11,456 research outputs found

    Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web

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    Reactivity, the ability to detect and react to events, is an essential functionality in many information systems. In particular, Web systems such as online marketplaces, adaptive (e.g., recommender) systems, and Web services, react to events such as Web page updates or data posted to a server. This article investigates issues of relevance in designing high-level programming languages dedicated to reactivity on the Web. It presents twelve theses on features desirable for a language of reactive rules tuned to programming Web and Semantic Web applications

    Context Sensor Data on Demand for Mobile Users Supported by XMPP

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    Tänapäeval võimaldavad tehnoloogilised edusammud kasutaja käitumise seiremeetodites automatiseerida teatud arvutusülesandeid, mis täidetakse kasutaja kavatsust prognoosides. Nutitelefonid rikastavad mobiilseid rakendusi prognoosiva käitumisega kasutatavuses, mis võimaldab käitumismustritega sammu pidada. Üldiselt on sellist käitumist võimalik saavutada nutitelefoni enda vahenditega, kasutades telefoni sisse ehitatud mikromehaanilisi seadmeid, mis võimaldavad keskkonda tajuda. Lisaks võivad mobiilsed rakendused kasutaja mobiilse kogemuse rikastamiseks lõigata kasu keskkonda integreeritud hajuslausteenustest, nagu näiteks ümbrustundlike mängude, kodu automatiseerimise tarkvara jms puhul. Ent mobiilikasutajatele suunatud lausteenuseid pakkuvatel elektroonilistel seadmetel, mis koguvad sensorite abi keskkonnast informatsiooni, on teatavad riistvaralised piirangud (arvutusjõudlus, mälu, salvestusmeedia, energiatarbimine jne). Seega, lausüsteemid ei ole võimelised nõudluse suurenemisel skaleeruma ega rakendama suurt arvutusjõudlust. Töö eesmärgiks on pakkuda lahendus ületamaks skaleeruvuse, andmete terviklikkuse säilitamise ja vähese arvutusjõudluse probleeme ning rikastada nutitelefoni rakendusi detailsete kasutajapõhiste andmetega. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks transporditakse sensoritelt kogutud informatsioon optimiseeritud XMPP protokolli abiga Arduino mikrokontrollerist pilvesüsteemi. Süsteemi ehitamiseks kasutatakse Arduino poolt pakutavat odavat riistvara, samas kui pilvesüsteemi usaldusväärset ja kõrge kättesaadavusega vahendeid kasutatakse mikrokontrollerist saadetud andmete salvestamiseks ja edaspidiseks töötlemiseks. Töö käigus testiti mikrokontrolleri energia nõudlust, kasutades 9V patareid, nii juhtme kui ka juhtmevaba liidesega. Tulemused tõestasid eeldustele vastupidiselt, et juhtmevaba süsteemi energia nõudlus on suurem. Lisaks testiti vabavara XMPP serveri jõudlust pilvesüsteemi keskkonnas ning tulemused näitasid, et XMPP võimaldab üheaegselt serveerida suure hulga kasutajaid

    Enforcement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems

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    The spectrum access rights granted by the Federal government to spectrum users come with the expectation of protection from harmful interference. As a consequence of the growth of wireless demand and services of all types, technical progress enabling smart agile radio networks, and on-going spectrum management reform, there is both a need and opportunity to use and share spectrum more intensively and dynamically. A key element of any framework for managing harmful interference is the mechanism for enforcement of those rights. Since the rights to use spectrum and to protection from harmful interference vary by band (licensed/unlicensed, legacy/newly reformed) and type of use/users (primary/secondary, overlay/underlay), it is reasonable to expect that the enforcement mechanisms may need to vary as well.\ud \ud In this paper, we present a taxonomy for evaluating alternative mechanisms for enforcing interference protection for spectrum usage rights, with special attention to the potential changes that may be expected from wider deployment of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems. Our exploration of how the design of the enforcement regime interacts with and influences the incentives of radio operators under different rights regimes and market scenarios is intended to assist in refining thinking about appropriate access rights regimes and how best to incentivize investment and growth in more efficient and valuable uses of the radio frequency spectrum

    Social costs, limits to growth, right to growth: an approach to the global environment oriented to philosophy of law

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    The main Question of this paper is: how can we tackle the global warming in accordance with the economical growth especially in emerging countries? K. W. Kapp, “The Social Costs of Private Enterprise” (1950), defines the social costs as direct or indirect damages which are not compensated by the producer, but added to the third parties. An example might be the disaster of the BP plant in April 2010, in which the polluter can hardly cover all the damages so as to make the seawater clean, to regenerate the harmed natural lives and to recover the jobs and the everyday life of the residents on site. The Club of Rome, “The Limits to Growth” (1972), makes us aware of the five conditions which set the limits to growth: population, industrialization, pollution, consumption of food and natural resources, which tendentiously increase in a exponential progression. The GDP growth 10% a year means that it will be 2.59 times as large in ten years, whereas technology could resolve problematic concerning five elements at highest in arithmetical progression. Remarkable would be that the modern industrial civilization has brought social damages in form of global warming. Developed nations have not payed for it yet. All the people in the world should have right to economical growth at any rate, which would however be limited by those five conditions. Conclusion: the developed nations should give up the consumption lifestyle for the sake of equal right of every citizen in the world to reasonable standard of living