2,367 research outputs found

    Effective Detection of Vulnerable and Malicious Browser Extensions

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    Unsafely coded browser extensions can compromise the security of a browser, making them attractive targets for attackers as a primary vehicle for conducting cyber-attacks. Among others, the three factors making vulnerable extensions a high-risk security threat for browsers include: i) the wide popularity of browser extensions, ii) the similarity of browser extensions with web applications, and iii) the high privilege of browser extension scripts. Furthermore, mechanisms that specifically target to mitigate browser extension-related attacks have received less attention as opposed to solutions that have been deployed for common web security problems (such as SQL injection, XSS, logic flaws, client-side vulnerabilities, drive-by-download, etc.). To address these challenges, recently some techniques have been proposed to defend extension-related attacks. These techniques mainly focus on information flow analysis to capture suspicious data flows, impose privilege restriction on API calls by malicious extensions, apply digital signatures to monitor process and memory level activities, and allow browser users to specify policies in order to restrict the operations of extensions. This article presents a model-based approach to detect vulnerable and malicious browser extensions by widening and complementing the existing techniques. We observe and utilize various common and distinguishing characteristics of benign, vulnerable, and malicious browser extensions. These characteristics are then used to build our detection models, which are based on the Hidden Markov Model constructs. The models are well trained using a set of features extracted from a number of browser extensions together with user supplied specifications. Along the course of this study, one of the main challenges we encountered was the lack of vulnerable and malicious extension samples. To address this issue, based on our previous knowledge on testing web applications and heuristics obtained from available vulnerable and malicious extensions, we have defined rules to generate training samples. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated using a number of Mozilla Firefox extensions. Our evaluation indicated that the approach not only detects known vulnerable and malicious extensions, but also identifies previously undetected extensions with a negligible performance overhead

    How to design browser security and privacy alerts

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    Browser security and privacy alerts must be designed to ensure they are of value to the end-user, and communicate risks efficiently. We performed a systematic literature review, producing a list of guidelines from the research. Papers were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively to formulate a comprehensive set of guidelines. Our findings seek to provide developers and designers with guidance as to how to construct security and privacy alerts. We conclude by providing an alert template, highlighting its adherence to the derived guidelines

    Reducing risky security behaviours:utilising affective feedback to educate users

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    Despite the number of tools created to help end-users reduce risky security behaviours, users are still falling victim to online attacks. This paper proposes a browser extension utilising affective feedback to provide warnings on detection of risky behaviour. The paper provides an overview of behaviour considered to be risky, explaining potential threats users may face online. Existing tools developed to reduce risky security behaviours in end-users have been compared, discussing the success rate of various methodologies. Ongoing research is described which attempts to educate users regarding the risks and consequences of poor security behaviour by providing the appropriate feedback on the automatic recognition of risky behaviour. The paper concludes that a solution utilising a browser extension is a suitable method of monitoring potentially risky security behaviour. Ultimately, future work seeks to implement an affective feedback mechanism within the browser extension with the aim of improving security awareness

    Studying JavaScript Security Through Static Analysis

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    Mit dem stetigen Wachstum des Internets wächst auch das Interesse von Angreifern. Ursprünglich sollte das Internet Menschen verbinden; gleichzeitig benutzen aber Angreifer diese Vernetzung, um Schadprogramme wirksam zu verbreiten. Insbesondere JavaScript ist zu einem beliebten Angriffsvektor geworden, da es Angreifer ermöglicht Bugs und weitere Sicherheitslücken auszunutzen, und somit die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Internetnutzern zu gefährden. In dieser Dissertation fokussieren wir uns auf die Erkennung solcher Bedrohungen, indem wir JavaScript Code statisch und effizient analysieren. Zunächst beschreiben wir unsere zwei Detektoren, welche Methoden des maschinellen Lernens mit statischen Features aus Syntax, Kontroll- und Datenflüssen kombinieren zur Erkennung bösartiger JavaScript Dateien. Wir evaluieren daraufhin die Verlässlichkeit solcher statischen Systeme, indem wir bösartige JavaScript Dokumente umschreiben, damit sie die syntaktische Struktur von bestehenden gutartigen Skripten reproduzieren. Zuletzt studieren wir die Sicherheit von Browser Extensions. Zu diesem Zweck modellieren wir Extensions mit einem Graph, welcher Kontroll-, Daten-, und Nachrichtenflüsse mit Pointer Analysen kombiniert, wodurch wir externe Flüsse aus und zu kritischen Extension-Funktionen erkennen können. Insgesamt wiesen wir 184 verwundbare Chrome Extensions nach, welche die Angreifer ausnutzen könnten, um beispielsweise beliebigen Code im Browser eines Opfers auszuführen.As the Internet keeps on growing, so does the interest of malicious actors. While the Internet has become widespread and popular to interconnect billions of people, this interconnectivity also simplifies the spread of malicious software. Specifically, JavaScript has become a popular attack vector, as it enables to stealthily exploit bugs and further vulnerabilities to compromise the security and privacy of Internet users. In this thesis, we approach these issues by proposing several systems to statically analyze real-world JavaScript code at scale. First, we focus on the detection of malicious JavaScript samples. To this end, we propose two learning-based pipelines, which leverage syntactic, control and data-flow based features to distinguish benign from malicious inputs. Subsequently, we evaluate the robustness of such static malicious JavaScript detectors in an adversarial setting. For this purpose, we introduce a generic camouflage attack, which consists in rewriting malicious samples to reproduce existing benign syntactic structures. Finally, we consider vulnerable browser extensions. In particular, we abstract an extension source code at a semantic level, including control, data, and message flows, and pointer analysis, to detect suspicious data flows from and toward an extension privileged context. Overall, we report on 184 Chrome extensions that attackers could exploit to, e.g., execute arbitrary code in a victim's browser
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