41 research outputs found

    Methodological proposal of neurodesign of products from the somatic markers of Damasio

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    La hipótesis de los marcadores somáticos de Damasio constituye un instrumento a partir del cual se ofrece una explicación a la forma en que se articula la emoción y el pensamiento racional en los procesos cognitivos, recogida en su libro el error de Descarte. En el mismo, se establece que en los procesos de interacción con el medio objetual, son la emociones las herramientas a partir de las cuales se toman las decisiones de interacción y uso para la formación de los marcadores somáticos que constituyen el elenco experiencial de uso. Este enfoque teórico, que si bien constituye una hipótesis, es una oportunidad para la formulación de un marco metodológico de neurodiseño, objeto del presente trabajo. En el mismo, se formula un modelo de neurodiseño multisensorial en base al concepto de marcadores somáticos de Damasio y posteriormente se aplica a un producto industrial. En la parte final, se realiza la valoración de la metodología propuesta en base al estado de conocimiento de la neurociencia actual y se indica posibles líneas de actuación para el desarrollo del neurodiseño de productos.The hypothesis of the somatic markers of Damasio constitutes an instrument from which an explanation is offered to the way articulation of the emotion and the rational thought in the cognitive processes, collected in his book the error of Discard. In the same, it is stable that in the processes of interaction with the context, emotions are the tools from which the decisions of interaction and use are made for the formation of the somatic markers that constitute the experiential cast of use. This theoretical approach, which constitutes a hypothesis, is an opportunity for the formulation of a methodological framework of neurodesign object of the present work. In the same, a model of multisensory neurodevelopment is formulated based on the concept of somatic markers of Damasio and later applied to an industrial product. In the final part, the evaluation of the proposed methodology is carried out based on the state of knowledge of the current neuroscience and indicates possible lines of action for the development of the neurodesign of products

    Neurometrics applied to banknote and security features design

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una metodología sobre la aplicación del neuroanálisis en el diseño de billetes y elementos de seguridad. Tradicionalmente, la evaluación de la percepción de los billetes se ha basado en respuestas explícitas de las personas, obtenidas a través de cuestionarios y entrevistas. Las medidas implícitas se refieren a métodos y técnicas capaces de capturar los procesos mentales implícitos de las personas. La neurociencia ha demostrado que la consciencia humana no interviene en la mayoría de los procesos cerebrales que regulan las emociones, actitudes, comportamientos y decisiones. Es decir, estos procesos implícitos son funciones cerebrales que se producen automáticamente y sin control consciente. La metodología sobre el neuroanálisis puede aplicarse al diseño de billetes y elementos de seguridad, y utilizarse como una herramienta de análisis eficaz para evaluar los procesos cognitivos de las personas, como el interés visual, la atención a ciertas áreas del billete, las emociones, la motivación, la carga mental para comprender el diseño y el nivel de estimulación. La metodología del neuroanálisis propuesta ofrece un criterio para tomar decisiones sobre qué diseños de billetes y elementos de seguridad tienen una configuración más adecuada para el público, basada en el seguimiento de procesos conscientes, usando medidas explícitas tradicionales, y procesos inconscientes, usando técnicas neurométricas. La metodología del neuroanálisis trata variables neurométricas cuantificables obtenidas del público al procesar eventos como el movimiento ocular, la fijación visual, la expresión facial, la variación del ritmo cardíaco, la conductancia de la piel, etc. La aplicación de un estudio de neuroanálisis se lleva a cabo con un grupo de personas representativo de la población para la que se realiza el diseño de un billete o los elementos de seguridad. En el estudio neurométrico se ofrece a los participantes muestras físicas adecuadamente preparadas para recoger las diferentes respuestas neurométricas de los participantes, que luego se procesan para sacar conclusiones.The aim of this paper is to present a methodology on the application of neuroanalysis to the design of banknotes and security features. Traditionally, evaluation of the perception of banknotes is based on explicit personal responses obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The implicit measures refer to methods and techniques capable of capturing people’s implicit mental processes. Neuroscience has shown that, in most brain processes regulating emotions, attitudes, behaviours and decisions, human consciousness does not intervene. That is to say, these implicit processes are brain functions that occur automatically and without conscious control. The methodology on neuroanalysis can be applied to the design of banknotes and security features, and used as an effective analysis tool to assess people’s cognitive processes, namely: visual interest, attention to certain areas of the banknote, emotions, motivation and the mental load to understand the design and level of stimulation. The proposed neuroanalysis methodology offers a criterion for making decisions about which banknote designs and security features have a more suitable configuration for the public. It is based on the monitoring of conscious processes, using traditional explicit measures, and unconscious processes, using neurometric techniques. The neuroanalysis methodology processes quantifiable neurometric variables obtained from the public when processing events, such as eye movement, sight fixation, facial expression, heart rate variation, skin conductance, etc. A neuroanalysis study is performed with a selected group of people representative of the population for which the design of a banknote or security features is made. In the neurometric study, suitably prepared physical samples are shown to the participants to collect their different neurometric responses, which are then processed to draw conclusions

    How interior design responds to neurodiversity: implementing wearable technologies in neurodesign processes

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    This perspective article, looking through the lens of neurodiversity, discusses the benefits and challenges of implementing virtual environments and wearable technologies in interior design and related fields. While the relationship between human perception and built environments has long been studied in the environmental design disciplines, the direct impact on occupant performance related to neurodiversity has been underexplored in research, with a shortage of knowledge supporting how it can be applied in design practice concerning the end users. Individuals’ perceptual, cognitive, and affective responses to their surroundings vary, as neurodiversity plays a key role in the invisible, human-environment interaction. Thus, measuring, analyzing, and understanding affective, perceptual, and cognitive experiences is a challenging process in which various factors come into play, and no single method or measurement can adequately work for all. Due to such challenges, research has also utilized various biometric measurements and tools for immersive experiments in physical and virtual environments, e.g., eye tracking used in studies on gaze behaviors and immersive virtual reality (IVR) used in studies on the spatial perception of dementia patients. Along with empirical methods, studies have stressed the contribution of phenomenology to looking into the hidden dimension, the ‘why factors’ of perception, cognition, and affectivity. Concerning the methodological approach, this perspective article shares insights into a novel process model, Participatory Neurodesign (PND) framework, used in wayfinding research and design processes utilizing eye tracking and IVR. Opportunities for neurodesign research and design practice are also discussed, focusing on the health, safety, and wellbeing of end-users

    Meaningful age-friendly design. Case studies on enabling assistive technology.

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    The world population is steadily ageing and the World Health Organization recently stated that 8.5 percent of people worldwide are aged 65 and over. This cohort is projected to account for 1.6 billion people by 2050. Assistive Technology has been developed over previous decades with a particular aim to support people with disabilities. With the evolution of the market and the introduction of wearable technologies and IoT-based (Internet of Things) appliances, Assistive Technology has been influenced by the discipline of Age-Friendly Design, which has been applied to meaningfully improve the autonomy of a larger segment of the population, including older people. In order to discuss how Age-Friendly Design can influence the response of the market, and how users can better engage and benefit from Assistive Technology, this work aims to critically review, through a case study research methodology, a series of recently developed devices that have the potential to change user perception around Assistive Technology. As a conclusion, the reported case studies represent a preliminary validation of how Age-Friendly Design can represent a meaningful solution for enabling a wider group of people with different ages and abilities. Findings show that user experience, satisfaction and Emotional Design are the key drivers for developing marketable solutions in the area of Assistive Technology

    Generative AI for Product Design: Getting the Right Design and the Design Right

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    Generative AI (GenAI) models excel in their ability to recognize patterns in existing data and generate new and unexpected content. Recent advances have motivated applications of GenAI tools (e.g., Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT) to professional practice across industries, including product design. While these generative capabilities may seem enticing on the surface, certain barriers limit their practical application for real-world use in industry settings. In this position paper, we articulate and situate these barriers within two phases of the product design process, namely "getting the right design" and "getting the design right," and propose a research agenda to stimulate discussions around opportunities for realizing the full potential of GenAI tools in product design

    Proyecto de ingeniería Kansei-Chisei en fabricación Lean

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    La presente propuesta se enmarca dentro de la línea de investigación de innovación en los sistemas de fabricación inteligentes y sostenibles, con enfoque en el trabajador, con el objetivo de la formulación de un modelo de orientación neurocientífica para la aplicación de la Ingeniería Kansei-Chisei a entornos de fabricación Lean. Esta propuesta participa en la ampliación del concepto de ergonomía aplicada a los entornos de trabajo, la cual ha evolucionado desde los conceptos de ergonomía clásica o ergonomía física hacia otros ámbitos relacionados con la incorporación e interacción emocional y racional del diseño. En el ámbito de la ergonomía, el diseño de entornos de trabajo y productos ha evolucionado de una concepción racional centrada exclusivamente en la eficiencia práctica a planteamientos de concepción emocional mediante la incorporación de soluciones de diseño afectivo por Ingeniería Kansei. En la presente propuesta se describirán los objetivos fundamentales para el desarrollo metodológico basado en Ingeniería Kansei-Chisei para su aplicación al diseño de entornos de fabricación Lean a nivel de planta (macro), de puesto de trabajo (meso) y de herramientas (micro); y dos propuestas de incorporación de técnicas de medición para su aplicación en Ingeniería Kansei.In this paper the feasibility of using techniques of time series analysis to the problem of estimating demand is shown. Works carried out include aspects of initial data preparation, choice of processing tools and analysis using time-series techniques. Application of data mining techniques and comparison with the results of this first phase are possible future works. This paper is a part of the research of innovation in intelligent systems and sustainable manufacturing, focusing on the worker, with the aim of formulating a neuroscientist model for the application of the Kansei-Chisei Engineering in Lean manufacturing environments. This proposal expanding the concept of ergonomics applied to the working environment, which has evolved from the classical concepts of ergonomics or physical ergonomics to other related with the incorporation of emotional and rational interaction design areas. In the field of ergonomics, work environments and products has evolved from a rational conception focused exclusively on the practical efficiency; Kansei engineering allows to incorporate emotional value The main objectives for methodological development based on Kansei-Chisei Engineering to design Lean manufacturing environments in three levels: plant level (macro) workplace level (meso) and tools level (micro)

    Fathers today: design of a randomized controlled trial examining the role of oxytocin and vasopressin in behavioral and neural responses to infant signals

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research has mostly focused on the hormonal, behavioral and neural correlates of maternal caregiving. We present a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled within-subject design to examine the effects of intranasal administration of oxytocin and vasopressin on parenting behavior and the neural and behavioral responses to infant cry sounds and infant threat. In addition, we will test whether effects of oxytocin and vasopressin administration are moderated by fathers' early childhood experiences. METHODS: Fifty-five first-time fathers of a child between two and seven months old will participate in three experimental sessions with intervening periods of one to two weeks. Participants self-administer oxytocin, vasopressin or a placebo. Infant-father interactions and protective parenting responses are observed during play. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is used to examine the neural processing of infant cry sounds and infant threat. A handgrip dynamometer is used to measure use of handgrip force when listening to infant cry sounds. Participants report on their childhood experiences of parental love-withdrawal and abuse and neglect. DISCUSSION: The results of this study will provide important insights into the hormonal, behavioral and neural correlates of fathers' parenting behavior during the early phase of fatherhood. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Dutch Trial Register: NTR (ID: NL8124); Date registered: October 30, 2019

    Neurodiseño y neurousabilidad de automóviles. Una propuesta desde la ingeniería neurokansei-chisei

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    En este trabajo de investigación se plantea una innovación metodológica en los procesos de diseño y desarrollo de productos industriales, con enfoque en el usuario. El objetivo central es el planteamiento de un modelo de orientación neurocientífica para la aplicación de la Ingeniería Kansei-Chisei al diseño de productos en el sector del automóvil. Esta propuesta participa en la ampliación del concepto de ergonomía aplicada a productos y a entornos de trabajo, la cual ha evolucionado desde los conceptos de ergonomía clásica o ergonomía física hacia otros ámbitos relacionados con la incorporación e interacción emocional y racional del diseño. En el ámbito de la ergonomía, el diseño productos ha evolucionado de una concepción racional centrada exclusivamente en la eficiencia práctica, a planteamientos de concepción emocional mediante la incorporación de soluciones de diseño afectivo por Ingeniería Kansei. El objetivo final de la Ingeniería Kansei Chisei es establecer la relación entre emoción, razón y propiedades vehículo, de tal manera que los resultados puedan ser utilizados para mejorar el confort y la eficiencia del producto.In this research work, is proposed a methodological innovation in the design and development processes of industrial products, with a focus on the user. The central aim is the approach of a neuroscientific orientation model for the application of Kansei-Chisei Engineering to the design of products in the automotive sector. This proposal participates in the expansion of the concept of ergonomics applied to products and work environments, which has evolved from the concepts of classical ergonomics or physical ergonomics to other areas related to the incorporation and emotional and rational interaction of design. In the field of ergonomics, product design has evolved from a rational conception focused exclusively on practical efficiency, to approaches of emotional conception through the incorporation of affective design solutions by Kansei Engineering. The final objective of the Kansei-Chisei Engineering is to establish the relationship between emotion, reason and vehicle properties, in such a way that the results can be used to improve the comfort and efficiency of the product.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    Effectuation and its implications for socio-technical design science research in information systems

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    We study the implications of the effectuation concept for socio-technical artifact design as part of the design science research (DSR) process in information systems (IS). Effectuation logic is the opposite of causal logic. Ef-fectuation does not focus on causes to achieve a particular effect, but on the possibilities that can be achieved with extant means and resources. Viewing so-cio-technical IS DSR through an effectuation lens highlights the possibility to design the future even without set goals. We suggest that effectuation may be a useful perspective for design in dynamic social contexts leading to a more dif-ferentiated view on the instantiation of mid-range artifacts for specific local ap-plication contexts. Design science researchers can draw on this paper’s conclu-sions to view their DSR projects through a fresh lens and to reexamine their re-search design and execution. The paper also offers avenues for future research to develop more concrete application possibilities of effectuation in socio-technical IS DSR and, thus, enrich the discourse