1,092 research outputs found

    MRQAR: A generic MapReduce framework to discover quantitative association rules in big data problems

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    Many algorithms have emerged to address the discovery of quantitative association rules from datasets in the last years. However, this task is becoming a challenge because the processing power of most existing techniques is not enough to handle the large amount of data generated nowadays. These vast amounts of data are known as Big Data. A number of previous studies have been focused on mining boolean or nominal association rules from Big Data problems, nevertheless, the data in real-world applications usually consist of quantitative values and designing data mining algorithms able to extract quantitative association rules presents a challenge to workers in this research field. In spite of the fact that we can find classical methods to discover boolean or nominal association rules in the most well-known repositories of Big Data algorithms, such repositories do not provide methods to discover quantitative association rules. Indeed, no methodologies have been proposed in the literature without prior discretization in Big Data. Hence, this work proposes MRQAR, a new generic parallel framework to discover quantitative association rules in large amounts of data, designed following the MapReduce paradigm using Apache Spark. MRQAR performs an incremental learning able to run any sequential quantitative association rule algorithm in Big Data problems without needing to redesign such algorithms. As a case study, we have integrated the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm MOPNAR into MRQAR to validate the generic MapReduce framework proposed in this work. The results obtained in the experimental study performed on five Big Data problems prove the capability of MRQAR to obtain reduced set of high quality rules in reasonable time.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-89517-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-2-

    Mining Feature Relationships in Data

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    When faced with a new dataset, most practitioners begin by performing exploratory data analysis to discover interesting patterns and characteristics within data. Techniques such as association rule mining are commonly applied to uncover relationships between features (attributes) of the data. However, association rules are primarily designed for use on binary or categorical data, due to their use of rule-based machine learning. A large proportion of real-world data is continuous in nature, and discretisation of such data leads to inaccurate and less informative association rules. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach called feature relationship mining (FRM), which uses a genetic programming approach to automatically discover symbolic relationships between continuous or categorical features in data. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed approach is the first such symbolic approach with the goal of explicitly discovering relationships between features. Empirical testing on a variety of real-world datasets shows the proposed method is able to find high-quality, simple feature relationships which can be easily interpreted and which provide clear and non-trivial insight into data.Comment: 16 pages, accepted in EuroGP '2

    Obtaining optimal quality measures for quantitative association rules

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    There exist several works in the literature in which fitness functions based on a combination of weighted measures for the discovery of association rules have been proposed. Nevertheless, some differences in the measures used to assess the quality of association rules could be obtained according to the values of the weights of the measures included in the fitness function. Therefore, user's decision is very important in order to specify the weights of the measures involved in the optimization process. This paper presents a study of well-known quality measures with regard to the weights of the measures that appear in a fitness function. In particular, the fitness function of an existing evolutionary algorithm called QARGA has been considered with the purpose of suggesting the values that should be assigned to the weights, depending on the set of measures to be optimized. As initial step, several experiments have been carried out from 35 public datasets in order to show how the weights for confidence, support, amplitude and number of attributes measures included in the fitness function have an influence on different quality measures according to several minimum support thresholds. Second, statistical tests have been conducted for evaluating when the differences in measures of the rules obtained by QARGA are significative, and thus, to provide the best weights to be considered depending on the group of measures to be optimized. Finally, the results obtained when using the recommended weights for two real-world applications related to ozone and earthquakes are reported.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2011-28956-C02Junta de Andalucía P12- TIC-1728Universidad Pablo de Olavide APPB81309

    Encapsulation of Soft Computing Approaches within Itemset Mining a A Survey

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    Data Mining discovers patterns and trends by extracting knowledge from large databases. Soft Computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, rough sets, etc. aims to reveal the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty for achieving tractability, robustness and low-cost solutions. Fuzzy Logic and Rough sets are suitable for handling different types of uncertainty. Neural networks provide good learning and generalization. Genetic algorithms provide efficient search algorithms for selecting a model, from mixed media data. Data mining refers to information extraction while soft computing is used for information processing. For effective knowledge discovery from large databases, both Soft Computing and Data Mining can be merged. Association rule mining (ARM) and Itemset mining focus on finding most frequent item sets and corresponding association rules, extracting rare itemsets including temporal and fuzzy concepts in discovered patterns. This survey paper explores the usage of soft computing approaches in itemset utility mining

    Learning positive-negative rule-based fuzzy associative classifiers with a good trade-off between complexity and accuracy

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    Nowadays, the call for transparency in Artificial Intelligence models is growing due to the need to understand how decisions derived from the methods are made when they ultimately affect human life and health. Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems have been used successfully as they are models that are easily understood by models themselves. However, complex search spaces hinder the learning process, and in most cases, lead to problems of complexity (coverage and specificity). This problem directly affects the intention to use them to enable the user to analyze and understand the model. Because of this, we propose a fuzzy associative classification method to learn classifiers with an improved trade-off between accuracy and complexity. This method learns the most appropriate granularity of each variable to generate a set of simple fuzzy association rules with a reduced number of associations that consider positive and negative dependencies to be able to classify an instance depending on the presence or absence of certain items. The proposal also chooses the most interesting rules based on several interesting measures and finally performs a genetic rule selection and adjustment to reach the most suitable context of the selected rule set. The quality of our proposal has been analyzed using 23 real-world datasets, comparing them with other proposals by applying statistical analysis. Moreover, the study carried out on a real biomedical research problem of childhood obesity shows the improved trade-off between the accuracy and complexity of the models generated by our proposal.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.ERDF and the Regional Government of Andalusia/Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (grant numbers P18-RT-2248 and B-CTS-536-UGR20)ERDF and Health Institute Carlos III/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant number PI20/00711)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant number PID2019-107793GB-I00

    Measuring Positive and Negative Association of Apriori Algorithm with Cosine Correlation Analysis

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    يهدف هذا العمل إلى معرفة قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية في خوارزمية (Apriori) باستخدام تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام. يتم تطبيق الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة على قاعدة بيانات الفطر لمعرفة الفرق في النتائج. أظهرت النتائج التجريبية أن خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة يمكن أن تولد قواعد ارتباط سلبية. وتعطي إضافة تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام قدرًا أصغر من قواعد الارتباط عما هو من كميات خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط الافتراضية. من خلال قواعد الارتباط العشرة الأولى ، يمكن ملاحظة وجود قواعد مختلفة بين الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية Apriori المعدلة. إن اختلاف القواعد التي تم الحصول عليها من قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية يقوي بعضها البعض بدرجة جيدة جدًا.This work aims to see the positive association rules and negative association rules in the Apriori algorithm by using cosine correlation analysis. The default and the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm are implemented against the mushroom database to find out the difference of the results. The experimental results showed that the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm could generate negative association rules. The addition of cosine correlation analysis returns a smaller amount of association rules than the amounts of the default Association Rule Mining algorithm. From the top ten association rules, it can be seen that there are different rules between the default and the modified Apriori algorithm. The difference of the obtained rules from positive association rules and negative association rules strengthens to each other with a pretty good confidence score

    Discovering gene association networks by multi-objective evolutionary quantitative association rules

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    In the last decade, the interest in microarray technology has exponentially increased due to its ability to monitor the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously. The reconstruction of gene association networks from gene expression profiles is a relevant task and several statistical techniques have been proposed to build them. The problem lies in the process to discover which genes are more relevant and to identify the direct regulatory relationships among them. We developed a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for mining quantitative association rules to deal with this problem. We applied our methodology named GarNet to a well-known microarray data of yeast cell cycle. The performance analysis of GarNet was organized in three steps similarly to the study performed by Gallo et al. GarNet outperformed the benchmark methods in most cases in terms of quality metrics of the networks, such as accuracy and precision, which were measured using YeastNet database as true network. Furthermore, the results were consistent with previous biological knowledge.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2011-28956-C02-02Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-752

    Nuevos retos en clasificación asociativa: Big Data y aplicaciones

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    La clasificación asociativa surge como resultado de la unión de dos importantes ámbitos del aprendizaje automático. Por un lado la tarea descriptiva de extracción de reglas de asociación, como mecanismo para obtener información previamente desconocida e interesante de un conjunto de datos, combinado con una tarea predictiva, como es la clasificación, que permite en base a un conjunto de variables explicativas y previamente conocidas realizar una predicción sobre una variable de interés o predictiva. Los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral son los siguientes: 1) El estudio y el análisis del estado del arte de tanto la extracción de reglas de asociación como de la clasificación asociativa; 2) La propuesta de nuevos modelos de clasificación asociativa así como de extracción de reglas de asociación teniendo en cuenta la obtención de modelos que sean precisos, interpretables, eficientes así como flexibles para poder introducir conocimiento subjetivo en éstos. 3) Adicionalmente, y dado la gran cantidad de datos que cada día se genera en las últimas décadas, se prestará especial atención al tratamiento de grandes cantidades datos, también conocido como Big Data. En primer lugar, se ha analizado el estado del arte tanto de clasificación asociativa como de la extracción de reglas de asociación. En este sentido, se ha realizado un estudio y análisis exhaustivo de la bibliografía de los trabajos relacionados para poder conocer con gran nivel de detalle el estado del arte. Como resultado, se ha permitido sentar las bases para la consecución de los demás objetivos así como detectar que dentro de la clasificación asociativa se requería de algún mecanismo que facilitara la unificación de comparativas así como que fueran lo más completas posibles. Para tal fin, se ha propuesto una herramienta de software que cuenta con al menos un algoritmo de todas las categorías que componen la taxonomía actual. Esto permitirá dentro de las investigaciones del área, realizar comparaciones más diversas y completas que hasta el momento se consideraba una tarea en el mejor de los casos muy ardua, al no estar disponibles muchos de los algoritmos en un formato ejecutable ni mucho menos como código abierto. Además, esta herramienta también dispone de un conjunto muy diverso de métricas que permite cuantificar la calidad de los resultados desde diferentes perspectivas. Esto permite conseguir clasificadores lo más completos posibles, así como para unificar futuras comparaciones con otras propuestas. En segundo lugar, y como resultado del análisis previo, se ha detectado que las propuestas actuales no permiten escalar, ni horizontalmente, ni verticalmente, las metodologías sobre conjuntos de datos relativamente grandes. Dado el creciente interés, tanto del mundo académico como del industrial, de aumentar la capacidad de cómputo a ingentes cantidades de datos, se ha considerado interesante continuar esta tesis doctoral realizando un análisis de diferentes propuestas sobre Big Data. Para tal fin, se ha comenzado realizando un análisis pormenorizado de los últimos avances para el tratamiento de tal cantidad de datos. En este respecto, se ha prestado especial atención a la computación distribuida ya que ha demostrado ser el único procedimiento que permite el tratamiento de grandes cantidades de datos sin la realización de técnicas de muestreo. En concreto, se ha prestado especial atención a las metodologías basadas en MapReduce que permite la descomposición de problemas complejos en fracciones divisibles y paralelizables, que posteriormente pueden ser agrupadas para obtener el resultado final. Como resultado de este objetivo se han propuesto diferentes algoritmos que permiten el tratamiento de grandes cantidades de datos, sin la pérdida de precisión ni interpretabilidad. Todos los algoritmos propuestos se han diseñado para que puedan funcionar sobre las implementaciones de código abierto más conocidas de MapReduce. En tercer y último lugar, se ha considerado interesante realizar una propuesta que mejore el estado del arte de la clasificación asociativa. Para tal fin, y dado que las reglas de asociación son la base y factores determinantes para los clasificadores asociativos, se ha comenzado realizando una nueva propuesta para la extracción de reglas de asociación. En este aspecto, se ha combinado el uso de los últimos avances en computación distribuida, como MapReduce, con los algoritmos evolutivos que han demostrado obtener excelentes resultados en el área. En particular, se ha hecho uso de programación genética gramatical por su flexibilidad para codificar las soluciones, así como introducir conocimiento subjetivo en el proceso de búsqueda a la vez que permiten aliviar los requisitos computacionales y de memoria. Este nuevo algoritmo, supone una mejora significativa de la extracción de reglas de asociación ya que ha demostrado obtener mejores resultados que las propuestas existentes sobre diferentes tipos de datos así como sobre diferentes métricas de interés, es decir, no sólo obtiene mejores resultados sobre Big Data, sino que se ha comparado en su versión secuencial con los algoritmos existentes. Una vez que se ha conseguido este algoritmo que permite extraer excelentes reglas de asociación, se ha adaptado para la obtención de reglas de asociación de clase así como para obtener un clasificador a partir de tales reglas. De nuevo, se ha hecho uso de programación genética gramatical para la obtención del clasificador de forma que se permite al usuario no sólo introducir conocimiento subjetivo en las propias formas de las reglas, sino también en la forma final del clasificador. Esta nueva propuesta también se ha comparado con los algoritmos existentes de clasificación asociativa forma secuencial para garantizar que consigue diferencias significativas respecto a éstos en términos de exactitud, interpretabilidad y eficiencia. Adicionalmente, también se ha comparado con otras propuestas específicas de Big Data demostrado obtener excelentes resultados a la vez que mantiene un compromiso entre los objetivos conflictivos de interpretabilidad, exactitud y eficiencia. Esta tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado bajo un entorno experimental apropiado, haciendo uso de diversos conjunto de datos incluyendo tanto datos de pequeña dimensionalidad como Big Data. Además, todos los conjuntos de datos usados están publicados libremente y conforman un conglomerado de diversas dimensionalidades, número de instancias y de clases. Todos los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con el estado de arte correspondiente, y se ha hecho uso de tests estadísticos no paramétricos para comprobar que las diferencias encontradas son significativas desde un punto de vista estadístico, y no son fruto del azar. Adicionalmente, todas las comparaciones realizadas consideran diferentes perspectivas, es decir, se ha analizado rendimiento, eficiencia, precisión así como interpretabilidad en cada uno de los estudios.This Doctoral Thesis aims at solving the challenging problem of associative classification and its application on very large datasets. First, associative classification state-of-art has been studied and analyzed, and a new tool covering the whole taxonomy of algorithms as well as providing many different measures has been proposed. The goal of this tool is two-fold: 1) unification of comparisons, since existing works compare with very different measures; 2) providing a unique tool which has at least one algorithm of each category forming the taxonomy. This tool is a very important advancement in the field, since until the moment the whole taxonomy has not been covered due to that many algorithms have not been released as open source nor they were available to be run. Second, AC has been analyzed on very large quantities of data. In this regard, many different platforms for distributed computing have been studied and different proposals have been developed on them. These proposals enable to deal with very large data in a efficient way scaling up the load on very different compute nodes. Third, as one of the most important part of the associative classification is to extract high quality rules, it has been proposed a novel grammar-guided genetic programming algorithm which enables to obtain interesting association rules with regard to different metrics and in different kinds of data, including truly Big Data datasets. This proposal has proved to obtain very good results in terms of both quality and interpretability, at the same time of providing a very flexible way of representing the solutions and enabling to introduce subjective knowledge in the search process. Then, a novel algorithm has been proposed for associative classification using a non-trivial adaptation of the aforementioned algorithm to obtain the rules forming the classifier. This methodology is also based on grammar-guided genetic programming enabling user not only to constrain the form of the rules, but the final form of the classifier. Results have proved that this algorithm obtains very accurate classifiers at the same time of maintaining a good level of interpretability. All the methodologies proposed along this Thesis has been evaluated using a proper experimental framework, using a varied set of datasets including both classical and Big Data dataset, and analyzing different metrics to quantify the quality of the algorithms with regard to different perspectives. Results have been compared with state-of-the-art and they have been verified by means of non-parametric statistical tests proving that the proposed methods overcome to existing approaches

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    A review of clustering techniques and developments

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents a comprehensive study on clustering: exiting methods and developments made at various times. Clustering is defined as an unsupervised learning where the objects are grouped on the basis of some similarity inherent among them. There are different methods for clustering the objects such as hierarchical, partitional, grid, density based and model based. The approaches used in these methods are discussed with their respective states of art and applicability. The measures of similarity as well as the evaluation criteria, which are the central components of clustering, are also presented in the paper. The applications of clustering in some fields like image segmentation, object and character recognition and data mining are highlighted