1,796 research outputs found

    Optimization of buttressed earth-retaining walls using hybrid harmony search algorithms

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    This paper represents an economic optimization of buttressed earth-retaining walls. We explore the optimum solutions using a harmony search with an intensification stage through threshold accepting. The calibration of the resulting algorithm has been obtained as a result of several test runs for different parameters. A design parametric study was computed to walls in series from 4 to 16 m total height. The results showed different ratios of reinforcement per volume of concrete for three types of ground fill. Our main findings confirmed that the most sensitive variable for optimum walls is the wall-friction angle. The preference for wall-fill friction angles different to 0 in project design is confirmed. The type of fill is stated as the main key factor affecting the cost of optimum walls. The design parametric study shows that the soil foundation bearing capacity substantially affects costs, mainly in coarse granular fills (F1). In that sense, cost-optimum walls are less sensitive to the bearing capacity in mixed soils (F2) and fine soils of low plasticity (F3). Our results also showed that safety against sliding is a more influential factor for optimum buttressed walls than the overturning constraint. Finally, as for the results derived from the optimization procedure, a more suitable rule of thumb to dimension the footing thickness of the footing is proposed.This research was funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology under grant agreement no 20140262 Low Carbon Strategy in the Construction Industry (PGA_APED0094_2014-2.1-278-P066-10) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness along with FEDER funding (Project BIA2014-56574-R).Molina Moreno, F.; García-Segura, T.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes, V. (2017). Optimization of buttressed earth-retaining walls using hybrid harmony search algorithms. Engineering Structures. 134:205-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.12.042S20521613

    Metaheuristic Algorithms for Convolution Neural Network

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    A typical modern optimization technique is usually either heuristic or metaheuristic. This technique has managed to solve some optimization problems in the research area of science, engineering, and industry. However, implementation strategy of metaheuristic for accuracy improvement on convolution neural networks (CNN), a famous deep learning method, is still rarely investigated. Deep learning relates to a type of machine learning technique, where its aim is to move closer to the goal of artificial intelligence of creating a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual tasks that can be carried out by a human. In this paper, we propose the implementation strategy of three popular metaheuristic approaches, that is, simulated annealing, differential evolution, and harmony search, to optimize CNN. The performances of these metaheuristic methods in optimizing CNN on classifying MNIST and CIFAR dataset were evaluated and compared. Furthermore, the proposed methods are also compared with the original CNN. Although the proposed methods show an increase in the computation time, their accuracy has also been improved (up to 7.14 percent).Comment: Article ID 1537325, 13 pages. Received 29 January 2016; Revised 15 April 2016; Accepted 10 May 2016. Academic Editor: Martin Hagan. in Hindawi Publishing. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2016 (2016

    Hybrid harmony search for sustainable design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges

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    This paper aims to find sustainable designs of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. A hybrid harmony search algorithm combining threshold optimization is used to find the geometry and the materials for which the sum of the costs or the emissions are the lowest, yet satisfying the requirements for structural safety and durability. An experimental design method was used to adjust the algorithm parameters. The parametric study was applied to three-span deck bridges ranging from 90 m to 130 m. The findings indicated that both objectives lead to similar cost results. However, the variables presented some differences. Such deviations suggested greater depths, more strands and a lower concrete strength for CO2 target functions. Carbonation captured less than 1% of the deck emissions over 100 years. This methodology leads to a precise analysis of the practical rules to achieve an environmental design approach.This research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Research Project BIA2011-23602).García Segura, T.; Yepes Piqueras, V.; Alcalá González, J.; Pérez López, E. (2015). Hybrid harmony search for sustainable design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. Engineering Structures. 92:112-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.03.015S1121229

    Carbon embodied optimization for buttressed earth-retaining walls: Implications for low-carbon conceptual designs

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    [EN] This paper shows the differences between the design of a reinforced concrete structure considering two objectives to minimize; economic cost and CO2 emissions. Both objectives depend on the amount of two high carbon intensive materials: cement in the concrete and steel; therefore, these objectives are related. As the balance between steel and cement per m3 of concrete depends on several factors such as the type of structure, this study focuses on buttressed earth-retaining walls. Another factor that determines the balance between steel and concrete is the height of the wall. Thus, the methodology considers a parametric study for optimal designs of buttressed earth-retaining walls, where one of the parameters is the wall height. One of the objectives is to show the variation in cost when CO2 is minimized, respectful of minimizing the economic cost. The findings show that wall elements under bending-compressive strains (i.e. the stem of the buttressed retaining wall) perform differently depending on the target function. On one hand, the study reveals an upward trend of steel per unit volume of concrete in emission-optimized earth-retaining buttressed walls, compared to the cost-optimized. On the other hand, it is checked that unlike the cost-optimized walls, emission-optimized walls opt for a higher concrete class than the minimum class available. These findings indicate that emission-optimized walls penalize not only concrete volume, but also the cement content, to the extent that a higher concrete class outperforms in reduced emissions. Additionally, the paper outlines how and to what extent the design of this typology varies for the two analyzed objectives in terms of geometry and amount of materials. Some relevant differences influencing the geometry of design strategies are found.This research was funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology under grant agreement no 20140262 Low Carbon Strategy in the Construction Industry (PGA_A-PED0094_2014-2.1-278_P066-10) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness along with FEDER funding (Project BIA2014-56574-R). The authors are grateful for the through revision of the manuscript by Tatiana Garcia-Segura.Molina Moreno, F.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes Piqueras, V. (2017). Carbon embodied optimization for buttressed earth-retaining walls: Implications for low-carbon conceptual designs. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 164:872-884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.06.246S87288416

    Efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges based on sustainable multi-objective criteria

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    [EN] Bridges, as an important component of infrastructure, are expected to meet all the requirements for a modern society. Traditionally, the primary aim in bridge design has been to achieve the lowest cost while guaranteeing the structural efficiency. However, concerns regarding building a more sustainable future have change the priorities of society. Ecological and durable structures are increasingly demanded. Under these premises, heuristic optimization methods provide an effective alternative to structural designs based on experience. The emergence of new materials, structural designs and sustainable criteria motivate the need to create a methodology for the automatic and accurate design of a real post-tensioned concrete bridge that considers all these aspects. For the first time, this thesis studies the efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges from a sustainable point of view. This research integrates environmental, safety and durability criteria into the optimum design of the bridge. The methodology proposed provides multiple trade-off solutions that hardly increase the cost and achieve improved safety and durability. Likewise, this approach quantifies the sustainable criteria in economic terms, and evaluates the effect of these criteria on the best values of the variables. In this context, a multi-objective optimization is formulated to provide multiple trade-off and high-performing solutions that balance economic, ecologic and societal goals. An optimization design program selects the best geometry, concrete type, reinforcement and post-tensioning steel that meet the objectives selected. A three-span continuous box-girder road bridge located in a coastal region is selected for a case study. This approach provides vital knowledge about this type of bridge in the sustainable context. The life-cycle perspective has been included through a lifetime performance evaluation that models the bridge deterioration process due to chloride-induced corrosion. The economic, environmental and societal impacts of maintenance actions required to extend the service life are examined. Therefore, the proposed goals for an efficient design have been switch from initial stage to life-cycle consideration. Faced with the large computational time of multi-objective optimization and finite-element analysis, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are integrated in the proposed methodology. ANNs are trained to predict the structural response based on the design variables, without the need to analyze the bridge response. The multi-objective optimization problem results in a set of trade-off solutions characterized by the presence of conflicting objectives. The final selection of preferred solutions is simplified by a decision-making technique. A rational technique converts a verbal pairwise comparison between criteria with a degree of uncertainty into numerical values that guarantee the consistency of judgments. This thesis gives a guide for the sustainable design of concrete structures. The use of the proposed approach leads to designs with lower life-cycle cost and emissions compared to general design approaches. Both bridge safety and durability can be improved with a little cost increment by choosing the correct design variables. In addition, this methodology is applicable to any type of structure and material.[ES] Los puentes, como parte importante de una infraestructura, se espera que reúnan todos los requisitos de una sociedad moderna. Tradicionalmente, el objetivo principal en el diseño de puentes ha sido lograr el menor coste mientras se garantiza la eficiencia estructural. Sin embargo, la preocupación por construir un futuro más sostenible ha provocado un cambio en las prioridades de la sociedad. Estructuras más ecológicas y duraderas son cada vez más demandadas. Bajo estas premisas, los métodos de optimización heurística proporcionan una alternativa eficaz a los diseños estructurales basados en la experiencia. La aparición de nuevos materiales, diseños estructurales y criterios sostenibles motivan la necesidad de crear una metodología para el diseño automático y preciso de un puente real de hormigón postesado que considere todos estos aspectos. Por primera vez, esta tesis estudia el diseño eficiente de puentes de hormigón postesado con sección en cajón desde un punto de vista sostenible. Esta investigación integra criterios ambientales, de seguridad estructural y durabilidad en el diseño óptimo del puente. La metodología propuesta proporciona múltiples soluciones que apenas encarecen el coste y mejoran la seguridad y durabilidad. Al mismo tiempo, se cuantifica el enfoque sostenible en términos económicos, y se evalúa el efecto que tienen dichos criterios en el valor óptimo de las variables. En este contexto, se formula una optimización multiobjetivo que proporciona soluciones eficientes y de compromiso entre los criterios económicos, ecológicos y sociales. Un programa de optimización del diseño selecciona la mejor combinación de geometría, tipo de hormigón, armadura y postesado que cumpla con los objetivos seleccionados. Se ha escogido como caso de estudio un puente continuo en cajón de tres vanos situado en la costa. Este método proporciona un mayor conocimiento sobre esta tipología de puentes desde un punto de vista sostenible. Se ha estudiado el ciclo de vida a través de la evaluación del deterioro estructural del puente debido al ataque por cloruros. Se examina el impacto económico, ambiental y social que produce el mantenimiento necesario para extender la vida útil del puente. Por lo tanto, los objetivos propuestos para un diseño eficiente han sido trasladados desde la etapa inicial hasta la consideración del ciclo de vida. Para solucionar el problema del elevado tiempo de cálculo debido a la optimización multiobjetivo y el análisis por elementos finitos, se han integrado redes neuronales en la metodología propuesta. Las redes neuronales son entrenadas para predecir la respuesta estructural a partir de las variables de diseño, sin la necesidad de analizar el puente. El problema de optimización multiobjetivo se traduce en un conjunto de soluciones de compromiso que representan objetivos contrapuestos. La selección final de las soluciones preferidas se simplifica mediante una técnica de toma de decisiones. Una técnica estructurada convierte los juicios basados en comparaciones por pares de elementos con un grado de incertidumbre en valores numéricos que garantizan la consistencia de dichos juicios. Esta tesis proporciona una guía que extiende y mejora las recomendaciones sobre el diseño de estructuras de hormigón dentro del contexto de desarrollo sostenible. El uso de la metodología propuesta lleva a diseños con menor coste y emisiones del ciclo de vida, comparado con diseños que siguen metodologías generales. Los resultados demuestran que mediante una correcta elección del valor de las variables se puede mejorar la seguridad y durabilidad del puente con un pequeño incremento del coste. Además, esta metodología es aplicable a cualquier tipo de estructura y material.[CA] Els ponts, com a part important d'una infraestructura, s'espera que reunisquen tots els requisits d'una societat moderna. Tradicionalment, l'objectiu principal en el disseny de ponts ha sigut aconseguir el menor cost mentres es garantix l'eficiència estructural. No obstant això, la preocupació per construir un futur més sostenible ha provocat un canvi en les prioritats de la societat. Estructures més ecològiques i durables són cada vegada més demandades. Davall estes premisses, els mètodes d'optimització heurística proporcionen una alternativa eficaç als dissenys estructurals basats en l'experiència. L'aparició de nous materials, dissenys estructurals i criteris sostenibles motiven la necessitat de crear una metodologia per al disseny automàtic i precís d'un pont real de formigó posttesat que considere tots estos aspectos. Per primera vegada, esta tesi estudia el disseny eficient de ponts de formigó posttesat amb secció en calaix des d'un punt de vista sostenible. Esta investigació integra criteris ambientals, de seguretat estructural i durabilitat en el disseny òptim del pont. La metodologia proposada proporciona múltiples solucions que a penes encarixen el cost i milloren la seguretat i durabilitat. Al mateix temps, es quantifica l'enfocament sostenible en termes econòmics, i s'avalua l'efecte que tenen els dits criteris en el valor òptim de les variables. En este context, es formula una optimització multiobjetivo que proporciona solucions eficients i de compromís entre els criteris econòmics, ecològics i socials. Un programa d'optimització del disseny selecciona la millor geometria, tipus de formigó, armadura i posttesat que complisquen amb els objectius seleccionats. S'ha triat com a cas d'estudi un pont continu en calaix de tres vans situat en la costa. Este mètode proporciona un major coneixement sobre esta tipologia de ponts des d'un punt de vista sostenible. S'ha estudiat el cicle de vida a través de l'avaluació del deteriorament estructural del pont a causa de l'atac per clorurs. S'examina l'impacte econòmic, ambiental i social que produïx el manteniment necessari per a estendre la vida útil del pont. Per tant, els objectius proposats per a un disseny eficient han sigut traslladats des de l'etapa inicial fins a la consideració del cicle de vida. Per a solucionar el problema de l'elevat temps de càlcul degut a l'optimització multiobjetivo i l'anàlisi per elements finits, s'han integrat xarxes neuronals en la metodologia proposada. Les xarxes neuronals són entrenades per a predir la resposta estructural a partir de les variables de disseny, sense la necessitat d'analitzar el pont. El problema d'optimització multiobjetivo es traduïx en un conjunt de solucions de compromís que representen objectius contraposats. La selecció final de les solucions preferides se simplifica per mitjà d'una tècnica de presa de decisions. Una tècnica estructurada convertix els juís basats en comparacions per parells d'elements amb un grau d'incertesa en valors numèrics que garantixen la consistència dels dits juís. Esta tesi proporciona una guia que estén i millora les recomanacions sobre el disseny d'estructures de formigó dins del context de desenrotllament sostenible. L'ús de la metodologia proposada porta a dissenys amb menor cost i emissions del cicle de vida, comparat amb dissenys que seguixen metodologies generals. Els resultats demostren que per mitjà d'una correcta elecció del valor de les variables es pot millorar la seguretat i durabilitat del pont amb un xicotet increment del cost. A més, esta metodologia és aplicable a qualsevol tipus d'estructura i material.García Segura, T. (2016). Efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges based on sustainable multi-objective criteria [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73147TESI

    Stochastic local search: a state-of-the-art review

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    The main objective of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review, analyze and discuss stochastic local search techniques used for solving hard combinatorial problems. It begins with a short introduction, motivation and some basic notation on combinatorial problems, search paradigms and other relevant features of searching techniques as needed for background. In the following a brief overview of the stochastic local search methods along with an analysis of the state-of-the-art stochastic local search algorithms is given. Finally, the last part of the paper present and discuss some of the most latest trends in application of stochastic local search algorithms in machine learning, data mining and some other areas of science and engineering. We conclude with a discussion on capabilities and limitations of stochastic local search algorithms

    Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Optimization Methods for Low-Embodied Energy Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges

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    [EN] Bridge optimization is a significant challenge, given the huge number of possible configurations of the problem. Embodied energy and cost were taken as objective functions for a box-girder steel¿concrete optimization problem considering both as single-objective. Embodied energy was chosen as a sustainable criterion to compare the results with cost. The stochastic global search TAMO algorithm, the swarm intelligence cuckoo search (CS), and sine cosine algorithms (SCA) were used to achieve this goal. To allow the SCA and SC techniques to solve the discrete bridge optimization problem, the discretization technique applying the k-means clustering technique was used. As a result, SC was found to produce objective energy function values comparable to TAMO while reducing the computation time by 25.79%. In addition, the cost optimization and embodied energy analysis revealed that each euro saved using metaheuristic methodologies decreased the energy consumption for this optimization problem by 0.584 kW·h. Additionally, by including cells in the upper and lower parts of the webs, the behavior of the section was improved, as were the optimization outcomes for the two optimization objectives. This study concludes that double composite action design on supports makes the continuous longitudinal stiffeners in the bottom flange unnecessary.The author gratefully acknowledge the fundings received by: Grant PID2020- 117056RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ¿ERDF A way of making Europe¿. Grant FPU-18/01592 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ¿ESF invests in your future¿ and Grant CONICYT/FONDECYT/INICIACION/11180056Martínez-Muñoz, D.; García, J.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes, V. (2022). Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Optimization Methods for Low-Embodied Energy Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges. Mathematics. 11(1):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/math1101014012111

    A Metaheuristic-Based Simulation Optimization Framework For Supply Chain Inventory Management Under Uncertainty

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    The need for inventory control models for practical real-world applications is growing with the global expansion of supply chains. The widely used traditional optimization procedures usually require an explicit mathematical model formulated based on some assumptions. The validity of such models and approaches for real world applications depend greatly upon whether the assumptions made match closely with the reality. The use of meta-heuristics, as opposed to a traditional method, does not require such assumptions and has allowed more realistic modeling of the inventory control system and its solution. In this dissertation, a metaheuristic-based simulation optimization framework is developed for supply chain inventory management under uncertainty. In the proposed framework, any effective metaheuristic can be employed to serve as the optimizer to intelligently search the solution space, using an appropriate simulation inventory model as the evaluation module. To be realistic and practical, the proposed framework supports inventory decision-making under supply-side and demand-side uncertainty in a supply chain. The supply-side uncertainty specifically considered includes quality imperfection. As far as demand-side uncertainty is concerned, the new framework does not make any assumption on demand distribution and can process any demand time series. This salient feature enables users to have the flexibility to evaluate data of practical relevance. In addition, other realistic factors, such as capacity constraints, limited shelf life of products and type-compatible substitutions are also considered and studied by the new framework. The proposed framework has been applied to single-vendor multi-buyer supply chains with the single vendor facing the direct impact of quality deviation and capacity constraint from its supplier and the buyers facing demand uncertainty. In addition, it has been extended to the supply chain inventory management of highly perishable products. Blood products with limited shelf life and ABO compatibility have been examined in detail. It is expected that the proposed framework can be easily adapted to different supply chain systems, including healthcare organizations. Computational results have shown that the proposed framework can effectively assess the impacts of different realistic factors on the performance of a supply chain from different angles, and to determine the optimal inventory policies accordingly

    Metaheuristics For Solving Real World Employee Rostering and Shift Scheduling Problems

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    Optimising resources and making considerate decisions are central concerns in any responsible organisation aiming to succeed in efficiently achieving their goals. Careful use of resources can have positive outcomes in the form of fiscal savings, improved service levels, better quality products, improved awareness of diminishing returns and general output efficiency, regardless of field. Operational research techniques are advanced analytical tools used to improve managerial decision-making. There have been a variety of case studies where operational research techniques have been successfully applied to save millions of pounds. Operational research techniques have been successfully applied to a multitude of fields, including agriculture, policing, defence, conservation, air traffic control, and many more. In particular, management of resources in the form of employees is a challenging problem --- but one with the potential for huge improvements in efficiency. The problem this thesis tackles can be divided into two sub-problems; the personalised shift scheduling & employee rostering problem, and the roster pattern problem. The personalised shift scheduling & employee rostering problem involves the direct scheduling of employees to hours and days of week. This allows the creation of schedules which are tailored to individuals and allows a fine level over control over the results, but with at the cost of a large and challenging search space. The roster pattern problem instead takes existing patterns employees currently work, and uses these as a pool of potential schedules to be used. This reduces the search space but minimises the number of changes to existing employee schedules, which is preferable for personnel satisfaction. Existing research has shown that a variety of algorithms suit different problems and hybrid methods are found to typically outperform standalone ones in real-world contexts. Several algorithmic approaches for solving variations of the employee scheduling problem are considered in this thesis. Initially a VNS approach was used with a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance criterion. The second approach utilises ER&SR controlled by the EMCAC, which has only been used in the field of exam timetabling, and has not before been used within the domain of employee scheduling and rostering. ER&SR was then hybridised with our initial approach, producing ER&SR with VNS. Finally, ER&SR was hybridised into a matheuristic with Integer Programming and compared to the hybrid's individual components. A contribution of this thesis is evidence that the algorithm ER&SR has merit outside of the original sub-field of exam scheduling, and can be applied to shift scheduling and employee rostering. Further, ER&SR was hybridised and schedules produced by the hybridisations were found to be of higher quality than the standalone algorithm. In the literature review it was found that hybrid algorithms have become more popular in real-world problems in recent years, and this body of work has explored and continued this trend. Problem formulations in this thesis provide insight into creating constraints which satisfy the need for minimising employee dissatisfaction, particularly in regards to abrupt change. The research presented in this thesis has positively impacted a multinational and multibillion dollar field service operations company. This has been achieved by implementing a variety of techniques, including metaheuristics and a matheuristic, to schedule shifts and roster employees over a period of several months. This thesis showcases the research outputs by this project, and highlights the real-world impact of this research