23 research outputs found

    A Review of Non-Invasive Haptic Feedback stimulation Techniques for Upper Extremity Prostheses

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    A sense of touch is essential for amputees to reintegrate into their social and work life. The design of the next generation of the prostheses will have the ability to effectively convey the tactile information between the amputee and the artificial limbs. This work reviews non-invasive haptic feedback stimulation techniques to convey the tactile information from the prosthetic hand to the amputee’s brain. Various types of actuators that been used to stimulate the patient’s residual limb for different types of artificial prostheses in previous studies have been reviewed in terms of functionality, effectiveness, wearability and comfort. The non-invasive hybrid feedback stimulation system was found to be better in terms of the stimulus identification rate of the haptic prostheses’ users. It can be conclude that integrating hybrid haptic feedback stimulation system with the upper limb prostheses leads to improving its acceptance among users

    Haptic wearables as sensory replacement, sensory augmentation and trainer - a review

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    Sensory impairments decrease quality of life and can slow or hinder rehabilitation. Small, computationally powerful electronics have enabled the recent development of wearable systems aimed to improve function for individuals with sensory impairments. The purpose of this review is to synthesize current haptic wearable research for clinical applications involving sensory impairments. We define haptic wearables as untethered, ungrounded body worn devices that interact with skin directly or through clothing and can be used in natural environments outside a laboratory. Results of this review are categorized by degree of sensory impairment. Total impairment, such as in an amputee, blind, or deaf individual, involves haptics acting as sensory replacement; partial impairment, as is common in rehabilitation, involves haptics as sensory augmentation; and no impairment involves haptics as trainer. This review found that wearable haptic devices improved function for a variety of clinical applications including: rehabilitation, prosthetics, vestibular loss, osteoarthritis, vision loss and hearing loss. Future haptic wearables development should focus on clinical needs, intuitive and multimodal haptic displays, low energy demands, and biomechanical compliance for long-term usage

    Touching on elements for a non-invasive sensory feedback system for use in a prosthetic hand

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    Hand amputation results in the loss of motor and sensory functions, impacting activities of daily life and quality of life. Commercially available prosthetic hands restore the motor function but lack sensory feedback, which is crucial to receive information about the prosthesis state in real-time when interacting with the external environment. As a supplement to the missing sensory feedback, the amputee needs to rely on visual and audio cues to operate the prosthetic hand, which can be mentally demanding. This thesis revolves around finding potential solutions to contribute to an intuitive non-invasive sensory feedback system that could be cognitively less burdensome and enhance the sense of embodiment (the feeling that an artificial limb belongs to one’s own body), increasing acceptance of wearing a prosthesis.A sensory feedback system contains sensors to detect signals applied to the prosthetics. The signals are encoded via signal processing to resemble the detected sensation delivered by actuators on the skin. There is a challenge in implementing commercial sensors in a prosthetic finger. Due to the prosthetic finger’s curvature and the fact that some prosthetic hands use a covering rubber glove, the sensor response would be inaccurate. This thesis shows that a pneumatic touch sensor integrated into a rubber glove eliminates these errors. This sensor provides a consistent reading independent of the incident angle of stimulus, has a sensitivity of 0.82 kPa/N, a hysteresis error of 2.39±0.17%, and a linearity error of 2.95±0.40%.For intuitive tactile stimulation, it has been suggested that the feedback stimulus should be modality-matched with the intention to provide a sensation that can be easily associated with the real touch on the prosthetic hand, e.g., pressure on the prosthetic finger should provide pressure on the residual limb. A stimulus should also be spatially matched (e.g., position, size, and shape). Electrotactile stimulation has the ability to provide various sensations due to it having several adjustable parameters. Therefore, this type of stimulus is a good candidate for discrimination of textures. A microphone can detect texture-elicited vibrations to be processed, and by varying, e.g., the median frequency of the electrical stimulation, the signal can be presented on the skin. Participants in a study using electrotactile feedback showed a median accuracy of 85% in differentiating between four textures.During active exploration, electrotactile and vibrotactile feedback provide spatially matched modality stimulations, providing continuous feedback and providing a displaced sensation or a sensation dispatched on a larger area. Evaluating commonly used stimulation modalities using the Rubber Hand Illusion, modalities which resemble the intended sensation provide a more vivid illusion of ownership for the rubber hand.For a potentially more intuitive sensory feedback, the stimulation can be somatotopically matched, where the stimulus is experienced as being applied on a site corresponding to their missing hand. This is possible for amputees who experience referred sensation on their residual stump. However, not all amputees experience referred sensations. Nonetheless, after a structured training period, it is possible to learn to associate touch with specific fingers, and the effect persisted after two weeks. This effect was evaluated on participants with intact limbs, so it remains to evaluate this effect for amputees.In conclusion, this thesis proposes suggestions on sensory feedback systems that could be helpful in future prosthetic hands to (1) reduce their complexity and (2) enhance the sense of body ownership to enhance the overall sense of embodiment as an addition to an intuitive control system

    A hybrid haptic stimulation prosthetic wearable device to recover the missing sensation of the upper limb amputees

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    A hybrid haptic feedback stimulation system that is capable in sensing the contact pressure, the surface texture, and the temperature, simultaneously, was designed for a prosthetic hand to provide a tactile sensation to amputation patients. In addition, the haptic system was developed to enable the prosthetic’s users to implement withdrawal reflexes due to the thermal noxious stimulus in a quick manner. The re-sensation is achieved by non-invasively stimulating the skin of the patients’ residual limbs, based on the type and the level of tactile signals provided by the sensory system of the prostheses. Accordingly, three stages of design and development were performed to satisfy the research methodology. A vibrotactile prosthetic device, which is designed for the detection of contact pressure and surface texture in upper extremity, represents. While, the design of a novel wearable hybrid pressure-vibration haptic feedback stimulation device for conveying the tactile information regarding the contact pressure between the prosthetic hand and the grasped objects represents the second methodology stage. Lastly, the third stage was achieved by designing a novel hybrid pressure-vibration-temperature feedback stimulation system to provide a huge information regarding the prostheses environment to the users without brain confusing or requiring long pre-training. The main contribution of this work is the development and evaluation of the first step of a novel approach for a lightweight, 7 Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF) tactile prosthetic arm to perform an effective as well as fast object manipulation and grasping. Furthermore, this study investigates the ability to convey the tactile information about the contact pressure, surface texture, and object temperature to the amputees with high identification accuracy by mean of using the designed hybrid pressure-vibration-temperature feedback wearable device. An evaluation of sensation and response has been conducted on forty healthy volunteers to evaluate the ability of the haptic system to stimulate the human nervous system. The results in term of Stimulus Identification Rate (SIR) show that all the volunteers were correctly able to discriminate the sensation of touch, start of touch, end of touch, and grasping objects. While 94%, 96%, 97%, and 95.24% of the entire stimuli were successfully identified by the volunteers during the experiments of slippage, pressure level, surface texture, and temperature, respectively. The position tracking controller system was designed to synchronize the movements of the volunteers’ elbow joints and the prosthetic’s elbow joint to record the withdrawal reflexes. The results verified the ability of the haptic system to excite the human brain at the abnormal noxious stimulus and enable the volunteers to perform a quick withdrawal reflex within 0.32 sec. The test results and the volunteers' response established evidence that amputees are able to recover their sense of the contact pressure, the surface texture, and the object temperature as well as to perform thermal withdrawal reflexes using the solution developed in this work

    Prosthetic Control and Sensory Feedback for Upper Limb Amputees

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    Hand amputation could dramatically degrade the life quality of amputees. Many amputees use prostheses to restore part of the hand functions. Myoelectric prosthesis provides the most dexterous control. However, they are facing high rejection rate. One of the reasons is the lack of sensory feedback. There is a need for providing sensory feedback for myoelectric prosthesis users. It can improve object manipulation abilities, enhance the perceptual embodiment of myoelectric prostheses and help reduce phantom limb pain. This PhD work focuses on building bi-directional prostheses for upper limb amputees. In the introduction chapter, first, an overview of upper limb amputee demographics and upper limb prosthesis is given. Then the human somatosensory system is briefly introduced. The next part reviews invasive and non-invasive sensory feedback methods reported in the literature. The rest of the chapter describes the motivation of the project and the thesis organization. The first step to build a bi-directional prostheses is to investigate natural and robust multifunctional prosthetic control. Most of the commerical prostheses apply non-pattern recognition based myoelectric control methods, which offers only limited functionalities. In this thesis work, pattern recognition based prosthetic control employing three commonly used and representative machine learning algorithms is investigated. Three datasets involving different levels of upper arm movements are used for testing the algorithm effectiveness. The influence of time-domain features, window and increment sizes, algorithms, and post-processing techniques are analyzed and discussed. The next three chapters address different aspects of providing sensory feedback. The first focus of sensory feedback process is the automatic phantom map detection. Many amputees have referred sensation from their missing hand on their residual limbs (phantom maps). This skin area can serve as a target for providing amputees with non-invasive tactile sensory feedback. One of the challenges of providing sensory feedback on the phantom map is to define the accurate boundary of each phantom digit because the phantom map distribution varies from person to person. Automatic phantom map detection methods based on four decomposition support vector machine algorithms and three sampling methods are proposed. The accuracy and training/ classification time of each algorithm using a dense stimulation array and two coarse stimulation arrays are presented and compared. The next focus of the thesis is to develop non-invasive tactile display. The design and psychophysical testing results of three types of non-invasive tactile feedback arrays are presented: two with vibrotactile modality and one with multi modality. For vibrotactile, two types of miniaturized vibrators: eccentric rotating masses (ERMs) and linear resonant actuators (LRAs) were first tested on healthy subjects and their effectiveness was compared. Then the ERMs are integrated into a vibrotactile glove to assess the feasibility of providing sensory feedback for unilateral upper limb amputees on the contralateral hand. For multimodal stimulation, miniature multimodal actuators integrating servomotors and vibrators were designed. The actuator can be used to deliver both high-frequency vibration and low-frequency pressures simultaneously. By utilizing two modalities at the same time, the actuator stimulates different types of mechanoreceptors and thus h

    Development and Testing of A Wearable Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback System For Proprioceptive Rehabilitation

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    The human sense of touch is an integral part of daily life. For tasks involving grasping and manipulation of objects, force feedback is a key requirement. Most of the systems give contact point or complete grasping force feedback; for precision grasping and other physical interactions, finger awareness and force feedback from independent fingers is essential. In this study a novel, wearable proprioceptive rehabilitation system is designed which restores the ability of identifying and distinguishing between individual fingers of a prosthetic hand or an exoskeleton in a non-invasive manner. Moreover, it provides different levels of force feedback from every finger as well, which enables the user to distinguish and control force in precision grasping activities. For testing the system accuracy, classical psychophysical methods were used on a group of 14 voluntary disabled subjects. The tests were conducted in both, ideal and real-world conditions i.e. without and with distractions and accuracies were calculated accordingly. A p-test was also conducted to observe significance between the samples of with and without distraction datasets. The system performed with an overall accuracy of 82.04% which was well above the min. performance measure of 60%. Vi-HaB is standalone system and can be mounted on any upper limb rehabilitation (prosthesis, exoskeleton) system for finger awareness and force feedback

    Haptic Sensory Feedback for Improved Interface to Smart Prosthetics.

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    Grip force feedback is not available in modern myoelectric upper-limb prostheses, yet its benefits are well known in object manipulation tasks performed through cable-driven body-powered prostheses. To evaluate the efficacy of grip force feedback in a myoelectric prosthesis, direct head-to-head comparisons should be made with body-powered prostheses, as well as with proposed designs that provide grip force feedback through haptic displays such as vibrotactile arrays. Direct comparisons, however, are difficult because myoelectric control for a trans-radial amputee uses residual muscles in the forearm, body-power generally refers interaction to the shoulder, and haptic displays often involve additional information encoding transformations. Currently, no unifying theory exists to cover both information encoding as well as the body part used for control or display. The work developed in this dissertation presents a systematic hypothesis-driven approach to evaluating both information encoding and body part used in the display of grip force feedback. Drawing upon principles from psychophysics, teleoperation, and sensory substitution, we use a series of human subject experiments to quantify the value of grip force feedback for an amputee wearing a trans-radial myoelectric prosthesis. Our findings demonstrate that both able-bodied individuals and amputees scale and coordinate their grip force for the anticipated weight of an object, that control and grip force feedback should be located on the same body site to improve stiffness recognition, and that grip force feedback is more useful than vision feedback in stiffness recognition through a prosthesis.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108792/1/jdelaine_1.pd