53 research outputs found

    Deep Architectures for Content Moderation and Movie Content Rating

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    Rating a video based on its content is an important step for classifying video age categories. Movie content rating and TV show rating are the two most common rating systems established by professional committees. However, manually reviewing and evaluating scene/film content by a committee is a tedious work and it becomes increasingly difficult with the ever-growing amount of online video content. As such, a desirable solution is to use computer vision based video content analysis techniques to automate the evaluation process. In this paper, related works are summarized for action recognition, multi-modal learning, movie genre classification, and sensitive content detection in the context of content moderation and movie content rating. The project page is available at https://github.com/fcakyon/content-moderation-deep-learning

    Automatic video censoring system using deep learning

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    Due to the extensive use of video-sharing platforms and services, the amount of such all kinds of content on the web has become massive. This abundance of information is a problem controlling the kind of content that may be present in such a video. More than telling if the content is suitable for children and sensitive people or not, figuring it out is also important what parts of it contains such content, for preserving parts that would be discarded in a simple broad analysis. To tackle this problem, a comparison was done for popular image deep learning models: MobileNetV2, Xception model, InceptionV3, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet101 and ResNet50 to seek the one that is most suitable for the required application. Also, a system is developed that would automatically censor inappropriate content such as violent scenes with the help of deep learning. The system uses a transfer learning mechanism using the VGG16 model. The experiments suggested that the model showed excellent performance for the automatic censoring application that could also be used in other similar applications

    Exploring semiotic remediation in performances of stand-up comedians in post- apartheid South Africa and post-colonial Nigeria

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThis research has been conducted by focusing on the trajectories of semiotic ensembles from various contexts that stand-up comedians exploited for aesthetic and communicative purposes. I apply the social semiotic theory of multimodality (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2001, 2006), and the notions of semiotic remediation (Bolter and Grusin, 1996, 2000) and resemiotization (Iedema, 2003) to selected audiovisual recordings performances of Trevor Noah and Loyiso Gola from South Africa; and Atunyota Akporobomeriere (Ali Baba) and Bright Okpocha (Basket Mouth) from Nigeria. I explore the trajectories of semiotic resources that the comedians used across modes, contexts and practices. I also trace the translation and interpretation of socio-cultural and political materials by South African and Nigerian stand-up comedians’ performances. The idea is also to examine the extent to which the socio-cultural and political contexts of both countries have differential effects on the choices in the semiotic resources used in the reconstruction of meanings, including cross socio-cultural taboos. The study reveals that combinations of various semiotic materials ranging from political, sociocultural, religious and personal lifestyles are remediated (repurposed) for comic and aesthetic effects. This involves translating and re-interpreting the semiotic resources across contexts and practices. In this regard, the study showed how the artists rework verbal language, images, socio-political discourses and other semiotic material for new meanings. It also reveals that although the choices of materials are similar, there is a tendency of localizing semiotic resources to particular localities and audiences, so that each artist’s performance comes out as unique to the person. The study concludes that language alone is not at the core of communication as other semiotic modes (in addition to languages) are integrated interweaving resources to make meaning. The direction of the modes or resources is multidimensional. All the spoken texts, all the non-linguistic modes: gestures, stance, movements, running on stage, postures, mimicking and others, perform vital roles to recontextualize meanings in stand-up comedy performance. Therefore, the study opens up new perspectives on social semiotic approaches to multimodality, as well as on language social semiotic and to theory and media studies. The contribution also answers the call to expand the understanding and research on the theory of ‘multimodality’ and the various concepts such as semiotic remediation and resemiotization associated with it

    Manga Vision

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    Manga Vision examines cultural and communicative aspects of Japanese comics, drawing together scholars from Japan, Australia and Europe working in areas as diverse as cultural studies, linguistics, education, music, art, anthropology, and translation, to explore the influence of manga in Japan and worldwide via translation, OEL manga and fan engagement. This volume includes a mix of theoretical, methodological, empirical and professional practice-based chapters, examining manga from both academic and artistic perspectives. Manga Vision also provides the reader with a multimedia experience, featuring original artwork by Australian manga artist Queenie Chan, cosplay photographs, and an online supplement offering musical compositions inspired by manga, and downloadable manga-related teaching resources

    Manga Vision

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    Manga Vision examines cultural and communicative aspects of Japanese comics, drawing together scholars from Japan, Australia and Europe working in areas as diverse as cultural studies, linguistics, education, music, art, anthropology, and translation, to explore the influence of manga in Japan and worldwide via translation, OEL manga and fan engagement. This volume includes a mix of theoretical, methodological, empirical and professional practice-based chapters, examining manga from both academic and artistic perspectives. Manga Vision also provides the reader with a multimedia experience, featuring original artwork by Australian manga artist Queenie Chan, cosplay photographs, and an online supplement offering musical compositions inspired by manga, and downloadable manga-related teaching resources

    Normalization Through the Visual: How International Media Depicted the Abraham Accords

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    This study is concerned with understanding the political dimensions of the visual coverage of the Abraham Accords and the shift that might have occurred in the visual portrayal of the Arab-Israeli conflict as a result of that agreement. The study offers quantitative and qualitative contributions to examine how international news websites on the Google News platform used photographs to draw on and contribute to the narrative of Arab-Israeli relations in the wake of the Accords. By establishing operational definitions for positive, negative, anti-normalization, and pro-normalization visual frames, and exploring the use of the emphasis framing device, this study content analyzed 413 photographs in efforts to evaluate the international media’s visual portrayal of the Abraham Accords. The results of the visual framing analysis show that despite the cultural and editorial differences, the vast majority of photographs presented distinctly positive and pro-normalization frames while simultaneously de-emphasized negative frames. As a result, this visual coverage did not widen, but actually narrowed the coverage of the Accords. The study further applied semiotic analysis to investigate whether the visual frames and messages contributed to a broader understanding of the Abraham Accords. The findings suggest that news outlets are not simply carriers of news; rather, they have a substantial influence on the news events they cover through their publication of photographs and captions, which can anchor meaning for readers. This study further finds that captions can play an essential part in facilitating the decoding process of certain visuals because images are sometimes enriched with great meaning that is less easily accessed by those who lack a certain degree of cultural and contextual understanding

    The chalenges for families in the digital age.

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    UID/CCI/04667/2016It is with great pleasure that we present the 2018 Yearbook from the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media at Nordicom: Digital Parenting: The Challenges for Families in the Digital Age. The topics addressed in the 2018 Yearbook – how to relate to or mediate children’s use of digital media, generational gaps in the use of media and the use of social media to display or seek support in parenthood – are timely and relevant in many respects and have engaged many qualified scholars from around the world. Parenting in the digital media environment is a theme often discussed in news media and among parenting groups. Balancing the opportunities of digital media and at the same time considering potentially unwanted and/or negative effects can be a challenge, both for adults and for the younger generation. There are no established policies, long traditions or experience to turn to and many are seeking advice. The 2018 Yearbook is the result of a great collaborative effort. Nordicom is deeply grateful to the editors of this new anthology, Giovanna Mascheroni, Cristina Ponte and Ana Jorge, as well as to all the contributors who have made this publication possible. It is our hope that the collection of articles will make interesting reading all around the world, stimulate new research and debate and provide new ideas regarding the topical and highly relevant issue of being a parent in the digital age. In the work of the Clearinghouse, the global dimension is a core principle, both with respect to the content we publish and distribute and to the contributors who produce it. Digital Parenting represents this principle by presenting contributions and examples and involving authors from many areas of the world. All books published by the Clearinghouse aim to shed light on different aspects concerning children, youth and media, spread current information and knowledge and hopefully stimulate further research. Various groups of users are targeted; researchers, policymakers, media professionals, voluntary organizations, teachers, students and interested individuals. It is our hope that this new Yearbook will be of interest and provide new insights on the topic of digital parenting to a broad range of readers. Göteborg, October 2018 Catharina Bucht Jonas Ohlsson Information coordinator Directorpublishersversionpublishe

    Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives

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    This book is a guide to the latest research using the C-SPAN Archives. In this book, nine authors present original work using the video archives to study presidential debates, public opinion and Congress, analysis of the Violence Against Women Act and the Great Lakes freshwater legislation, as well as President Clinton’s grand jury testimony. The C-SPAN Archives contain over 220,000 hours of first run digital video of the nation’s public affairs record. These and other essays serve as guides for scholars who want to explore the research potential of this robust public policy and communications resource

    Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. Vol. 11, n. 2 (2020)

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