9 research outputs found

    Combining machine learning and metaheuristics algorithms for classification method PROAFTN

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    © Crown 2019. The supervised learning classification algorithms are one of the most well known successful techniques for ambient assisted living environments. However the usual supervised learning classification approaches face issues that limit their application especially in dealing with the knowledge interpretation and with very large unbalanced labeled data set. To address these issues fuzzy classification method PROAFTN was proposed. PROAFTN is part of learning algorithms and enables to determine the fuzzy resemblance measures by generalizing the concordance and discordance indexes used in outranking methods. The main goal of this chapter is to show how the combined meta-heuristics with inductive learning techniques can improve performances of the PROAFTN classifier. The improved PROAFTN classifier is described and compared to well known classifiers, in terms of their learning methodology and classification accuracy. Through this chapter we have shown the ability of the metaheuristics when embedded to PROAFTN method to solve efficiency the classification problems

    Cyber Security

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2020, held in Beijing, China, in August 2020. The 17 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 58 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: access control; cryptography; denial-of-service attacks; hardware security implementation; intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation; social network security and privacy; systems security

    Study of stochastic and machine learning tecniques for anomaly-based Web atack detection

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWeb applications are exposed to different threats and it is necessary to protect them. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a solution external to the web application that do not require the modification of the application’s code in order to protect it. These systems are located in the network, monitoring events and searching for signs of anomalies or threats that can compromise the security of the information systems. IDSs have been applied to traffic analysis of different protocols, such as TCP, FTP or HTTP. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are special cases of IDSs that are specialized in analyzing HTTP traffic with the aim of safeguarding web applications. The increase in the amount of data traveling through the Internet and the growing sophistication of the attacks, make necessary protection mechanisms that are both effective and efficient. This thesis proposes three anomaly-based WAFs with the characteristics of being high-speed, reaching high detection results and having a simple design. The anomaly-based approach defines the normal behavior of web application. Actions that deviate from it are considered anomalous. The proposed WAFs work at the application layer analyzing the payload of HTTP requests. These systems are designed with different detection algorithms in order to compare their results and performance. Two of the systems proposed are based on stochastic techniques: one of them is based on statistical techniques and the other one in Markov chains. The third WAF presented in this thesis is ML-based. Machine Learning (ML) deals with constructing computer programs that automatically learn with experience and can be very helpful in dealing with big amounts of data. Concretely, this third WAF is based on decision trees given their proved effectiveness in intrusion detection. In particular, four algorithms are employed: C4.5, CART, Random Tree and Random Forest. Typically, two phases are distinguished in IDSs: preprocessing and processing. In the case of stochastic systems, preprocessing includes feature extraction. The processing phase consists in training the system in order to learn the normal behavior and later testing how well it classifies the incoming requests as either normal or anomalous. The detection models of the systems are implemented either with statistical techniques or with Markov chains, depending on the system considered. For the system based on decision trees, the preprocessing phase comprises feature extraction as well as feature selection. These two phases are optimized. On the one hand, new feature extraction methods are proposed. They combine features extracted by means of expert knowledge and n-grams, and have the capacity of improving the detection results of both techniques separately. For feature selection, the Generic Feature Selection GeFS measure has been used, which has been proven to be very effective in reducing the number of redundant and irrelevant features. Additionally, for the three systems, a study for establishing the minimum number of requests required to train them in order to achieve a certain detection result has been performed. Reducing the number of training requests can greatly help in the optimization of the resource consumption of WAFs as well as on the data gathering process. Besides designing and implementing the systems, evaluating them is an essential step. For that purpose, a dataset is necessary. Unfortunately, finding labeled and adequate datasets is not an easy task. In fact, the study of the most popular datasets in the intrusion detection field reveals that most of them do not satisfy the requirements for evaluating WAFs. In order to tackle this situation, this thesis proposes the new CSIC dataset, that satisfies the necessary conditions to satisfactorily evaluate WAFs. The proposed systems have been experimentally evaluated. For that, the proposed CSIC dataset and the existing ECML/PKDD dataset have been used. The three presented systems have been compared in terms of their detection results, processing time and number of training requests used. For this comparison, the CSIC dataset has been used. In summary, this thesis proposes three WAFs based on stochastic and ML techniques. Additionally, the systems are compared, what allows to determine which system is the most appropriate for each scenario.Las aplicaciones web están expuestas a diferentes amenazas y es necesario protegerlas. Los sistemas de detección de intrusiones (IDSs del inglés Intrusion Detection Systems) son una solución externa a la aplicación web que no requiere la modificación del código de la aplicación para protegerla. Estos sistemas se sitúan en la red, monitorizando los eventos y buscando señales de anomalías o amenazas que puedan comprometer la seguridad de los sistemas de información. Los IDSs se han aplicado al análisis de tráfico de varios protocolos, tales como TCP, FTP o HTTP. Los Cortafuegos de Aplicaciones Web (WAFs del inglés Web Application Firewall) son un caso especial de los IDSs que están especializados en analizar tráfico HTTP con el objetivo de salvaguardar las aplicaciones web. El incremento en la cantidad de datos circulando por Internet y la creciente sofisticación de los ataques hace necesario contar con mecanismos de protección que sean efectivos y eficientes. Esta tesis propone tres WAFs basados en anomalías que tienen las características de ser de alta velocidad, alcanzar altos resultados de detección y contar con un diseño sencillo. El enfoque basado en anomalías define el comportamiento normal de la aplicación, de modo que las acciones que se desvían del mismo se consideran anómalas. Los WAFs diseñados trabajan en la capa de aplicación y analizan el contenido de las peticiones HTTP. Estos sistemas están diseñados con diferentes algoritmos de detección para comparar sus resultados y rendimiento. Dos de los sistemas propuestos están basados en técnicas estocásticas: una de ellas está basada en técnicas estadísticas y la otra en cadenas de Markov. El tercer WAF presentado en esta tesis está basado en aprendizaje automático. El aprendizaje automático (ML del inglés Machine Learning) se ocupa de cómo construir programas informáticos que aprenden automáticamente con la experiencia y puede ser muy útil cuando se trabaja con grandes cantidades de datos. En concreto, este tercer WAF está basado en árboles de decisión, dada su probada efectividad en la detección de intrusiones. En particular, se han empleado cuatro algoritmos: C4.5, CART, Random Tree y Random Forest. Típicamente se distinguen dos fases en los IDSs: preprocesamiento y procesamiento. En el caso de los sistemas estocásticos, en la fase de preprocesamiento se realiza la extracción de características. El procesamiento consiste en el entrenamiento del sistema para que aprenda el comportamiento normal y más tarde se comprueba cuán bien el sistema es capaz de clasificar las peticiones entrantes como normales o anómalas. Los modelos de detección de los sistemas están implementados bien con técnicas estadísticas o bien con cadenas de Markov, dependiendo del sistema considerado. Para el sistema basado en árboles de decisión la fase de preprocesamiento comprende tanto la extracción de características como la selección de características. Estas dos fases se han optimizado. Por un lado, se proponen nuevos métodos de extracción de características. Éstos combinan características extraídas por medio de conocimiento experto y n-gramas y tienen la capacidad de mejorar los resultados de detección de ambas técnicas por separado. Para la selección de características, se ha utilizado la medida GeFS (del inglés Generic Feature Selection), la cual ha probado ser muy efectiva en la reducción del número de características redundantes e irrelevantes. Además, para los tres sistemas, se ha realizado un estudio para establecer el mínimo número de peticiones necesarias para entrenarlos y obtener un cierto resultado. Reducir el número de peticiones de entrenamiento puede ayudar en gran medida a la optimización del consumo de recursos de los WAFs así como en el proceso de adquisición de datos. Además de diseñar e implementar los sistemas, la tarea de evaluarlos es esencial. Para este propósito es necesario un conjunto de datos. Desafortunadamente, encontrar conjuntos de datos etiquetados y adecuados no es una tarea fácil. De hecho, el estudio de los conjuntos de datos más utilizados en el campo de la detección de intrusiones revela que la mayoría de ellos no cumple los requisitos para evaluar WAFs. Para enfrentar esta situación, esta tesis presenta un nuevo conjunto de datos llamado CSIC, que satisface las condiciones necesarias para evaluar WAFs satisfactoriamente. Los sistemas propuestos se han evaluado experimentalmente. Para ello, se ha utilizado el conjunto de datos propuesto (CSIC) y otro existente llamado ECML/PKDD. Los tres sistemas presentados se han comparado con respecto a sus resultados de detección, tiempo de procesamiento y número de peticiones de entrenamiento utilizadas. Para esta comparación se ha utilizado el conjunto de datos CSIC. En resumen, esta tesis propone tres WAFs basados en técnicas estocásticas y de ML. Además, se han comparado estos sistemas entre sí, lo que permite determinar qué sistema es el más adecuado para cada escenario.Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco de las becas predoctorales de la Junta de Amplicación de Estudios (JAE) de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Luis Hernández Encinas.- Secretario: Juan Manuel Estévez Tapiador.- Vocal: Georg Carl

    Application of advanced machine learning techniques to early network traffic classification

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    The fast-paced evolution of the Internet is drawing a complex context which imposes demanding requirements to assure end-to-end Quality of Service. The development of advanced intelligent approaches in networking is envisioning features that include autonomous resource allocation, fast reaction against unexpected network events and so on. Internet Network Traffic Classification constitutes a crucial source of information for Network Management, being decisive in assisting the emerging network control paradigms. Monitoring traffic flowing through network devices support tasks such as: network orchestration, traffic prioritization, network arbitration and cyberthreats detection, amongst others. The traditional traffic classifiers became obsolete owing to the rapid Internet evolution. Port-based classifiers suffer from significant accuracy losses due to port masking, meanwhile Deep Packet Inspection approaches have severe user-privacy limitations. The advent of Machine Learning has propelled the application of advanced algorithms in diverse research areas, and some learning approaches have proved as an interesting alternative to the classic traffic classification approaches. Addressing Network Traffic Classification from a Machine Learning perspective implies numerous challenges demanding research efforts to achieve feasible classifiers. In this dissertation, we endeavor to formulate and solve important research questions in Machine-Learning-based Network Traffic Classification. As a result of numerous experiments, the knowledge provided in this research constitutes an engaging case of study in which network traffic data from two different environments are successfully collected, processed and modeled. Firstly, we approached the Feature Extraction and Selection processes providing our own contributions. A Feature Extractor was designed to create Machine-Learning ready datasets from real traffic data, and a Feature Selection Filter based on fast correlation is proposed and tested in several classification datasets. Then, the original Network Traffic Classification datasets are reduced using our Selection Filter to provide efficient classification models. Many classification models based on CART Decision Trees were analyzed exhibiting excellent outcomes in identifying various Internet applications. The experiments presented in this research comprise a comparison amongst ensemble learning schemes, an exploratory study on Class Imbalance and solutions; and an analysis of IP-header predictors for early traffic classification. This thesis is presented in the form of compendium of JCR-indexed scientific manuscripts and, furthermore, one conference paper is included. In the present work we study a wide number of learning approaches employing the most advance methodology in Machine Learning. As a result, we identify the strengths and weaknesses of these algorithms, providing our own solutions to overcome the observed limitations. Shortly, this thesis proves that Machine Learning offers interesting advanced techniques that open prominent prospects in Internet Network Traffic Classification.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDoctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicacione

    Heuristic ensembles of filters for accurate and reliable feature selection

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    Feature selection has become increasingly important in data mining in recent years. However, the accuracy and stability of feature selection methods vary considerably when used individually, and yet no rule exists to indicate which one should be used for a particular dataset. Thus, an ensemble method that combines the outputs of several individual feature selection methods appears to be a promising approach to address the issue and hence is investigated in this research. This research aims to develop an effective ensemble that can improve the accuracy and stability of the feature selection. We proposed a novel heuristic ensemble of filters (HEF). It combines two types of filters: subset filters and ranking filters with a heuristic consensus algorithm in order to utilise the strength of each type. The ensemble is tested on ten benchmark datasets and its performance is evaluated by two stability measures and three classifiers. The experimental results demonstrate that HEF improves the stability and accuracy of the selected features and in most cases outperforms the other ensemble algorithms, individual filters and the full feature set. The research on the HEF algorithm is extended in several dimensions; including more filter members, three novel schemes of mean rank aggregation with partial lists, and three novel schemes for a weighted heuristic ensemble of filters. However, the experimental results demonstrate that adding weight to filters in HEF does not achieve the expected improvement in accuracy, but increases time and space complexity, and clearly decreases stability. Therefore, the core ensemble algorithm (HEF) is demonstrated to be not just simpler but also more reliable and consistent than the later more complicated and weighted ensembles. In addition, we investigated how to use data in feature selection, using ALL or PART of it. Systematic experiments with thirty five synthetic and benchmark real-world datasets were carried out

    Enhanced Living Environments

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that is more related with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Effective ELE solutions require appropriate ICT algorithms, architectures, platforms, and systems, having in view the advance of science and technology in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions that can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes and can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of the healthcare providers. The aim of this book is to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing progress made, as well as prompting future directions on theories, practices, standards, and strategies related to the ELE area. The book contains 12 chapters and can serve as a valuable reference for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, educators, faculty members, researchers, engineers, medical doctors, healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and research strategists working in this area

    Facing-up Challenges of Multiobjective Clustering Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: Representations, Scalability and Retrieval Solutions

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    Aquesta tesi es centra en algorismes de clustering multiobjectiu, que estan basats en optimitzar varis objectius simultàniament obtenint una col•lecció de solucions potencials amb diferents compromisos entre objectius. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi consisteix en dissenyar i implementar un nou algorisme de clustering multiobjectiu basat en algorismes evolutius per afrontar tres reptes actuals relacionats amb aquest tipus de tècniques. El primer repte es centra en definir adequadament l'àrea de possibles solucions que s'explora per obtenir la millor solució i que depèn de la representació del coneixement. El segon repte consisteix en escalar el sistema dividint el conjunt de dades original en varis subconjunts per treballar amb menys dades en el procés de clustering. El tercer repte es basa en recuperar la solució més adequada tenint en compte la qualitat i la forma dels clusters a partir de la regió més interessant de la col•lecció de solucions ofertes per l’algorisme.Esta tesis se centra en los algoritmos de clustering multiobjetivo, que están basados en optimizar varios objetivos simultáneamente obteniendo una colección de soluciones potenciales con diferentes compromisos entre objetivos. El propósito de esta tesis consiste en diseñar e implementar un nuevo algoritmo de clustering multiobjetivo basado en algoritmos evolutivos para afrontar tres retos actuales relacionados con este tipo de técnicas. El primer reto se centra en definir adecuadamente el área de posibles soluciones explorada para obtener la mejor solución y que depende de la representación del conocimiento. El segundo reto consiste en escalar el sistema dividiendo el conjunto de datos original en varios subconjuntos para trabajar con menos datos en el proceso de clustering El tercer reto se basa en recuperar la solución más adecuada según la calidad y la forma de los clusters a partir de la región más interesante de la colección de soluciones ofrecidas por el algoritmo.This thesis is focused on multiobjective clustering algorithms, which are based on optimizing several objectives simultaneously obtaining a collection of potential solutions with different trade¬offs among objectives. The goal of the thesis is to design and implement a new multiobjective clustering technique based on evolutionary algorithms for facing up three current challenges related to these techniques. The first challenge is focused on successfully defining the area of possible solutions that is explored in order to find the best solution, and this depends on the knowledge representation. The second challenge tries to scale-up the system splitting the original data set into several data subsets in order to work with less data in the clustering process. The third challenge is addressed to the retrieval of the most suitable solution according to the quality and shape of the clusters from the most interesting region of the collection of solutions returned by the algorithm