34 research outputs found

    ClimateNeRF: Physically-based Neural Rendering for Extreme Climate Synthesis

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    Physical simulations produce excellent predictions of weather effects. Neural radiance fields produce SOTA scene models. We describe a novel NeRF-editing procedure that can fuse physical simulations with NeRF models of scenes, producing realistic movies of physical phenomena inthose scenes. Our application -- Climate NeRF -- allows people to visualize what climate change outcomes will do to them. ClimateNeRF allows us to render realistic weather effects, including smog, snow, and flood. Results can be controlled with physically meaningful variables like water level. Qualitative and quantitative studies show that our simulated results are significantly more realistic than those from state-of-the-art 2D image editing and 3D NeRF stylization.Comment: project page: https://climatenerf.github.io

    3D Weather – Towards a Real-time 3D Simulation of Localised Weather presented at EVA 2011

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    Weather forecasts are nearly always portrayed from either a satellite view perspective, a numerical or symbol based representation. None of these methods actually portray weather visually from the point of view of the observer, that is, they do not represent our experience of weather. This problem presents a challenge to displaying weather using real-time 3D computer graphics. 3D Weather is a proposed method to solve this problem, to create more believable representations of the weather using real weather data. By employing computer graphic techniques and computer game concepts the project intends to create a localized display of weather using mapping and weather data. Started in 2010, the project has been exploring existing techniques, scoping out the needs of stakeholders (such as the Met Office), and creating a prototype to explore the issues. The paper concludes that the quest for realism with computer graphics can be a double-edged sword. It can lead to expectations of accuracy in the data its meant to represent, which can be desired, but in the case of the weather forecast the representation is not necessary what the weather will be, its what the weather might be. The continuing project will explore the balance of issues when representing the weather for past events as well as for forecasts

    Large-scale cloudscapes using noise

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    Clouds have been of particular interest in computer graphics due to the challenge they present. Clouds are considered fuzzy objects, and need specialized algorithms to model and render realistically. Many techniques exist to model and render clouds that have had much success. This research will take existing techniques in cloud modeling and rendering and create a new technique combining those with noise. The idea is that noise can be used to model large-scale repeatable 3D cloudscapes and to be able to model such cloudscapes much more quickly than current techniques. This would be beneficial to developers of virtual universes that have very many worlds numbering in the ten to hundreds to create convincing cloudscapes on each distinct world

    Realistic simulation and animation of clouds using SkewT-LogP diagrams

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    Nuvens e clima são tópicos importantes em computação gráfica, nomeadamente na simulação e animação de fenómenos naturais. Tal deve-se ao facto de a simulação de fenómenos naturais−onde as nuvens estão incluídas−encontrar aplicações em filmes, jogos e simuladores de voo. Contudo, as técnicas existentes em computação gráfica apenas permitem representações de nuvens simplificadas, tornadas possíveis através de dinâmicas fictícias que imitam a realidade. O problema que este trabalho pretende abordar prende-se com a simulação de nuvens adequadas para utilização em ambientes virtuais, isto é, nuvens com dinâmica baseada em física que variam ao longo do tempo. Em meteorologia é comum usar técnicas de simulação de nuvens baseadas em leis da física, contudoossistemasatmosféricosdeprediçãonuméricasãocomputacionalmente pesados e normalmente possuem maior precisão numérica do que o necessário em computação gráfica. Neste campo, torna-se necessário direcionar e ajustar as características físicas ou contornar a realidade de modo a atingir os objetivos artísticos, sendo um fator fundamental que faz com que a computação gráfica se distinga das ciências físicas. Contudo, simulações puramente baseadas em física geram soluções de acordo com regras predefinidas e tornam-se notoriamente difíceis de controlar. De modo a enfrentar esses desafios desenvolvemos um novo método de simulação de nuvens baseado em física que possui a característica de ser computacionalmente leve e simula as propriedades dinâmicas relacionadas com a formação de nuvens. Este novo modelo evita resolver as equações físicas, ao apresentar uma solução explícita para essas equações através de diagramas termodinâmicos SkewT/LogP. O sistema incorpora dados reais de forma a simular os parâmetros necessários para a formação de nuvens. É especialmente adequado para a simulação de nuvens cumulus que se formam devido ao um processo convectivo. Esta abordagem permite não só reduzir os custos computacionais de métodos baseados em física, mas também fornece a possibilidade de controlar a forma e dinâmica de nuvens através do controlo dos níveis atmosféricos existentes no diagrama SkewT/LogP. Nestatese,abordámostambémumoutrodesafio,queestárelacionadocomasimulação de nuvens orográficas. Do nosso conhecimento, esta é a primeira tentativa de simular a formação deste tipo de nuvens. A novidade deste método reside no fato de este tipo de nuvens serem não convectivas, oque se traduz nocálculodeoutrosníveis atmosféricos. Além disso, atendendo a que este tipo de nuvens se forma sobre montanhas, é também apresentadoumalgoritmoparadeterminarainfluênciadamontanhasobreomovimento da nuvem. Em resumo, esta dissertação apresenta um conjunto de algoritmos para a modelação e simulação de nuvens cumulus e orográficas, recorrendo a diagramas termodinâmicos SkewT/LogP pela primeira vez no campo da computação gráfica.Clouds and weather are important topics in computer graphics, in particular in the simulation and animation of natural phenomena. This is so because simulation of natural phenomena−where clouds are included−find applications in movies, games and flight simulators. However, existing techniques in computer graphics only offer the simplified cloud representations, possibly with fake dynamics that mimic the reality. The problem that this work addresses is how to find realistic simulation of cloud formation and evolution, that are suitable for virtual environments, i.e., clouds with physically-based dynamics over time. It happens that techniques for cloud simulation are available within the area of meteorology, but numerical weather prediction systems based on physics laws are computationally expensive and provide more numerical accuracy than the required accuracy in computer graphics. In computer graphics, we often need to direct and adjust physical features, or even to bend the reality, to meet artistic goals, which is a key factor that makes computer graphics distinct from physical sciences. However, pure physically-based simulations evolve their solutions according to pre-set physics rules that are notoriously difficult to control. In order to face these challenges we have developed a new lightweight physically-based cloudsimulationschemethatsimulatesthedynamicpropertiesofcloudformation. This new model avoids solving the physically-based equations typically used to simulate the formation of clouds by explicitly solving these equations using SkewT/LogP thermodynamic diagrams. The system incorporates a weather model that uses real data to simulate parameters related to cloud formation. This is specially suitable to the simulation of cumulus clouds, which result from a convective process. This approach not only reduces the computational costs of previous physically-based methods, but also provides a technique to control the shape and dynamics of clouds by handling the cloud levels in SkewT/LogP diagrams. In this thesis, we have also tackled a new challenge, which is related to the simulation oforographic clouds. From ourknowledge, this isthefirstattempttosimulatethis type of cloud formation. The novelty in this method relates to the fact that these clouds are non-convective, so that different atmospheric levels have to be determined. Moreover, since orographic clouds form over mountains, we have also to determine the mountain influence in the cloud motion. In summary, this thesis presents a set of algorithms for the modelling and simulation of cumulus and orographic clouds, taking advantage of the SkewT/LogP diagrams for the first time in the field of computer graphics

    Volumetric cloud generation using a Chinese brush calligraphy style

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    Includes bibliographical references.Clouds are an important feature of any real or simulated environment in which the sky is visible. Their amorphous, ever-changing and illuminated features make the sky vivid and beautiful. However, these features increase both the complexity of real time rendering and modelling. It is difficult to design and build volumetric clouds in an easy and intuitive way, particularly if the interface is intended for artists rather than programmers. We propose a novel modelling system motivated by an ancient painting style, Chinese Landscape Painting, to address this problem. With the use of only one brush and one colour, an artist can paint a vivid and detailed landscape efficiently. In this research, we develop three emulations of a Chinese brush: a skeleton-based brush, a 2D texture footprint and a dynamic 3D footprint, all driven by the motion and pressure of a stylus pen. We propose a hybrid mapping to generate both the body and surface of volumetric clouds from the brush footprints. Our interface integrates these components along with 3D canvas control and GPU-based volumetric rendering into an interactive cloud modelling system. Our cloud modelling system is able to create various types of clouds occurring in nature. User tests indicate that our brush calligraphy approach is preferred to conventional volumetric cloud modelling and that it produces convincing 3D cloud formations in an intuitive and interactive fashion. While traditional modelling systems focus on surface generation of 3D objects, our brush calligraphy technique constructs the interior structure. This forms the basis of a new modelling style for objects with amorphous shape

    Creation of modular 3D assets for videogames

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    Hráči počítačových her mají stále vyšší a vyšší nároky na grafické zpracování herního světa a jeho detaily. Aby jim mohlo být vyhověno, grafici musí neustále upravovat svůj přístup a používané modelovací techniky. Jeden z moderních a populárních přístupů je založen na modularitě a modulárním designu. Přestože tento přístup má spoustu benefitů, přesný popis technik a znalostí spojených s tímto konceptem není stále pevně definovaný. Tato práce poskytuje náhled na různé modelovací techniky, software pro 3D modelování a detailní popis modulárního přístupu aplikovaného v aktuálních počítačových hrách. Kombinací procedurálních modelovacích technik a modulárního designu jsme v programu Houdini připravili několik assetů už pouze čekajících na reálné využití. Dále jsme v Unreal Enginu poskládali testovací scénu a tím získali hlubší přehled o výhodách a nevýhodách použitého přístupu k tvorbě grafiky počítačových her.In order to keep up with the ever-increasing player's demand for higher visual fidelity of game environments, artists are continually implementing new modelling techniques and production methods into their workflow. One popular contemporary approach that has emerged is based on the notion of modular design. Although it offers many benefits for production workflow, the particular techniques and skills associated with this concept are still not well defined. This thesis provides an overview of various modelling techniques, 3D modelling software and thorough discussion of the modular design paradigm applied in computer games. We have combined procedural modelling techniques with the concept of modular design to create several game-ready assets in Houdini. We then assembled a simple test scene in Unreal Engine in order to gain a more in-depth insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed workflow

    Real-time rendering and simulation of trees and snow

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    Tree models created by an industry used package are exported and the structure extracted in order to procedurally regenerate the geometric mesh, addressing the limitations of the application's standard output. The structure, once extracted, is used to fully generate a high quality skeleton for the tree, individually representing each section in every branch to give the greatest achievable level of freedom of deformation and animation. Around the generated skeleton, a new geometric mesh is wrapped using a single, continuous surface resulting in the removal of intersection based render artefacts. Surface smoothing and enhanced detail is added to the model dynamically using the GPU enhanced tessellation engine. A real-time snow accumulation system is developed to generate snow cover on a dynamic, animated scene. Occlusion techniques are used to project snow accumulating faces and map exposed areas to applied accumulation maps in the form of dynamic textures. Accumulation maps are xed to applied surfaces, allowing moving objects to maintain accumulated snow cover. Mesh generation is performed dynamically during the rendering pass using surface o�setting and tessellation to enhance required detail

    Realistic natural atmospheric phenomena and weather effects for interactive virtual environments.

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    Clouds and the weather are important aspects of any natural outdoor scene, but existing dynamic techniques within computer graphics only offer the simplest of cloud representations. The problem that this work looks to address is how to provide a means of simulating clouds and weather features such as precipitation, that are suitable for virtual environments. Techniques for cloud simulation are available within the area of meteorology, but numerical weather prediction systems are computationally expensive, give more numerical accuracy than we require for graphics and are restricted to the laws of physics. Within computer graphics, we often need to direct and adjust physical features or to bend reality to meet artistic goals, which is a key difference between the subjects of computer graphics and physical science. Pure physicallybased simulations, however, evolve their solutions according to pre-set rules and are notoriously difficult to control. The challenge then is for the solution to be computationally lightweight and able to be directed in some measure while at the same time producing believable results. This work presents a lightweight physically-based cloud simulation scheme that simulates the dynamic properties of cloud formation and weather effects. The system simulates water vapour, cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow and hail. The water model incorporates control parameters and the cloud model uses an arbitrary vertical temperature profile, with a tool described to allow the user to define this. The result of this work is that clouds can now be simulated in near real-time complete with precipitation. The temperature profile and tool then provide a means of directing the resulting formation

    Rendering and Simulation for Tires Rolling on Snow

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    Modeling tire-snow interaction is important in designing effective snow tires, which directly affects road safety during wintry weather. Unfortunately, tires have complex tread designs and the physical properties of snow have not been characterized. We employ the Material Point Method (MPM) for simulating a material that mimics the fracturing and plasticity of snow using established physical models. This realistic simulation allows us to assess the interactions between a breakable material like snow and a continuum structure like rubber tires, and determine the effect of tread patterns on tire traction. We also design a novel snow rendering technique for particle simulation using a combination of surface reconstruction, surface instanced geometry and sub-surface scattering

    Modeling and real-time rendering of participating media using the GPU

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    Cette thèse traite de la modélisation, l'illumination et le rendu temps-réel de milieux participants à l'aide du GPU. Dans une première partie, nous commençons par développer une méthode de rendu de nappes de brouillard hétérogènes pour des scènes en extérieur. Le brouillard est modélisé horizontalement dans une base 2D de fonctions de Haar ou de fonctions B-Spline linéaires ou quadratiques, dont les coefficients peuvent être chargés depuis une textit{fogmap}, soit une carte de densité en niveaux de gris. Afin de donner au brouillard son épaisseur verticale, celui-ci est doté d'un coefficient d'atténuation en fonction de l'altitude, utilisé pour paramétrer la rapidité avec laquelle la densité diminue avec la distance au milieu selon l'axe Y. Afin de préparer le rendu temps-réel, nous appliquons une transformée en ondelettes sur la carte de densité du brouillard, afin d'en extraire une approximation grossière (base de fonctions B-Spline) et une série de couches de détails (bases d'ondelettes B-Spline), classés par fréquence.%Les détails sont ainsi classés selon leur fréquence et, additionnées, permettent de retrouver la carte de densité d'origine. Chacune de ces bases de fonctions 2D s'apparente à une grille de coefficients. Lors du rendu sur GPU, chacune de ces grilles est traversée pas à pas, case par case, depuis l'observateur jusqu'à la plus proche surface solide. Grâce à notre séparation des différentes fréquences de détails lors des pré-calculs, nous pouvons optimiser le rendu en ne visualisant que les détails les plus contributifs visuellement en avortant notre parcours de grille à une distance variable selon la fréquence. Nous présentons ensuite d'autres travaux concernant ce même type de brouillard : l'utilisation de la transformée en ondelettes pour représenter sa densité via une grille non-uniforme, la génération automatique de cartes de densité et son animation à base de fractales, et enfin un début d'illumination temps-réel du brouillard en simple diffusion. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation, l'illumination en simple diffusion et au rendu temps-réel de fumée (sans simulation physique) sur GPU. Notre méthode s'inspire des Light Propagation Volumes (volume de propagation de lumière), une technique à l'origine uniquement destinée à la propagation de la lumière indirecte de manière complètement diffuse, après un premier rebond sur la géométrie. Nous l'adaptons pour l'éclairage direct, et l'illumination des surfaces et milieux participants en simple diffusion. Le milieu est fourni sous forme d'un ensemble de bases radiales (blobs), puis est transformé en un ensemble de voxels, ainsi que les surfaces solides, de manière à disposer d'une représentation commune. Par analogie aux LPV, nous introduisons un Occlusion Propagation Volume, dont nous nous servons, pour calculer l'intégrale de la densité optique entre chaque source et chaque autre cellule contenant soit un voxel du milieu, soit un voxel issu d'une surface. Cette étape est intégrée à la boucle de rendu, ce qui permet d'animer le milieu participant ainsi que les sources de lumière sans contrainte particulière. Nous simulons tous types d'ombres : dues au milieu ou aux surfaces, projetées sur le milieu ou les surfacesThis thesis deals with modeling, illuminating and rendering participating media in real-time using graphics hardware. In a first part, we begin by developing a method to render heterogeneous layers of fog for outdoor scenes. The medium is modeled horizontally using a 2D Haar or linear/quadratic B-Spline function basis, whose coefficients can be loaded from a fogmap, i.e. a grayscale density image. In order to give to the fog its vertical thickness, it is provided with a coefficient parameterizing the extinction of the density when the altitude to the fog increases. To prepare the rendering step, we apply a wavelet transform on the fog's density map, and extract a coarse approximation and a series of layers of details (B-Spline wavelet bases).These details are ordered according to their frequency and, when summed back together, can reconstitute the original density map. Each of these 2D function basis can be viewed as a grid of coefficients. At the rendering step on the GPU, each of these grids is traversed step by step, cell by cell, since the viewer's position to the nearest solid surface. Thanks to our separation of the different frequencies of details at the precomputations step, we can optimize the rendering by only visualizing details that contribute most to the final image and abort our grid traversal at a distance depending on the grid's frequency. We then present other works dealing with the same type of fog: the use of the wavelet transform to represent the fog's density in a non-uniform grid, the automatic generation of density maps and their animation based on Julia fractals, and finally a beginning of single-scattering illumination of the fog, where we are able to simulate shadows by the medium and the geometry. In a second time, we deal with modeling, illuminating and rendering full 3D single-scattering sampled media such as smoke (without physical simulation) on the GPU. Our method is inspired by light propagation volumes, a technique whose only purpose was, at the beginning, to propagate fully diffuse indirect lighting. We adapt it to direct lighting, and the illumination of both surfaces and participating media. The medium is provided under the form of a set of radial bases (blobs), and is then transformed into a set of voxels, together with solid surfaces, so that both entities can be manipulated more easily under a common form. By analogy to the LPV, we introduce an occlusion propagation volume, which we use to compute the integral of the optical density, between each source and each other cell containing a voxel either generated from the medium, or from a surface. This step is integrated into the rendering process, which allows to animate participating media and light sources without any further constraintPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF