367 research outputs found

    Extending 5G capacity planning through advanced subscriber behavior-centric clustering

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    his work focuses on providing enhanced capacity planning and resource management for 5G networks through bridging data science concepts with usual network planning processes. For this purpose, we propose using a subscriber-centric clustering approach, based on subscribers’ behavior, leading to the concept of intelligent 5G networks, ultimately resulting in relevant advantages and improvements to the cellular planning process. Such advanced data-science-related techniques provide powerful insights into subscribers’ characteristics that can be extremely useful for mobile network operators. We demonstrate the advantages of using such techniques, focusing on the particular case of subscribers’ behavior, which has not yet been the subject of relevant studies. In this sense, we extend previously developed work, contributing further by showing that by applying advanced clustering, two new behavioral clusters appear, whose traffic generation and capacity demand profiles are very relevant for network planning and resource management and, therefore, should be taken into account by mobile network operators. As far as we are aware, for network, capacity, and resource management planning processes, it is the first time that such groups have been considered. We also contribute by demonstrating that there are extensive advantages for both operators and subscribers by performing advanced subscriber clustering and analytics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improved planning and resource management in next generation green mobile communication networks

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    In upcoming years, mobile communication networks will experience a disruptive reinventing process through the deployment of post 5th Generation (5G) mobile networks. Profound impacts are expected on network planning processes, maintenance and operations, on mobile services, subscribers with major changes in their data consumption and generation behaviours, as well as on devices itself, with a myriad of different equipment communicating over such networks. Post 5G will be characterized by a profound transformation of several aspects: processes, technology, economic, social, but also environmental aspects, with energy efficiency and carbon neutrality playing an important role. It will represent a network of networks: where different types of access networks will coexist, an increasing diversity of devices of different nature, massive cloud computing utilization and subscribers with unprecedented data-consuming behaviours. All at greater throughput and quality of service, as unseen in previous generations. The present research work uses 5G new radio (NR) latest release as baseline for developing the research activities, with future networks post 5G NR in focus. Two approaches were followed: i) method re-engineering, to propose new mechanisms and overcome existing or predictably existing limitations and ii) concept design and innovation, to propose and present innovative methods or mechanisms to enhance and improve the design, planning, operation, maintenance and optimization of 5G networks. Four main research areas were addressed, focusing on optimization and enhancement of 5G NR future networks, the usage of edge virtualized functions, subscriber’s behavior towards the generation of data and a carbon sequestering model aiming to achieve carbon neutrality. Several contributions have been made and demonstrated, either through models of methodologies that will, on each of the research areas, provide significant improvements and enhancements from the planning phase to the operational phase, always focusing on optimizing resource management. All the contributions are retro compatible with 5G NR and can also be applied to what starts being foreseen as future mobile networks. From the subscriber’s perspective and the ultimate goal of providing the best quality of experience possible, still considering the mobile network operator’s (MNO) perspective, the different proposed or developed approaches resulted in optimization methods for the numerous problems identified throughout the work. Overall, all of such contributed individually but aggregately as a whole to improve and enhance globally future mobile networks. Therefore, an answer to the main question was provided: how to further optimize a next-generation network - developed with optimization in mind - making it even more efficient while, simultaneously, becoming neutral concerning carbon emissions. The developed model for MNOs which aimed to achieve carbon neutrality through CO2 sequestration together with the subscriber’s behaviour model - topics still not deeply focused nowadays – are two of the main contributions of this thesis and of utmost importance for post-5G networks.Nos próximos anos espera-se que as redes de comunicações móveis se reinventem para lá da 5ª Geração (5G), com impactos profundos ao nível da forma como são planeadas, mantidas e operacionalizadas, ao nível do comportamento dos subscritores de serviços móveis, e através de uma miríade de dispositivos a comunicar através das mesmas. Estas redes serão profundamente transformadoras em termos tecnológicos, económicos, sociais, mas também ambientais, sendo a eficiência energética e a neutralidade carbónica aspetos que sofrem uma profunda melhoria. Paradoxalmente, numa rede em que coexistirão diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, mais dispositivos, utilização massiva de sistema de computação em nuvem, e subscritores com comportamentos de consumo de serviços inéditos nas gerações anteriores. O trabalho desenvolvido utiliza como base a release mais recente das redes 5G NR (New Radio), sendo o principal focus as redes pós-5G. Foi adotada uma abordagem de "reengenharia de métodos” (com o objetivo de propor mecanismos para resolver limitações existentes ou previsíveis) e de “inovação e design de conceitos”, em que são apresentadas técnicas e metodologias inovadoras, com o principal objetivo de contribuir para um desenho e operação otimizadas desta geração de redes celulares. Quatro grandes áreas de investigação foram endereçadas, contribuindo individualmente para um todo: melhorias e otimização generalizada de redes pós-5G, a utilização de virtualização de funções de rede, a análise comportamental dos subscritores no respeitante à geração e consumo de tráfego e finalmente, um modelo de sequestro de carbono com o objetivo de compensar as emissões produzidas por esse tipo de redes que se prevê ser massiva, almejando atingir a neutralidade carbónica. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram feitas e demonstradas várias contribuições, através de modelos ou metodologias, representando em cada área de investigação melhorias e otimizações, que, todas contribuindo para o mesmo objetivo, tiveram em consideração a retro compatibilidade e aplicabilidade ao que se prevê que sejam as futuras redes pós 5G. Focando sempre na perspetiva do subscritor da melhor experiência possível, mas também no lado do operador de serviço móvel – que pretende otimizar as suas redes, reduzir custos e maximizar o nível de qualidade de serviço prestado - as diferentes abordagens que foram desenvolvidas ou propostas, tiveram como resultado a resolução ou otimização dos diferentes problemas identificados, contribuindo de forma agregada para a melhoria do sistema no seu todo, respondendo à questão principal de como otimizar ainda mais uma rede desenvolvida para ser extremamente eficiente, tornando-a, simultaneamente, neutra em termos de emissões de carbono. Das principais contribuições deste trabalho relevam-se precisamente o modelo de compensação das emissões de CO2, com vista à neutralidade carbónica e um modelo de análise comportamental dos subscritores, dois temas ainda pouco explorados e extremamente importantes em contexto de redes futuras pós-5G

    An Enhanced Spectral Clustering Algorithm with S-Distance

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    This work is partially supported by the project "Prediction of diseases through computer assisted diagnosis system using images captured by minimally-invasive and non-invasive modalities", Computer Science and Engineering, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur India (under ID: SPARCMHRD-231). This work is also partially supported by the project "Smart Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", Grant Agency of Excellence, University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Czech Republic (under ID: UHK-FIM-GE-2204/2021); project at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under Research University Grant Vot-20H04, Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) Vot 4L876 and the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Vot5F073 supported by the Ministry of Education Malaysia for the completion of the research.Calculating and monitoring customer churn metrics is important for companies to retain customers and earn more profit in business. In this study, a churn prediction framework is developed by modified spectral clustering (SC). However, the similarity measure plays an imperative role in clustering for predicting churn with better accuracy by analyzing industrial data. The linear Euclidean distance in the traditional SC is replaced by the non-linear S-distance (Sd). The Sd is deduced from the concept of S-divergence (SD). Several characteristics of Sd are discussed in this work. Assays are conducted to endorse the proposed clustering algorithm on four synthetics, eight UCI, two industrial databases and one telecommunications database related to customer churn. Three existing clustering algorithms-k-means, density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise and conventional SC-are also implemented on the above-mentioned 15 databases. The empirical outcomes show that the proposed clustering algorithm beats three existing clustering algorithms in terms of its Jaccard index, f-score, recall, precision and accuracy. Finally, we also test the significance of the clustering results by the Wilcoxon's signed-rank test, Wilcoxon's rank-sum test, and sign tests. The relative study shows that the outcomes of the proposed algorithm are interesting, especially in the case of clusters of arbitrary shape.project "Prediction of diseases through computer assisted diagnosis system using images captured by minimally-invasive and non-invasive modalities", Computer Science and Engineering, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing SPARCMHRD-231project "Smart Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", Grant Agency of Excellence, University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Czech Republic UHK-FIM-GE-2204/2021Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) 20H04Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) 4L876Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) by the Ministry of Education Malaysia 5F07

    Data analysis methods for cellular network performance optimization

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    Modern cellular networks including GSM/GPRS and UMTS networks offer faster and more versatile communication services for the network subscribers. As a result, it becomes more and more challenging for the cellular network operators to enhance the usage of available radio resources in order to meet the expectations of the customers. Cellular networks collect vast amounts of measurement information that can be used to monitor and analyze the network performance as well as the quality of service. In this thesis, the application of various data-analysis methods for the processing of the available measurement information is studied in order to provide more efficient methods for performance optimization. In this thesis, expert-based methods have been presented for the monitoring and analysis of multivariate cellular network performance data. These methods allow the analysis of performance bottlenecks having an effect in multiple performance indicators. In addition, methods for more advanced failure diagnosis have been presented aiming in identification of the causes of the performance bottlenecks. This is important in the analysis of failures having effect on multiple performance indicators in several network elements. Finally, the use of measurement information in selection of most useful optimization action have been studied. In order to obtain good network performance efficiently, the expected performance of the alternative optimization actions must be possible to evaluate. In this thesis, methods to combine measurement information and application domain models are presented in order to build predictive regression models that can be used to select the optimization actions providing the best network performance

    Automated Testing of Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in Telecom Networks

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    Globalisoituvassa maailmassa kyky kommunikoida kielimuurien yli käy yhä tärkeämmäksi. Kielten opiskelu on työlästä ja siksi halutaan kehittää automaattisia konekäännösjärjestelmiä. Ericsson on kehittänyt prototyypin nimeltä Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS), joka toimii mobiiliverkossa ja kääntää matkailuun liittyviä fraaseja puhemuodossa kahden kielen välillä. Nykyisten konekäännösjärjestelmien suorituskyky on suhteellisen huono ja siksi testauksella on suuri merkitys järjestelmien suunnittelussa. Testauksen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että järjestelmä säilyttää käännösekvivalenssin sekä puhekäännösjärjestelmän tapauksessa myös riittävän puheenlaadun. Luotettavimmin testaus voidaan suorittaa ihmisten antamiin arviointeihin perustuen, mutta tällaisen testauksen kustannukset ovat suuria ja tulokset subjektiivisia. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja analysoitiin automatisoitu testiympäristö Real-Time Interpretation System -käännösprototyypille. Tavoitteina oli tutkia, voidaanko testaus suorittaa automatisoidusti ja pystytäänkö todellinen, käyttäjän havaitsema käännösten laatu mittaamaan automatisoidun testauksen keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat että mobiiliverkoissa puheenlaadun testaukseen käytetyt menetelmät eivät ole optimaalisesti sovellettavissa konekäännösten testaukseen. Nykytuntemuksen mukaan ihmisten suorittama arviointi on ainoa luotettava tapa mitata käännösekvivalenssia ja puheen ymmärrettävyyttä. Konekäännösten testauksen automatisointi vaatii lisää tutkimusta, jota ennen subjektiivinen arviointi tulisi säilyttää ensisijaisena testausmenetelmänä RTIS-testauksessa.In the globalizing world, the ability to communicate over language barriers is increasingly important. Learning languages is laborious, which is why there is a strong desire to develop automatic machine translation applications. Ericsson has developed a speech-to-speech translation prototype called the Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS). The service runs in a mobile network and translates travel phrases between two languages in speech format. The state-of-the-art machine translation systems suffer from a relatively poor performance and therefore evaluation plays a big role in machine translation development. The purpose of evaluation is to ensure the system preserves the translational equivalence, and in case of a speech-to-speech system, the speech quality. The evaluation is most reliably done by human judges. However, human-conducted evaluation is costly and subjective. In this thesis, a test environment for Ericsson Real-Time Interpretation System prototype is designed and analyzed. The goals are to investigate if the RTIS verification can be conducted automatically, and if the test environment can truthfully measure the end-to-end performance of the system. The results conclude that methods used in end-to-end speech quality verification in mobile networks can not be optimally adapted for machine translation evaluation. With current knowledge, human-conducted evaluation is the only method that can truthfully measure translational equivalence and the speech intelligibility. Automating machine translation evaluation needs further research, until which human-conducted evaluation should remain the preferred method in RTIS verification

    Preprocessing Solutions for Telecommunication Specific Big Data Use Cases

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    Big data is becoming important in mobile data analytics. The increase of networked devices and applications means that more data is being collected than ever before. All this has led to an explosion of data which is providing new opportunities to business and science. Data analysis can be divided in two steps, namely preprocessing and actual processing. Successful analysis requires advanced preprocessing capabilities. Functional needs for preprocessing include support of many data types and integration to many systems, fit for both off-line and on-line data analysis, filtering out unnecessary information, handling missing data, anonymization, and merging multiple data sets together. As a part of the thesis, 20 experts were interviewed to shed understanding on big data, its use cases, data preprocessing, feature requirements and available tools. This thesis investigates on what is big data, and how the organizations, especially telecommunications industry can gain benefit out of it. Furthermore, preprocessing as a part of value chain is presented and the preprocessing requirements are sorted. Finally, The available data analysis tools are surveyed and tested to find out the most suitable preprocessing solution. This study presents two findings as results. Firstly, it identifies the potential big data use cases and corresponding functional requirements for telecom industry based on literature review and conducted interviews. Secondly, this study distinguishes two most promising tools for big data preprocessing based on the functional requirements, preliminary testing and hands-on testing

    Understanding the influence basic service and value-added service usage has on customer churn in Pay-TV subscription services

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    Similarly to other North-American markets, new digital services and alternatives to the traditional pay-TV service are proliferating while the Canadian pay-TV industry is witnessing persistent subscriber losses. In an attempt to support changing viewing behaviors, generate more value and protect the subscriber base, pay-TV operators are extending their core TV service using value-added services (VAS). However, whether or not VAS successfully contributes to reducing subscriber attrition is unknown for academics and operators alike. Using survival analysis, the research examines VAS usage and churn behaviors for 11 647 pay-TV customers over a 12-month period. The results show that VAS users are not systematically less likely to churn and their churn behavior largely depends on usage frequency and usage patterns. Customers with constant or increasing usage frequency are less likely to churn than non VAS users and heaviest users appear to exhibit the greatest level of risk. Results also show that beneficial effects of VAS are generated by free services while payable VAS actually increases customers’ risk. These findings show that churn prediction models need to look beyond the core service and examine actual behavioral usage statistics for both the core service and value-added services. From a managerial perspective, the results confirm that service extensions do indeed generate value and operators can further reduce customer attrition by maximizing VAS adoption. However, the results also show operators need to maintain and stimulate usage to preserve the beneficial effect of VAS and better understand the drivers that increase service switching behaviors


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