441 research outputs found

    Road Traffic Congestion Analysis Via Connected Vehicles

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    La congestion routière est un état particulier de mobilité où les temps de déplacement augmentent et de plus en plus de temps est passé dans le véhicule. En plus d’être une expérience très stressante pour les conducteurs, la congestion a également un impact négatif sur l’environnement et l’économie. Dans ce contexte, des pressions sont exercées sur les autorités afin qu’elles prennent des mesures décisives pour améliorer le flot du trafic sur le réseau routier. En améliorant le flot, la congestion est réduite et la durée totale de déplacement des véhicules est réduite. D’une part, la congestion routière peut être récurrente, faisant référence à la congestion qui se produit régulièrement. La congestion non récurrente (NRC), quant à elle, dans un réseau urbain, est principalement causée par des incidents, des zones de construction, des événements spéciaux ou des conditions météorologiques défavorables. Les opérateurs d’infrastructure surveillent le trafic sur le réseau mais sont contraints à utiliser le moins de ressources possibles. Cette contrainte implique que l’état du trafic ne peut pas être mesuré partout car il n’est pas réaliste de déployer des équipements sophistiqués pour assurer la collecte précise des données de trafic et la détection en temps réel des événements partout sur le réseau routier. Alors certains emplacements où le flot de trafic doit être amélioré ne sont pas surveillés car ces emplacements varient beaucoup. D’un autre côté, de nombreuses études sur la congestion routière ont été consacrées aux autoroutes plutôt qu’aux régions urbaines, qui sont pourtant beaucoup plus susceptibles d’être surveillées par les autorités de la circulation. De plus, les systèmes actuels de collecte de données de trafic n’incluent pas la possibilité d’enregistrer des informations détaillées sur les événements qui surviennent sur la route, tels que les collisions, les conditions météorologiques défavorables, etc. Aussi, les études proposées dans la littérature ne font que détecter la congestion ; mais ce n’est pas suffisant, nous devrions être en mesure de mieux caractériser l’événement qui en est la cause. Les agences doivent comprendre quelle est la cause qui affecte la variabilité de flot sur leurs installations et dans quelle mesure elles peuvent prendre les actions appropriées pour atténuer la congestion.----------ABSTRACT: Road traffic congestion is a particular state of mobility where travel times increase and more and more time is spent in vehicles. Apart from being a quite-stressful experience for drivers, congestion also has a negative impact on the environment and the economy. In this context, there is pressure on the authorities to take decisive actions to improve the network traffic flow. By improving network flow, congestion is reduced and the total travel time of vehicles is decreased. In fact, congestion can be classified as recurrent and non-recurrent (NRC). Recurrent congestion refers to congestion that happens on a regular basis. Non-recurrent congestion in an urban network is mainly caused by incidents, workzones, special events and adverse weather. Infrastructure operators monitor traffic on the network while using the least possible resources. Thus, traffic state cannot be directly measured everywhere on the traffic road network. But the location where traffic flow needs to be improved varies highly and certainly, deploying highly sophisticated equipment to ensure the accurate estimation of traffic flows and timely detection of events everywhere on the road network is not feasible. Also, many studies have been devoted to highways rather than highly congested urban regions which are intricate, complex networks and far more likely to be monitored by the traffic authorities. Moreover, current traffic data collection systems do not incorporate the ability of registring detailed information on the altering events happening on the road, such as vehicle crashes, adverse weather, etc. Operators require external data sources to retireve this information in real time. Current methods only detect congestion but it’s not enough, we should be able to better characterize the event causing it. Agencies need to understand what is the cause affecting variability on their facilities and to what degree so that they can take the appropriate action to mitigate congestion

    Survey on Deep Learning applied to predictive maintenance

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    Prognosis Health Monitoring (PHM) plays an increasingly important role in the management of machines and manufactured products in today’s industry, and deep learning plays an important part by establishing the optimal predictive maintenance policy. However, traditional learning methods such as unsupervised and supervised learning with standard architectures face numerous problems when exploiting existing data. Therefore, in this essay, we review the significant improvements in deep learning made by researchers over the last 3 years in solving these difficulties. We note that researchers are striving to achieve optimal performance in estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of machine health by optimizing each step from data to predictive diagnostics. Specifically, we outline the challenges at each level with the type of improvement that has been made, and we feel that this is an opportunity to try to select a state-of-the-art architecture that incorporates these changes so each researcher can compare with his or her model. In addition, post-RUL reasoning and the use of distributed computing with cloud technology is presented, which will potentially improve the classification accuracy in maintenance activities. Deep learning will undoubtedly prove to have a major impact in upgrading companies at the lowest cost in the new industrial revolution, Industry 4.0

    Physics-Informed Deep Learning to Reduce the Bias in Joint Prediction of Nitrogen Oxides

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    Atmospheric nitrogen oxides (NOx) primarily from fuel combustion have recognized acute and chronic health and environmental effects. Machine learning (ML) methods have significantly enhanced our capacity to predict NOx concentrations at ground-level with high spatiotemporal resolution but may suffer from high estimation bias since they lack physical and chemical knowledge about air pollution dynamics. Chemical transport models (CTMs) leverage this knowledge; however, accurate predictions of ground-level concentrations typically necessitate extensive post-calibration. Here, we present a physics-informed deep learning framework that encodes advection-diffusion mechanisms and fluid dynamics constraints to jointly predict NO2 and NOx and reduce ML model bias by 21-42%. Our approach captures fine-scale transport of NO2 and NOx, generates robust spatial extrapolation, and provides explicit uncertainty estimation. The framework fuses knowledge-driven physicochemical principles of CTMs with the predictive power of ML for air quality exposure, health, and policy applications. Our approach offers significant improvements over purely data-driven ML methods and has unprecedented bias reduction in joint NO2 and NOx prediction

    Computer vision techniques to improve micromobility safety

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    L'ús de vehicles de micromobilitat, concretament de patinets elèctrics o bicicletes, ha experimentat un auge a les àrees metropolitanes. Aquests vehicles comparteixen el carril amb vianants, cotxes i altres usuaris. La seguretat és imprescindible per a tots ells. Les tècniques de visió per computador com la detecció d'objectes, el seguiment d'objectes i la classificació del tipus de carril poden marcar una gran diferència i prevenir accidents. Aquest projecte proposa una xarxa neuronal multitasca que integra els models d'última generació YOLOv5, YOLOv7 i StrongSORT, entrenada per detectar i fer el seguiment d'objectes de la carretera i classificar el tipus de carril en temps real. L'aparell encarregat d'aquestes prediccions és un telèfon mòbil acoblat al vehicle; per tant, el model es quantifica i es poda per reduir els requisits de càlcul.El uso de vehículos de micromovilidad, concretamente patinetes eléctricos o bicicletas, ha experimentado un auge en las áreas metropolitanas. Estos vehículos comparten el carril con peatones, automóviles y otros usuarios. La seguridad es imprescindible para todos ellos. Las técnicas de visión por computadora, como la detección de objetos, el seguimiento de objetos y la clasificación del tipo de carril, pueden marcar una gran diferencia y evitar accidentes. Este proyecto propone una red neuronal multitarea que integra los modelos de última generación YOLOv5, YOLOv7 y StrongSORT, entrenada para detectar y rastrear objetos en la carretera y clasificar el tipo de carril en tiempo real. El dispositivo encargado de estas predicciones es un teléfono móvil acoplado al vehículo; por lo tanto, el modelo se cuantifica y se poda para reducir los requisitos de cálculo.The use of micromobility vehicles, namely electric scooters or bicycles, has experienced an upsurge in metropolitan areas. These vehicles share the lane with pedestrians, cars, and other users. Safety is a must for all of them. Computer vision techniques such as object detection, object tracking, and lane-type classification can make a huge difference and prevent crashes. This project proposes a multitask neural network integrating the state-of-the-art models YOLOv5, YOLOv7, and StrongSORT, trained to detect and track road objects and classify the lane type in real-time. The device in charge of these predictions is a mobile phone attached to the vehicle; therefore, the model is quantized and pruned to reduce computation requirements

    Object Tracking Based on Satellite Videos: A Literature Review

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    Video satellites have recently become an attractive method of Earth observation, providing consecutive images of the Earth’s surface for continuous monitoring of specific events. The development of on-board optical and communication systems has enabled the various applications of satellite image sequences. However, satellite video-based target tracking is a challenging research topic in remote sensing due to its relatively low spatial and temporal resolution. Thus, this survey systematically investigates current satellite video-based tracking approaches and benchmark datasets, focusing on five typical tracking applications: traffic target tracking, ship tracking, typhoon tracking, fire tracking, and ice motion tracking. The essential aspects of each tracking target are summarized, such as the tracking architecture, the fundamental characteristics, primary motivations, and contributions. Furthermore, popular visual tracking benchmarks and their respective properties are discussed. Finally, a revised multi-level dataset based on WPAFB videos is generated and quantitatively evaluated for future development in the satellite video-based tracking area. In addition, 54.3% of the tracklets with lower Difficulty Score (DS) are selected and renamed as the Easy group, while 27.2% and 18.5% of the tracklets are grouped into the Medium-DS group and the Hard-DS group, respectively

    Prediction of hierarchical time series using structured regularization and its application to artificial neural networks

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    This paper discusses the prediction of hierarchical time series, where each upper-level time series is calculated by summing appropriate lower-level time series. Forecasts for such hierarchical time series should be coherent, meaning that the forecast for an upper-level time series equals the sum of forecasts for corresponding lower-level time series. Previous methods for making coherent forecasts consist of two phases: first computing base (incoherent) forecasts and then reconciling those forecasts based on their inherent hierarchical structure. With the aim of improving time series predictions, we propose a structured regularization method for completing both phases simultaneously. The proposed method is based on a prediction model for bottom-level time series and uses a structured regularization term to incorporate upper-level forecasts into the prediction model. We also develop a backpropagation algorithm specialized for application of our method to artificial neural networks for time series prediction. Experimental results using synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of prediction accuracy and computational efficiency
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