28,274 research outputs found

    Computation of 2-groups of positive classes of exceptional number fields

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    We present an algorithm for computing the 2-group of the positive divisor classes of a number field F in case F has exceptional dyadic places. As an application, we compute the 2-rank of the wild kernel WK2(F) in K2(F) for such number fields

    The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations

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    We analyse the complexity of computing class polynomials, that are an important ingredient for CM constructions of elliptic curves, via complex floating point approximations of their roots. The heart of the algorithm is the evaluation of modular functions in several arguments. The fastest one of the presented approaches uses a technique devised by Dupont to evaluate modular functions by Newton iterations on an expression involving the arithmetic-geometric mean. It runs in time O(Dlog5DloglogD)=O(D1+ϵ)=O(h2+ϵ)O (|D| \log^5 |D| \log \log |D|) = O (|D|^{1 + \epsilon}) = O (h^{2 + \epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where DD is the CM discriminant and hh is the degree of the class polynomial. Another fast algorithm uses multipoint evaluation techniques known from symbolic computation; its asymptotic complexity is worse by a factor of logD\log |D|. Up to logarithmic factors, this running time matches the size of the constructed polynomials. The estimate also relies on a new result concerning the complexity of enumerating the class group of an imaginary-quadratic order and on a rigorously proven upper bound for the height of class polynomials

    The Computation of the Logarithmic Cohomology for Plane Curves

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    We give algorithms of computing bases of logarithmic cohomology groups for square-free polynomials in two variables. (Fixed typos of v1)Comment: 19 page

    Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials

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    We present and analyze two algorithms for computing the Hilbert class polynomial HDH_D . The first is a p-adic lifting algorithm for inert primes p in the order of discriminant D < 0. The second is an improved Chinese remainder algorithm which uses the class group action on CM-curves over finite fields. Our run time analysis gives tighter bounds for the complexity of all known algorithms for computing HDH_D, and we show that all methods have comparable run times

    Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory: Beyond an Introduction

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    This article aims to review a selection of central topics and examples in logarithmic conformal field theory. It begins with a pure Virasoro example, critical percolation, then continues with a detailed exposition of symplectic fermions, the fractional level WZW model on SL(2;R) at level -1/2 and the WZW model on the Lie supergroup GL(1|1). It concludes with a general discussion of the so-called staggered modules that give these theories their logarithmic structure, before outlining a proposed strategy to understand more general logarithmic conformal field theories. Throughout, the emphasis is on continuum methods and their generalisation from the familiar rational case. In particular, the modular properties of the characters of the spectrum play a central role and Verlinde formulae are evaluated with the results compared to the known fusion rules. Moreover, bulk modular invariants are constructed, the structures of the corresponding bulk state spaces are elucidated, and a formalism for computing correlation functions is discussed.Comment: Invited review by J Phys A for a special issue on LCFT; v2 updated references; v3 fixed a few minor typo