867 research outputs found

    Numerical methods of geomechanics tasks solution during coal deposits’ development

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    Purpose. Generalization of numerical modeling of geomechanical processes in the vicinity of mine workings by finite elements method and making recommendations for substantiation of suitable construction and behavior of rock massif physical model. Methods. Software packages SolidWorks Simulation (COSMOS/М) and ANSYS are used for geomechanical tasks solution. Findings. Solutions of geomechanical tasks dealing with topical issues of estimating stress-strain state of rock massif around underground workings of different functions are given. Data on the rock massif stress-strain state are received and recommendations on adequate and authentic reflection of its structural peculiarities (stratification and fracturing) are made. Physical model of rock condition (elastic, elastic-plastic, rheological diagrams and complete diagram of deformation taking into account weakening and fracturing) is presented. Originality. New data about the mechanism of movement processes of coal-bearing massif around mine workings considering stratification and cracks content, limit and out-of-limit deflection state in separate areas, and also the impact of rheological rock properties are received. Practical implications. Complex of geomechanical tasks solutions allow to increase credibility of rock pressure manifestations prediction and substantiate technical solutions for effective and safe operations at coal mines.Цель. Обобщение опыта численного моделирования методом конечных элементов геомеханических процессов вокруг горных выработок и формирование рекомендаций по обоснованию адекватного строения и поведения физической модели горного массива. Методика. Для решения задач геомеханики использованы пакеты прикладных программ SolidWorks Simulation (COSMOS/М) и ANSYS. Результаты. Приведены решения геомеханических задач по актуальным вопросам оценки НДС горного массива вокруг подземных выработок различного назначения. Получены закономерности поведения горного массива и даны рекомендации по адекватному и достоверному отражению его текстурных особенностей (слоистость и трещиноватость) и физической модели состояния горной породы (упругая, упруго-пластическая, реологическая, полная диаграмма деформирования с учетом разупрочнения и разрыхления). Научная новизна. Получен ряд новых закономерностей развития процессов сдвижения углевмещающего массива вокруг горных выработок с учетом его слоистости и трещиноватости, предельного и запредельного состояния в отдельных областях, а также влияния реологических свойств горных пород. Практическая значимость. Комплекс решений геомеханических задач позволяет повысить достоверность прогноза проявлений горного давления и обосновать технические решения по эффективному и безопасному ведению горных работ на угольных шахтах.Мета. Узагальнення досвіду чисельного моделювання методом скінченних елементів геомеханічних процесів навколо гірничих виробок і формування рекомендацій з обґрунтування адекватної будови й поведінки фізичної моделі гірського масиву. Методика. Для розв’язання задач геомеханіки використані пакети прикладних програм Solidworks Simulation (COSMOS/М) і ANSYS. Результати. Наведено розв’язання геомеханічних задач з актуальних питань оцінки НДС гірського масиву навколо підземних виробок різного призначення. Отримано закономірності поведінки гірського масиву й надано рекомендації з адекватного й достовірного відображення його текстурних особливостей (шаруватість і тріщинуватість) та фізичної моделі стану гірської породи (пружна, пружно-пластична, реологічна, повна діаграма деформування з урахуванням знеміцнення і розпушення). Наукова новизна. Отримано низку нових закономірностей розвитку процесів зрушення вуглевміщуючого масиву навколо гірничих виробок з урахуванням його шаруватості й тріщинуватості, граничного й позамежного станів в окремих областях, а також впливу реологічних властивостей гірських порід. Практична значимість. Комплекс розв’язань геомеханічних задач дозволяє підвищити вірогідність прогнозу проявів гірського тиску й обґрунтувати технічні розв’язання з ефективного й безпечного ведення гірничих робіт на вугільних шахтах.The materials discussed in the article were received while performing a complex of research works at the request of a number of industrial enterprises in coal mining in Donbas. The authors are grateful to M. Illiashov, M. Barabash, Yu. Cherednychenko, O. Vivcharenko, V. Chervatiuk, O. Husiev for providing mine-and-geological and technical information on features of conducting mining operations at their enterprises, and also for useful recommendations and fruitful discussion of the received results which are intended to provide an effective solution to mine-technical issues in coal mining

    Extrinsic elastic anisotropy in a compositionally heterogeneous Earth's mantle

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    Several theoretical studies indicate that a substantial fraction of the measured seismic anisotropy could be interpreted as extrinsic anisotropy associated with compositional layering in rocks, reducing the significance of strain‐induced intrinsic anisotropy. Here, we quantify the potential contribution of grain‐scale and rock‐scale compositional anisotropy to the observations by (i) combining effective medium theories with realistic estimates of mineral isotropic elastic properties, and (ii) measuring velocities of synthetic seismic waves propagating through modelled strain‐induced microstructures. It is shown that for typical mantle and oceanic crust sub‐solidus compositions, rock‐scale compositional layering does not generate any substantial extrinsic anisotropy (<1%) because of the limited contrast in isotropic elastic moduli among different rocks. Quasi‐laminated structures observed in subducting slabs using P‐ and S‐ wave scattering are often invoked as a source of extrinsic anisotropy, but our calculations show that they only generate minor seismic anisotropy (<0.1‐0.2% of Vp and Vs radial anisotropy). More generally, rock‐scale compositional layering, when present, cannot be detected with seismic anisotropy studies, but mainly with wave scattering. In contrast, when grain‐scale layering is present, significant extrinsic anisotropy could exist in vertically limited levels of the mantle such as in a MORB‐rich lower transition zone or in the uppermost lower mantle where foliated basalts and pyrolites display up to 2‐3% Vp and 3‐6% Vs radial anisotropy. Thus, seismic anisotropy observed around the 660 km discontinuity could be possibly related to grain‐scale SPO. Extrinsic anisotropy can form also in a compositionally homogeneous mantle, where velocity variations associated with major phase transitions can generate up to 1% of positive radial anisotropy

    The role of fault rock fabric in the dynamics of laboratory faults

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    Fault stability is inherently linked to the frictional and healing properties of fault rocks and associated fabrics. Their complex interaction controls how the stored elastic energy is dissipated, that is, through creep or seismic motion. In this work, we focus on the relevance of fault fabrics in controlling the reactivation and slip behavior of dolomite-anhydrite analog faults. We designed a set of laboratory experiments where we first develop fault rocks characterized by different grain size reduction and localization at normal stresses of σN = 15, 35, 60, and 100 MPa and second, we reload and reactivate these fault rocks at the frictional stability transition, achieved at σN = 35 MPa by reducing the machine stiffness. If normal stress is lowered this way, reactivation occurs with relatively large stress drops and large peak-slip velocities. Subsequent unstable behavior produces slow stick-slip events with low stress drop and with either asymmetric or Gaussian slip velocity function depending on the inherited fault fabric. If normal stress is raised, deformation is accommodated within angular cataclasites promoting stable slip. The integration of microstructural data (showing brittle reworking of preexisting textures) with mechanical data (documenting restrengthening and dilation upon reactivation) suggests that frictional and chemically assisted healing, which is common in natural faults during the interseismic phase, can be a relevant process in developing large instabilities. We also conclude that fault rock heterogeneity (fault fabric) modulates the slip velocity function and thus the dynamics of repeating stick-slip cycles

    Crystallographic Interdigitation in Oyster Shell Folia Enhances Material Strength

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    Shells of oyster species belonging to the genus Crassostrea have similar shell microstructural features comprising well-ordered calcite folia. However, the mechanical strengths of folia differ dramatically between closely related species. For example, the calcareous shells of the Hong Kong oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis are stronger than those of its closest relative, the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata. Specifically, after removal of organic content, the folia of C. hongkongensis are 200% tougher and able to withstand a 100% higher crushing force than that of C. angulata. Detailed analyses of shell structural and mechanical features support the hypothesis that crystallographic interdigitations confer elevated mechanical strength in C. hongkongensis oyster shells compared to C. angulata shells. Consequently, the folia of C. hongkongensis are structurally equipped to withstand a higher external load compared to C. angulata. The observed relationships between oyster shell structure, crystallography, and mechanical properties provided an insightful context in which to consider the likely fate of these two species in future climate change scenarios. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary approach developed in this study through integrating electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data into finite element analysis (FEA) could be applied to other biomineral systems to investigate the relationship between crystallography and mechanical behavior

    Fluid circulation in the depths of accretionary prisms: an example of the Shimanto Belt, Kyushu, Japan

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    International audienceAccretionary prisms constitute ideal targets to study fluid circulation and fluid-rock interactions at depths beyond the reach of active margin deep drilling. The highest-grade rocks from the Shimanto Belt on Kyushu were buried under 3-5 kbars at ~ 300°C (Toriumi and Teruya, 1988). They contain abundant quartz veins, formed throughout burial and exhumation and variably affected by brittle and ductile deformation.Cathodoluminescence (CL) reveals the existence of two distinct types of quartz, characterized by a blue and brown color, respectively. CL-blue quartz fills macro-veins (width ≥ 10μm), while CL-brown quartz is present in micro-veins (width ~ 1 − 10μm) and ductilely recrystallized domains. On the basis of microstructures, the fluids associated with the CL-blue and CL-brown quartz are interpreted as “external” and “local”, respectively. Quartz growth rims of alternating CL colors as well as mutually cross-cutting veins show that the two fluids cyclically wetted the host rock.From fluid inclusions analysis, the fluid associated with CL-blue quartz has a salinity similar to seawater, while the fluid associated with CL-brown quartz is less saline. In addition, CL-blue quartz is richer in aluminum than the CL-brown one. In contrast to the salinity/aluminum signature, the δ18O isotopic signature of both quartz types is similar and buffered by host rock. The difference between the preservation of the salinity signature of the fluid and the loss of its δ18O signature is explained by quicker exchange kinetics and larger host rock buffering capacity for isotopic reequilibration.The “local” fluid, associated with CL-brown quartz, reflects the dilution of pore water by the pure water produced by prograde dehydration reactions of clay minerals. The “external” fluid associated with CL-blue quartz is interpreted as seawater or pore water from shallow (depth<1-2 km below seafloor) sediments. We propose that downward percolation of shallow water to depths ~ 10km is a transient process associated with mega-earthquakes

    Modeling the impact of melt on seismic properties during mountain building

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    Initiation of partial melting in the mid/lower crust causes a decrease in P-wave and S-wave velocities; recent studies imply that the relationship between these velocities and melt is not simple. We have developed a modelling approach to assess the combined impact of various melt and solid phase properties on seismic velocities and anisotropy. The modelling is based on crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) data measured from migmatite samples, allowing quantification of the variation of seismic velocities with varying melt volumes, shapes, orientations, and matrix anisotropy. The results show non-linear behaviour of seismic properties as a result of the interaction of all of these physical properties, which in turn depend on lithology, stress regime, strain rate, pre-existing rock fabrics, and pressure-temperature conditions. This non-linear behaviour is evident when applied to a suite of samples from a traverse across a migmatitic shear zone in the Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway. Critically, changes in solid phase composition and CPO, and melt shape and orientation with respect to the wave propagation direction can result in huge variations in the same seismic property even if the melt fraction remains the same. A comparison with surface wave interpretations from tectonically active regions highlights the issues in current models used to predict melt percentages or partially molten regions. Interpretation of seismic data to infer melt percentages or extent of melting should, therefore, always be underpinned by robust modelling of the underlying geological parameters combined with examination of multiple seismic properties in order to reduce uncertainty of the interpretation

    New insights from low-temperature thermochronology into the tectonic and geomorphologic evolution of the south-eastern Brazilian highlands and passive margin

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    The South Atlantic passive margin along the south-eastern Brazilian highlands exhibits a complex landscape, including a northern inselberg area and a southern elevated plateau, separated by the Doce River valley. This landscape is set on the Proterozoic to early Paleozoic rocks of the region that once was the hot core of the Aracuaf orogen, in Ediacaran to Ordovician times. Due to the break-up of Gondwana and consequently the opening of the South Atlantic during the Early Cretaceous, those rocks of the Aracuaf orogen became the basement of a portion of the South Atlantic passive margin and related southeastern Brazilian highlands. Our goal is to provide a new set of constraints on the thermo-tectonic history of this portion of the south-eastern Brazilian margin and related surface processes, and to provide a hypothesis on the geodynamic context since break-up. To this end, we combine the apatite fission track (AFT) and apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) methods as input for inverse thermal history modelling. All our AFT and AHe central ages are Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene. The AFT ages vary between 62 Ma and 90 Ma, with mean track lengths between 12.2 mu m and 13.6 mu m. AHe ages are found to be equivalent to AFT ages within uncertainty, albeit with the former exhibiting a lesser degree of confidence. We relate this Late Cretaceous-Paleocene basement cooling to uplift with accelerated denudation at this time. Spatial variation of the denudation time can be linked to differential reactivation of the Precambrian structural network and differential erosion due to a complex interplay with the drainage system. We argue that posterior large-scale sedimentation in the offshore basins may be a result of flexural isostasy combined with an expansion of the drainage network. We put forward the combined compression of the Mid-Atlantic ridge and the Peruvian phase of the Andean orogeny, potentially augmented through the thermal weakening of the lower crust by the Trindade thermal anomaly, as a probable cause for the uplift. (C) 2019, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V

    Structure, Construction, and Geochemistry of the Highly Elongate, Cretaceous Seven-Fingered Jack Pluton in the Devil\u27s Smokestack Area, North Cascades, Washington

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    This thesis provides an analysis of magmatic structures and geochemistry from a portion of the mid-crustal, ~92-90 Ma Seven-Fingered Jack pluton, North Cascades, Washington. The study area was divided into three separate domains. Rocks in the northern domain (~9 km2) are characterized by N-NNW- trending, moderately to steeply plunging magmatic folds that reflect regional shortening. The central (~3 km2) and southern (~3.5 km2) domains are structurally homogeneous and contain a dominant NW-striking magmatic foliation. Schlieren are locally developed, several meters long, thin (cm-scale), and strike NW and dip steeply to the NE. Field data indicate the pluton is constructed of numerous, ≤300 m-wide, ≤1 km-long, sheet-like bodies separated by sharp and gradational contacts that are identified by textural and/or compositional differences. During construction, earlier sheets acted as host rocks to younger increments of melt. Detailed modal analyses (n=39) by point counting, coupled with XRF and ICP-MS geochemical analyses (n=8), indicate that the hornblende-biotite tonalite that comprises the study area is overall chemically and texturally homogeneous. Geochemical data further indicate that parental magmas may have come from a relatively shallow source, compared to the deeper, coeval Tenpeak pluton, and incorporated evolved crustal material

    Small Strike-Slip Faults in Granitic Rock: Implications for Three-Dimensional Models

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    The geometry and mineralization features of small left-lateral strike-slip faults and associated fractures in Lake Edison Granodiorite of the central Sierra Nevada, California, were examined in order to model the three-dimensional structure of strike-slip faults. These faults, which are reactivated joints, were also examined to determine fault sizes, starting joint size, and evidence for fluid flow. The associated secondary fractures are usually found in the dilational quadrants of fault-tip regions. The longest fault-segment trace is 32.14 m; the longest joint trace is 22 m. The joint population length (l) is represented by a power-law distribution (l-n) and it is l-1.22. The fault-segment distributions are l-0.23~0.79, and the compiled fault-segment distribution is l-1.18. The data on fracture and fault spacing, along with the joint power-law distribution, will aid in the simulation and analysis of fault evolution. The splay-fracture traced in the faults are linear at depth and the average splay-fracture angle is 39° ± 13°. The dihedral angle of the splay plane and fault plane ranges from 20° to 65°. There is a high concentration of splay fractures near the fault. As distance increases perpendicular form the fault, the splay-fracture spacing increases and splay-fracture frequency decreases. The splay tracelength distributions have a high short tracelength concentration with a rapid decrease of long tracelengths. The maximum tracelength of multiple splay-fracture groups is restricted by their distance orthogonal to the fault trace. The three-dimensional relationship between the splay-fracture plane and fault plane can be inferred from these data. When present, mineralized quartz appears largely as lenses and few as single continuous veins along the faults. No consistent pattern exists between fault displacement and the locations and dimensions of quartz cavities. There is no visible damage zone near the fault termination or around the faults. Microstructures in the fault zone consist of cataclasites and patchy gouges, and zones of dynamically recrystallized fault walls. The three-dimensional geometry, along with quartz cavity distribution and thin section analysis, has led to the conclusion that fluid migrates vertically among the faults and fractures