2,169 research outputs found

    Time/cost optimization and forecasting in project scheduling and control

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    A Framework for Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis dissertation aims to support the project manager in their daily tasks. As we use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in everyday life, it is necessary to include them in business and change traditional ways of working. For the purpose of this study, it is essential to understand challenges and areas of project management and how artificial intelligence can contribute to them. A theoretical overview, applying the knowledge of project management, will show a holistic view of the current situation in the enterprises. The research is about artificial intelligence applications in project management, the common activities in project management, the biggest challenges, and how AI and ML can support it. Understanding project managers help create a framework that will contribute to optimizing their tasks. After designing and developing the framework for applying artificial intelligence to project management, the project managers were asked to evaluate. This study is essential to increase awareness among the stakeholders and enterprises on how automation of the processes can be improved and how AI and ML can decrease the possibility of risk and cost along with improving the happiness and efficiency of the employees

    Artificial intelligence in project management: a brief systematic literature review

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    Project management is a common field in many industries, and it is not immune to the innovations that artificial intelligence is bringing to the world. Even so the application of artificial intelligence is not that widespread in companies and especially not in all of project management areas. The reasons are not clear but seem to be related to the uncertainty of the application of artificial intelligence in project management. The purpose was to acknowledge the potentialities and limitations of artificial intelligence in the specific area of project management by doing a systematic literature review with which it was possible to analyse and correlate the selected articles and reach some patterns and tendencies. In the end it was clear the increased interest in the scientific community in this field, although with some areas to explore.A gestão de projetos é uma área comum a muitos setores e não está imune às inovações que a inteligência artificial está promovendo no mundo. Ainda assim a aplicação da inteligência artificial ainda não está muito difundida nas empresas e principalmente não em todas as áreas de gestão de projetos. As razões não são claras, mas aparentam estar relacionadas com a incerteza da aplicação da inteligência artificial na gestão de projetos. O objetivo foi entender as potencialidades e limitações da inteligência artificial na área específica de gestão de projetos por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura com a qual seja possível analisar e correlacionar os artigos selecionados e obter eventualmente alguns padrões e tendências. No final ficou claro que há um crescente interesse da comunidade científica por esta área, embora com alguns âmbitos por explorar

    Artificial Intelligence Enabled Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the Industry 5.0 era, companies are leveraging the potential of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence for more efficient and green human-centric production. In a similar approach, project management would benefit from artificial intelligence in order to achieve project goals by improving project performance, and consequently, reaching higher sustainable success. In this context, this paper examines the role of artificial intelligence in emerging project management through a systematic literature review; the applications of AI techniques in the project management performance domains are presented. The results show that the number of influential publications on artificial intelligence-enabled project management has increased significantly over the last decade. The findings indicate that artificial intelligence, predominantly machine learning, can be considerably useful in the management of construction and IT projects; it is notably encouraging for enhancing the planning, measurement, and uncertainty performance domains by providing promising forecasting and decision-making capabilities

    Explainable machine learning for project management control

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    Project control is a crucial phase within project management aimed at ensuring —in an integrated manner— that the project objectives are met according to plan. Earned Value Management —along with its various refinements— is the most popular and widespread method for top-down project control. For project control under uncertainty, Monte Carlo simulation and statistical/machine learning models extend the earned value framework by allowing the analysis of deviations, expected times and costs during project progress. Recent advances in explainable machine learning, in particular attribution methods based on Shapley values, can be used to link project control to activity properties, facilitating the interpretation of interrelations between activity characteristics and control objectives. This work proposes a new methodology that adds an explainability layer based on SHAP —Shapley Additive exPlanations— to different machine learning models fitted to Monte Carlo simulations of the project network during tracking control points. Specifically, our method allows for both prospective and retrospective analyses, which have different utilities: forward analysis helps to identify key relationships between the different tasks and the desired outcomes, thus being useful to make execution/replanning decisions; and backward analysis serves to identify the causes of project status during project progress. Furthermore, this method is general, model-agnostic and provides quantifiable and easily interpretable information, hence constituting a valuable tool for project control in uncertain environments

    Contributions to time series analysis, modelling and forecasting to increase reliability in industrial environments.

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    356 p.La integración del Internet of Things en el sector industrial es clave para alcanzar la inteligencia empresarial. Este estudio se enfoca en mejorar o proponer nuevos enfoques para aumentar la confiabilidad de las soluciones de IA basadas en datos de series temporales en la industria. Se abordan tres fases: mejora de la calidad de los datos, modelos y errores. Se propone una definición estándar de métricas de calidad y se incluyen en el paquete dqts de R. Se exploran los pasos del modelado de series temporales, desde la extracción de características hasta la elección y aplicación del modelo de predicción más eficiente. El método KNPTS, basado en la búsqueda de patrones en el histórico, se presenta como un paquete de R para estimar datos futuros. Además, se sugiere el uso de medidas elásticas de similitud para evaluar modelos de regresión y la importancia de métricas adecuadas en problemas de clases desbalanceadas. Las contribuciones se validaron en casos de uso industrial de diferentes campos: calidad de producto, previsión de consumo eléctrico, detección de porosidad y diagnóstico de máquinas

    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications

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    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications aims to help data miners, researchers, scholars, and PhD students who wish to apply data mining techniques. The primary contribution of this book is highlighting frontier fields and implementations of the knowledge discovery and data mining. It seems to be same things are repeated again. But in general, same approach and techniques may help us in different fields and expertise areas. This book presents knowledge discovery and data mining applications in two different sections. As known that, data mining covers areas of statistics, machine learning, data management and databases, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and other areas. In this book, most of the areas are covered with different data mining applications. The eighteen chapters have been classified in two parts: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Applications
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