4,312 research outputs found

    Multiagent Industrial Symbiosis Systems

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    Coordinating the Competition, Pre-electoral Coalitions in the Indian General Elections

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    The number and variety of pre-electoral coalitions in the Indian general elections make India a prime case to examine why parties chose to join forces with their rivals during elections. Yet, existing theories, which emphasise narrow definitions of party size and shared ideology, are unable to explain the tangled alliances that emerge between Indian political parties. In order to examine why parties pursue certain pre-electoral coalitions, I employ a mixed-methods strategy that combines statistical network analysis (exponential random graph models) with case study analysis, using a new dataset of pre-electoral coalitions 1999-2014. The network analysis suggests that pre-electoral coalitions in India are driven by the parties’ wish to increase their odds of winning in particular constituencies and, to a smaller degree, their wish to combine their parliamentary strength afterwards. The analysis also suggests that the network structure of the party system has a significant impact on pre- electoral coalition formation in that parties are attracted to ‘high-connector parties’ that allow them to form indirect alliances with a number of parties, and that parties build denser, regional coalitions that allow smaller parties to buy leverage against bigger allies. Finally, even though pre-electoral coalitions in India appear highly changeable, parties are more likely to renew an existing pre-electoral coalition than to build a new one. I explore the implications of the network analysis in three case studies, namely a pre- electoral coalition that took place as the model predicted (a true positive case), one that did not take pace despite being predicted (a false positive case), and one that took place despite not being predicted (a false negative case). The case studies corroborate the statistical findings but also demonstrate that network structures can both encourage and hinder pre-electoral coalitions

    Computational model of negotiation skills in virtual artificial agents

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    Negotiation skills represent crucial abilities for engaging in effective social interactions in formal and informal settings. Serious games, intelligent systems and virtual agents can provide solid tools upon which one-to-one training and assessment can be reliably made available. The aim of the present work is to fill the gap between the recent growing interest towards soft skills, and the lack of a robust and modern methodology for supporting their investigation. A computational model for the development of Enact, a 3D virtual intelligent platform for training and testing negotiation skills, will be presented. The serious game allows users to interact with simulated peers in scenarios depicting daily life situations and receive a psychological assessment and adaptive training reflecting their negotiation abilities. To pursue this goal, this work has gone through different research stages, each with a unique methodology, results and discussion described in its specific section. In the first phase, the platform was designed to operationalize the examined negotiation theory, developed and assessed. The negotiation styles considered, consistently with previous findings, have been found not to correlate with personality traits, coping strategies and perceived self-efficacy. The serious game has been widely tested for its usability and underwent two development and release stages aimed at improving its accuracy, usability and likeability. The variables measured by the platform have been found to predict in all cases at least two of the negotiation styles considered. Concerning the user feedback, the game has been judged as useful, more pleasant than the traditional test, and the perceived time spent on the game resulted significantly lower than the real time spent. In the second stage of this research, the game scenarios were used to collect a dataset of documents containing natural language negotiations between users and the virtual agents. The dataset was used to assess the correlations between the personal pronouns' use and the negotiation styles. Results showed that more engaged styles generally used pronouns with a significantly higher frequency than less engaged styles. Styles with a high concern for self showed a higher frequency of singular personal pronouns while styles with a high concern for others used significantly more relational pronouns. The corpus of documents was also used to perform multiclass classification on the negotiation styles using machine learning. Both linear (SVM) and non-linear models (MNB, CNN) performed reliably with a state-of-the-art accuracy

    Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, FOSSACS 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The 31 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. The papers cover topics such as categorical models and logics; language theory, automata, and games; modal, spatial, and temporal logics; type theory and proof theory; concurrency theory and process calculi; rewriting theory; semantics of programming languages; program analysis, correctness, transformation, and verification; logics of programming; software specification and refinement; models of concurrent, reactive, stochastic, distributed, hybrid, and mobile systems; emerging models of computation; logical aspects of computational complexity; models of software security; and logical foundations of data bases.

    Collaborative and adaptive supply chain planning

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    Dans le contexte industriel d'aujourd'hui, la compétitivité est fortement liée à la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. En d'autres termes, il est essentiel que les unités d'affaires de la chaîne collaborent pour coordonner efficacement leurs activités de production, de façon a produire et livrer les produits à temps, à un coût raisonnable. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous croyons qu'il est nécessaire que les entreprises adaptent leurs stratégies de planification, que nous appelons comportements, aux différentes situations auxquelles elles font face. En ayant une connaissance de l'impact de leurs comportements de planification sur la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, les entreprises peuvent alors adapter leur comportement plutôt que d'utiliser toujours le même. Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l'adaptation des comportements de planification des membres d'une même chaîne d'approvisionnement. Chaque membre pouvant choisir un comportement différent et toutes les combinaisons de ces comportements ayant potentiellement un impact sur la performance globale, il est difficile de connaître à l'avance l'ensemble des comportements à adopter pour améliorer cette performance. Il devient alors intéressant de simuler les différentes combinaisons de comportements dans différentes situations et d'évaluer les performances de chacun. Pour permettre l'utilisation de plusieurs comportements dans différentes situations, en utilisant la technologie à base d'agents, nous avons conçu un modèle d'agent à comportements multiples qui a la capacité d'adapter son comportement de planification selon la situation. Les agents planificateurs ont alors la possibilité de se coordonner de façon collaborative pour améliorer leur performance collective. En modélisant les unités d'affaires par des agents, nous avons simulé avec la plateforme de planification à base d'agents de FORAC des agents utilisant différents comportements de planification dits de réaction et de négociation. Cette plateforme, développée par le consortium de recherche FORAC de l'Université Laval, permet de simuler des décisions de planification et de planifier les opérations de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Ces comportements de planification sont des métaheurisciques organisationnelles qui permettent aux agents de générer des plans de production différents. La simulation est basée sur un cas illustrant la chaîne d'approvisionnement de l'industrie du bois d'œuvre. Les résultats obtenus par l'utilisation de multiples comportements de réaction et de négociation montrent que les systèmes de planification avancée peuvent tirer avantage de disposer de plusieurs comportements de planification, en raIson du contexte dynamique des chaînes d'approvisionnement. La pertinence des résultats de cette thèse dépend de la prémisse que les entreprises qui adapteront leurs comportements de planification aux autres et à leur environnement auront un avantage concurrentiel important sur leurs adversaires

    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work