teze opisana je nova klasa metoda i predstavljena je analiza konvergencije. Dokazano je da je aproksimacija rešenja koju dobijamo bar toliko dobra koliko i za metod koji radi sa celim uzorkom sve vreme. Još jedna bitna karakteristika metoda koji su ovde razmatrani je primena linijskog pretražzivanja u cilju odredjivanja naredne iteracije. Osnovna ideja je da se nadje odgovarajući pravac i da se duž njega vršsi pretraga za dužzinom koraka koja će dovoljno smanjiti vrednost funkcije. Dovoljno smanjenje je odredjeno pravilom linijskog pretraživanja. U čcetvrtom poglavlju to pravilo je monotono što znači da zahtevamo striktno smanjenje vrednosti funkcije. U cilju jos većeg smanjenja troškova optimizacije kao i proširenja skupa pogodnih pravaca, u petom poglavlju koristimo nemonotona pravila linijskog pretraživanja koja su modifikovana zbog promenljive velicine uzorka. Takodje, razmatrani su uslovi za globalnu konvergenciju i R-linearnu brzinu konvergencije. Numerički rezultati su predstavljeni u šestom poglavlju. Test problemi su razliciti - neki od njih su akademski, a neki su realni. Akademski problemi su tu da nam daju bolji uvid u ponašanje algoritama. Sa druge strane, podaci koji poticu od stvarnih problema služe kao pravi test za primenljivost pomenutih algoritama. U prvom delu tog poglavlja akcenat je na načinu ažuriranja veličine uzorka. Različite varijante metoda koji su ovde predloženi porede se medjusobno kao i sa drugim šemama za ažuriranje veličine uzorka. Drugi deo poglavlja pretežno je posvećen poredjenju različitih pravila linijskog pretraživanja sa različitim pravcima pretraživanja u okviru promenljive veličine uzorka. Uzimajuci sve postignute rezultate u obzir dolazi se do zaključcka da variranje veličine uzorka može značajno popraviti učinak algoritma, posebno ako se koriste nemonotone metode linijskog pretraživanja. U prvom poglavlju ove teze opisana je motivacija kao i osnovni pojmovi potrebni za praćenje preostalih poglavlja. U drugom poglavlju je iznet pregled osnova nelinearne optimizacije sa akcentom na metode linijskog pretraživanja, dok su u trećem poglavlju predstavljene osnove stohastičke optimizacije. Pomenuta poglavlja su tu radi pregleda dosadašnjih relevantnih rezultata dok je originalni doprinos ove teze predstavljen u poglavljima 4-6

    Inexact restoration with subsampled trust-region methods for finite-sum minimization

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    Convex and nonconvex finite-sum minimization arises in many scientific computing and machine learning applications. Recently, first-order and second-order methods where objective functions, gradients and Hessians are approximated by randomly sampling components of the sum have received great attention. We propose a new trust-region method which employs suitable approximations of the objective function, gradient and Hessian built via random subsampling techniques. The choice of the sample size is deterministic and ruled by the inexact restoration approach. We discuss local and global properties for finding approximate first- and second-order optimal points and function evaluation complexity results. Numerical experience shows that the new procedure is more efficient, in terms of overall computational cost, than the standard trust-region scheme with subsampled Hessians

    Measuring RocksDB performance and adaptive sampling for model estimation

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    This thesis focuses on two topics, namely statistical learning and the prediction of key performance indicators in the performance evaluation of a storage engine. The part on statistical learning presents a novel algorithm adjusting the sampling size for the Monte Carlo approximation of the function to be minimized, allowing a reduction of the true function at a given probability and this, at a lower numerical cost. The sampling strategy is embedded in a trust-region algorithm, using the Fisher Information matrix, also called BHHH approximation, to approximate the Hessian matrix. The sampling strategy is tested on a logit model generated from synthetic data. Numerical results exhibit a significant reduction in the time required to optimize the model when an adequate smoothing is applied to the function. The key performance indicator prediction part describes a novel strategy to select better settings for RocksDB that optimize its throughput, using the log files to analyze and identify suboptimal parameters, opening the possibility to greatly accelerate modern storage engine tuning.Ce mémoire s’intéresse à deux sujets, un relié à l’apprentisage statistique et le second à la prédiction d’indicateurs de performance dans un système de stockage de type clé-valeur. La partie sur l’apprentissage statistique développe un algorithme ajustant la taille d’échantillonnage pour l’approximation Monte Carlo de la fonction à minimiser, permettant une réduction de la véritable fonction avec une probabilité donnée, et ce à un coût numérique moindre. La stratégie d’échantillonnage est développée dans un contexte de région de confiance en utilisant la matrice d’information de Fisher, aussi appelée approximation BHHH de la matrice hessienne. La stratégie d’échantillonnage est testée sur un modèle logit généré à partir de données synthétiques suivant le même modèle. Les résultats numériques montrent une réduction siginificative du temps requis pour optimiser le modèle lorsqu’un lissage adéquat est appliqué. La partie de prédiction d’indicateurs de performance décrit une nouvelle approche pour optimiser la vitesse maximale d’insertion de paire clé-valeur dans le système de stockage RocksDB. Les fichiers journaux sont utilisés pour identifier les paramètres sous-optimaux du système et accélérer la recherche de paramètres optimaux