763 research outputs found

    Explanations and Proof Trees

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    This paper proposes a model for explanations in a set theoretical framework using the notions of closure or fixpoint. In this approach, sets of rules associated with monotonic operators allow to define proof trees. The proof trees may be considered as a declarative view of the trace of a computation. We claim they are explanations of the results of a computation. This notion of explanation is applied to constraint logic programming, and it is used for declarative error diagnosis. It is also applied to constraint programming, and used for constraint retraction

    A Framework for Constraint-Programming based Configuration

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    A Human-Centered Approach for Designing Decision Support Systems

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    The choice to include the human in the decision process affects four key areas of system design: problem representation, system analysis and design, solution technique selection, and interface requirements specification. I introduce a design methodology that captures the necessary choices associated with each of these areas. In particular I show how this methodology is applied to the design of an actual decision Support system for satellite operations scheduling. Supporting the user\u27s ability to monitor the actions of the system and to guide the decision process of the system are two key considerations in the successful design of a decision support system. Both of these points rely on the correct specification of human-computer interaction points. Traditional, computer-centered system design approaches do not do this well, if at all, and are insufficient for the design of decision support systems. These approaches typically leave the definition of human-computer interaction points till after the component and system level designs are complete. This is too late however since the component and system level design decisions can impose inflexible constraints on the choice of the human-computer interaction points. This often leads to the design of human-computer interaction points that are only good enough. These approaches result in ill-conceived problem representations and poor user-system interaction points because the system lacks the underlying architecture to support these constructs efficiently. Decision support systems require a new, human-centered design approach rather than the traditional computer-centered approaches

    Strong consistencies for weighted constraint satisfaction problems

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    Cette thèse se focalise sur l'étude de cohérences locales fortes afin de résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation sur des réseaux de fonctions de coûts (ou réseaux de contraintes pondérées). Ces méthodes fournissent le minorant nécessaire pour des approches de type "Séparation-Evaluation". Nous étudions dans un premier temps la cohérence d'Arc virtuelle (VAC), une des plus fortes cohérences d'arcs du domaine, qui est établie via l'établissement de la cohérence d'arc dure dans une séquence de réseaux de contraintes classiques. L'algorithme itératif pour établir VAC est amélioré via l'introduction d'une incrémentalité accrue, exploitant la cohérence d'arc dynamique. La nouvelle méthode est aussi capable de maintenir VAC efficacement pendant la recherche lorsque les réseaux de contraintes pondérées sont dynamiquement modifiés par les opérations de branchement. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à des cohérences de domaines plus fortes, inspirées de cohérences similaires dans les réseaux de contraintes classiques (cohérence de chemin inverse, réduite ou Max-réduite). Pour chaque cohérence dure, plusieurs cohérences souples ont été proposées pour les réseaux de contraintes pondérées. Les nouvelles cohérences fournissent un minorant plus fort que celui des cohérences d'arc souples en traitant les triplets de variables connectées deux à deux par des fonctions de coûts binaires. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés des nouvelles cohérences, les implémentons et les testons sur une variété de problèmes.This thesis focuses on strong local consistencies for solving optimization problems in cost function networks (or weighted constraint networks). These methods provide the lower bound necessary for Branch-and-Bound search. We first study the Virtual arc consistency, one of the strongest soft arc consistencies, which is enforced by iteratively establishing hard arc consistency in a sequence of classical Constraint Networks. The algorithm enforcing VAC is improved by integrating the dynamic arc consistency to exploit its incremental behavior. The dynamic arc consistency also allows to improve VAC when maintained VAC during search by efficiently exploiting the changes caused by branching operations. Operations. Secondly, we are interested in stronger domain-based soft consistencies, inspired from similar consistencies in hard constraint networks (path inverse consistency, restricted or Max-restricted path consistencies). From each of these hard consistencies, many soft variants have been proposed for weighted constraint networks. The new consistencies provide lower bounds stronger than soft arc consistencies by processing triplets of variables connected two-by-two by binary cost functions. We have studied the properties of these new consistencies, implemented and tested them on a variety of problems

    Closed Terminologies and Temporal Reasoning in Description Logic for Concept and Plan Recognition

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    Description logics are knowledge representation formalisms in the tradition of frames and semantic networks, but with an emphasis on formal semantics. A terminology contains descriptions of concepts, such as UNIVERSITY, which are automatically classified ina taxonomy via subsumption inferences. Individuals such as COLUMBIA are described in terms of those concepts. This thesis enhances the scope and utility of description logics by exploiting new completeness assumptions during problem solving and by extending the expressiveness of descriptions. First, we introduce a predictive concept recognition methodology based on a new closed terminology assumption (CTA). The terminology is dynamically partitioned by modalities (necessary, optional, and impossible) with respect to individuals as they are specified. In our interactive configuration application, a user incrementally specifies an individual computer system and its components in collaboration with a configuration engine. Choices can be made in any order and at any level of abstraction. We distinguish between abstract and concrete concepts to formally define when an individual's description may be considered finished. We also exploit CTA, together with the terminology's subsumption-based organization, to efficiently track the types of systems and components consistent with current choices, infer additional constraints on current choices, and appropriately restrict future choices. Thus, we can help focus the efforts of both user and configuration engine. This work is implemented in the K-REP system. Second, we show that a new class of complex descriptions can be formed via constraint networks over standard descriptions. For example, we model plans as constraint networks whose nodes represent actions.Arcs represent qualitative and metric temporal constraints, plusco-reference constraints, between actions. By combining terminological reasoning with constraint satisfaction techniques, subsumption is extended to constraint networks, allowing automatic classification of a plan library. This work is implemented in the T-REX system, which integrates and builds upon an existing description logic system (K-REP or CLASSIC) and temporal reasoner (MATS). Finally, we combine the preceding, orthogonal results to conduct predictive recognition of constraint network concepts. As an example,this synthesis enables a new approach to deductive plan recognition,illustrated with travel plans. This work is also realized in T-REX

    On-line planning and scheduling: an application to controlling modular printers

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    We present a case study of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the control of production printing equipment. Like many other real-world applications, this complex domain requires high-speed autonomous decision-making and robust continual operation. To our knowledge, this work represents the first successful industrial application of embedded domain-independent temporal planning. Our system handles execution failures and multi-objective preferences. At its heart is an on-line algorithm that combines techniques from state-space planning and partial-order scheduling. We suggest that this general architecture may prove useful in other applications as more intelligent systems operate in continual, on-line settings. Our system has been used to drive several commercial prototypes and has enabled a new product architecture for our industrial partner. When compared with state-of-the-art off-line planners, our system is hundreds of times faster and often finds better plans. Our experience demonstrates that domain-independent AI planning based on heuristic search can flexibly handle time, resources, replanning, and multiple objectives in a high-speed practical application without requiring hand-coded control knowledge

    A Continuation Method for Nash Equilibria in Structured Games

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    Structured game representations have recently attracted interest as models for multi-agent artificial intelligence scenarios, with rational behavior most commonly characterized by Nash equilibria. This paper presents efficient, exact algorithms for computing Nash equilibria in structured game representations, including both graphical games and multi-agent influence diagrams (MAIDs). The algorithms are derived from a continuation method for normal-form and extensive-form games due to Govindan and Wilson; they follow a trajectory through a space of perturbed games and their equilibria, exploiting game structure through fast computation of the Jacobian of the payoff function. They are theoretically guaranteed to find at least one equilibrium of the game, and may find more. Our approach provides the first efficient algorithm for computing exact equilibria in graphical games with arbitrary topology, and the first algorithm to exploit fine-grained structural properties of MAIDs. Experimental results are presented demonstrating the effectiveness of the algorithms and comparing them to predecessors. The running time of the graphical game algorithm is similar to, and often better than, the running time of previous approximate algorithms. The algorithm for MAIDs can effectively solve games that are much larger than those solvable by previous methods
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