530 research outputs found

    The Synthesizability of Molecules Proposed by Generative Models

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    The discovery of functional molecules is an expensive and time-consuming process, exemplified by the rising costs of small molecule therapeutic discovery. One class of techniques of growing interest for early-stage drug discovery is de novo molecular generation and optimization, catalyzed by the development of new deep learning approaches. These techniques can suggest novel molecular structures intended to maximize a multi-objective function, e.g., suitability as a therapeutic against a particular target, without relying on brute-force exploration of a chemical space. However, the utility of these approaches is stymied by ignorance of synthesizability. To highlight the severity of this issue, we use a data-driven computer-aided synthesis planning program to quantify how often molecules proposed by state-of-the-art generative models cannot be readily synthesized. Our analysis demonstrates that there are several tasks for which these models generate unrealistic molecular structures despite performing well on popular quantitative benchmarks. Synthetic complexity heuristics can successfully bias generation toward synthetically-tractable chemical space, although doing so necessarily detracts from the primary objective. This analysis suggests that to improve the utility of these models in real discovery workflows, new algorithm development is warranted

    Jahn-Teller polarons and their superconductivity in a molecular conductor

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    We present a theoretical study of a possibility of superconductivity in a three dimensional molecular conductor in which the interaction between electrons in doubly degenerate molecular orbitals and an {\em intra}molecular vibration mode is large enough to lead to the formation of EβE\otimes \beta Jahn-Teller small polarons. We argue that the effective polaron-polaron interaction can be attractive for material parameters realizable in molecular conductors. This interaction is the source of superconductivity in our model. On analyzing superconducting instability in the weak and strong coupling regimes of this attractive interaction, we find that superconducting transition temperatures up to 100 K are achievable in molecular conductors within this mechanism. We also find, for two particles per molecular site, a novel Mott insulating state in which a polaron singlet occupies one of the doubly degenerate orbitals on each site. Relevance of this study in the search for new molecular superconductors is pointed out.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Barking up the right tree: An approach to search over molecule synthesis DAGs

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    When designing new molecules with particular properties, it is not only important what to make but crucially how to make it. These instructions form a synthesis directed acyclic graph (DAG), describing how a large vocabulary of simple building blocks can be recursively combined through chemical reactions to create more complicated molecules of interest. In contrast, many current deep generative models for molecules ignore synthesizability. We therefore propose a deep generative model that better represents the real world process, by directly outputting molecule synthesis DAGs. We argue that this provides sensible inductive biases, ensuring that our model searches over the same chemical space that chemists would also have access to, as well as interpretability. We show that our approach is able to model chemical space well, producing a wide range of diverse molecules, and allows for unconstrained optimization of an inherently constrained problem: maximize certain chemical properties such that discovered molecules are synthesizable

    Retrosynthetic Planning with Dual Value Networks

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    Retrosynthesis, which aims to find a route to synthesize a target molecule from commercially available starting materials, is a critical task in drug discovery and materials design. Recently, the combination of ML-based single-step reaction predictors with multi-step planners has led to promising results. However, the single-step predictors are mostly trained offline to optimize the single-step accuracy, without considering complete routes. Here, we leverage reinforcement learning (RL) to improve the single-step predictor, by using a tree-shaped MDP to optimize complete routes. Specifically, we propose a novel online training algorithm, called Planning with Dual Value Networks (PDVN), which alternates between the planning phase and updating phase. In PDVN, we construct two separate value networks to predict the synthesizability and cost of molecules, respectively. To maintain the single-step accuracy, we design a two-branch network structure for the single-step predictor. On the widely-used USPTO dataset, our PDVN algorithm improves the search success rate of existing multi-step planners (e.g., increasing the success rate from 85.79% to 98.95% for Retro*, and reducing the number of model calls by half while solving 99.47% molecules for RetroGraph). Additionally, PDVN helps find shorter synthesis routes (e.g., reducing the average route length from 5.76 to 4.83 for Retro*, and from 5.63 to 4.78 for RetroGraph).Comment: Accepted to ICML 202