145 research outputs found

    Celestial compass sensor mimics the insect eye for navigation under cloudy and occluded skies

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    Insects use the sun’s position (even when concealed) as a compass for navigation by filtering celestial light intensity and polarisation through their compound eyes. To replicate this functionality, we present a sensor that imitates essential aspects of insect eyes, particularly the fan-like arrangement of polarised light receptors in their dorsal rim area. Our sensor comprises a ring of eight pairs of photodiodes (evaluating two orthogonal orientations of polarised light) to analyse the skylight coming from different directions. Because the layout of our sensor aligns with the polarised light pattern in the sky, a circular-mean model that integrates information spatially across the analysers can estimate the solar azimuth. When using the same sensor design, our model achieves lower compass errors than alternative (and computationally more complex) algorithms, especially under cloudy and occluded skies. Thus, the morphology and processing of the insect celestial compass provide an efficient and robust directional input for navigation

    High Resolution Technology in Digital Imaging and its Remote Sensing Applications

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    Remote Sensing is a markable achievement in- last century. High resolution is a vital technol- ogy to digital image characteristics. Especially, in recent 20 years, digital technology promotes the development of spatial information field. As the increasing requirement of people, achieving high resolution images is urgent. For this target, we work from four parts: spatial resolution, ra- diant resolution, spectral resolution, temporal resolution and proposed schemes for each of them with different imaging manners, designed several prototype systems and carried out many experiments to verify their feasibilities

    Behavioral responses of free-flying Drosophila melanogaster to shiny, reflecting surfaces

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    Active locomotion plays an important role in the life of many animals, permitting them to explore the environment, find vital resources, and escape predators. Most insect species rely on a combination of visual cues such as celestial bodies, landmarks, or linearly polarized light to navigate or orient themselves in their surroundings. In nature, linearly polarized light can arise either from atmospheric scattering or from reflections off shiny non-metallic surfaces like water. Multiple reports have described different behavioral responses of various insects to such shiny surfaces. Our goal was to test whether free-flying Drosophila melanogaster, a molecular genetic model organism and behavioral generalist, also manifests specific behavioral responses when confronted with such polarized reflections. Fruit flies were placed in a custom-built arena with controlled environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, and light intensity). Flight detections and landings were quantified for three different stimuli: a diffusely reflecting matt plate, a small patch of shiny acetate film, and real water. We compared hydrated and dehydrated fly populations, since the state of hydration may change the motivation of flies to seek or avoid water. Our analysis reveals for the first time that flying fruit flies indeed use vision to avoid flying over shiny surfaces

    Anatomical Reconstruction and Functional Imaging Reveal an Ordered Array of Skylight Polarization Detectors in Drosophila

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    Many insects exploit skylight polarization as a compass cue for orientation and navigation. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, photoreceptors R7 and R8 in the dorsal rim area (DRA) of the compound eye are specialized to detect the electric vector (e-vector) of linearly polarized light. These photoreceptors are arranged in stacked pairs with identical fields of view and spectral sensitivities, but mutually orthogonal microvillar orientations. As in larger flies, we found that the microvillar orientation of the distal photoreceptor R7 changes in a fan-like fashion along the DRA. This anatomical arrangement suggests that the DRA constitutes a detector for skylight polarization, in which different e-vectors maximally excite different positions in the array. To test our hypothesis, we measured responses to polarized light of varying e-vector angles in the terminals of R7/8 cells using genetically encoded calcium indicators. Our data confirm a progression of preferred e-vector angles from anterior to posterior in the DRA, and a strict orthogonality between the e-vector preferences of paired R7/8 cells. We observed decreased activity in photoreceptors in response to flashes of light polarized orthogonally to their preferred e-vector angle, suggesting reciprocal inhibition between photoreceptors in the same medullar column, which may serve to increase polarization contrast. Together, our results indicate that the polarization-vision system relies on a spatial map of preferred e-vector angles at the earliest stage of sensory processing

    Synaptic targets of photoreceptors specialized to detect color and skylight polarization in Drosophila

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    Color and polarization provide complementary information about the world and are detected by specialized photoreceptors. However, the downstream neural circuits that process these distinct modalities are incompletely understood in any animal. Using electron microscopy, we have systematically reconstructed the synaptic targets of the photoreceptors specialized to detect color and skylight polarization in Drosophila, and we have used light microscopy to confirm many of our findings. We identified known and novel downstream targets that are selective for different wavelengths or polarized light, and followed their projections to other areas in the optic lobes and the central brain. Our results revealed many synapses along the photoreceptor axons between brain regions, new pathways in the optic lobes, and spatially segregated projections to central brain regions. Strikingly, photoreceptors in the polarization-sensitive dorsal rim area target fewer cell types, and lack strong connections to the lobula, a neuropil involved in color processing. Our reconstruction identifies shared wiring and modality-specific specializations for color and polarization vision, and provides a comprehensive view of the first steps of the pathways processing color and polarized light inputs

    Combining omnidirectional vision with polarization vision for robot navigation

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    La polarisation est le phénomène qui décrit les orientations des oscillations des ondes lumineuses qui sont limitées en direction. La lumière polarisée est largement utilisée dans le règne animal,à partir de la recherche de nourriture, la défense et la communication et la navigation. Le chapitre (1) aborde brièvement certains aspects importants de la polarisation et explique notre problématique de recherche. Nous visons à utiliser un capteur polarimétrique-catadioptrique car il existe de nombreuses applications qui peuvent bénéficier d'une telle combinaison en vision par ordinateur et en robotique, en particulier pour l'estimation d'attitude et les applications de navigation. Le chapitre (2) couvre essentiellement l'état de l'art de l'estimation d'attitude basée sur la vision.Quand la lumière non-polarisée du soleil pénètre dans l'atmosphère, l'air entraine une diffusion de Rayleigh, et la lumière devient partiellement linéairement polarisée. Le chapitre (3) présente les motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle et couvre l'état de l'art des méthodes d'acquisition des motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle utilisant des capteurs omnidirectionnels (par exemple fisheye et capteurs catadioptriques). Nous expliquons également les caractéristiques de polarisation de la lumière naturelle et donnons une nouvelle dérivation théorique de son angle de polarisation.Notre objectif est d'obtenir une vue omnidirectionnelle à 360 associée aux caractéristiques de polarisation. Pour ce faire, ce travail est basé sur des capteurs catadioptriques qui sont composées de surfaces réfléchissantes et de lentilles. Généralement, la surface réfléchissante est métallique et donc l'état de polarisation de la lumière incidente, qui est le plus souvent partiellement linéairement polarisée, est modifiée pour être polarisée elliptiquement après réflexion. A partir de la mesure de l'état de polarisation de la lumière réfléchie, nous voulons obtenir l'état de polarisation incident. Le chapitre (4) propose une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer les paramètres de polarisation de la lumière en utilisant un capteur catadioptrique. La possibilité de mesurer le vecteur de Stokes du rayon incident est démontré à partir de trois composants du vecteur de Stokes du rayon réfléchi sur les quatre existants.Lorsque les motifs de polarisation incidents sont disponibles, les angles zénithal et azimutal du soleil peuvent être directement estimés à l'aide de ces modèles. Le chapitre (5) traite de l'orientation et de la navigation de robot basées sur la polarisation et différents algorithmes sont proposés pour estimer ces angles dans ce chapitre. A notre connaissance, l'angle zénithal du soleil est pour la première fois estimé dans ce travail à partir des schémas de polarisation incidents. Nous proposons également d'estimer l'orientation d'un véhicule à partir de ces motifs de polarisation.Enfin, le travail est conclu et les possibles perspectives de recherche sont discutées dans le chapitre (6). D'autres exemples de schémas de polarisation de la lumière naturelle, leur calibrage et des applications sont proposées en annexe (B).Notre travail pourrait ouvrir un accès au monde de la vision polarimétrique omnidirectionnelle en plus des approches conventionnelles. Cela inclut l'orientation bio-inspirée des robots, des applications de navigation, ou bien la localisation en plein air pour laquelle les motifs de polarisation de la lumière naturelle associés à l'orientation du soleil à une heure précise peuvent aboutir à la localisation géographique d'un véhiculePolarization is the phenomenon that describes the oscillations orientations of the light waves which are restricted in direction. Polarized light has multiple uses in the animal kingdom ranging from foraging, defense and communication to orientation and navigation. Chapter (1) briefly covers some important aspects of polarization and explains our research problem. We are aiming to use a polarimetric-catadioptric sensor since there are many applications which can benefit from such combination in computer vision and robotics specially robot orientation (attitude estimation) and navigation applications. Chapter (2) mainly covers the state of art of visual based attitude estimation.As the unpolarized sunlight enters the Earth s atmosphere, it is Rayleigh-scattered by air, and it becomes partially linearly polarized. This skylight polarization provides a signi cant clue to understanding the environment. Its state conveys the information for obtaining the sun orientation. Robot navigation, sensor planning, and many other applications may bene t from using this navigation clue. Chapter (3) covers the state of art in capturing the skylight polarization patterns using omnidirectional sensors (e.g fisheye and catadioptric sensors). It also explains the skylight polarization characteristics and gives a new theoretical derivation of the skylight angle of polarization pattern. Our aim is to obtain an omnidirectional 360 view combined with polarization characteristics. Hence, this work is based on catadioptric sensors which are composed of reflective surfaces and lenses. Usually the reflective surface is metallic and hence the incident skylight polarization state, which is mostly partially linearly polarized, is changed to be elliptically polarized after reflection. Given the measured reflected polarization state, we want to obtain the incident polarization state. Chapter (4) proposes a method to measure the light polarization parameters using a catadioptric sensor. The possibility to measure the incident Stokes is proved given three Stokes out of the four reflected Stokes. Once the incident polarization patterns are available, the solar angles can be directly estimated using these patterns. Chapter (5) discusses polarization based robot orientation and navigation and proposes new algorithms to estimate these solar angles where, to the best of our knowledge, the sun zenith angle is firstly estimated in this work given these incident polarization patterns. We also propose to estimate any vehicle orientation given these polarization patterns. Finally the work is concluded and possible future research directions are discussed in chapter (6). More examples of skylight polarization patterns, their calibration, and the proposed applications are given in appendix (B). Our work may pave the way to move from the conventional polarization vision world to the omnidirectional one. It enables bio-inspired robot orientation and navigation applications and possible outdoor localization based on the skylight polarization patterns where given the solar angles at a certain date and instant of time may infer the current vehicle geographical location.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF