475 research outputs found

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described

    Towards autonomous robotic systems: seamless localization and trajectory planning in dynamic environments

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    Evolucionar hacia una sociedad más automatizada y robotizada en la que podamos convivir con sistemas robóticos que desempeñen tareas poco atractivas o peligrosas para el ser humano, supone plantearnos, entre otras cuestiones, qué soluciones existen actualmente y cuáles son las mejoras a incorporar a las mismas. La mayoría de aplicaciones ya desarrolladas son soluciones robustas y adecuadas para el fin que se diseñan. Sin embargo, muchas de las técnicas implantadas podrían funcionar de manera más eficiente o bien adaptarse a otras necesidades. Asimismo, en la mayoría de aplicaciones robóticas adquiere importancia el contexto en el que desempeñan su función. Hay entornos estructurados y fáciles de modelar, mientras que otros apenas presentan características utilizables para obtener información de los mismos.Esta tesis se centra en dos de las funciones básicas que debe tener cualquier sistema robótico autónomo para desplazarse de forma robusta en cualquier tipo de entorno: la localización y el cálculo de trayectorias seguras. Además, los escenarios en los que se desea poner en práctica la investigación son complejos: un parque industrial con zonas cuyas características de entorno (usualmente geométricas) son utilizadas para que un robot se localice, varían; y entornos altamente ocupados por otros agentes móviles, como el vestíbulo de un teatro, en los que se debe considerar las características dinámicas de los demás para calcular un movimiento que sea seguro tanto para el robot como para los demás agentes.La información que se puede percibir de los escenarios con ambientes no homogéneos, por ejemplo de interior y exterior, suele ser de características diferentes. Cuando la información que se dispone del entorno proviene de sensores diferentes hay que definir un método que integre las medidas para tener una estimación de la localización del robot en todo momento. El tema de la localización se ha investigado intensamente y existen soluciones robustas en interior y exterior, pero no tanto en zonas mixtas. En las zonas de transición interior-exterior y viceversa es necesario utilizar sensores que funcionan correctamente en ambas zonas, realizando una integración sensorial durante la transición para evitar discontinuidades en la localización o incluso que el robot se pierda. De esta manera la navegación autónoma, dependiente de la correcta localización, funcionará sin discontinuidades ni movimientos bruscos.En entornos dinámicos es esencial definir una forma de representar la información que refleje su naturaleza cambiante. Por ello, se han definido en la literatura diferentes modelos que representan el dinamismo del entorno, y que permiten desarrollar una planificación de trayectorias directamente sobre las variables que controlan el movimiento del robot, en nuestro caso, las velocidades angular y lineal para un robot diferencial. Los planificadores de trayectorias y navegadores diseñados para entornos estáticos no funcionan correctamente en escenarios dinámicos, ya que son puramente reactivos. Es necesario tener en cuenta la predicción del movimiento de los obstáculos móviles para planificar trayectorias seguras sin colisión. Los temas abordados y las contribuciones aportadas en esta tesis son:• Diseño de un sistema de localización continua en entornos de interior y exterior, poniendo especial interés en la fusión de las medidas obtenidas de diferentes sensores durante las transiciones interior-exterior, aspecto poco abordado en la literatura. De esta manera se obtiene una estimación acotada de la localización durante toda la navegación del robot. Además, la localización se integra con una técnica reactiva de navegación, construyendo un sistema completo de navegación. El sistema integrado se ha evaluado en un escenario real de un parque industrial, para una aplicación logística en la que las transiciones interior-exterior y viceversa suponían un problema fundamental a resolver.• Definición de un modelo para representar el entorno dinámico del robot, llamado Dynamic Obstacle Velocity-Time Space (DOVTS). En este modelo aparecen representadas las velocidades permitidas y prohibidas para que el robot evite las colisiones con los obstáculos de alrededor. Este modelo puede ser utilizado por algoritmos de navegación ya existentes, y sirve de base para las nuevas técnicas de navegación desarrolladas en la tesis y explicadas en los siguientes puntos. • Desarrollo de una técnica de planificación y navegación basada en el modelo DOVTS. En este modelo se identifica un conjunto de situaciones relativas entre el robot y los obstáculos. A cada situación se asocia una estrategia de navegación, que considera la seguridad del robot para evitar colisiones, a la vez que intenta minimizar el tiempo al objetivo.• Implementación de una técnica de planificación y navegación basada en el modelo DOVTS, que utiliza explícitamente la información del tiempo para la planificación del movimiento. Se desarrolla un algoritmo A*-like que planifica los movimientos de los siguientes instantes, incrementando la maniobrabilidad del robot para la evitación de obstáculos respecto al método del anterior punto, a costa de un mayor tiempo de cómputo. Se analizan las diferencias en el comportamiento global del robot con respecto a la técnica anterior.Los diferentes aspectos que se han investigado en esta tesis tratan de avanzar en el objetivo de conseguir robots autónomos que puedan adaptarse a nuestra vida cotidiana en escenarios que son típicamente dinámicos de una forma natural y segura.<br /

    Mobile robots and vehicles motion systems: a unifying framework

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    Robots perform many different activities in order to accomplish their tasks. The robot motion capability is one of the most important ones for an autonomous be- havior in a typical indoor-outdoor mission (without it other tasks can not be done), since it drastically determines the global success of a robotic mission. In this thesis, we focus on the main methods for mobile robot and vehicle motion systems and we build a common framework, where similar components can be interchanged or even used together in order to increase the whole system performance

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics

    Motion Planning

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    Motion planning is a fundamental function in robotics and numerous intelligent machines. The global concept of planning involves multiple capabilities, such as path generation, dynamic planning, optimization, tracking, and control. This book has organized different planning topics into three general perspectives that are classified by the type of robotic applications. The chapters are a selection of recent developments in a) planning and tracking methods for unmanned aerial vehicles, b) heuristically based methods for navigation planning and routes optimization, and c) control techniques developed for path planning of autonomous wheeled platforms

    System Development of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Implementation of an Autonomous Navigation Module in a Mine Environment

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    There are numerous benefits to the insights gained from the exploration and exploitation of underground mines. There are also great risks and challenges involved, such as accidents that have claimed many lives. To avoid these accidents, inspections of the large mines were carried out by the miners, which is not always economically feasible and puts the safety of the inspectors at risk. Despite the progress in the development of robotic systems, autonomous navigation, localization and mapping algorithms, these environments remain particularly demanding for these systems. The successful implementation of the autonomous unmanned system will allow mine workers to autonomously determine the structural integrity of the roof and pillars through the generation of high-fidelity 3D maps. The generation of the maps will allow the miners to rapidly respond to any increasing hazards with proactive measures such as: sending workers to build/rebuild support structure to prevent accidents. The objective of this research is the development, implementation and testing of a robust unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) that will operate in mine environments for extended periods of time. To achieve this, a custom skid-steer four-wheeled UGV is designed to operate in these challenging underground mine environments. To autonomously navigate these environments, the UGV employs the use of a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and tactical grade inertial measurement unit (IMU) for the localization and mapping through a tightly-coupled LiDAR Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping framework (LIO-SAM). The autonomous navigation module was implemented based upon the Fast likelihood-based collision avoidance with an extension to human-guided navigation and a terrain traversability analysis framework. In order to successfully operate and generate high-fidelity 3D maps, the system was rigorously tested in different environments and terrain to verify its robustness. To assess the capabilities, several localization, mapping and autonomous navigation missions were carried out in a coal mine environment. These tests allowed for the verification and tuning of the system to be able to successfully autonomously navigate and generate high-fidelity maps

    Autonomous navigation in unstructured environments using an arm-mounted camera for target localization

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    openAutonomous mobile robots became over the recent years a popular topic of research mainly for their capacity to perform tasks in complete autonomy without the constant intervention of an human operator. In this context, autonomous navigation represents one of the main studied branch of autonomous robotics. Autonomous navigation in both structured and unstructured environments have been widely researched over years, with the development of several techniques that tries to solve this problem. In this context, there are several components that are required to get the proper solution to the navigation problem, and one of these is represented by the knowledge of the final position that an autonomous robot has to reach inside an environment. In this thesis, the goal is to enhance the autonomous capabilities of a robot by making it able to detect and follow constantly a target placed inside an unstructured environment. This result is obtained using a camera installed as end-effector of a robotic arm, which in turn is installed on top of a mobile robot. All the methodologies as well as the tools that have been used in the development of this project are presented in this thesis. The evaluation of the performances of the algorithm are performed both in a static context, where the robot is fixed and the target is free to move, and in a dynamic context where the robot moves and the target is fixed. The motion of the robot is obtained using an innovative algorithm for navigation in unstructured environments, NAPVIG. The proposed approach has been implemented using ROS and been tested both in a simulated environment using Gazebo as well as in a real world scenario. The results obtained from both type of experiments will be presented and discussed.Autonomous mobile robots became over the recent years a popular topic of research mainly for their capacity to perform tasks in complete autonomy without the constant intervention of an human operator. In this context, autonomous navigation represents one of the main studied branch of autonomous robotics. Autonomous navigation in both structured and unstructured environments have been widely researched over years, with the development of several techniques that tries to solve this problem. In this context, there are several components that are required to get the proper solution to the navigation problem, and one of these is represented by the knowledge of the final position that an autonomous robot has to reach inside an environment. In this thesis, the goal is to enhance the autonomous capabilities of a robot by making it able to detect and follow constantly a target placed inside an unstructured environment. This result is obtained using a camera installed as end-effector of a robotic arm, which in turn is installed on top of a mobile robot. All the methodologies as well as the tools that have been used in the development of this project are presented in this thesis. The evaluation of the performances of the algorithm are performed both in a static context, where the robot is fixed and the target is free to move, and in a dynamic context where the robot moves and the target is fixed. The motion of the robot is obtained using an innovative algorithm for navigation in unstructured environments, NAPVIG. The proposed approach has been implemented using ROS and been tested both in a simulated environment using Gazebo as well as in a real world scenario. The results obtained from both type of experiments will be presented and discussed

    Design and Development of an Automated Mobile Manipulator for Industrial Applications

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    This thesis presents the modeling, control and coordination of an automated mobile manipulator. A mobile manipulator in this investigation consists of a robotic manipulator and a mobile platform resulting in a hybrid mechanism that includes a mobile platform for locomotion and a manipulator arm for manipulation. The structural complexity of a mobile manipulator is the main challenging issue because it includes several problems like adapting a manipulator and a redundancy mobile platform at non-holonomic constraints. The objective of the thesis is to fabricate an automated mobile manipulator and develop control algorithms that effectively coordinate the arm manipulation and mobility of mobile platform. The research work starts with deriving the motion equations of mobile manipulators. The derivation introduced here makes use of motion equations of robot manipulators and mobile platforms separately, and then integrated them as one entity. The kinematic analysis is performed in two ways namely forward & inverse kinematics. The motion analysis is performed for various WMPs such as, Omnidirectional WMP, Differential three WMP, Three wheeled omni-steer WMP, Tricycle WMP and Two steer WMP. From the obtained motion analysis results, Differential three WMP is chosen as the mobile platform for the developed mobile manipulator. Later motion analysis is carried out for 4-axis articulated arm. Danvit-Hartenberg representation is implemented to perform forward kinematic analysis. Because of this representation, one can easily understand the kinematic equation for a robotic arm. From the obtained arm equation, Inverse kinematic model for the 4-axis robotic manipulator is developed. Motion planning of an intelligent mobile robot is one of the most vital issues in the field of robotics, which includes the generation of optimal collision free trajectories within its work space and finally reaches its target position. For solving this problem, two evolutionary algorithms namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Immune System (AIS) are introduced to move the mobile platform in intelligent manner. The developed algorithms are effective in avoiding obstacles, trap situations and generating optimal paths within its unknown environments. Once the robot reaches its goal (within the work space of the manipulator), the manipulator will generate its trajectories according to task assigned by the user. Simulation analyses are performed using MATLAB-2010 in order to validate the feasibility of the developed methodologies in various unknown environments. Additionally, experiments are carried out on an automated mobile manipulator. ATmega16 Microcontrollers are used to enable the entire robot system movement in desired trajectories by means of robot interface application program. The control program is developed in robot software (Keil) to control the mobile manipulator servomotors via a serial connection through a personal computer. To support the proposed control algorithms both simulation and experimental results are presented. Moreover, validation of the developed methodologies has been made with the ER-400 mobile platform

    NeBula: Team CoSTAR's robotic autonomy solution that won phase II of DARPA Subterranean Challenge

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    This paper presents and discusses algorithms, hardware, and software architecture developed by the TEAM CoSTAR (Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robots), competing in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, it presents the techniques utilized within the Tunnel (2019) and Urban (2020) competitions, where CoSTAR achieved second and first place, respectively. We also discuss CoSTAR¿s demonstrations in Martian-analog surface and subsurface (lava tubes) exploration. The paper introduces our autonomy solution, referred to as NeBula (Networked Belief-aware Perceptual Autonomy). NeBula is an uncertainty-aware framework that aims at enabling resilient and modular autonomy solutions by performing reasoning and decision making in the belief space (space of probability distributions over the robot and world states). We discuss various components of the NeBula framework, including (i) geometric and semantic environment mapping, (ii) a multi-modal positioning system, (iii) traversability analysis and local planning, (iv) global motion planning and exploration behavior, (v) risk-aware mission planning, (vi) networking and decentralized reasoning, and (vii) learning-enabled adaptation. We discuss the performance of NeBula on several robot types (e.g., wheeled, legged, flying), in various environments. We discuss the specific results and lessons learned from fielding this solution in the challenging courses of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge competition.The work is partially supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004), and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)